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2016六级仔细阅读 第一篇_2016年英语六级阅读技巧:快速解决匹配题







1、关键词定位(key words positioning)

栗子1:Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent.


栗子2:Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5million in 2004.




栗子1:A series of books, mostly authored by Americans, warned... 这句话的含义是一个系列的书籍都是由美国作者来完成的,警告说。。。

首先,可别看错,在原文中出现一个单词叫succession,它意思是一个序列的,或者是一个系列的一拨儿的,千万不要看成了成功,整句翻译为一个序列的书主要是由美国人来做。大家仔细看一下mainly换成了mostly,而warned,警告,被换成了sounded the alarm,"拉响警笛"或"拉响警报"。由此我们发现,同义替换对于解题是非常重要的。

因此,平时一定要多做同义替换的积累,比如more and more people其实不是一个好的表达,我们可以升级为an increasing number of people。这个版本就要比more and more people好一些,平时多注意同义词替换方面的积累,能帮助你的阅读,也能帮助你的写作呢。



2016六级仔细阅读 第二篇_2016大学英语六级阅读理解答题技巧汇总




1、 选词填空最后完成,一定要优先完成你百分百确认词性的空格。不确定词性的先跳过。

2、 选词填空一定要优先考虑固定搭配,比如:make【2016六级仔细阅读】

contribution to; have an impact/effect on这样的高频词组考过多次。

3、 段落信息匹配题先看题目后看文章。看题目时,关键词的选择很重要,直接决定你能否快速找到,找对段落。不要只选择一个关键词定位;要选择特殊词汇定位(大写,数字,连字符等);不要选择文章的核心词作为第一关键词定位。

4、 注意段落信息匹配题的题干中经常把数字写成英文的形式,而非阿拉伯数字,这样来形成干扰。请考生务必看清。比如:2013年12月的题目中用的是half,原文给的是50%;题目中用的是one tenth,原文写的是10%。

5、 段落信息匹配题中,题目与原文出现同义替换时,正确几率最高。在某段出现某题干的原词时,不要贸然选择,关注一下其他信息有没有在该段落出现。

6、 仔细阅读定位是关键。根据出题顺序与行文顺序一致的原则,确定大体段落。较难题目中会出现题干与原文同义替换的情况,那么该同义替换的句子可能就是定位的句子。

7、 段落推断题中(含有infer/conclude/imply/indicate/learn的题目),答案一般在转折处或者在段落末句。

8、 当在两个选项间徘徊不定时,重新审题,比对两个选项与对应句信息,同义替换的选项或与原文主旨一致的选项可能是正确答


9、 含有绝对性词汇的选项错误几率较高。如:no, all, only, must, little, always, none。

10、仔细阅读要重点注意转折处(but/however/yet)信息以及递进关系(moreover/also/furthermore/in addition)信息。


2016六级仔细阅读 第三篇_2016年英语六级阅读理解突破技巧










2016六级仔细阅读 第四篇_2016年英语六级长篇阅读题型特点与答题步骤

2016年英语六级长篇阅读题型特点与答题步骤 长篇阅读在英语六级阅读中是个难点,今天文都网校小编就为大家介绍一下此类题型的题目特点与解题步骤,希望对大家有帮助。








2.读透题目,找准关键词:通读题目,分别标出每题的关键词1-2个,注意选取的关键词不能为文章讨论的主要话题,如六级新大纲样题的话题是population ageing,题目不能以此作为关键词。关键词一般为实词、数字、年份及专有名词。



4.采取先易后难的策略:浏览一遍文章,先解决容易的题目,对于答案线索较少的题目,可再重新研读,有必要时调整定位的关键词,并根据文章的结构以及关键词将查找范围缩小,题目与文章交替阅读,直至做完,以此增加答题速度和命中率。 以上就是英语六级长篇阅读的题型特点与答题步骤的介绍,希望对大家的备考有帮助。

2016六级仔细阅读 第五篇_2016年大学英语六级阅读备战方法




第一境界:P (Perseverance)

王老先生认为,做学问成大事业者,首先要有执着的追求,充满信心,明确目标与方向。六级阅读理解考试有三大难点:生词多,句子长,含义深。很多同学看到 生词长句就发怵,就别说理解文章深层的内涵了。众所周知,自信是通往成功的桥梁,坚持才能达到胜利的彼岸。如果一拿到阅读理解,就被映入眼帘的生词长句吓倒,再也没有信心和勇气继续下去,其实是自己放弃了成功的希望。六级阅读虽然生词长句多,但其实都是在简单句的基础上逐步堆积难词和词组构成的。因此在看到这些难句或生词时,要充满自信的找出那些熟悉的单词,了解句子的整体含义,这是最主要的,而不是去搜索记忆,发掘每一个生词的含义。

e.g. The destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occur, largely because of the extreme difficulty in affixing legal responsibility on those who continue to treat our environment with reckless abandon. (CET6:1999)

这句话中我们至少可以找出 destruction, natural resources, because of,

difficulty, legal, treat our environment这些单词是我们所熟悉的,这样我们就能简


同时六级阅读理解的文章脉络符合西方人的写作思维,因此在阅读中考生还可以根据文章的组织结构来猜测全文的含义。文章和段落在长度上有明显不同,但是在 结构上是非常相似的。段落通常由一个主题句引出,接着是一系列说明主题句的细节,最后是结尾句。同样,文章是由首段、主体段和结论段三部分组成。引言段揭示主题,正文部分对主题分点阐述,结论段对全文归纳总结。而这系列的结构模式都可以帮助我们更好的理解全篇文章。由此可见,其实六级阅读理解的首要任务就 是排除恐惧心理,树立信心,坚持到底,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。

第二境界:P (Practice)

王老的两句衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴则别有用心,用以比喻成大事业、大学问者,必须坚定不移,经过一番辛勤劳动,废寝忘食。英语中也有一句最 为经典的话就是Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧).任何一件事情的成功都是建立在无数次的努力和试验基础之上的,相信我不用列举那些功成名就的科学家,数学家等他们是通过多少次的失败之后才获得的点滴成功。阅读理解同样需要很多的练习,才能形成强烈的语感、文感和手感,即语言感觉、文体感觉和解题感觉。所以那种所谓的技巧万 能论等都是片面的,没有基本的练习,没有对过去历年的真题的研读剖析,再多的方法和技巧都是枉然。

第三境界:T (Technique)


2016六级仔细阅读 第六篇_2016最新英语六级阅读

A、You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, and then shift your gaze to its surroundings. What you now see appears to drift upward. These optical illusions occur because the brain is constantly

matching its model of reality to signals from the body’s sensors and interpreting what must be happening—that your brain must have moved, not the other; that downward motions is now normal, so a change from it must now be perceived as upward motion.

The sensors that make this magic are of two kinds. Each eye contains about 120 million rods, which provide somewhat blurry black and white vision. These are the windows of night vision; once adapted to the dark, they can detect a candle burning ten miles away.

Color vision in each eye comes from six to seven million structures called cones. Under ideal conditions, every cone can “see” the entire rainbow spectrum of visible colors, but one type of cone is most sensitive to red, another to green, a third to blue.

Rods and cones send their messages pulsing an average 20 to 25 times per second along the optic nerve. We see an image for a fraction of a second longer than it actually appears. In movies, reels of still photographs are projected onto screens at 24 frames per second, tricking our eyes into seeing a continuous moving picture.

Like apparent motion, color vision is also subject to unusual effects. When day gives way to night, twilight brings what the poet T.S. Eliot called “the violet hour.” A light levels fall, the rods become

progressively less responsive. Rods are most sensitive to the shorter wavelengths of blue and green, and they impart a strange vividness to the garden’s blue flowers.

However, look at a white shirt during the reddish light of sunset, and you’ll still see it in its “true” color—white, not red. Our eyes are constantly comparing an object against its surroundings. They

therefore observe the effect of a shift in the color of illuminating on both, and adjust accordingly.

The eyes can distinguish several million graduations of light and shade of color. Each waking second they flash tens of millions of pieces of information to the brain, which weaves them incessantly into a picture of the world around us.

Yet all this is done at the back of each eye by a fabric of sensors, called the retina, about as wide and as thick as a postage stamp. As the

Renaissance inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci wrote in wonder, “Who would believe that so small a space could contain the images of all the universe?”

1. Visual illusions often take place when the image of reality is ___.

A. matched to six to seven million structures called cones.

B. confused in the body’s sensors of both rods and cones.

C. interpreted in the brain as what must be the case.

D. signaled by about 120 million rods in the eye.

2. The visual sensor that is capable of distinguishing shades of color is called ___.

A. cones

B. color vision

C. rods

D. spectrum

3. The retina send pulses to the brain ___.

A. in short wavelengths

B. as color pictures

C. by a ganglion cell

D. along the optic nerve.

4. Twenty-four still photographs are made into a continuous moving picture just because ___.

A. the image we see usually stays longer than it actually appears.

B. we see an object in comparison with its surroundings.

C. the eyes catch million pieces of information continuously.

D. rods and cones send messages 20 to 25 times a second.

5. The author’s purpose in writing the passage lies in ___.

A. showing that we sometimes are deceived by our own eyes.

B. informing us about the different functions of the eye organs.

C. regretting that we are too slow in the study of eyes.

D. marveling at the great work done by the retina.



B、Art is considered by many people to be little more than a decorative means of giving pleasure. This is not always the case, however; at times, art may be seen to have a purely functional side as well. Such could be said of the sandpaintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have a medicinal as well as an artistic purpose.


According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either a mental or a physical illness has in come way disturbed or come in contact with the supernatural—perhaps a certain animal, a ghost, or the dead. To counteract this evil contact, the ill person or one of his relatives will employ a medicine man called a “singer” to perform a healing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being.

During the ceremony, which may last from 2 to 9 days, the “singer” will produce a sandpainting on the floor of the Navaho hogan. On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sandpainting and the “singer” will rub the ailing parts of the patient’s body with sand from a specific figure in the sandpainting. In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and becomes strong like it. After the ceremony, the sandpainting is then destroyed and disposed of so its power will not harm anyone.

The art of sandpainting is handed down from old “singer” to their students. The material used are easily found in the areas the Navaho inhabit; brown, red, yellow, and white sandstone, which is pulverized by being crushed between 2 stones much as corns is ground into flour. The “singer” holds a small amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his thumb and fore-finger onto a clean, flat surface on the floor. With a steady hand and great patience, he is thus able to create designs of stylized people, snakes and other creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system. The traditional Navaho does not allow reproduction

of sandpaintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden this; however, such reproductions can in fact be purchased today in tourist shops in Arizona and New Mexico. These are done by either Navaho Indians or by other people who wish to preserve this craft.

1. The purpose of the passage is to ___.

A. discuss the medical uses of sandpaintings in medieval Europe.

B. study the ways Navaho Indians handed down their painting art.

C. consider how Navaho “singer” treat their ailments with sandpaintings.

D. tell how Navaho Indians apply sandpainting for medical purposes.

2. The purpose of a healing ceremony lies in ___.

A. pleasing the ghosts

B. attracting supernatural powers


C. attracting the ghosts

D. creating a sandpainting

3. The “singer” rubs sand on the patient because ___.

A. the patient receives strength from the sand

B. it has pharmaceutical value

C. it decorates the patient

D. none of the above

4. What is used to produce a sandpainting?

A. Paint

B. Beach sand

C. Crushed sandstone

D. Flour

5. Which of the following titles will be best suit the passage?

A. A New Direction for Medical Research

B. The Navaho Indians’ Sandpainting

C. The Process of Sandpainting Creation

D. The Navaho Indians’ Medical History



C、Art is considered by many people to be little more than a decorative means of giving pleasure. This is not always the case, however; at times, art may be seen to have a purely functional side as well. Such could be said of the sandpaintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have a medicinal as well as an artistic purpose.

According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either a mental or a physical illness has in come way disturbed or come in contact with the supernatural—perhaps a certain animal, a ghost, or the dead. To counteract this evil contact, the ill person or one of his relatives will employ a medicine man called a “singer” to perform a healing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being.【2016六级仔细阅读】

During the ceremony, which may last from 2 to 9 days, the “singer” will produce a sandpainting on the floor of the Navaho hogan. On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sandpainting and the “singer” will rub the ailing parts of the patient’s body with sand from a specific figure in the sandpainting. In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and becomes strong like it. After the ceremony, the sandpainting is then destroyed and disposed of so its power will not harm anyone.

The art of sandpainting is handed down from old “singer” to their students. The material used are easily found in the areas the Navaho inhabit; brown, red, yellow, and white sandstone, which is pulverized by being crushed between 2 stones much as corns is ground into flour. The “singer” holds a small amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his thumb and fore-finger onto a clean, flat surface on the floor. With a steady hand and great patience, he is thus able to create designs of stylized people, snakes and other creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system. The traditional Navaho does not allow reproduction

2016六级仔细阅读 第七篇_2016年6月新英语六级考试题型说明


中华考试网 [ 2016年2月23日 ]

本文为考生们介绍一下改革后英语六级考试题型,供各位考生参考。 一、试卷描述


二、题型说明 1.单词及词组听写



你不妨做个测试,先看看以下几个中文词组,看能写出几个?然后看下拉看答案。 易受伤害的; 聪明的; 抽象的; 把事情搞清楚; 答案:

Vulnerable intelligent abstract figuring things out

策略:请确认,在每次做完听力题目之后,题目选项和对应原文(答案区域)中全部单词短语保证拼写成功。不用急,稍后,在考前约一个月,建昆老师的微信将开始播发每日听写训练。 2. 长篇阅读




策略:这中阅读题目属于快速阅读和信息匹配的合体。在词汇基础基本保证的情况下,一些相关阅读技巧必须纯熟。比如,特殊信号词汇在段落和题目中的对应,例如数字、大写、特殊符号;段落首句作为重点信息处理;特别关注段落衔接句等等。当然,大量训练不可少。 3. 翻译


这是这次改革最难的一种题目。可以确定,如果不降低评分标准,这个项目将成为全国考生丢分的黑洞。 策略:

必须开始有意识的积累和背诵一些和中国节日、历史事件、经济和社会发展相关的词汇。大家可以关注以反映中国社会为主的一些英文杂志和报纸,例如中国日报及其网站。这份报纸的大部分内容确实超越了考生的实力,但是一些涉及到日常社会生活的词语,却是大家可以学习的。大家每天看看网站中头条新闻,配合中文新闻的背景,就可以学到很多表达。推荐一个中国日报网站下面的一个小栏目:language tips,有大量简单实用的双语文章。同时,考生需要购进一些难度不大的翻译书籍,注意中英文的一些切换规则。


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