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时间:2018-07-12   来源:经典美文   点击:


亚太经合组织2014 第一篇_2014年APEC会议



















一、推动区域经济一体化;二、促进创新发展,推动经济改革和增长;三、加强全方位互联互通和基础设施建设。在世界经济仍未完全复苏,发展中 国家经济增长面临挑战的背景下,亚太地区仍然是世界经济增











倡导推进区域经济一体化 共建互信、包容、合作、共赢




亚太经合组织2014 第二篇_亚太经合组织的发展前景与困境

11法51 周祥 论文提纲

论文题目: 亚太经合组织的发展前景与困境


关键词:APEC 发展 挑战




亚太经合组织由一个区域合作发展论坛逐渐发展为一个以经济贸易为主要议题的国际组织,进而形成整个的亚太自由贸易区。 形成原因: 地缘政治 组织成员的差异及诉求 其他国际组织的影响波及等等。
















亚太经合组织2014 第三篇_2014年亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会的主题是


习近平在演讲中首次提出“亚太梦想”。 他说:“大时代需要大格局,大格局需要大智慧。亚太发展前景取决于今天的决断和行动。我们有责任为本地区人民创造和实现亚太梦想。” 中国现代国际关系研究院世界经济研究所所长陈凤英接受新京报记者采访时说,习近平演讲提出“亚太梦想”,意在凝聚APEC 21个经济体达成的共识,让这些经济体意识到彼此是伙伴而不是竞争对手,推进亚太自贸区的建设。 陈凤英说,“亚太梦想”可以看做“中国梦”的延伸。只有亚太地区实现自由贸易,共同繁荣发展,才能实现“亚太梦想”,因此亚太自贸区是“亚太梦想”的平台。



亚太经合组织2014 第四篇_习近平在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会开幕式上的演讲2014.11.09(中英文)

习近平在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会开幕式上的演讲 2014.11.09


Your Excellency President Michelle Bachelet of Chile,

Director-General Roberto Azevêdo of the World Trade Organization,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,


Good morning and welcome to you, friends from the Asia-Pacific business community. Last year in Bali, we agreed to meet in Beijing this year. So here we are. I am very glad to meet with you again.


According to the traditional Chinese calendar, the winter season started two days ago. The city of Beijing at the turn of autumn and winter can be very colorful, as is described by a Chinese poem, ―The water is clear and the mountain is bright, the frost comes in at night; Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves mixed with yellow that is light.‖ The yellow ginkgo leaves and the red maple leaves add color to this ancient capital. After a year’s hard work, China and the other APEC members are looking forward to reaping a harvest at the upcoming 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,


Home to ancient civilizations and emerging forces, the Asia-Pacific is a region with a long history and a splendid culture. It boasts hard-working people, beautiful scenery, strong impetus for development and a bright future.


Today’s Asia-Pacific accounts for 40% of the world population, 57% of the world economy and 48% of the world trade. As the fastest growing region with the greatest potential and most vibrant cooperation in the world, our region is a major engine for world economic recovery and growth.


Today’s Asia-Pacific has entered a new development stage. It has a high level of capital, technology, information and personnel movement. A big Asia-Pacific market is taking shape. Regional cooperation mechanisms are making good progress, while new initiatives and ideas keep cropping up.


Today’s Asia-Pacific is enjoying a rising standing in the world. A new round of revolution in science and technology, industries and energy is on the horizon. The increasingly close connection between Asia-Pacific economies has made regional economic integration all the more necessary and urgent.


But today’s Asia-Pacific also faces challenges of all sorts. The impacts of the international financial crisis linger. Recovery in some economies remains fragile. The Asia-Pacific has daunting tasks of raising the quality and efficiency of the economy and replacing old growth areas with new ones. There are different directions and priorities in accelerating the regional economic integration process, and various regional free trade arrangements keep emerging, making it difficult for some to make a choice.


The Asia-Pacific stands at a crossroads. Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future, or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others? Shall we deepen the integration process, or shall we let ourselves slip into a vortex of fragmentation? Shall we embrace openness and inclusiveness to work together for an Asia-Pacific century, or shall we cling to an outdated mindset unfit for the 21st century?


A great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom. The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today. We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people. This dream is about acting in the spirit of the Asia-Pacific community and out of a sense of shared destinies, following the trend of our times, i.e. peace, development and mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly working for the prosperity and progress of our region. It is about staying ahead of global development and making greater contribution to the well-being of mankind. It is about having more economic vibrancy, free trade and investment facilitation, better roads, and closer people-to-people exchanges. And it is about ensuring greater security and prosperity for our people and giving our children a better environment to grow, work and live.


To this end, we need to redouble our efforts.


– We need to jointly forge an Asia-Pacific partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation. Those who share the same ideal and follow the same path can be partners. Those who seek common ground while shelving differences can also be partners. More friends, more opportunities. We should enhance mutual trust and remove doubts through sincere and in-depth communication; we should follow the idea of seeking harmony in diversity and respect each other’s choice of development path; we should stay committed to mutually beneficial cooperation and fully leverage each other’s strengths to promote development for all; and we should replace the ―winner-take-all‖ mentality with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region.


– We need to jointly build an open economy in the Asia-Pacific. Openness brings progress while close-door policy leads to backwardness. Opening-up was, has been and will remain an important prerequisite for the Asia-Pacific to grow. It means greater openness within our respective economies to give full scope to labor, know-how, technology, management and capital. It also means opening-up to each other so that the diversity and variety of member economies can be turned into potential and driver for development. While endeavoring to bring regional economic integration to a higher level and initiate the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), we should also remain committed to open regionalism and work for new and open economic institutions and regional cooperation architecture, so that the door of the Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire world.


– We need to explore new drivers for economic growth. Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo. Instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate. In this new round of global growth, only the reformers and innovators will emerge stronger and win. We need to be courageous and pioneering, vigorously pursue reform and innovation, actively explore a new path and model that meet our own development needs and look for new growth points and impetus.


– We need to draw a blueprint for comprehensive connectivity. Connectivity and infrastructure building in the Asia-Pacific is not only a necessity to achieve regional economic integration, but more importantly, it bears on the long-term development of all economies. We should work together to bring about connectivity covering both sides of the Pacific, which

includes: hardware connectivity that brings the economies closer and paves the way for an Asia-Pacific connected with each other and the world; software connectivity that enhances alignment and coordination of policies, laws and regulations and creates convenient and efficient supply chains; and human connectivity that promotes people-to-people exchanges and fosters trust and friendship.


As such, China has made ―Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership‖ the theme of this year’s APEC meeting and identified three major topics, namely, advancing regional economic integration; promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth; and strengthening comprehensive development in infrastructure and connectivity.


I am convinced that broad consensus to be reached at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in these areas will give fresh impetus to the sustained development of the Asia-Pacific.

女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,


At last year’s APEC CEO Summit, I expressed our confidence in China’s economic development and our commitment to further reform. Now, one year has passed and I am pleased that what we envisioned has come true.


In the first three quarters of this year, China’s GDP grew by 7.4% on a year-on-year basis with all major economic indicators within the reasonable range. China’s economy has been growing steadily, with continuous increase in urban employment and steady rise in household income, business profit and fiscal revenue. More importantly, structural readjustment has seen good progress with the service industry growing with a strong momentum and domestic demand expanding.


A new normal of China’s economy has emerged with several notable features. First, the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth. Second, the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded. The tertiary industry and consumption demand are becoming the main driver. Urban-rural and regional disparities are narrowing. Household income is going up as a percentage of national income. The benefits of development are reaching more people. Third, the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment. The new normal will bring new development opportunities for China.


First, under the new normal conditions, China’s economy has still registered considerable increment albeit the slowdown. After over 30 years of rapid growth, the size of China’s economy is nothing like what it was. The increment in 2013 alone is equivalent to the annual economic aggregate of 1994 and big enough to rank as the 17th in the world. Even a growth rate of around 7% would place the Chinese economy among the top in the world in both speed and increment.


Second, under the new normal conditions, China’s economic growth has become more stable and been driven by more diverse forces. Some worry whether the Chinese economy will see further decline in growth rate and be unable to overcome difficulties. Indeed there are risks, but not that formidable. Resilience best equips the Chinese economy against risks. We have adopted innovative ideas and approaches in macroeconomic management. And given the strategies and policy options at our disposal, we have the confidence and capability to cope with potential risks. We are also advancing the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization in a coordinated way, which will help relieve ―growing pains‖. Moreover, the Chinese economy is now driven more by domestic consumer demand, thus steering clear of external risks from overreliance on export.


Third, under the new normal conditions, the Chinese economic structure has been improved and upgraded, heralding a more stable development prospect. In the first three quarters of this year, final consumption overtook investment by contributing 48.5% to economic growth. The value added of the services industry, accounting for 46.7% of GDP, continued to surpass that of the secondary industry. Hi-tech industry and equipment manufacturing industry grew by 12.3% and 11.1% respectively, notably higher than the average industrial growth rate. The per unit GDP energy consumption dropped by 4.6%. These figures show that the Chinese economy is undergoing profound structural changes and improving in quality and structure.


Fourth, under the new normal conditions, the Chinese government has vigorously streamlined administration and delegated power, further unleashing market vitality. Simply put, we have lifted restrictions on the ―invisible hand‖ of the market and ensured the proper role of the


推荐访问:亚太经合组织成员国 亚太经合组织会议
