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时间:2018-07-18   来源:经典美文   点击:


广东高考改革 第一篇_2015广东高考改革解读
















2017年英语分降 语文分增,2016年,高考文史类、理工类总分均为750分。语文(文理同卷)180分,数学(文)150分,数学(理)150分,文科综合320分,理科综合320分。英语文理同卷,实行社会化考试,一年两次考试,学生可多次参加。英语满分100分。 语文学科要加强对中华民族优秀传统文化的考查,充分体现语文的基础性和作为母语学科的重要地位,注重考查内容与社会生活实践的联系;发挥语文学习促进学生逻辑思维能力发展的重要作用,鼓励学生独立思考和个性发展。分值将由150分提高到180分。





一类是等级性的,包括语文、数学、外语、物理、化学、政治、地理、生物、历史; 还有一类是合格性的,即美术、音乐、体育、通用技术和信息技术。






1) 创造条件逐步取消高校行政级别,扩大高校办学自主权

2) 提出异地高考新政策

3) 综合高中发展模式

4) 2014年,义务教育阶段非本地户籍学生人数达416.2万人,其中公办学校就读216.6万人;全省普通本专科全日制在校生179.42万人,比上年增长4.93%,研究生在校生8.66万人,比上年增长1.63%。高考报考人数75.6万人,连续第二年居全国第一。




由于一省命题漏洞在所难免,往年部分自主命题的省份试题最终还是交给教育部审核。 统一命题对学生备考影响不大


广东高考改革 第二篇_2017年高考改革最新方案:20余省高考改革带来哪些变化?

2017年高考改革最新方案:20余省高考改革带来哪些变化? 随着高考时间临近,高考改革再度引发家长、学生、老师热议。目前,已有北京、广东、江苏、辽宁等20多个省份公布了高考改革实施方案,福建、安徽、四川、湖北等省份也明确方案将于年内公布。



自2014年9月国务院发布《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》后,各地开始陆续出台本地区改革实施方案。记者梳理各地改革方案发现,高考计分方式、高校招生录取方式发生明显变化,科目设置和招生批次成为改革重点。 不分文理,变为“3+3”模式。广东、辽宁、吉林等大部分省份实行“3+3”的考试模式:前一个“3”指统一高考的语文、数学、外语科目,后一个“3”为高中学业水平考试科目成绩,由考生在思想政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物等科目中自主选择3科。






广东高考改革 第三篇_2016广东高考改革科目变化



2015年广东语文高考大纲与2015年全国新课标大纲的考试说明要求基本保持一致,均设置必考和选考内容,分别考查考生识记、理解、分析综合、鉴赏评价、表达应用和探究六种能力,对应表现为六个层级。 具体考点、题型及分值上与广东卷有较大差异





面对语文试卷在结构、分值体现等题型变化较大形势下,究竟现阶段高三备考应该如何进行?根据广东省教育厅下发《广东省教育厅关于广东省普通高考使用全国统一命题试卷的通知》,荆文龙提出以下三大备考建议: 继承并发扬以往成功的语文备考经验。





近年全国语文课标卷古代诗文阅读题中的文言实词、文言断句及文言信息是轮考点,复习时要注意全面备考。2015年全国课标卷的文言文阅读题中增加了古代文化常识的考查,复习备考时要特别重视这个考查方向。全国课标卷中的古诗词阅读题是2题11分,比广东卷多1题4分;现代文阅读选做题4题25分,比广东卷多1题10分,这些重点,复习一定要强化。 数学:文数理数变化多难度将增大


数学分为文科数学与理科数学,此部分分析文科数学,从考点分布来看,全国卷和广东卷差别较大: 首先,在题量上,广东卷共有21题,其中选讲两题二选一;全国卷则一共有24题,其中选讲有三题,三选一。通过对比会发现从广东卷改为全国卷,题量将增大,这要求考生的做题速度也要加快;其次,由于广东卷题量的增加,题目分值分布发生改变,全国卷每道大题的分值都是12分。




备考建议:注重教材上的例题习题 不管是文数还是理数,在备考方面,总的来说,依据考纲,重视新增内容,养好习惯,做到以下两点即可: 明确“考纲”要求,加强“双基”训练。





















广东高考改革 第四篇_2015广东高考改革解读





原来为降低降低安全风险泄题影响较小而设定的分省命题有很多漏洞: 命题质量不一,费用成本太高










2017年英语分降 语文分增,2016年,高考文史类、理工类总分均为750分。语文


语文学科要加强对中华民族优秀传统文化的考查,充分体现语文的基础性和作为母语学科的重要地位,注重考查内容与社会生活实践的联系;发挥语文学习促进学生逻辑思维能力发展的重要作用,鼓励学生独立思考和个性发展。分值将由150分提高到180分。 数学学科要注重基本的数学能力、数学素养和学习潜能的考查,强调通性通法,注意数学应用,考查学生分析、解决综合问题的能力。考试分值仍然为150分。




一类是等级性的,包括语文、数学、外语、物理、化学、政治、地理、生物、历史; 还有一类是合格性的,即美术、音乐、体育、通用技术和信息技术。





1) 创造条件逐步取消高校行政级别,扩大高校办学自主权

2) 提出异地高考新政策

3) 综合高中发展模式

4) 2014年,义务教育阶段非本地户籍学生人数达416.2万人,其中公办学校就读216.6万人;全省普通本专科全日制在校生179.42万人,比上年增长4.93%,研究生在校生8.66万人,比上年增长1.63%。高考报考人数75.6万人,连续第二年居全国第一。




由于一省命题漏洞在所难免,往年部分自主命题的省份试题最终还是交给教育部审核。 统一命题对学生备考影响不大


广东高考改革 第五篇_2016广东高考改革试题题样








Welcome to Oyster

Oyster is a smart card which can hold Pay as you go credit, Travelcard and Bus & Tram(有轨电车) Pass season tickets. It is the cheapest way for you to pay for single journeys on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services in London.

Pay as you go on your Oyster card

Using Pay as you go is cheaper than paying cash for most journeys.

Daily limit

If you‘re unsure of the number of journeys you‘re going to make, Oyster pay is easy for you to use. Make as many journeys as you like and you‘ll never pay more than the daily limit for the zones you‘ve travelled in. Daily limits are calculated over a 24-hour period, covering all the journeys starting between 4:30 and 4:29 the next day. There are different limits for different types of transport and times of day.

The system calculates the daily limit based on when and how you travel. Money will be taken away from your card each time you travel, until you reach a daily limit. This includes Pay as you go travel on bus, Tube, tram, London Overground and most National Rail services in London. River services and the Emirates Air Line do not contribute to your daily limit. For more information, visit tfl.gov.uk/oyster.

Season tickets on your Oyster card

You can buy Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes on Oyster. With a Travelcard, you can travel as many times as you like on bus, Tube, London Overground and National Rail services on the dates, and across the travel zones you‘ve paid for. Please ensure your Travelcard covers all the zones you travel through. If your Travelcard includes zone 3, 4, 5 or 6, you can also use it on tram services. Bus & Tram Passes can be used on trams and London buses

displaying the red roundel bus symbol on the dates you‘ve paid for. The red roundel When you first get an Oyster card, you will need to pay a £5 refundable (可退款的) deposit. If you no longer need your Oyster card, we‘ll refund any remaining pay. Find out more at tfl.gov.uk/refunds.

1. What do we know about the daily limit?

A. River services help contribute to your daily limit.

B. You‘ll stop paying once you reach the daily limit.

C. The daily limit is fixed no matter when you travel.

D. You‘ll pay more than the daily limit for your travel.

2. Season tickets include _____.

A. Oyster card and Travelcards B. Pay as you go and Travelcards

C. Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes D. Pay as you go and Bus & Tram Passes

3. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. An essay. B. A report. C. A novel. D. A brochure.


After being born at the end of 1932, Mr. Cameron senior suffered a lot with both legs shortened below the knees and his feet twisted. He underwent numerous operations to ease his pain, and at last both limbs had to be cut off. But despite his disability and later losing the sight in one eye, Mr. Cameron senior still gained a successful career as a stockbroker.

After moving to England from Scotland as a child, he married Mary and the couple raised four children at the family home in Peasemore, Barks.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph two years ago, the Tory leader Cameron described the experience of growing up with a father with a disability. He told how once they were on holiday in Cornwall, he overheard someone rudely saying, ― That guy‘s wearing funny boots.‖ Mt. Cameron said he thought to himself, ― That‘s odd; no one ever says that.‖

In an ITV interview before the general election, Mr. Cameron said of his father, ― He‘s an amazingly brave man because he was born with no heels —— quite a disability. But the glass with him was half- full, normally with something alcoholic. I think I got my sense of optimism from him.‖

Mr. Cameron also appeared with his parents at an event and said they understood his idea of ―a Big Society‖. ― They showed me how a big society could work every day I was growing up,‖ He said, ― I know what are responsibilities.‖ Mr. Cameron senior‘s disability is not thought to have played any part in his death aged 77. Friends said he was so proud to see his son become Prime Minister in May, and had visited 10 Drowning Street and Chequers. However, the family‘s various holiday plans meant that he did not get to meet his latest granddaughter, Florence.

4. When Mr. Cameron heard the rude words, ____.

A. he felt surprised. B. He expected his father didn‘t hear them.

C. he thought the man was foolish. D. he exploded with anger all of a sudden.

5. Which of the following in TRUE about ― a Big Society‖ according to Mr. Cameron?

A. There are numbers of families in society. B. Much freedom will be offered to people.

C. Many events will take place in the future. D. People take up their duties in society.

6. From the last paragraph we can know that _____.

A. the disability caused Mr. Cameron senior‘s death.

B. Mr. Cameron senior lived in 10 Drowning Street.

C. Mr. Cameron senior took pride in having such a son.

D. Mr. Cameron senior was very glad to see his latest granddaughter.

7. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A disabled father and his career.

B. The prime Minister David Cameron.

C. A huge hero figure in the eyes of a son.

D. The working experience of Mr. Cameron senior.



Passwords consist of a unique sequence(一连串)of characters — letters, numbers, and symbols — required to access personal banking information, secure buildings, computer networks, certain Web sites and more. Each password is different, and only the correct one allows the right of entry.

Before you can choose a password, however, you must know the types of passwords required. First find out if all letters must be lowercase(小写字母). Should the password consist of letters or numbers only, or are special characters permissible? What is the minimum and maximum length allowed? Your password should be something you can easily remember but something impossible for anyone else to decode or guess. Poor choices include names of people, family or fictional characters, common sequences such as QWERTY on the keyboard or 789456123 on the numeric keypad. Other inappropriate choices include your telephone number or birth date, your middle name, your parent‘s name, your street name, or any other familiar name or number.

The best way to choose a password that is hard to decode, yet easy to remember, is to select something memorable from your past. It could be the name of your grandparents‘ dog when you were 5 (tippy5). You could form a string of characters using the first letter of each word in a phrase or saying that makes sense to you. For instance, your mother might say, ―The sun is shining — So am I.‖ A password from this saying might be (TsisSaI) or (Tsis-SaI). Once you have created a good password, keep it safe. Do not store it in a computer or leave a handwritten copy where others might see it. You could put the number in your address book in a masked form. It is not likely that anyone who found Ted Williams, 35 N. Sheldon Ave. in your address book would know it contains your password (TW35NSA).

It is best to have different passwords for each system. Since access to sensitive information could open the door for criminals, it is wise to change your passwords frequently. Some authorities suggest changing passwords every three months.

8. Suppose Michael Greenberg, who was born on December 31, 1978, is a workaholic. His mother Catherine Evans often reminds him to balance work and relaxation by saying ―All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.‖ Then which of the following could possibly be the best choice of a password for Michael Greenberg?

A. 12311978 B. awanpmjadb C. michaelgreenberg D. catherineevans

9. How is the third paragraph mainly developed?

A. By giving examples. B. By making comparisons.

C. By listing points. D. By making classifications

10. The example of Ted Williams, 35 N. Sheldon Ave. is used to show _______.

A. a good password B. a masked form C. a secret address D. a handwritten copy

11. According to the last paragraph, what is especially important for a password?

A. Safety B. A certain system. C. Authorities‘ advice. D. Access.


Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we don‘t want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plates. Putting things off–big or small–is part of being human. But procrastination does have consequences. When your procrastination leaves you feeling discouraged, it is time to take action, and one of the best ways to get rid of it is to make an un-scheduled.

An un-schedule is a weekly calendar of all the ways in which your time is already accounted for. You consider not only your timed commitments such as classes and meetings, but also your untimed activities such as meals, exercise, time with friends, and the like. Once you have made your un-schedule, you may be able to see your time is often filled with more activities than you realize, for instance, that you really don‘t have five hours to spend writing on the night before your paper is due. Procrastinators‘ views of time tend to be unrealistic, and the un-schedule can help you outline a realistic plan. By planning accordingly, you will not only get a better night‘s sleep, you may also end up with a better paper.

The un-schedule might also be a good way to get started on a larger project, such as a term paper or an honors paper. You may think that you have ―all semester‖ to get the writing done, but if you really map out how much time you have available to write on a daily and weekly basis, you will see that you need to get started sooner, rather than later. In addition, the un-schedule may reveal especially busy weeks or months, which will help you budget time for long-term projects.

Perhaps most importantly, the un-schedule can help you examine how you spend your time. You may be surprised at how much time you spend watching television, and decide to make a change. It‘s especially important that you build time for fun activities into your un-schedule. Otherwise, you will procrastinate in order to steal time for relaxation.

You can also use the un-schedule to record your progress towards your goal. Reward yourself for your small successes. Seeing what you‘ve achieved will help you reinforce (强化) the productive behavior, and you will feel more motivated in the following process.

As you explore ways to conquer procrastination, don‘t expect overnight transformation. You developed the habit over a long time; you aren‘t going stop magically. But you can change the behavior, bit by bit. If you start to make an un-schedule now, you will eventually develop new habits.

12. From Paragraph 2, we can know that procrastinators __________.

A. usually have sleeping problems B. tend to be unrealistic in daily life

C. spend more time in doing exercise D. often fail to notice untimed activities

13. Which of the following statements best reflects an un-schedule?

A. ―Now I have more time for fun.‖

B. ―I can start my big project later.‖

C. ―I‘ll treat myself to a movie for my progress.‖

D. ―I‘m going to have more time to finish my paper.‖

14. According to the writer, people need to make an un-schedule because of their __________.

A. interests in doing things differently B. determination to try out new things

C. inability to manage time properly D. lack of concentration on a project

15. The author writes the passage to __________.

A. show concerns B. offer suggestions C. express dissatisfaction D. make comments


根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 ‗

Do You Know the Gaps (漏洞) in Your Knowledge?

You probably don‘t know as much as you think you do. When put to the test, most people find they can‘t explain the workings of everyday things they think they understand. Don‘t believe me? Find an object you use daily (an ear phone, a toilet, a stereo speaker) and try to describe how it works. call this phenomenon the illusion of explanatory depth(解释性深度错觉). It means you think you fully understand something that you actually don‘t.

We see this every day in buzzwords (流行语). Though we often use them, their meanings are usually unclear.

Several years ago, I attended a meeting where the president spoke about global business practice in the coming year. During the talk, people around the room nodded in agreement. Afterwards, though, many of them discussed how to manage global business practice, none of the people who had nodded in agreement could exactly describe what it actually meant.

No matter what job you do, discovering your gaps in knowledge is necessary. An unknown gap means you might not fully understand a problem.

To discover the things you can‘t explain, take a lesson from teachers. When you guide someone else, you have to fill the gaps in your own knowledge. But you don‘t need to teach someone else. Explain concepts to yourself as you learn them. Get in the habit of self-teaching. Involve others in learning Ask them to explain difficult concepts, even if you think everyone understands them. Not only will this help you to work through new ideas, but it will occasionally uncover places where your friends don‘t understand the explanations.

They can help you have a better understanding of problems.

A. An active learner usually puts it into reality.

B. That can prevent you from solving the problem properly.

C. Your explanations can‘t show your own knowledge gaps.

D. Help recognize the knowledge gaps of the people around you.

E. You‘re likely to discover unexpected gaps in your knowledge.

F. They cover gaps in our knowledge, serving concepts we don‘t fully understand.

G. When you do uncover these gaps, treat them as learning opportunities, not signs of weakness.


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) ‘


I was born and raised in Minnesota, the USA, but as an adult I have mostly lived in Europe and Africa. I teach cross-cultural management at the International Business School near Paris. For the last 15 years, I‘ve studied __21___ people in different parts of the world build trust ,communicate and make decisions __22___ in the workplace.

While travelling in Tokyo recently with a Japanese__23__, I gave a short talk to a group of 20 managers. ___24__, I asked whether there were any questions or comments. No __25__ went up, so I went to sit down. My colleague whispered to me, ―I think there ___26__ were some comments, Erin. Do you mind if I try?‖ I agreed, but I guessed it a waste of __27__. He asked the group again, ― Any comments or questions‖.

Still, no one raised a hand, __28__ this time he looked very carefully at each person in the silent audience. Gesturing to one of them, he said, ― Do you have __29__ to add?‖ To my amazement, she __30__ ― Yes, thank you.‖ and asked me a very interesting question. My colleague repeated this several times, __31_ the audience and asking for more questions or comments.

After the session, I asked my colleague, ― How did you __32__ that those people had questions?‖ He __33___, not sure how to explain it, and then said, ― It has to do with how __34__ their eyes are.‖

He continued, ―In Japan, we don‘t __35__ as much direct eye contact as you do in the west. So when you asked if there are any __36__, most people were not looking directly at you. But a few people in the ___37___were looking right at you and their eyes were bright. That __38__ that they would be __39__ to have you call on them.

I thought to myself I would ever have learned from upbringing in Minnesota. Since then, I try to __40__ understanding behavior in other cultures I encounter, and keep finding the bright eyes in the room.

21. A. why B. when C. while D. how

22. A. specially B. especially C. silently D. secretly

23. A. student B. friend C. classmate D. colleague

24. A. At the end B. In details C. At all B. In a word

25. A. mouths B. legs C. hands D. heads

26. A. totally B. nearly C. actually D. frequently

27. A. breath B. money C. times D. talent

28. A. so B. but C. because D. and

29. A. nothing B. all C. something D. everything

30. A. refused B. agreed C. asked D. responded

31. A. thinking about B. looking up to C. looking at D.looking for

32. A. suspect B. convey C. respect D. know

33. A. nodded B. decided C. made D. hesitated

34. A. lovely B. beautiful C. bright D. fixed

35. A. let B. make C. take D get

36. A. comments B. ideas C. decisions D. reports

37. A. classroom B. group C. school D. jury

38. A. tells B. indicates C. convinces D. informs

39.A. happy B. confident C. kind D. clever

40. A. focus on B. depend on C. live on D. move on



―There was a young flower in the desert __41___ all was dry and sad looking. It was growing ___42___itself, enjoying every day and saying to the sun ― When shall I be grown up?‖ And the sun would say ― Be __43___(patience). Each time I touch you, you grow a little.‖ She was so __44__(please), because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand. And this was all she wanted to do —— bring a little bit of beauty to this world.

One day the hunter ___45_(come) by and stepped on her. She was going to die and she felt so sad, not because she was dying __46__ because she would not have a chance __47__ (bring) a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.

Just then the great spirit saw her, and was listening. He heard __48__ she said in her mind. Indeed, he said, she should be living, and he reached down and touched her, __49__(give) her life.

___50__(final), she grew up to be a beautiful flower, and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.




广东高考改革 第六篇_2017高考改革方案正式版


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