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时间:2018-06-04   来源:经典美文   点击:


雅思口语预测 第一篇_2015年雅思口语预测于新话题补充_雅思口语必读



1. 常考的旧题

常见part one的高频考题,我们一共总结出了15个:birthday; name; advertisements; hometown; special day, hometown; gifts; leisure time; accommodation; fashion; cooking/food; color; study/work; weather; friends/families; teachers;其中红色标注的部分就是我们此次预测命中的话题(15个高频话题命中了14个)。这些考题在一月份重复考到的几率非常大,所以也请大家对这些中标考题引起高度的重视。我们在1.5-1.9就已经抢先时机发布了我们的预测内容,并附上了一系列独家的关于考题的思路拓展、有用词组句型、常见错误、避免方法等等其他预测和培训机构没有的内容。这些内容在整个一月份都是非常有备考价值的,对于那些考试没有思路,不知道从何说起的考生来说,是不可多得的必备资料。



1. Tree

1) 1. what are thebenefits of trees

2) What kind oftrees are there in your neighborhood?

3) Have you everplanted trees in your country?

4) In China, whattrees have a special meaning?

2. Sleep 1) How long do yousleep every day?

2) What are thebenefits of good sleep?

3) Do you thinkpeople should take afternoon nap?

3. Time

1) Are you anorganized person?

2) Are you a personwho’s good at time managements?

3) How do youorganize your time?

4. handwriting

1) Do you think handwriting is important skill?

2) Do you like toreceive letters written by hand? 3) Do your friendsrecognize your hand writing?

4) Did you receiveany gifts with hand writing message?

5) Do you think goodhandwriting is beneficial for children?

本文由全国唯一100%保分退费、雅思6.5分以上96%达线率的麦考瑞雅思培训机构/ 原创撰写,转载请保留链接,谢谢您的阅读,祝各位雅思同学学习进步!!

雅思口语预测 第二篇_2017年雅思口语part 1预测

2017年雅思口语part 1新题范围(第一考季1~4月)【第一版】



1: Mirror

Do you often look in the mirror?

When do you usually look in a mirror?

Have you bought a mirror by yourself?

Do you think it is a good choice to use mirror to decorate the rooms? Why do we need the mirrors in our daily life?

2: Bringing things

What items do you have to bring with you when you go out? Have you ever forgotten to bring anything important with you?

How would you remind yourself from forgetting bringing something important?

Are there any differences between the things you would bring with you in the day time and at night?【雅思口语预测】


Are you interested in robots?

When was the first time you saw a robot?

In your opinion, what kinds of works robots can possibly do in the future?

Do you think robots will be able to replace human workers in the future? Do you think robots are reliable?

4: Video & computer games

Have you played any games on your computer or cell phone? What kinds of computer or cell phone games do you like to play?

Do you think it’s good for young people to play computer games? Why?

Why so many young people like playing video/computer games?

5: Instruments

Do you think it is difficult in learning any instruments?

Can you play any instruments?

Do you think it is important for children to have music class in school? What’s the advantage for children to learn music?

Dreams (待确认)

Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Do you like to hear other people taking about their dreams?

Do you think dreams will affect your life?

Do you want to learn more about dreams?




2017年雅思口语part 2新题范围




Describe a polite person you know

Describe two people that you know who are from the same family Describe an interesting neighbor

Describe a family member who has had a big influence on you

Event & past experience

Describe an exciting activity you did that is a little expensive

Describe an enjoyable experience you had in the countryside

Describe an interesting bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you had

Describe a foreign food you had before

Describe a decision you disagreed with

Describe an unforgettable experience in your life

Describe an experience you are satisfied with the service from a restaurant/ a shop

Describe an experience while you were waiting for something

Describe an interesting and unusual thing you did in your free time【雅思口语预测】

Describe a time when something made you laugh

Describe an experience you spent with a child

Exposition Describe a significant/important historical event (in your country) Describe a book you’d like to read again

Describe a website you visited

Describe a country you’d like to work for a short period of time Describe a movie you watched

Describe an interesting tradition in your country


Describe an important item your family has kept for a long time Describe a gift you received

Future plan

Describe a well-paid job you’d like to have in the future

Describe a plan you made for the future which doesn’t involve your work/study

Place & location

Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited

Describe a quiet place

Describe an interesting tourist attraction

2017年雅思口语part 2保留题


Describe a person/something that made you laugh

Describe a person who you have met and want to know more about Describe a creative inventor or musician

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a person that you admire

Describe someone who has a great influence on you

Describe a person who visited your home

Describe an adventurous person who you know.


Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

Describe a garden you have visited

Describe a place you often visit

Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work Describe a place where you can get relaxed

Describe an important stadium in your city

Describe a place you know where people can enjoy music

Describe a tourist site in your country


Describe your favorite movie

Describe an interesting song

Describe an advertisement you have seen recently

Describe a website you like to visit

Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine


Describe a time you needed to use imagination

Describe a time you were really close to a wild animal

Describe a time you were very busy

Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently

Describe a time you made an appointment for something


Describe a small business you want to do in the future

Describe a goal you would like to achieve

博客违规句段rather it is a singular adaptation found only in that particular part of Africa and a trait that biologists consider to be an

雅思口语预测 第三篇_换题季必看!新航道2016年5月份雅思口语考试预测




雅思口语预测 第四篇_2015.9雅思口语预测

2015.9月雅思口语Part 2 话题预测


1.Describe your favorite singer or band

2.Describesomeone you had fun with

3.Describe a teacher you like

4.Describe one of your family members

5.Describe a famous person in another country【雅思口语预测】

6.Describe a person who you want to be similar to

7.Describe an adventurous person


8.Describea street or a road

9.Describe a place where you have been to

10.Describe a room or apartment you’ve ever

11.Describe a place you’ve been to for music

12.Describe a place of natural scenery

13.Describe a historical building in your hometown


14.Describean electronic device

15.Describe an old/antique object in your family

16.Describea handmade gift that you received


17.Describe the occasion that you were trapped in a jam

18.Describe a time when one of your equipment went wrong

19.Describe an interesting conversation you had

20.Describe an indoor game you played in your childhood

21.Describe a family celebration

22.Describe something you wasted time on

23.Describe an experience of waiting for someone

24.Describe a prize you won


25.Describe something you read recently(book, novel…)

26.Describe a good law in your country

27.Describe a TV or radio program

28.Describe a project/homework that you did in a group

29.Describe an important letter or e-mail you received

30.Describe something you want to learn which you can’t learn now.

31.Describe a good service a shop or company offers

32.Describe a foreign movie you like

33.Describe an interesting wild animal

34.Describe a useful APP

35.Describe an important job in your country

36.Describe a language you want to study (not English)

37.Describe a habit from your friend

雅思口语预测 第五篇_雅思口语预测准吗




摘要: 雅思口语预测准吗?备考雅思口语考试,相信考生们对雅思口语预测很熟悉,不错,这是考生们最常用的备考资料,那么有考生就产生疑问了,雅思口语预测准吗?今天小马过河雅思小编就来为大家主要讲解一下到底雅思口语预测准吗?

在 雅思 备考过程中, 雅思口语 预测资料对考生的参考价值最高,但关于雅思口语预测准吗的疑问,还是对考生们产生了影响,今天小编就来为大家主要讲解一下雅思口语预测准吗?


各位考生不要把流利作为口语的标准,考官更看重的是语调,语法和用词。 雅思考试 不是只用大词就能得高分,而是用词要准确。




上述关于“雅思口语预测准吗”的相关内容介绍,小编就为大家讲解这些,希望对正在备考口语考试的考生们有帮助,更多雅思口语备考技巧,雅思口语参考资料,尽在 小马 过河雅思频道!





相关字搜索: 雅思口语预测准吗

雅思口语预测 第六篇_雅思口语预测卡







雅思口语预测 第七篇_雅思口语考试预测



出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

第一. 热点话题的延续


从2010年开始,口语话题一直呈现的几个热点话题为:城市发展(city growth),环境问题(environmental issues),心理健康(mental health)一直都在频繁出现,家乡话题已然是口语话题的必考题目,尤其是在10月份,成都考场出现家乡的话题的命中率是百分之百,可见热点话题的威力无比巨大。在11月出现的考题中,make friends with new people也是一个热点话题,以上的热点还会继续升温,同学们把握核心,以不变应万变。

第二. 题目更贴近生活

从2010开始雅思考试的趋势是更加贴近生活,考官侧重于问到平时生活中的,我们看起来是琐碎小事的事情。例如11月份常问的:How do you spend your weekend? How to make new friends? Do you love dancing? Do you love singing? 这类问题将在11年愈演愈烈,所以大家一定要注意身边事的积累,将你的回答具体化, 切忌泛泛而谈,将“我”放入话题之中。

第三. 口语话题多样化

2011年雅思考试口语新题的出现肯定比2010年要更加多样性,但同学们记住,口语话题的变化用一个句话表达就是“新瓶装旧药”。例如:Old thing变成今年的新题heirloom, celebrity变成了TV or radio presenter,在这给大家一个思路,拿到新题先分类,是属于:人,事,地点,物品哪一类,然后分别对应我在课上讲的核心话题,相同的地方进行替代,不同的地方进行补充。

第四. 考试中交流更重要


第五. 第三部分比重加大


变化对要拿6.5+的同学是一个比较严峻的考验,因为真正张显实力的部分就是 part3,稍有不慎,考官就会把你自动归类为比较normal的一类考生,分数也就在6分徘徊。

第六. 注意和时事结合


第七. 口语考题细分化

口语话题一年比一年考的细,考的具体, 好在这些问题发挥余地很广,考生基本无需太多准备即可顺利过关。这也就促成了很多回答的套路。但在今年末情况就变了,明年这个趋势只会愈演愈烈,在考场中看到最多的是打破砂锅问到底式的极其细节性的考题,如What kind of shopping do you like?What kind of benefits do children gain in learning music? 这就要求考生对话题有更深入的理解,从更多的角度回答。

第八. 民族的就是世界的

大家知道,中国文化源远流长,这一内容在历年一直是雅思口试关注的热点,2011年也不例外。近年出现的part 2题:Describe an interesting culture,Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,这些类似的话题就是展示中国文化最好的机会,所讲答案一定要独特,要新颖,才能从众多人群中脱颖而出。

第九. 讲故事的话题增多

这种类型的话题是考官考察学生话题内容独到性的一个重要指标,例如:a naughty thing you did when you were young; an experience you skip the class ,所以同学们在回答此类问题的时候一定要注意不管是真实的还是虚构的,情节一定要丰富,故事一定要生动,这才是考官对此类话题考察的重点。

第十. 对发音的要求略有提高




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