
时间:2018-05-21   来源:经典美文   点击:


made,in 第一篇_be made of be made from be made in be made into be made up of的用法

be made of/be made from/be made in/be made into/be made up of

1. be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。 Chair is made of wood. 椅子是木头做的。

This tablecloth is made of paper. 这张桌布是由纸做的。

This salad is made of apples and strawberries. 这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。

2. be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。

Bread is made from corn. 面包是小麦做的。

The lifeboat is made from some special material. 这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。

3. be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。

The caps are made in Russia. 这些帽子产于俄罗斯。

My mother likes to buy things which are made in China. 我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。

4. be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。

This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。 The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 纸被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。

5. be made up of由…构成、一般是多种构成。

Water was made up of oxygen and hydrogen. 水由氧气和氢构成

made,in 第二篇_be made of(from)区别

1、 be made of“由…构成”,能看出原材料,像桌子由木头制成,刀


①The desk is made of wood.

②The knife is made of metal.

2、be made from“由…构成、制成成品”,被制成的东西看不出原材料,像纸是由木头制成的,这就看不出。【made,in】

如:The paper is made from the wood.

3、be used for doing 用来做…

如:The knife is used for cutting things.

The pen is used for writing.

4、be used as 用来作…

The house is used as my bedroom.这个房子用作我的卧室。 区别be made of , be made from , be made in和be made into2008年06月21日 星期六 09:47 P.M.(1) be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。

This table cloth is made of paper.这张桌布是由纸做的。

This salad is made of apples and strawberries.这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。

(2) be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。 Bread is made from corn.面包是小麦做的。

The lifeboat is made from some special material.这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。

(3) be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。

The caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。

My mother likes to buy things which are made in China.


(4) be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。

This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。 2、 The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 纸被做成了洋


be made up of


The word "bookstore" is made up of the two words "book" and "store" "书店"一辞是由"书"及"店"两字组成。


made,in 第三篇_be made of,from,in,by练习带答案

be made of, be made from, be made in, be made by, be made up of 练习:

1. The desk is made __________ wood .

2. Paper is made__________ wood .

3. The machines were made __________ the workers .

4. This kind of watch is made _________ Shanghai.

5. The team is made__________ 30 students and a teacher .

6. This kite is made __________ paper .

7. Salt is made __________seawater .

8. This kind of glass is made __________ paper .

9. The old bridge is made__________ stone .

10. This kind of drink is made_________ apple .

11. This bike is made __________ Shanghai .

12. Our class is made __________ forty students .

13. This machine was made __________ Uncle Wang .

14. This team is made _________ two doctors and five nurses .

15. This kind of car is made _________ this factory .

16. Butter is made__________ milk.

17. The plane is made __________the workers in this factory.

- 1 -

18. My sweater is made _________ wool.

19. Our teacher told us that water was made ________oxygen and hydrogen.

20. This piece of wood will be made ________ a small bench.

1. of 2. from

6. of 7. from 12. up of

16. from 17. by 8.of 9. of 13. by 14. up of 18.from 19. up of

- 2 - 5. up of from 15. in 20.into 10.

made,in 第四篇_made-in-china排名规则

中国制造网(made-in-china)的排名技巧2011-01-15 20:31中国制造网的排名规则(基于免费会员,付费会员同样适用)



Made-in-china免费会员可以发10条信息,收费会员根据费用不同,会有不同的数量,同时也有TOP RANK的服务,贵点的会有。主要的不同是:付费会员会有featured products这是远远胜过免费会员的分界线,还有付费会员能享受特别快的信息审核1-2天。请记住这两点是跟免费会员最大的差别。







默认的Relevance,在中国制造网的product 搜索结果右边的最上面的产品图片上面就是能看出,是只会按以下所说的分值概念排位,无论你如何的更新,排位也是不会改变的,想要改变就只能顺着其排名规则提高或者降低分值.

排名是按照分值来排的,中国制造网的付费会员是已经有了一定的基数,免费会员暂定为0。高级会员有1-7个分值,我们假设1分的对应的基数为100,2分的为 200,依次类推,7分的就有700。这些都是基数。然后就是有附加分,附加分主要体现在关键词,信息标题,内容的设置上。分值越高,你的产品排名就越高。








以door hardware这个大类词为例,请注意(只是举例,并没有去推这个词的,请注意选词的标准)

当你要让你的产品在door hardware 搜索结果出现的排名靠前,那你就让这个关键词出现频率加大。例如:


door hardware(原词也叫核心关键字),stainless steel door hardware(材质),Front door hardware(类别),cheap door hardware(特性), china door hardware(地域),注意:我这里只是着重于door hardware这词,所以每个关键词都是出现door hardware的。




door hardware supplier from China(出现中国还有供应词这两个长尾词,这里有一个问题是会有客户在MIC上面搜索china xxx的,虽然我们是局内人我们知道中国制造网上面的产


或者 door hardware manufacturer 或者 stainless steel door hardware 总之都要出现主要推上去的关键词,最好是能出现两次,能加多点权重。

例如:door hardware supplier, china door hardware manufacturer


把段落加多些,内容加多些,适合的在不同的地主多出现一下door hardware这个词.记得不要太夸张,也要不让审枋人员发现才行。

可以加的内容有: 规格,材质,特性,产地,包装,支付方式,价格术语等内容。 综合来说:所有能出现door hardware的地方都想方设法给他多弄几个,但不能太夸张,因为太夸张会让审核人员发现,而主动给你改掉的,这个讲起来就很专业了,叫做关键字密度罗。




c.多花时间测试,发现自己排不上去了,排得太后,但发现还有可以改善的空间请重新编辑信息,或者删掉信息再重新发布。如果发现此词竞争过于激烈,请选择放弃此词。 d.简单的看看Made-in-china上的竞争情况如何。例如搜索某词,看最前面的免费会员是在第几页,你优化适当肯定能排在他前面的,他在第二页你就肯定能在第二页,他在第一页你就肯定能在第一页。


4. offer信息排名技巧


同时也要给付费会员,免费会员们说一句话:很多人说offer信息一点用也没有,于是他们就完全没有去发offer信息,但你想想每个B2B都会在PRODUCT或者TRADE LEAD那里有其中一个重心的,一者重要,一者次要。


排位规则,严格按照信息更新时间来排,不分免费付费会员。“越后更新,排名越前” MIC会员们需要做的是:


早上避免在大家更新的时候更新,因为“越后更新,排名越前”,所以比较好的时间是9- 10点,下午是2.3或者4点,最重要的是晚上下班的最后时间更新一下,因为外国人的时间是跟我们有时差的啊,像美国会差12小时左右的。举个例,你晚上 6点更新了,然后没有会员再在今天更新了。你就在晚上6点到明天早上8点这些时间内排第一的机会。当然会有些朋友晚上6点上班的。当然某些朋友有条件的,可以在更晚的其他时间更新一次的。



made,in 第五篇_MADE IN CHINA.中国制造教案


made,in 第六篇_Two Cheers for Made in China

Two Cheers for Made in China

Honourable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good evening!

Now, just imagine that you are travelling abroad and intend to buy a nice flask as your souvenir, only to find a few tiny words marked on it - "Made in China".What do you say then? Will you still feel sort of surprised like dozens of years ago, or just take it for granted?

Actually the popularity of Made-in-China commodities is no longer a rare phenomenon. While some negative sides of "Made in China" are controversial, such as the epidemic of low-quality goods, abuse of cheap labor and excessive consumption of natural resources, at the same time, it does possess irreplaceable advantages.

And the paramount one is its low price. This reminds me of a book named "A Year Without MADE IN CHINA" written by an American Sararh. Accidentally Sararh found that among the 39

Christmas presents she bought, 24 were made in China. Meanwhile, her families' shoes, socks, toys and many other household items were from China as well. All these rendered her perplexed. Will Americans move on without Made-in-China commodities? In concert with her families, Sararh made up her mind to have a year away from "Made in China". It turned out to be a tough year, for she had to buy daily necessities imported from other countries at an excessively high price. Or rather, they were compelled to give up more. The story tells us clearly that globalization is spreading and "Made in China" gaining its popularity because of low price. Were it not "Made in China", people worldwide would suffer a lot from a life of lower quality.

In addition to low price, the production of Made-in-China commodities is highly efficient as China embraces a developing economy with large amounts of labor. And Chinese workers are relatively well educated complying with labor discipline, which also contributes to the efficiency and produce.

What's more, thanks to the developed railway and highway network, communication and transportation in China are quite convenient. For instance, express delivery industry and online

shopping live in a symbiosis, bringing "Made in China" irreplaceable advantages.

Convenience of "Made in China" lies in purchasing of raw materials too. The heavy industry in China has been grown up, as the annual steel production can approximately reach 700 million. Besides the price is comparatively low. Thus the strong-point of "Made in China" can be self-evident.

However despite its popularity and low price; despite its convenience and efficient production, it remains-despite it all-a controversial issue. And the arguments are justifiable. Of course, strengthening actions against low-quality commodities is a matter of utmost urgency; improving laborers' social security system brooks no delay; exploring resolutions to environmental pollution allows of no excuse.

Fortunately, efforts are being made. As "Made in China 2025" initiative has been unveiled recently, more stress is to be put on the innovation ability, quality improvement and exploration of a green development pattern. I believe that one day, "Made in China" will become a byword for "high quality" and

"eco-friendly", and enjoys a fragrant reputation all over the world. Let's cheer for "Made in China" and the progress we will make!

Thank you for listening.


