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时间:2018-05-11   来源:经典美文   点击:


春节晚会英文 第一篇_-春节联欢晚会-用英语怎么说?


春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala /Chinese New Year Gala

例句:Ever since its debut over two decades ago, the Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore. 常用节日用语:

春节 The Spring Festival

农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January

除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year

元宵节 The Lantern Festival

守岁 staying-up


焦点访谈 Topics in Focus

新闻调查 News Probe新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes

综艺大观 Super Variety Show

戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans

大风车 Big Pinwheel

世界经济报道 World Economic Report

春节晚会英文 第二篇_春晚相关英语表达


春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala /Chinese New Year Gala

例句:Ever since its debut over two decades ago, the Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore. 常用节日用语:

春节 The Spring Festival

农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January

除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year

元宵节 The Lantern Festival

守岁 staying-up


焦点访谈 Topics in Focus

新闻调查 News Probe【春节晚会英文】

新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes

综艺大观 Super Variety Show

戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans

大风车 Big Pinwheel

世界经济报道 World Economic Report

春节晚会英文 第三篇_中英文春节联欢晚会主持词


一. 5:30 全体人员到场,晚会正式开始(the party start)。

(主持人上场) 开场音乐 5:10 great pretender /do not speak/ say you say me/ ( 昨日重现/every breath i take)

5:30 : 女:ladies and gentlemen, good evening! 男:尊敬的各位领导 女:各位来宾 男:各位同事 合:大家晚上好! 男: 瑞狗欢腾辞旧岁,金猪献福迎春来 女: 火树银花不夜天,万家灯火庆团圆 男:今夜天正远,今夜地正宽,今夜花更美,今夜人更欢 女:今夜,***公司的精英们济济一堂,欢歌笑语,繁花似锦,群星璀璨! 男:新年的钟声即将敲响,伴随着***人一年的辛劳,新年如约而至 女:在这一刻,我们已经感受到了春天的气息,这又将是一个硕果累累的春天, 是***人奋发向上的春天 男:今天,我们***人相约于此,共同分享丰收的喜悦,一起憧憬明天的辉煌! 女:今天,让我们一起用心来感受欢乐,用爱来感受温暖,敞开你的心扉,释放 你的激情。 合:让我们携起手来——相约新纪元!

相逢***,欢乐今宵春节联欢晚会 , 男:2015 相逢

合:现在开始!(彩桶喷射) 女:now, the spring festival evening party of arjowiggins chenming specialty papers, commencing!

二. 5:35-5:40 总经理致词(addressed by general manager)

男:现在,有请我们公司董事长*先生为我们作新年致辞。 女:now, our president mr. tong will present the new year address; 合:大家欢迎! 总经理致词„„ 男:谢谢***总的致辞!请大家不要辜负*总的期望,今晚难得一聚,大家一定要 敞开心扉,尽情欢乐,开怀畅饮,一醉方休! 女:thanks of mr. tong’s address, it’s golden time that all of us gathered together this evening, in this special moment ,we must open our mind, enjoy the happy time and drink as much as possible!

三. 5:40-6:10

为篮球、乒乓球优胜者颁发奖品(awarding the

winners of the basketball and pingpang sport)


决出了乒乓球的 16 强和篮球的冠军、亚军、季军和第四名;为了表彰大家的积 极参与和取得的辉煌战绩,下面将为参赛者和优胜者进行颁奖;首先为乒乓球的 8 强选手进行颁奖,他们将获得价值 100 元的钱包一个 女:our pingpang and basketball game have already been completed until to today; the top 16 of pingpang and the top 4 of basketball have come ture; we will award all the winners and players of pingpang and basketball. first of all ,awarding the top 8 of pingpang match, they will gain the gift worth 100 yuan; 合:有请************上台领奖,有请财务总监张总,公司人力资源和行政部

刘 部长为他们颁奖, 运动员进行曲 ) **准备礼品/彩桶,吴信芝/李通递给领 (运动员进行曲 ( 运动员进行曲, 导) **** 女:现在有请我们的乒乓球前四名选手上台领奖,第四名是_________, 男:第三名是__________, 女:乒乓球男子单打亚军_____, 男: 乒乓球男子单打冠军(停顿)__________先生! !有请公司董事长佟总为他们颁奖;(运动员进行曲, 运动员进行曲, 男:有请运动员上台领奖! 音响师) 第三四名, 元的礼包一份/第二名将获得价值 第三四名,将获得价值 180 元的礼包一份 第二名将获得价值 260 元的 mp3 一部; 元的飞利浦剃须刀一个, 飞利浦剃须刀一个 一部;第一名将获得价值 400 元的飞利浦剃须刀一个,再次以热烈的掌声 祝贺他们! 祝贺他们! the third and fourth player will get gift worth 180, the runner-up will get mp3 worth 260 yuan, the champion will get phillip shaver worth 400 yuan. (面向冠军) :___________先生,首先祝贺您获得了********奥运会乒乓球 女: 男子单打冠军;现在,作为阿尔诺乒乓球第一人,您有什么感受,有什么要 对我们说的吗?(准备鲜花/彩桶;背景音乐:上海滩) 准备鲜花 彩桶;背景音乐:上海滩) (如果是 vincent 取胜, 则直接用英文提问, 男主持现场翻译 vincent 的回答) 男:

好的,谢谢!我们也希望**先生有一天能够成为真正的奥运会冠军!谢谢! 女:yes, we hope we could see the day that mr. _________ become the real champion of olympic games! 男:另外,所有参与乒乓球小组赛和进入 16 强的选手,我们也有精美的礼品赠 送,请于晚会结束后领取。 女:in addition, all the pingpang players and top 16 players will get one gift, please get it after the party. 男:现在,为篮球比赛的冠亚军球队进行颁奖,首先有请篮球比赛亚军球队上台 领奖,他们将每人获得价值 90 元保暖内衣一套,有请管理联队的 合:

*************************************** 男:有请!有请维修部****经理、项目部***处长为他们颁奖(运动员进行曲) ****** 男:有请篮球冠军获得者,生产部的 ( 合:**********************上台领奖,有请! 运动员进行曲) 女:他们将获得价值 150 元的名牌运动鞋一双一份。有请冠军们上台领奖,有请 公司总经理**总、技术总监******为他们颁奖(运动员上场后彩雪飞扬) 。【中英文春节联欢晚会主持词】中英文春节联欢晚会主持词。 ******

男:另外,告诉大家一个好消息,我们公司的篮球队从今天开始正式成立了,队 员全部来自于本次篮球比赛的优秀选手, 他们代表了我们**************篮球 运动的最高水平,将代表我们公司参加外部的各种篮球比赛活动;在这里,我 们预祝他们取得辉煌的战绩,为我们公司争光,为我们*

**人争光! 女:in addition, tell you a good news, our basketball team come into existence from now on, all the team numbers were selected from different dept standing for our highest level; they will on behalf of our company to attend different basketball match. we believe they will acquire splendid successes and win great honor for arjowiggins. 合:他们是:********************* ********************再次以热烈的掌声祝贺他们!(一人读一个)

四.6:10-8:00 : :

晚宴( 晚宴(dinner) )

男:俗话说,人是铁,饭是钢,想必大家已经饿坏了,我们已经为大家预订了丰 盛的晚宴,就请大家敞开肚皮,开怀畅饮,一醉方休! 女:now, let’s enjoy our dinner, and please drink as much as possible! (准备上菜)【春节晚会英文】

五. 7:10-8:00 文艺表演(6 个节目)(show by company staff) : : 文艺表演( 个节目)


7: 10-7: 20 舞蹈欣赏 (由***歌舞团表演) (dancing show, play by chenming singing and dancing group) 7:09 舞曲奏响(劲舞团,英文经典) 7:10 主持人上台 男:你看我们宴会上虽然有美酒佳肴,但好像缺点什么?我觉得啊,要是来点歌 舞就好了! 女:是啊,那么,就有请***歌舞团的美女们为大家演奏劲舞西域风情,为大家 助兴,大家说好不好! 男:we are drinking at awake, we are singing at drunk, we are enjoying the joyful moment with the song and dance around! the beautiful girls from chenming singing and dancing group will bring the hot dance for everyone! (一副陶醉的 表情) 歌舞表演„„„„ 女:thanks for the wonderful dance played by beautiful girls. 男:大家说他们跳得好不好?! 漂亮不漂亮?! 好的,感谢***歌舞团的漂亮姑娘们为我们带来的精彩表演! , 男:下一个节目,有请我们的歌星****刘天王为大家带来的独唱《爱拼才会赢》 掌声欢迎! 女:now, please enjoy the solo《爱拼才会赢》,please by mr. leo. 歌曲„„(组织献花/彩条) 男:ao, andy liu,不但人长得帅,歌也唱得好!都快把我们的李老师都迷死了! (盯着李老师) ; 女:i am your fan! sign for me! next, our handsome boys, mr. bernard and vincent shall bring < for the beautiful grils in our company. 1.


take me to your heart„„(***组织鲜花和美女上场/彩雪飞扬,背景音乐 我 心永恒) 男:下面,有请我们的帅哥组合 bernard 和 vincent 先生为在场的美女们带来的 ,欢迎! ! 情歌对唱《take me to your heart》 男:i believe everybody has some true love hidden in the deep heart can not forget, this song let me remember my girl friend in university; thanks bernard and vincent, thank you for your splendid song! 女:是啊,每个人心里都会有一段难以割舍的恋情,这支歌总会让我们回忆起好 像已经忘记的东西

!有首歌不是说“发现我那早已沉睡的恋情,又在午夜里 ,下面有请生产部为我们 惊醒”好,谢谢 bernard 和 vincent 得精彩演出! 带来的精彩快乐双人舞(音乐舞曲) 男:please enjoy the dancing, played by production dept. 节目„„„„ 男:****你喜欢 massage 吗? 女:massage? 喜欢啊,听说它可以让人放松,驱除疲惫,还有益健康,怎 么,你想请我做 massage 吗? 男: 好啊, 下面就请你欣赏一段 “massage”, 下面, 就有请两位帅哥***和 guillaume 为大家带来的小品

“massage”,那是什么呢,我们拭目以待! 女:two handsome boy*****and guillaume shall bring the program “massage” for us! 女:客串一下,面向 guillaume(矮):sir , how can i help you ? ,谢谢你们! (老外语气) ;下一个节目,将由项 男:

奥,你们的中文说得真棒! 目部****先生为我们带来的激情演出《滚滚长江东逝水》 女:please enjoy the song “the changjiang billow running to the east”, sing by wang maoli from project dept. 歌曲„„ 男:好,谢谢王处长的精彩演出;下一个节目,将由采购部的****先生为大家带 〉掌声欢迎! 来的武术表演<<朝阳剑法〉 (播放<<中国功夫) 女:next, chinese kunggu, played by mr. hou ! 男:下面请欣赏由维修部的*****为大家带来的独唱《青藏高原》 女:sun daojun, maintenance dept. 青藏高原

六.互动游戏及智力问答(8:00-10:00) 互动游戏及智力问答( 10: 智力问答

男:现在大家吃饱了,喝足了,节目也欣赏玩了,那么,我们一起来做个游戏, 请大家踊跃参加,我们将有丰厚的奖品等着大家来拿啊! 女:now, we start our games and questions with awarding, please join us actively, we will have nice gift for players. 首先进行第一个游戏,名字叫大浪淘沙,唯我独尊; 先让观众上台, 男:首先进行第一个游戏,名字叫大浪淘沙,唯我独尊;(先让观众上台,再 说规则)规则是: 说规则)规则是: 1. (8:00-8:20)选出 6 人,分别进行五轮淘汰,每次淘汰一位,坚持到最后 者将胜出,并获得奖励。五轮的内容分别为:女:1)数 7 令:让 6 人进行数数, 女 每逢 7 或 7 的倍数或含 7 的数字一律不能说出,只能拍一下下一位的肩膀,否则 将遭到淘汰;男:2)反命令行动,如主持人说稍息,则必须立正,(向左转, 男

向右转,向前一步走;向后一步走;蹲下;起立;左脚独立;右脚独立;可以让 观众喊命令)谁遵守了命令将会遭到淘汰;女:3)歌曲接唱 每人唱一句歌,然 女 后依次换下一位,在规定时间内不能接唱的人员将遭到淘汰;男:4)拉选票活 男 动 剩余三位进入下一轮,每人进行一段才艺展示,谁得到的观

众的支持率最低, 谁将遭到淘汰。(虽然我很想给你机会,但是国有国法,家有家规,我也爱莫能 助了——拖下去!!) 女:5). 快速数钞:主持人发给剩余的两人每人一叠 1 元的崭新钞票(100-150 张),给他们 1 分钟的时间去数,并且在此期间要他们必须不断回答主持人的问 题,最后谁数的数目最接近实际数,所有的钞票就归谁所有。(约 240 元新钞) (有请王会计上台验钞) 女:恭喜你获得了本届游戏的冠军,你将获得人民币 240 张; 男:另外,为了奖励你的突出表现,你将获得与董事长合影的机会!董事长肯不 肯赏光?(有请董事长) 女:**总,既然上来了,就表演个节目吧?否则,大家是不会答应的! 男:大家掌声鼓励一下! ****** 模仿秀( 2. 模仿秀(8:20-8:

40) 我这里有一些卡片,有影视人物,有动物,有体育运动,有表情, 男:我这里有一些卡片,有影视人物,有动物,有体育运动,有表情,你选择 哪一种? 哪一种? 上

春节晚会英文 第四篇_春节英语作文 春节晚会

New Year PartyOn New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn. The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:The dog stands out among a group of chickens.

春节晚会英文 第五篇_中英文晚会主持词


单:Dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,Good morning!


单:Time flies ,the youth are bloom here.


单:As time goes by ,our dream are still bright.


单:The situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion.


合:We get together.Let’s enjoy the fun .


单:We are very honored to host this party, Our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们非常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精心准备了一些极好的节目。 单:Everybody, are you ready?And then,Let the party begin.



单:How time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will be

remembered forever,Now, let’s go for the VCR to search for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个月的学习生活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,【春节晚会英文】



单:Give more thanks to GongXiannan and ZhaoXingmin.After the VCR,We will show our strong

confidence.Let’s invite DongGuoqing declain a poetry<I Think I Can>


诵《I Think I Can》

单:Have you ever seen our study achivements?Please allow us to continue our learning

show.Next, we will watch a scene play.



单:As we all know,love is the most beautiful thing in our life.For love we are willing

to devote our life.For love we are wlling to stay away from home.Then, let’s enjoy an English song<Oh,Susanna>



单:Thank you for bringing us a lively song.Next,let’s watch a fierce negotiation. 感谢我的同事们,为我们带来了一首欢快的歌曲。下面我们将欣赏到一场激烈的商务谈判。 单:.................Let’s enjoy an amazing kongfu show from WangGang.


单:Terrific!Chinese kongfu is full of magic.Have you been excited?


Most of us probably heard the song of <吻别>,today ZhangZhanjie will bring us the


English version,<Take Me To You Heart>


单:Do you remember the kongfu show?You can’t imagine such a tough guy also has a artistic

side.Then,let’s recite a poem written by WangGang.




单:Today is the end of the past,what we need to remember is the happiness that we shared



单:Today is the begining of a new day,what we need to prepared is to embrace the new day

with our passion.


合:Let’s remember today, Let’s look forward tomorrow.


单:Ladies and gentlemen, our party is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming. 女士们先生们,我们的演出到此结束。再次感谢大家今天的光临。

春节晚会英文 第六篇_“春晚”话题英语作文

春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala Evening

The day before yesterday,my parents and I didn’t go to bed untill twelve o’clock at night.Because we were watching spring festival gala evening of the year of the monkey.There were a lot of wonderful programs,such as sing songs,dance,comic dialogue and so on.In addition,there

were lots of stars ,for example,Zhaowei,Cai

Guoqing,Fenggong and the like.Among these programs,my favourate was the song named “Liuchixiang”.And Zhaowei song it who was the star I like most.The song teaches us some truth .She is very beautiful and has perfect temperament.Of course ,other programs were also amazing.In one word,each programs of Spring Festival Gala Evening was





推荐访问:春节联欢晚会英文 春节戏曲晚会
