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时间:2018-02-05   来源:新秀美文   点击:


上合峰会 第一篇_上合组织蹒跚


5月30日,俄罗斯新任驻华大使安德烈·杰尼索夫对《财经》记者一再强调,这次峰会被推迟是“组织上的问题,而不是政治上的问题。以后的峰会还会按惯例在夏天召开”。 不过鉴于中国新领导人尚未对上合组织的发展定位进行重新评估,俄罗斯国内则出现了总统与总理不和的传闻,上合组织成员国之间在关于地区发展的重大问题上还需要进一步协调立场,此次上合比什凯克峰会被推迟也在“情理之中”。



俄罗斯科学院世界经济与国际关系研究所副所长瓦西里·米赫耶夫(vasily mikheev)也认为,目前上合组织所搭建的庞大架构与实际内容仍不匹配。 经济合作仍有限

俄罗斯总统上合组织事务前特派代表基里尔·巴尔斯基曾在2012年表示, 扩大上合组织成员国的进程有望在接纳新成员国的机制取得协调后,于2013年的比什凯克峰会开始;去年上合组织峰会期间,俄罗斯总统普京建议,要争取在2013年峰会前起草接收新成员通用的金融、法律和行政条件决议。





中国已经与成员国建立了金融合作机制:2011年6月,中国与哈萨克斯坦达成了70亿元人民币的双边本币互换协议,旨在加强金融合作,便利两国贸易和投资。当年较早时间,中国与乌兹别克斯坦签署了7亿元人民币的货币互换协议。除此之外,上合组织还曾经讨论过成立自身的评级机构,以帮助中亚地区国家抵御金融风暴给其实体经济带来的冲击。 今年习近平作为国家主席首次与普京会面,两国在签署的《中俄联合声明》中再次强调,上合组织要加强经济合作,特别是交通、能源、通信、农业等领域合作,积极推动建立有效融资保障机制。


200多亿美元。“这与人们所期望见到以上合组织为基本架构的中亚地区经济一体化组织相去甚远。”国务院发展研究中心欧亚社会发展研究所政治室主任盛世良说。 中俄难同盟







即便如此,俄罗斯仍是对上合框架下开展经济合作态度最为消极的一个成员国。根结在于在莫斯科眼中,上合组织发挥积极而有效的作用就会削弱欧亚经济共同体在中亚的影响力。 俄罗斯和中国固然在推动世界格局多极化,维护中亚地区稳定与发展,打击区域内“三股势力”上有着共同语言,但是俄罗斯显然不愿意过多出让在中亚地区事务上的主导权。 盛世良对《财经》记者回忆了他在2011年与普京的一次谈话过程:“当时我问普京:‘你是如何定义上合组织和你所倡导的欧亚联盟之间的关系的?’普京立刻表现得非常警惕,他对我说:‘上合组织是一个安全合作平台,而欧亚联盟是俄罗斯倡导的一个区域一体化组织。’” 盛世良总结认为,在俄罗斯所参加的各种国际组织中,上合组织是被排在最末位的,因为对于它不能主导的组织,俄罗斯不愿意过多投入财力和精力。



在美国战略与国际问题研究中心俄罗斯问题专家杰弗里·曼科夫(jeffrey mankoff)看来,上合组织更像是中俄两国“观察彼此的论坛”,而不是两国共同应对挑战的工具。俄罗斯在无法阻止中国与中亚国家加强经济合作的趋势下,积极参与的最大收获就是为其提供了限制中国在中亚扩张势力的手段。 美国因素挥之不去






虽然美国对上合组织的实力有所质疑,也了解其内部各种分歧的存在,但认为上合组织已对美国在中亚的利益构成威胁、需要认真对待的观点逐渐成型。不过这些讨论仅限于美国战略分析界,自美国于2005年提出成为上合组织观察员国的申请遭拒后,至今就再没出现关于美国与上合组织发展合作关系的官方文件。美国也很少公开发表关于针对上合组织的言论。 俄罗斯大使杰尼索夫表示:中俄两国欢迎一个作为伙伴的美国,而不是一个对本地区事务指手划脚的美国„„但中俄之间的合作是基于双方的共同利益,中俄之间不需要结盟的合作方式。


上合峰会 第二篇_李克强在上合组织首脑理事会上的讲话 中英文对照



Your Excellency Prime Minister Karim Massimov,

Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to attend this summit in Astana. Let me thank the Kazakh government for the excellent preparations and thoughtful arrangements made for this meeting. I also wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, sincere congratulations to the Kazakh government and people on the 23rd anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan.


Since last year's heads of government meeting in Tashkent, the SCO member states have, acting in the Shanghai Spirit, scored new achievements in cooperation in

various fields. At the Dushanbe Summit last September, Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders of other SCO member states put forward a number of significant initiatives to advance practical cooperation of the SCO. Currently, the international situation is

complicated, development of various economies is becoming differentiated and certain regional turbulences have intensified. Given this backdrop, we need to further strengthen cooperation in the security and economic fields as well as in cultural and people-to-people exchanges so that we could seize opportunities and rise up to challenges.


First, we need to forge a strong shield for regional security and stability.


The international political and economic situation is undergoing complex changes.

China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and be firm in its efforts to safeguard regional peace, stability and development. And China will work to increase synergy and collaboration with other countries to jointly promote world prosperity and stability. Security cooperation mechanisms need to be improved to oppose terrorism in all its manifestations. It is important that countries give support to the government of Afghanistan in its efforts to achieve early national reconciliation and economic

reconstruction, as this is conducive to regional stability and serves the common interests of all countries.


Second, we need to foster new highlights in regional cooperation.


As global economic recovery faces difficulties and economic and trade growth of member states gets slowing down, we need to work together to realize industrial

cooperation, trade and investment facilitation and financial cooperation, all at higher levels. We need to speed up regional economic integration, create new highlights for regional cooperation and foster new growth areas so as to ensure more dynamic economic growth.


SCO member states are all at critical stage of development, when stabilizing growth and achieving structural adjustment and upgrading becomes important. Cooperation between various parties is now expanding from trade in natural resources and primary products to in-depth cooperation that involves equipment manufacturing and building of


industrial parks. Countries in the region have a huge market demand and China, on its part, is rich in experience in infrastructure construction, has a strong equipment

manufacturing capability and could provide cost-effective products. China wants to enhance cooperation with other SCO members in metallurgy, construction materials, transport, power generation, telecommunications, automobile assembling and food

processing to complement each other's advantages and achieve win-win outcomes. China has reached agreement with Kazakhstan on conducting cooperation in production capacity and is open to similar cooperation with other parties of the SCO. Dialogue among SCO members could be stepped up on the platform of the SCO energy club so that we could deepen cooperation in energy processing, including oil refining, refined oil

processing and in the coal chemical industry. At the same time, we may also encourage new energy projects such as wind, solar and hydro power projects, so as to jointly safeguard energy security. China's initiative to build a Silk Road Economic Belt has much in common with the development strategies of relevant SCO members. China

hopes to strengthen consultation and cooperation with various parties to jointly promote industrial transformation and upgrading.


To establish a trade and investment facilitation mechanism that is results-oriented represents a general trend of economic development and regional cooperation of this region. The Program of multilateral trade and economic cooperation and the List of

Activities on further development of joint projects signed by SCO member states need to be implemented in real earnest. China is ready to enhance policy coordination with other parties, reduce trade and investment barriers, widen market access and raise efficiency of customs clearance to ensure better flow of goods, technology, information and personnel. China will launch negotiations with Kazakhstan on a new investment protection treaty and is ready to increase imports from other member states to improve the trade balance. Different trade institutions and arrangements in the region may well complement each other, and China supports the SCO in setting up a dialogue with the Eurasian Economic Commission to jointly study how to tackle new problems occurring under new conditions of regional integration.



Funding support is necessary for both development and construction projects. China will officially start selection of the first batch of projects under the China-Eurasian

Economic Cooperation Foundation, and China is open to the establishment of bilateral underlying funds to support the implementation of economic projects within the region. At the same time, it is necessary to bring into better play the role of such funds as the Silk Road Foundation. We hope that SCO member states will reach consensus to steadily advance the process of establishing an SCO development bank, which will serve as a long-term and stable financing platform of the region. China supports the Kazakh proposal of increasing currency swap and trade settlement in local currencies between SCO member states.


Third, we need to focus more on cooperation for people's livelihood and in cultural and people-to-people exchanges.


The ultimate purpose of deepening security, trade and investment cooperation is to make life better for our peoples. China proposes that the SCO pay more attention to people's livelihood, promote cooperation in projects related to people's livelihood and create more job opportunities to deliver real benefits to the people. China is ready to

deepen agricultural cooperation with other member states, explore the establishment of a unified information platform for food and agricultural products and work for an SCO food security cooperation mechanism to be launched. China plans to allocate US$50 million for the SCO's popularization of agricultural technologies and personnel training and hopes that such cooperation will bring more benefits to farmers and herdsmen of various

countries. China is now working on a plan of green Silk Road envoys and will be happy to offer training in environmental protection to countries along the Silk Road. Cooperation in public health needs to be stepped up and efficient joint prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases need to be set up. As far as this is concerned, China stands ready to provide health assistance to Central Asian countries within its capability.



As we Chinese often say, when watering flowers, make sure that water goes down deep to the roots; and when making friends, remember that best friends are those whose hearts are close. Countries need to intensify cultural and people-to-people exchanges to increase communication and mutual understanding among the people. Heart-to-heart communication will bring us closer to each other, enhance popular support for the SCO and make the concept of win-win cooperation a consensus of people of all member states. I hope that member states will actively foster friendly exchanges between various sectors, especially between our young people. Measures could be taken to

simplify procedures for the application of visas and work and residence permits so as to facilitate people-to-people exchanges.


Dear Colleagues,


As it stands today, the SCO has become an important force for peace, development and cooperation on the Eurasian land bridge. Member states need to bear in mind their common responsibilities and mission, make joint and solid efforts and contribute more to safeguarding regional security and stability and promoting common prosperity and

development. China supports Russia in all the work it undertakes as chair of the SCO in 2015. As host of the 14th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO, China would like to invite all the leaders to go to China to attend the meeting next year. 上海合作组织已经成为亚欧大陆桥上一支重要的和平发展合作的力量。各成员国应秉承共同责任和使命,同心协力,脚踏实地,为维护地区安全稳定、促进共同繁荣发展做出更大贡献。中国支持俄罗斯在2015年担任上合组织主席国的各项工作。中国作为上合组织成员国政府首脑理事会第十四次会议的东道国,愿邀请各国领导人明年到中国出席会议。

Thank you very much.



秉承“上海精神” acting in the Shanghai Spirit

取得新进展 scored new achievements

抓住机遇,应对挑战 seize opportunities and rise up to challenges

坚定不移走和平发展道路 stay committed to the path of peaceful development

打造新亮点 foster new highlights

区域经济一体化 regional economic integration

调结构、促升级 achieving structural adjustment and upgrading

产品性价比高 cost-effective products

上合峰会 第三篇_双语新闻-李克强2014上合组织讲话

【双语】时政热词也要与时俱进:李克强在上合组织首脑理事会上的讲话 2014-12-17 中国日报网双语新闻

国务院总理李克强15日在上海合作组织成员国政府首脑理事会第十三次会议上发表讲话。看演讲,学热词表达,点击页面最下方"阅读原文"看讲话全文。 丨秉承"上海精神"

acting in the Shanghai Spirit


scored new achievements


people-to-people exchanges


seize opportunities and rise up to challenges Since last year's heads of government meeting in Tashkent, the SCO member states have, acting in the Shanghai Spirit, scored new achievements in cooperation in

various fields. At the Dushanbe Summit last September, Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders of other SCO member states put forward a number of significant

initiatives to advance practical cooperation of the SCO. Currently, the international situation is complicated, development of various economies is becoming

differentiated and certain regional turbulences have intensified. Given this backdrop, we need to further strengthen cooperation in the security and economic fields as well as in cultural and people-to-people exchanges so that we could seize opportunities and rise up to challenges.



stay committed to the path of peaceful development

The international political and economic situation is undergoing complex changes. China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and be firm in its efforts to safeguard regional peace, stability and development. And China will work to increase synergy and collaboration with other countries to jointly promote world prosperity and stability. Security cooperation mechanisms need to be improved to oppose terrorism in all its manifestations. It is important that countries give support to the government of Afghanistan in its efforts to achieve early national reconciliation and economic reconstruction, as this is conducive to regional stability and serves the common interests of all countries.



speed up regional economic integration


foster new growth areas



ensure more dynamic economic growth

As global economic recovery faces difficulties and economic and trade growth of member states gets slowing down, we need to work together to realize industrial

cooperation, trade and investment facilitation and financial cooperation, all at higher levels. We need to speed up regional economic integration, create new highlights for regional cooperation and foster new growth areas so as to ensure more dynamic economic growth.



achieving structural adjustment and upgrading


cost-effective products


complement each other's advantages and achieve win-win outcomes


Silk Road Economic Belt


industrial transformation and upgrading

SCO member states are all at critical stage of development, when stabilizing growth and achieving structural adjustment and upgrading becomes important. Cooperation between various parties is now expanding from trade in natural resources and primary products to in-depth cooperation that involves equipment manufacturing and building of industrial parks. Countries in the region have a huge market demand and China, on its part, is rich in experience in infrastructure construction, has a strong equipment manufacturing capability and could provide cost-effective products. China wants to

enhance cooperation with other SCO members in metallurgy, construction materials, transport, power generation, telecommunications, automobile assembling and food processing to complement each other's advantages and achieve win-win outcomes. China has reached agreement with Kazakhstan on conducting cooperation in

production capacity and is open to similar cooperation with other parties of the SCO. Dialogue among SCO members could be stepped up on the platform of the SCO energy club so that we could deepen cooperation in energy processing, including oil refining, refined oil processing and in the coal chemical industry. At the same time, we may also encourage new energy projects such as wind, solar and hydro power projects, so as to jointly safeguard energy security. China's initiative to build a Silk Road Economic Belt has much in common with the development strategies of relevant SCO members. China hopes to strengthen consultation and cooperation with various parties to jointly promote industrial transformation and upgrading.



people's livelihood


a plan of green Silk Road envoys


joint prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases

The ultimate purpose of deepening security, trade and investment cooperation is to make life better for our peoples. China proposes that the SCO pay more attention to people's livelihood, promote cooperation in projects related to people's livelihood and create more job opportunities to deliver real benefits to the people. China is ready to deepen agricultural cooperation with other member states, explore the establishment of a unified information platform for food and agricultural products and work for an SCO food security cooperation mechanism to be launched. China plans to allocate US$50 million for the SCO's popularization of agricultural technologies and personnel training and hopes that such cooperation will bring more benefits to farmers and herdsmen of various countries. China is now working on a plan of green Silk Road envoys and will be happy to offer training in environmental protection to countries along the Silk Road. Cooperation in public health needs to be stepped up and efficient joint prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases need to be set up. As far as this is concerned, China stands ready to provide health assistance to Central Asian countries within its capability.



When watering flowers, make sure that water goes down deep to the roots; and when making friends, remember that best friends are those whose hearts are close. As we Chinese often say, when watering flowers, make sure that water goes down deep to the roots; and when making friends, remember that best friends are those whose hearts are close. Countries need to intensify cultural and people-to-people exchanges to increase communication and mutual understanding among the people. Heart-to-heart communication will bring us closer to each other, enhance popular support for the SCO and make the concept of win-win cooperation a consensus of

上合峰会 第四篇_“上海精神”引领上合组织新未来



6月24日,国家主席习近平出席在乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干举行的上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十六次会议。这是习主席此次欧亚之行的“重头戏”。习主席在会上发表题为《弘扬上海精神 巩固团结互信 全面深化上海合作组织合作》的重要讲话,提出上合组织未来发展的五点主张。会前,习主席主持中俄蒙三国元首第三次会晤,并同出席塔什干峰会的各国领导人举行一系列双边会晤,达成广泛共识。



精神”的引领下,上合组织的朋友圈将继续扩大,在构建欧亚大陆命运共同体新征程上发挥越来越重要的作用。(作者系中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所国际政治经济学研究室副主任徐秀军 漫画作者廖婷婷)












上合峰会 第五篇_金砖四国峰会和上合组织峰会

上合组织成员国将讨论共抗金融危机 综合新华社电 昨日下午,国家主席胡锦涛乘专机离开北京,前往出席在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行的上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第九次会议和“金砖四国”领导人会晤,并对俄罗斯、斯洛伐克、克罗地亚进行国事访问。

当地时间19时50分,胡锦涛乘坐的专机抵达叶卡捷琳堡科利佐沃机场,受到俄罗斯外交部副部长博罗达夫金等的热情迎接。上海合作组织于2001年6月正式成立,由中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦6个成员国组成。 上合峰会三任务在肩

上合组织成员国元首理事会会议将于15日至16日在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行,此次峰会肩负着加强成员国彼此间经济和安全合作,扩大对外交往,加强同其他国际组织合作等重任。 任务1 共抗金融危机———金融危机蔓延以来,不仅上合组织成员国各自的经济受到冲击,成员国之间的经贸往来也受到影响,成员国双边贸易额出现下降。

任务2 打击三股势力———在与上合组织成员国相邻的阿富汗,塔利班势力卷土重来,源自阿富汗的毒品走私和跨国有组织犯罪活动也很猖獗。同时金融危机持续蔓延,成员国社会维稳任务更加繁重。

任务3 开展国际合作———上合组织影响力日益增强,在蒙古国、巴基斯坦、伊朗、印度相继获得观金砖四国领导人叶卡捷琳堡会晤


新华网俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡6月16日电 中国、巴西、俄罗斯和印度“金砖四国”领导人16日在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行首次正式会晤,并发表《“金砖四国”领导人俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡会晤联合声明》。声明全文如下:












