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时间:2018-07-27   来源:经典美文   点击:


2011.7.23 第一篇_2011年7.23温州动车事故中外记者会



Friends of the press good afternoon as you have seen I just late the risks and I am very sad of the July 23rd major railway accident ,To express my memory of passing live in this accident before I came here ,I visited those who injured in this accident met with families of victims and also answer their questions ,at this every moment ,I feel deeply sanded I want to use this opportunity to meet the press and share with you what is be truly on my mind since the accident goes out, this accident must be not forgotten ,the lives that lost in the accident must not be forgotten ,this accident has once again reminded us that’s every endeavor we have made in pursing national developments is to serve the interest of the people and the top priority of the government is to protect the lives of the people and nothing is more important than safety our people , my thoughts are with the victims of the accident at this moment ,as a primer, in charge of the state affairs and as I said feel deeply saddened ,you may want to ask ,Each time when distaer strikes .you will be very imbolvice no time in coming to the very sight of the accident ,but why it took you so long actually six days to come to this accident ,well I want to be honestly with you ,because I was ill ,for the passed 11days I was ill and stay in hospital and actually today my doctor are very reluctant in agree to let me come here ,but I believe that I have the duty to fulfill and now I am ready to

take your questions

新华社:I am with the xihua news agency ,there has been a high public interests in terms of the technologies the dispatch management and the onside rescurtis effort of the July 23rd major accident ,people have expressed their doubts and questions with regard with about mentioned aspects they feel anxious get to know all the information about causes and what has been going in the investigation ,my question is how has the investigation been going and what measures will the stare couil take in terms of the bring to causes and the accident and gaining lessons from the experiences and holding responsible and accountable ?

温家宝:many questions have been raised of the causes and handing the accident ,my view is that having opinions must be seriously hitted and taken very seriously and we must give responsible answer questions raised by people ,with the regarded question you asked concerning the investigation and actual handing of the accident ,I would kike to say while after the accident took place the state coulil established a investigation task group, this task group is a indepented team .it is composed of officials from safety instruction authority the ministry of _supervision and the people’s procurator ate ,this task was come to effect the conclusion ,it conclusion that can consist the time and history through scientific analyze ,I mean onside inspection and technology sampling and concentration among the accident ,and those who directly

responsible the accident and though who hold lead ship responsibilities will be held accountable ,I want to tell you that the investigation has begun and it is still on the way and we have made very clearly that the entries cost of the investigation will be open and transparent and be subjected to public supervision


CNN: I want to ask you about government creditability and future of Chinese high-speed railway system .because you have mentioned ,there is a lot of angers over the government handing but also china has been very eager to export the techolology to countries ,including the united states ,so what conquer measures are you is your government going to take ?to ensure the rest of world will restore the confident in china railway speed system ,because before railway authority has been resisted china’s skill is updated and sophisticated model and safe, thank you ! 温家宝:Thank you for you question, the creditability of china’s high speed technology and other Chinese high-tech exports can not be buried out in word but rather by the reality, I believe the importance we take full consideration all aspects .considering the high speed train in china including the design the equipment, the technology and management of rail network and among all this the safety should be the top proritity because its safety is compermised.there is no creditability speak about There has been remarkable development in china’s high speed system in recent years ,but the accuracy this traffic accident has once again

reminded us that one can never over emphasis the level of safety it is important that we indigested our in pursing the speed the quality the efficiency and safety with safety should always in the first place .it is my believe that lesson will be learned from this accident and relevant authority will be improved their working in the future,incliding making the breakthrough in key technologies and enhancing management capabilities .when safety is assured that I believe there is will be strong creditability of chain’s high-speed rail, Thank you .

路透社:What impact will this accident have in Chinese government investment in high-speed development and development of the sector during the 12th five year pan?

温家宝:we have drawing out a clear plan for the rail network development and other sectors development during the 12th plan period, the focus will be making the structure adjustment and shifting the growth model of the Chinese economy, in terms of the development rail system in china, I believe as just I said, no one can never over emphasize the importance of safety including the development of high-speed rail in making out a plan for the rail system development in china it is important to strike a proper balance between high-speed railway development and the border development of overall rail network, it is also important that we take into account the development not only in high-speed rail but also roads water-ways and aviation transporation, as I said it is important that

we make scientific plan and reasonable plans in the development of this sector, it is not that the faster. The better, it is important we ensure development not only speed but also the quantity efficiency and safety of the rail sector with always safety in the first place

香港记者:I am with HK commercial TV. I would like to ask you, do you think it caused by nature or human area?

温家宝:As I just said, we are conducting a serious and careful investigation ,I believe your question can be answered by the result of our investigation, at the same time I want to emphasize ,our investigation and handing of the accident must be responsible ,it must be responsible to their people ,there will be through prop into the accident in terms of all the related aspects including the manchinal area management problem and the manufacturing of the train producers ,it should any corrupt behavior be found in the cause of the investigation, it will be taken care of very seriously and those responsible will be punished to the full restand of the law and that is I believe I will best the responsible answer who lost their life in the accident

中央电视台(CCTV):just a few days ago, at this very sight of this accident, people could see almost everything on this way, now hardly a single trace was sight of the accident can be found and seen here .people raised their question whether there has been a big rush in dealing with what has left over at this very sight of this accident. I would like your

2011.7.23 第二篇_广播清单2011.7.23

清 单

2011.7.23 第三篇_检漏远方试验措施2011.7.23






编 制 人: 张 允

施工单位: 机电部【2011.7.23】

编制日期: 2012 年 3月28日

执行日期: 年 月 日

审 批 意 见


技 术 部: 年 月 日 机 电 部: 年 月 日 安 监 部: 年 月 日 调 度 部: 年 月 日 通防工区: 年 月 日

生产矿长: 年 月 日

安全矿长: 年 月 日

总工程师: 年 月 日【2011.7.23】


负责人: 传达人: 班次:


为确保我矿井下安全用电,根据《煤矿井下三大保护细则》及《煤矿安全规程》的规定,每月必须对运行中检漏保护装置做一次远方人工漏电跳闸试验,结合小发路煤矿的实际,特制定以下安全措施: 一、试验的组织:



2、试验人员:机电部设备组人员、运转车间人员 3、配合单位及人员:

各单位电工及跟班区长、安监部安检员、通防工区瓦检员 二、试验时间: 每月 - 日(具体时间由调度确定) 三、试验地点:井下各总馈电开关处 四、安全措施:









8、所有参加试验的人员事先必须必须熟悉井下供电系统。 9、每处试验地点的试验人员不得少于两人,并指定专人进行监护;试验完毕后,由试验负责人将实验结果记录在专用的表格内。




13、做检漏远方试验严格执行通防工区有关停、送风安全措施。 14、所有参加试验人员必须认真学习本措施,熟悉本措施后方可施工。


2011.7.23 第四篇_周防火检查记录表2011.7.23


周防火检查记录表 时间:2011年 7月23日

2011.7.23 第五篇_2011年7月23日甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故


2011年7月23日20时27分,北京至福州的D301次列车行驶至温州市双屿路段时,与杭州开往福州的D3115次列车追尾,导致D301次1、2、3列车厢侧翻,从高架桥上掉落,毁坏严重,4车厢悬挂桥上,D3115次15、16车厢损毁严重。 D3115次动车为杭州发往福州,。每节车厢定员约百人。D301次动车则由北京南发往福州

20时38分,D301次动车与前方的D3115次动车追尾相撞,中国铁路史上的首次动车特大事故骤然发生:D301次动车上558名乘客和D3115次动车上1072名乘客,顿时遭遇危情时刻! 这是惊魂一刻:两车在温州鹿城区黄龙街道双坳村下岙处追尾,随即爆发出一声巨响,D3115次列车第13至16节车厢脱轨;D301次列车第1至5节车厢脱轨,其中前三节坠入高架桥下,第四节一头担在高桥上,另一头插在地下。



事故发生后第一时间,铁道部部长盛光祖,副部长胡亚东、卢春房等紧急赶赴事故现场,组织救援工作。 事故现场,一场与死神赛跑的比拼迅速展开。







