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manjohnson 第一篇_09年英汉互译 答案


The Texas Ruffian(无赖)

He was the elemental man, a man of endless, restless ambition. Nothing was ever completed; each accomplishment was a challenge to reach for more. He was a politician the like of which we shall not see again in this century, a man who bridged very different Americas, his early days and attitudes forged by earthy, frontier attitudes, and whose final acts as President took us to the very edge of the moon. He was a man of stunning force, drive and intelligence, and of equally stunning insecurity. The enormity of his accomplishments never dimmed the hidden fears which had propelled him in the first place; he was, in that sense, the most human of politicians. There was about Lyndon Johnson something compelling; the more he tried to hide his warts(烂疮疤), the more he revealed them.

Loyalty was crucial: Washington, after all, was a city with enemies everywhere, with sharks swimming out there waiting for any sign of weakness. Thus the inner circle had to be secure, truly secure; particularly a man with as profound a sense of his own weakness and vulnerabilities as Lyndon Johnson wanted men around he could trust.

"How loyal is that man?" he asked a White House staffer about a potential hand. "Well, he seems quite loyal, Mr. President." said the staffer.

"I don't want to loyalty, I want loyalty. I want him to kiss my ass in Macy's window at high soon and tell me it smells roses ..."

His almost desperate need for loyalty was the half of the coin of insecurity of this great towering figure who had accomplished so much, was so much a man of Washington, and yet in so many important sections of the city felt himself an alien, the Texas ruffian among the perfumed darlings of the East. It was a profound part of him; his sense of being alien,of the prejudice against him, was never assuaged (in October 1964 when George Ball handed in his first memo against the Vietnam war, Johnson turned to an aid and said," you've got to be carefully of these Eastern lawyers. If you've not careful they'll take you and turn you inside out."). He was hunted by regional prejudice and even the attainment of the Presidency did not temper his feelings. Later, after he had left office, he became convinced that it was his Southern origins, not the war, which had driven him out, and that they had lain in wait for an issue, any issue, and had used the war, which was

their war in the first place, to drive him from office.

The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. He humiliated them in front of their peers, then sometimes rewarded them, dressing down one staff member while others watched, then later in the day awarding the staffman a Cadillac, winking and explaining to someone else that it helped bind a man to strike with munificence when he was down.






林德约翰逊对属下求衷若渴,几乎到了歇斯底里的地步。如果他的不安全感是枚硬币,那这只是这枚硬币的一面。作为一名伟大的杰出人物,,成就斐然之士兼华盛顿典型公民,他发觉自己与华盛顿众多重要场合格格不入——夹在一群打了香水、有着东部血统的城市宠儿面前,自己成了德州土生土长的流氓胚子, 匪气逼人。 疏离感和对自己的偏见深深烙在他心上,从未减淡。(1964年10月,正逢乔治鲍尔递交自己的备忘录首次陈述“反越”政见,约翰逊就对一名副手说道,“你得当心这些来自东部的律师,不然让他们抓住把柄,他们会整死你!”)区域歧视统领了他的观念,即便是担任了总统一职后,这份歧视感依旧是那么强烈。随后,他离任了总统一职,却深信着并非是越战罢了他的官职,而是自己的南方血统在其中作祟,还说那些人只是在等待发生一场事件——事件本身无关紧要——接着就以那场他们自己发起的战争为借口,把他赶出了办公楼,丢了职务。

替他谋事的属下,对他唯恐避之不及。他会趁属下们的同侪在场时羞辱他们,然后偶尔再来顿褒奖;他会当着其它工作人员的面训斥某名人员,接着在同一天奖颁发他一枚凯迪拉克的汽车徽章,并眨眨眼向别的某个人解释说:慷慨给予有助于帮助人走出低谷… (最后一句真看不懂bind 和 strike 不知道什么逻辑。)







 人不怕挤。尽管摩肩接踵,大家也挤不到一处。像壳里的仁,各自各。像太阳光里飞舞的轻尘,



Crowdedness torments nobody, for rubbing shoulders with each other fails to crowd mortals into one shared space. And they remain separate from each other, kernel-like and

dust-in-the-sunlight-like; likewise, their homes stand separate from each other, with windows

opposite windows, no matter how bustling it is. Armed with a mere curtain, pulling the very

flimsy fabric, you can keep from others thousands of miles away.




Nay, keeping away is not living in a vacuum; the curtain seals not the window, but produces a space between mortals who are to be deceited and tantalized. How tantalizing it is for a curtain to cover a window partly rather than fully! Then, a window uncovered seems less arresting than one whose curtain drapes with one end in motion, for the latter entices mortals to peep in and fancy with boundless interest.


Uncoveredness, in a sense, is an emblem of innocence and simplicity, which——if it is

interweaved into the fabric and color of a lily-white curtain fluttering in the air under the weight of soft transparent veils——may overshadow garish colors. Sincerity asks for complete

uncoveredness, the only exception being that one is perfect-shaped like the statue of the Greek God and has a pure soul that characterizes an angel. Bacon once said,"Uncovernedness, of flesh or of soul, is not decent." And it must have dawned on man when he was ejected from the paradise.

所以赤裸裸的真实总需要些掩饰。白昼的阳光,无情地照彻了人间万物,不能留下些幽暗让人疑惑,让人梦想,让人希望。假如没有轻云薄雾把日光筛漏出五色霞彩来,天空该多么单调枯燥! Reality in its uncoveredness, more or less, needs covering then. The merciless daylight reachs every corner of the world, leaving no darkness that elicits doubts, fancies, and hopes. One can think of the dullness of the skies devoid of clouds or mists that make resplendent colors of the daylight available.

隐约模糊中,才容许你做梦和想象。距离增添了神秘。看不见边际,变为没边没际的遥远与辽阔。云雾中的山水,暗夜的星辰,希望中的未来,高超的理想,仰慕的名人,心许的“相知”,——隔着窗帘,惝怳迷离,可以产生无限美妙的想象。假如你嫌恶窗帘的间隔,冒冒失失闯进门、闯到窗帘后面去看个毕竟,赤裸裸的真实只怕并不经看。像丁尼生(Tennyson)诗里的“夏洛特女郎”(TheLady of Shalott),看厌了镜中反映的世界,三步跑到窗前,望一望真实世界。她的镜子立刻破裂成两半,她毁灭了以前快乐而无知的自己。

Only the very dimness makes fancies and illusions possible. Mystery is gained in distance, in the edge that eyes can not reach, and then in the very expanse of vastness and boundlessness. The exsistence of the curtain deprives one of full vision and brings forth mortals' endless dreams, which manifests itself in a landscape shrouded in the mist, in a constellation of stars twinkling in the Stygian darkness, in the future veiled by the hope, in big dreams, in admired celebrities and in devoted companions. If the very being of that curtain annoys you so much so that you impetuously rush into the house for the sight behind it, the reality in uncoveredness perchance may plunge you into the disappointment with which the face of Lady Shalott was stamped. As a character in Tennyson's poem, she was overwhelmed by the dullness of

reflection in the mirror and rushed up to the window for the sight of the real world,with a result that her mirror broke into two pieces in a trice and the former joyfully ignorant self perished. 人家挂着窗帘呢,别去窥望。宁可自己也挂上一个,华丽的也好,朴素的也好。如果你不屑挂,或懒得挂,不妨就敞着个赤裸裸的窗口。不过,你总得尊重别人家的窗帘。

Pray, do not go for a peep at the curtains yonder there! Instead, hang one yourself, whether luxuriant or not, or ——if you disdain or cannot be bothered to do so——just leave your window fully uncovered; your regard for others' is still in need.

manjohnson 第二篇_考博翻译

科技文体汉译英 悬赏分:0 | 提问时间:2006-8-18 12:30 | 提问者:蝶舞飞扬 22 | 问题为何被关闭 通信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功, 已引起人们对其未来的广泛 关注。一些国家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通信,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但 是,卫星的研制,发射和运转的成本很高,超出了一些国家的经济承受能力。尽 管如此,通信卫星系统得到越来越多的人的重视和支持。这种技术在未来会更加 普及。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错 误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 其他回答 共 3 条 Communications satellite system in the past few decades have achieved great success, has caused widespread concern among people regarding their future. Some countries are using the domestic communications satellite for the development to replace traditional land lines. However, satellite development, launch and operation costs are high, a number of countries beyond the economic capacity. Nevertheless, the communications satellite system more and more people's attention and support. This technology in the future will be more popular. 回答者: may5day | 六级 | 2006-8-18 12:35 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错 误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 The Telecommunication Satellite System has achieved a lot through several decades recently, which arouses wide attention for its future. Some countries are trying the satellite communication to take place the traditional telephone line on land. However, the satellite cost of research, transmission, and operation are expensive, which exceed the financial budget of some countries. Even though, more and more people pay attention to the telecommunication satellite system and support it. This technology will be popular in the future. 回答者: nickgao82 | 五级 | 2006-8-18 12:46 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引

用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错 误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 引用源 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 Communication satellite system has achieved great success in the past few years, and has attracted people to concern widely about their future. Some countries are using the satellite for the development of the domestic communication to replace traditional land lines. However, satellite development, launch and operation costs are high, it is beyond the economic capacity of many countries. Nevertheless, the communication satellite system gains more and more people's attention and support. This technology in the future will be more widespread. 回答者: sxx1993 | 一级 | 2006-8-18 13:00 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错 误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误! 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。 04 年南京农业大学英汉互译考题 EMBA 在职博士 专升本 自考网 在职研究生 育龙网核心提示: 育龙网核心提示: I. Translate the following into English ( 每小题 15 分,共 75)1 .通信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功,已引起人们 I. Translate the following into English ( 每小题 15 分,共 75)1 .通 信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功, 已引起人们对其未来的广泛关注。 一些国 家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通信,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但是,卫星的研制,发射和 运转的成本很高,超出了一些国家的经济承受能力。尽管如此,通信卫星系统得到越来越多 的人的重视和支持。这种技术在未来会更加普及。 2 .我们应该大力恢复和保护森林和土地,减缓人口增长,减轻发展中国家的债务,提高能 源效率,开发可再生资源,如水力、太阳能等。恢复热带森林不仅将保护数以万计的鲜为人 知的生物物种,而且有助于吸收大气中的二氧化碳延缓“温室效应”引起的地球变暖过程。 3 .中美两国在社会制度和对外政策上有着本质的区别

。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制 度如何,都应该根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不侵犯别国、不干涉别国内政、平等互利、 和平共处的原则来处理国与国之间的关系。 国际争端应在此基础上予以解决, 而不诉诸武力 和武力威胁。 4 .创造一个品牌需要时间,金钱和市场知识。一些中国品牌以有竞争力的价位为后盾,已 经挤进了国际市场, 但是同时也采用了其他战略。 例如“海尔”中国最负盛名的家用电器生 产商, 已经明显地从价格战略上转变过来, 以产品质量、 高效的销售和售后服务来进行竞争。 5 .中国民俗文化村是国内第一个荟萃各民族的民间、民俗风情和民居建筑于一园的大型文 化游览区。 它坐落在风光秀丽的深圳湾畔, 占地 18 万平方米。 您可以在一日之内, 或乘车, 或步行,或乘船在村寨里尽情游历。除了可以了解各民族的建筑风格之外,还可以欣赏和参 与各民族的歌舞表演、民族工艺品生产和民族风味食品制作的表演。 II. Translate the following into Chinese ( 第一题 15 分、第二题 20 分,第 三题 40 分 ) 1 . Bangkok‘s traffic is among the worst in the world, and has blighted the lives of the city’s 8 million people. School children have to leave home before dawn and many commuters spend more than three hours on the road a day. The Thai Farmers Bank Research Center estimates that traffic congestion costs the country about $2.3 billion a year in lost productivity, health problems and wasted fuel. It has also scared off foreign investors and discouraged tourists. Any real life is still a long way off. Experts say it will take many years to untie the Gordian knot of Bangkok‘s traffic woes, the legacy of decades of poor planning and political squabbling. 2 . Culture operates both visibly and invisibly to influence the substance of negotiations and the performance of the eventual contract. It is therefore necessary for an exporter to have knowledge of both the foreign culture and the negotiating process in that culture. This includes familiarity with the spoken language and with the body language (that is, typical gestures) knowledge of the country’s social ; customs and formalities; awareness of the degree to which subtleness or, inversely, directness is current in negotiations; understanding of the use of time in formal talks; knowledge of the degree to which compromise is acceptable for reaching a final accord; understanding of the decision-making process in the counterpart company; and awareness of the sanctity of oral versus written contracts. 3 . Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language. One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field. Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind. Often at the e

nd of a hard day‘s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole. But the simple fact, not widely appreciated, is that dictionaries are made by writers. As I hope the readers of this work will come to understand, dictionaries do not sprint into being. People must plan them, collect information, and write them. Writing takes time, and it is often frustrating and even infuriating. No other form of writing is at once so quixotic and so intensely practical. Dictionary making does not require brilliance or originality of mind. It does require high intelligence, mastery of the craft and dedication to hard work. If one has produced a dictionary, one has the satisfaction of having produced a work of enduring value. Dictionaries ordinarily outlive their creators by many years. Samuel Johnson was a poet, a playwright, a biographer, a political polemicist, a brilliant talker and debater, and a man whose breath of reading and command of classical literature and language astonished his contemporaries, yet it is as a lexicographer that he left his most enduring legacy to mankind. 主题: 时文翻译--第六章 "通信卫星系统" 收藏本贴 | 好友分享 | 推广拿分 点击:1012 | 回复:14 | 标签: 专四 专八 翻译 6.Communication Satellite Systems 通信卫星系统 通信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功,已引起了人们对其为了的广泛关注。一些国家正在采用卫星 国内的通信,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但是,卫星研制,发射和运转的成本很高,超出了一些国家的经济承受 尽管如此,通信卫星系统得到越来越多的人的重视和支持。这种技术会在未来更加普及。 Communication satellite systems have been quite a success in the past decades, evoking widespread n to their future. Some countries have been using satellites for domestic communications in place of c onal telephone lines on land. But satellites’ development, launching and operation are so costly that s untries can’t afford. In spite of all this, communication satellites are gaining attention and support from and more people. The technique seems likely to be more widely utilized in the future. Useful Words & Expressions 通信卫星系统:communication satellite systems 引起:to evoke 传统的:conventional 陆地电话线:telephone lines on land 成本高的:costly 经济承受力:the means of 普及:popularize Further Practice 1. 十年前启动的火星计划在发展高新技术产业和促进研究成果产业化和商业化方面已取得了初步成就。 The Torch Program, launched 10 years ago, has brought about initial success in developing new and ch industries and promoting the commercialization and industrialization of research results. 2. 中国青年人对因特网知识普及化程度和上网人数还远

不能令人满意。 Popularization of Internet knowledge and number of young surfmen among Chinese youngster are far atisfying. 3. 中国电信公司管理着全国范围那的通讯网络,负责通讯网的建设,发展和维修保养以及公共服务业务。 Operating the nationwide telecommunications network, China Telecom is in charge of the network’s co on, development, maintenance and public service. 4. 中国电信公司将抓住培养新的增长点的机遇,在实现通讯现代化的基础目标的同时,迎接信息革命的挑 China Telecom will grasp the opportunity to nurture new growth points of development, meeting the ch of information revolution while realizing its basic goal of telecommunications modernization. 5. 人们现在把邮购业务生动地比作“看不见的超市” 因为他们可以通过信函,电话,传真和电脑订购物品 , 过中国邮政网迅速地收到所购物品。 Nowadays people vividly describe the mail-order service “an invisible supermarket” as they can order by letter, telephone, fax or computer, and have them delivered quickly to their door through the netwo hina Post. 6. 没有电,人们就会在 19 世纪中期的条件下生活和工作,靠煤、木柴、油、天然气等燃料取热和光,靠 工业和运输提供动力。 Without electricity, man would live and work in the conditions of the mid-19th century, depending on f ch as coal, wood, oil and gas to give warmth and light, and on steam to provide power for industry nsport. Without electricity, the rise in man’s standard of living would have been checked. Everyday life wo much less pleasant and convenient, and the communication of sights and sounds and messages wou ely on the naked eye & ear. 7. 1844 年的一台电报机被发明出来,30 年后出现了电话.没多久,一系列的发明相继问世,比如,无线电报 视.今天通信卫星借着电子信号把重要的信息几乎立即传到千家万户. In 1844, the first telegraph was invented. Thirty years later, the telephone came into being. Soon a g ccession of invention appeared, such as the wireless telegraph, telephoto, tele-fax and television. Tod munication satellites bring important information almost instantaneously to thousands and thousands of by means of electrical signals. Supplementary Vocabulary & Expressions 传播载体: disseminator 传递信息: to send and received messages 单页扫描仪: flat-pad scanners 电磁波: electromagnetive radiation 电脑数码相机: computerized digital cameras 电子钱包: e-purse 电子商务: e-commerce 调制解调器: modem 多媒体格式: the multimedia formats 光导纤维: optical fibers 光学字符识别扫描仪: optical character recognition scanning (OCR) 轨道运转的卫星: the orbiting satellites 合理布局的: properly-placed 黑客: a computer hacker /e-guerrilla 激光打印机: laser printers 检索工具: searching tools 界面(人机通信用的联系装置): a

manjohnson 第三篇_剑5阅读解题思路


Text 1

Passage 1

题目<Johnson’s Dictionary>,是讲有关于字典的,与其发展史有关


1-3: true statements of Johnson’s Dictionary

A. It avoided all scholarly words.


B. It was the only English dictionary in general use for 200 years.


C. It was famous because of the large number of people involved.


Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language; he would write a dictionary himself.

说明没有很多人参与,继续浏览文章也只发现copying clerks和six assistants,排除

D. It focused mainly on language from contemporary(当代的) texts. 要点词汇contemporary,不然不知道这句话什么意思


... , from the Elizabethans to his own time.

The Elizabethan era was a time associated with Queen Elizabeth I's reign (1558–1603) and is often depicted as the golden age in English history.


E. There was a time limit for its completion.


Working to a deadline, ...


F. It ignored work done by previous dictionary writers.


..., he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries, …


G. It took into account subtleties of meanings.


… many different shades of meaning.【manjohnson】


H. Its definitions were famous for their originality.


He did not expect to achieve complete originality.


4-7 summary

4. Having rented a garret, he took on a number of ______, who stood at a long central desk.

两个定位词a garret和a long central desk,由who引导的修饰插入语判断,该空为名词且应该是职称,而空前的a number of表明位复数形式


James Boswell, his biographer, described the garret where Johnson worked as 'fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up.

stood at a long central desk的who指的就是copying clerks,如果only one word就只写clerks,注意复数形式!

5. Johnson did not have a ______ available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large notebooks.

定位词:did not have以及数字40,000,判断词性为单数名词


The work was immense; filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, …

Without … to hand相当于did not have,所以此空应填library

6. According to his biographer, James Boswell, Johnson's principal achievement was to bring ______ to the English language.

定位词:人名James Boswell,在文中出现两次,一次在解4号题的时候用了,二次出现在文章第八段末尾。另外achievement


It is the cornerstone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell's words, 'conferred stability on the language of his country'.

Confer on相当于bring to,所以答案为stability

7. As a reward for his hard work, he was granted a 7______ by the king.

定位词:the king


... King George III to offer him a pension.

这里A offer B sth.等同于B is granted sth. by A,即答案为pension

8-13 T/F/NG

8 The growing importance of the middle classes led to an increased demand for dictionaries 定位词:middle classes

考点词:led to an increased demand

原文:Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various words to conquer - lexical as well as social and commercial.


9 Johnson has become more well known since his death

定位词:well known


原文:It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, ...


10 Johnson had been planning to write a dictionary for several years

定位词:planning to write a dictionary

考点词:for several years

原文:Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language; he would write a dictionary himself; and he would do it single-handed.


11 Johnson set up an academy to help with the writing of his Dictionary


考点词:set up

原文:Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language; he would write a dictionary himself; and he would do it single-handed.

显然Johnson没有set up an academy,所以F

12 Johnson only received payment for his Dictionary on its completion


考点词:only received on its completion

原文:He was to be paid £1,575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his 'dictionary workshop'.


13 Not all of the assistants survived to see the publication of the Dictionary


考点词:Not all

原文:He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.


Passage 2

题目< Nature or Nurture?>,先天还是后天,标题带问号,说明文


14-19 matching

14 a biological explanation of the teacher-subjects' behavior

定位词:biological explanation,其他定位词与15题干中的过于相似

原文:One’s first inclination might be to argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct that was activated by the experimental, and the Milgram's teacher-subjects were just following a genetic need to discharge this pent-up primal urge onto the pupil by administering the electrical shock.

F段首句,animal aggression instinct和a genetic need是biological explanation.

15 the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment

定位词:explanation for the experiment

原文:Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer 'teacher-subject' that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils' ability to learn.


16 the identity of the pupils


原文:The supposed 'pupil' was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate receiving the shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writhings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter.


17 the expected statistical outcome

定位词:expected statistical outcome

原文:They psychiatrists felt that 'most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts' and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts.

D段末句,出现了statistical outcome

18 the general aim of sociobiologial study


原文:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology - to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates, or at least strongly biases, the interaction of animals and humans with their environment, that is, their behaviour. Put another way, sociobiology is concerned with elucidating the biological basis of all behaviour.


19 the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue


原文:If the subject was still reluctant to proceed, Milgram said that it was important for the sake of the experiment that the procedure be followed through to the end. His final argument was, 'You have no other choice. You must go on.'


20-22 多选

20 The teacher-subjects were told that they were testing whether

(A) a 450-volt shock was dangerous

(B) punishment helps learning

(C) the pupils were honest

(D) they were stuited to teaching

定位词:teacher-subjects were told

原文:Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer 'teacher-subject' that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils' ability to learn.

对应答案B,whether punishment helps learning

21 The teacher-subjects were instructed to

(A) stop when a pupil asked them to

(B) denounce pupils who made mistakes

(C) reduce the shock level after a correct answer

(D) give punishment according to a rule

定位词:teacher-subjects were instructed to

原文:Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever level of shock was called for, as per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment.

对应选项D,按照规定来according to a rule

22 Before the experiment took place the psychiatrists

(A) believed that a shock of 150 volts was too dangerous

(B) failed to agree on how the teacher-subjects would respond to instructions

(C) underestimated the teacher-subjects' willingness to comply with experimental procedure

(D) thought that many of the teacher-subjects would administer a shock of 450 volts


原文:They psychiatrists felt that 'most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts' and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts.

以及What were the actuatl results? Well, over 60 per cent of the teacher-subjects continued to obey Milgram up to the 450-volt limit!

对应选项C,psychiatrists underestimate

manjohnson 第四篇_上海中考英语测试


Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)

Ⅴ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共26分)

( ) 31. One afternoon he found _______ handbag.There was _______ “s”on the corner

of _______ handbag.

A.a;an;the B.a;a;the C.an;an;an D.the;a;a

( ) 32. We bought ______ a present, but _______ didn”t like it.

A. they, them B. them , they

C. themselves , theirD. theirs, they

( ) 33.I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do.

A. works B. job C. work D. working

( ) 34. There are many people in the park,some are playing cards,some aredancing,and

____are taking a walk in it.

A. other peoples B. the others C. others D. the other people

( ) 35.__________ , the healthier you will be.

A. The more money you get B. The taller you are

C. The more you eat D. The better habits you have

( ) 36. The weather here was _____ cold last week.

A a kind B a kind of C kind of D kinds of

( )37. The photos remind me_______the days when I worked________the farm with my


A. about; in B. about; on C. of; on D. of; in

( ) 38. Don’t leave the water________while you brush your teeth.

A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

( ) 39 The soup bowl _____. _____ it _____ yesterday?

A was broken, Was, broken B is broken, Was, broken

C was broken, Did, break D is broken, Has, broken

( ) 40 --- Must we do eye exercises every day, Miss Liu?

-- I’m afraid _____.


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