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时间:2018-05-12   来源:经典美文   点击:


威胁英语 第一篇_高考威胁

From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.

Millions of high school students in China took a college entrance examination recently. The highly competitive test is often praised for giving good students a chance to enter the best schools. It makes the competition for college fair for students from poor families. The examination is known as the Gaokao.

Universities are supposed to require good scores on the test for admission to college. But reports suggest that some people are getting into schools without even taking the test. Education is very important to gaining a good standing in Chinese society. This year, about nine million students competed for about seven million places in colleges.

Every June, Chinese media report on the hard work and worry of students preparing for the Gaokao. This year, however, newspapers are writing stories about corruption in the country's top schools.

One case involves Cai Rongsheng, the former head of admissions at Beijing's highly respected Renmin

University. Mr. Cai reportedly took money in exchange for approving admissions for students who did not take the Gaokao.

Yang Rui studies Chinese education policy at the

University of Hong Kong. He says the Gaokao offered millions of people chances for a better life. And Mr. Yang says it changed the country after the late 1970s.

"But increasingly, academics and government

policymakers realized Gaokao is not really fair, Many people are in much better positions than those in rural - for example - schools. Also, scores themselves only cannot tell the whole picture," Yang said.

Some universities in China are permitted to chose up to five percent of their first year students for reasons other than schoolwork. These could include sports, interest groups or community volunteer work.

The policy is designed to help candidates whose abilities would not identifiable from Gaokao test scores. Schools also have had more freedom to chose candidates from rural areas.

Xiong Bingqi is vice president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, a Non-Governmental Group. He proposes other ways to get different kinds of students. He says students should be nominated by their high schools, then take examinations at the university. Finally, a person would be offered a place at the school through performance records.

Mr. Xiong says instead administrators with power to decide who enters college have hijacked the system.

Officials have banned trading university entry for money or better treatment. Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education demanded a more open and better supervised admission system.

威胁英语 第二篇_China threat_中国威胁论-英语原创作文

Written Use/ Class 3 Sarah 200800070119

The „China threat‟ theory

China‟s rapid economic development has caused the West fear. The „China threat‟ theory has been created and bandied about across the world. But the theory is absurd.

Instead of posing a threat to other countries, China is just trying to regain its right to have its say in world affairs. The Chinese government only wants to improve the livelihood of its people and build a harmonious society both at home and abroad. Besides, China doesn‟t have enough time to transform its economic structure as western countries did. Our national condition determines our need to find our own way to develop. The so-called “China

development model” doesn‟t go against the global structure. China has its own way to achieve democracy.

There are many reasons for the „China threat‟ theory. China's stunning economic growth has convinced the West that it will soon become a world superpower. America feels its hegemonic status in world politics is threatened. Moreover, the Chinese media has

exaggerated the extent of our economic success and tried to cover up the drawbacks. This makes the existing powers feel even more uneasy.

There is no doubt that the rise of a country will bring about controversies. Japan-similar to China-experienced a long period of economic development after WWⅡ. However, soon after the Plaza Accord, the asset price bubble led to the „Lost Decade‟ in the Japanese economy. Is the same thing going to happen to China? I hope not.

Instead of restricting each other‟s development, we should help-and-learn from

each other. That‟s the only way to create a better world.

威胁英语 第三篇_英语翻译答案


1. 那位教授很可能在他唯一的学生缺席的情况下对着空空的教室讲了一课。The professor might probably have delivered his lecture to the empty classroom in the absence of his solitary student.

2. 现行的教育体制遭到了公众的批评,公众已经开始意识到这种体制给学生带来的危害。The present educational system has been under attack from the public, who have begun to realize the harm the system has done to students.

3. 老师告诉这些大四学生他每次都会点名,因为这门课是必须要听的。The professor told those seniors that he would take attendance every time because attendance at this course was compulsory.

4. 我真想参加你的乔迁聚会。但是很抱歉我无法去, 因为我有一大堆事情要做。

I’d love to go to your housewarming party, but I’m sorry I can’t make it because I’ve got a stack of things to do.

5. 中学辍学的年青人可以上夜校或通过电大和函授课程恢复他们的学业。 Youths who dropped out of middle school can resume their studies at night school or through television and correspondence courses.

6. 她不喜欢那位著名作家的讲座,但她为了在讲座后得到他的签名还是耐着性子听完了。 She didn’t like the famous writer’s lecture, but she stuck it out to get the writer’s autograph after the lecture.

7. 我对讲座制所体现的冷漠无情非常失望,但是最终我还是无奈接受了它,并耐心等待成 为大三的学生。

I was disappointed at the impersonality of the lecture system, but eventually I grew

resigned to the system and waited patiently to become a junior.

8. 我们不得不承认讲座体制会把教师和学生天真的问题隔绝开来,而这些问题很可能会引 起学生很多有用的想法。

We have to admit that the lecture system insulates a teacher from students’ naive questions, which could have triggered a line of useful thought.

9. 我不同意那些评论家的意见。你得出的结论绝不是没有价值的。对我而言,这些结论很 有道理。

I don’t agree with those critics’ opinions. Your conclusions are far from worthless; they make a good deal of sense to me.

10. 为了学生本身的缘故,应该在第一节课就告诉他们这门课的目的,内容以及要通过这门 课的要求。 the sake of the students, they should be told on the first class about the objective and For content of the course and the requirements to pass the course.

课文翻译 One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can proceed as slowly as they need to until the subject matter becomes clear to them. 听讲课存在的一个问题是:会听是很难的事。阅读课本中的相同内容是更有效的学习方法, 因为学生可以根据其需要慢慢阅读直到他们理解这些内容。Even simply paying attention is very difficult; people can listen at a rate of four hundred to six hundred words a minute, while the most impassioned professor talks at scarcely a third of that speed. This time lag between speech and comprehension leads to daydreaming. 有时甚至仅仅做到专心 听讲都很难。人们可以以每分钟 400-600 个字的

速度听,而最富有激情的教授说话的速度也 很难达到这个速度的 1/3。讲话和理解之间的时间差导致开小差 Many students believe years of watching television have sabotaged their attention span, but their real problem is that listening attentively is much harder than they think. 很多学生认为多年来看电 视已经削弱了他们保持注意力的能力。但是他们真正的问题是专心听课比他们认为的要难得 多。 Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene both because they seem to be economically necessary and because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that values tradition for its own sake. But the lectures too frequently come at the wrong end of the students’ educational careers — during the first two years, when they most need close, even individual, instruction. 讲课这一方式不会完全从大学消失。一是因为讲课似乎从经济上是必需的,二是讲课起源于 悠久的传统,而且人们又把传统本身看得很重。但是,讲课通常出现在学生接受教育生涯的 错误的那一端——在大学的第一和第二年,那时他们最需要密切的、甚至是针对个体需要的 指导。 If lecture classes were restricted to juniors and seniors, who are less in need of scholarly nurturing and more able to prepare work on their own, they would be far less destructive of students’ interests and enthusiasms than the present system. After all, students must learn to listen before they can listen to learn. 如果讲课这一形式局限于三、四年级的学生,则对学生的兴趣和热情的破坏 力会比目前的制度小得多,因为三、四年级的学生不太需要学科上的指导与帮助,而且更有 能力自己制定学习计划。毕竟,学生在能够从听讲课中学到知识之前必须先要学会去听。

第二单元 1. 这一地区的每一角落都将在 5 年内得到供电, 这是电力部长 2 年前许下的诺言。 Every nook and corner of the region would be provided with electricity in five

years. This was the pledge that the minister of electricity had taken two years ago.

2. 由于要在不同地区做实地考察工作, 他去年一年搬 了 4 次家, 虽然他每次都搬得很不情愿。In order to do field work at different places, he moved four times last year, though each time he did it with an ill grace.【威胁英语】

3. 在离开这个杂乱无序、毒品充斥的小镇前,他把自 己所有值钱的家当都放到一起并按一定的秩序存放了起来。Before leaving this disordered, drug-ridden small town, he gathered together in one place all his valuable possessions and introduced some semblance of order among them.

4. 她小时候家境贫寒,没有几件对她来说有意义的东西, 所以她拥有过的每一个玩具都能勾起她串串回忆 Her family was poor when she was a child. The things that mattered a great deal to her were very few. Therefore, every toy she had played with could evoke a rush of memories.

5. 整整一个小时,警察们在拥挤的楼群里艰难地行进, 寻找一位射杀了 5 人的在逃持枪者 For an hour, policemen threaded their way through the crowded buildings, looking for an elusive gunman who had shot five people.

6. 对很多人来说,旅行或离家外出一段时日是应对日常 单调乏味生活的一个有效手段For many people, traveling or staying away from home for some time is an effective antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life.

7. 当今妇女比以前享有更加自由、独立的地位,因此她 们越来越不愿意屈从于丈夫的专横暴虐 Women today enjoy a freer, more independent position than ever before, and are accordingly less and less willing to submit to the tyranny of their husbands.

8. 心绞痛常常是心脏病的前兆,需要特别治疗,主要是 药 物 治 疗 。 Angina pectoris

is often a prelude to a heart attack and requires special treatment, primarily with drugs.

9. 我们决定挖空这些大圆木,以便更多的人能坐在里面 并乘坐他们顺河而下。 decide We to hollow out the great logs so that more men could sit inside them and ride in them down the river.

10. 这场大火把宫殿里所有东西都毁掉了。没有一件华丽的镶嵌着金银的家具幸存下来 The fire destroyed everything in the palace. Nothing of the magnificent furniture, studded with gold and silver, has survived.

翻译 1 Most of us associate very strongly with the place of our birth or the place we have learned to call home. It can hurt very much not to be able to go there physically in order to feel secure. 我们大多 数人都把自己同自己的出生地或我们称之为家的地方紧密相联。不能回家以获得安全感是令 人痛苦的。 2 Other students are very excited in the beginning only to find, after several weeks, that they are starting to miss what was familiar and wish for a visit with friends and family. 别的学生一开始很兴奋,几周后却发现自己开始想念所熟知的事物,并希望见到朋友和家人。 3 Homesickness can strike any of us when we have moved to new surroundings and are being called upon to meet our needs in a different way and with different people. 当我们搬迁到新的环 境,需要以不同方式与不同的人交往以满足自己的需要的时候, 我们每个人都会有想家的感 觉 4 Sometimes it can become a more serious depression if the person cannot begin to meet his/her needs for love and belonging with new people. 有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满 足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现, 那么想家就可能会导致更严重的忧郁症。 5 Often,

威胁英语 第四篇_2011年cwe与sans的top25威胁翻译

2011 CWE/SANS前25个最危险的软件错误


2011 CWE/SANS前25个最危险的软件错误是一个可以导致严重的软件漏洞有最普遍和关键性误差的列表。这些经常很容易找到,也很容易消减。这些是危险的,因为经常允许攻击者完全接管软件,偷窃数据,或者组织软件工作。 前25列表是一个通过标识和避免太过寻常出现在软件装配之前的错误,来教育和帮助程序员防止各种各样折磨软件行业的漏洞。软件客户也可以用同样的列表帮助他们寻求更多安全软件。软件研究人员可以用前25来关注一个对于所有已知的安全漏洞狭隘的但重要的小结合。最后,软件管理者和首席信息官可以用这前25列表作为一个进步量尺,以此来努力来保护软件的安全。









 安全组件之间的交互 有风险的资源管理 多孔防御








为每个单独的去漏洞条目提供的额外信息。主要受众是软件程序员和设计师。 5

威胁英语 第五篇_中国威胁论英文翻译

The senior"China Threat Theory" writers in the “Washington free beacon” “analysed” China propaganda materials, said China is to form a high level of network information center, and to describe the picture of a field that “the cyber people's war” can scare Americans.But the newspaper is allotted a Lan Xiang school computer room video screenshot, is called China cyberespionage training. Last year in the United States had in the same no according to Mandy Angte report as the basis, accusing the network warfare troops theft in the United States.

Chinese Lan Xiang school students are learning computer skills in computer room /AP For Map

China's defense ministry said last year that China did not have network combat troops.But the Broadcasting British Corporation has said that the Chinese government's defense is very smart".Because Chinese essentially requires USA can come up with more concrete evidence, or deny to admit.But if the U.S. government provides more informative evidence, it means giving China a chance to learn about America's defense resources and information,just liketo provide the keythe Chinese government to open the door.But with U.S. media speculation on the contrary, cyber warfare forces the world's largest, just belong to their own USA.According to the United States this year released the four year defense assessment report, the United States will set up 133 network warfare forces, including 44 network warfare forcesused for “network attack".

The following is the "Washington free beacon" part of the article(writed by Bill Goetz):【威胁英语】

In the world of Beijing's "aggressive" cyber espionage activities are increasingly concerned about this background, the Chinese military has disclosed, has set up a high-level network space information center.

The official military newspaper "Liberation Army Daily" recently disclosed, has established the people's Liberation Army cyberspace strategic intelligence research center.

According to reports, the center under the general equipment department, the cyber espionage personnel "will for national information security and the army get the initiative in the network space to provide strong support, at the same time as the leaders and institutions provide high quality intelligence research products.

The General Armament Department which is a powerfulis an important organization of the Central Military Commission under the authority.This network information center will have a significant impact on the Chinese military, intelligence agencies and government departments and budgets.There is little detail about the structure and function of the network information center.However, the center will employ experts working in the field of network space "situational awareness" and basic research.Network space situational awareness refers to the information collection activities on the Internet and in the information system.

The center will employ strategic research experts, intelligence research experts and professional and technical experts and other types of experts.On June 26th, the center was held at the ceremony where network warfare experts discussed around the network space strategy situation assessment and countermeasures.

Military network project is one of the most mysterious in China's large-scale military construction.The focus of China's massive military build-up is the development of an asymmetrical war and the ability to deal with the more powerful American weapons in the military.

Announced the establishment of this new center is unusual.A Chinese government spokesman is often denied that the military was carrying out any cyber intelligence operations. In response to Conclusionthat China's cyber espionage campaign,the Chinese officials have beenaccusing the US based on Snowden steal and publicly disclosed secret documents. Michel Vancliff served as the national counterintelligence center director of the said, the people's Liberation Army announced the establishment of the center time is very interesting.

Vancliffin e-mail wrote: "on may, we indict five PLA officers in the United States of network espionage activities, China denied the allegations.Next, they announced the establishment of a brand new specifically for the same activities of the center, but it is now known as the study."

also said that "all this does not change has launched a long-term, complex, using computer network, according to the fact that battle of the American government and industry, they are completely deceived us.

This article said that the Chinese military’s book confirmed that the PLA is planning to

attack the enemy command and control system and logistics network in the early stages of the conflict.These military’s book will be described in the cyber war by Mao Zedong's military theory, called "the cyber people's war".

At the end of the article, the author cited a report from the U.S. Defense Department, saying,"(Chinese military think that) the cyber war is not limited to military personnel."......All people who know the knowledge and skills of the information system willbe involved in the network war. Cyber warfare is a real 'people's war'."

威胁英语 第六篇_实用英语2翻译答案


21页 第6题



Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious. Although it is late, I’d quite like to go out.



It’s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.

If you are invited to a formal party, it’s best to wear a suit and a tie.

只要我还有钱维持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。


I’ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.

I’ll never forget that as long as I am living.

她不是今天来, 就是明天来。


She is coming either today or tomorrow.

Can you speak either English or French?



You will never succeed unless you work hard.

I have a friend who never exercises unless she’s training for a marathon.

如果你说有空,而结果是邀请你参加你不喜欢的活动,那么你就会处于一种反悔的境地。 那些看起来很现代的建筑实际是由木头、稻草和泥土建造的。

If you say you are free and the invitation turns out to be something you hate to do, then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance.

Several of the modern-looking buildings turn out to be made of wood, straw and mud. 47页 第6题



Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone else gets off.

Either way, a permit and inspection would be required.



I assumed that the minute you went back home, you would tell him I needed to see him.

The waiters here seem to assume that the minute guests sit down at the table, they would prefer to have a cup of tea.



The chance that he will be admitted to this university will be pretty small.

The chance that he will be promoted to the General Manger of the company will be pretty high. 他们没有办法证实他所说的是否属实。

即使天才的科学家也无法精确地 (precisely) 预测未来。

They have no way to confirm whether his saying is true.

Even talented scientists have no way to precisely forecast the future.



All I can do is keep a smiling face.

There is no way for us to deal with it; all we can do is to get on with it.

73页 第6题



The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview.

The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup. 过去我们常常种漂亮的玫瑰花。


We used to grow beautiful roses.

Peter used to read the newspaper before breakfast.



Why is it that this conclusion is wrong?

Why is it that she can sing better than I?



As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been / was right. We get wiser as we get older.



Why use wood when you can use plastic?

Why ask me to do it when you can do it yourself?



It was the article written by Bill that made her famous.

It was last Monday that Jack received an e-mail from Marry.

99页 第6题



They were fortunate to have got admission tickets to attend the famous scientist’s lecture. I was fortunate to see his excellent performance yesterday.



Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information about the service.

Please contact our sales manager if you are interested in our new products.



Upon departure, please check to make sure that nothing is left behind in the hotel.

Upon arrival, you should find a guide to help you go sightseeing.



The project is designed to provide young people with jobs.

The laid-off workers are provided with necessities of life for a period of time by the companies they have worked with.



I apologize to you for my not contacting you in time.

Mr. Howard apologized to his students for lack of patience and keeping on shouting at them. 能告诉我您的电话号码和电子邮件地址吗?


May I have your telephone number and e-mail address?

May we have your advice or opinions on the management of the hotel?

124页 第4题



Visitors say that the food in this restaurant is not as good as it claims.

Because he has many things to do, he does not spend as much time studying as he used. 除了太大之外,它对我也不大合适。


Apart from being too large, it just doesn’t suit me.

Do you have any other questions apart from the one we discussed just now?




It’s really nice being invited to attend the meeting.

It’s really nice talking with Professor Smith face to face.



I was not late for class yesterday, just having no time to hand in my homework before class.

It was not that he showed no concern for his children, just having no time to be together with them.



I felt surprised that they offered me the job.

The manager felt surprised that I had fulfilled the task in such a short time.

149页 第6题



Many of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.

It’s worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it.



Believe me, there’ll be trouble when they find out about this matter.

Believe me, all this is going to cause a lot of problems.

由于这项工作有那么多的不确定性,所以很难做出完整的计划。 她双手放在膝盖上,坐在那里面对面试官。

With all the uncertainties about this job, it’s difficult to make out a complete plan. She sat there facing the interviewer, with her hands on her lap.



There’s no point (in) worrying about him.

There is no point discussing this any further, I’m afraid.



Simply put, he was fired.

Simply stated, this is all that I can do.

173页 第6题



Under the tree lay an old woman, of about 70.

In front of the gate stand two stone lions, one on the left and the other on the right. 他谈起来就好像他什么都知道。

你听到隔壁的音乐了吗?听起来好像他们在聚会(have a party)。

He talked as if he knew everything.

Do you hear the music next door? It sounds as if they’re having a party. 最重要的是,孩子们要学习如何与别的孩子相处。


Most important, children need to learn how to get along with others.

More important, they need long-term assistance.



May I venture to suggest a change?

I venture to say that you are wrong.



The desire to write was stirring in her once more.

My brother tried his best to think, but nothing stirred in his memory.



The fire soon spread through the whole town.

The rumor spread quickly through the village.



你用什么方法告诉她这个消息都没关系,只要能使她情绪稳定就好。 It doesn’t matter how bad the result is, just never lose your confidence. It doesn’t matter how you tell her the news, just make her calm.

他们尽了最大努力将他们原来的小公司发展成为一个大公司。 谁能将这篇文章译成英语?

They made every effect to turn their small firm into a big one. Who can turn this article into English?



His mother convinced him that the problem was very serious. What you did convinced me that you always keep your words. 这些危险对男人和女人都构成威胁。


These are dangers that threaten both men and women.

The prospects both excited and worried me.



Go to your uncle’s home and see if he needs your help.

Study harder and see if you can make more progress.



If you are interested in football, why don’t you go to watch the match?If he was one of my classmates in high school, why don’t I know him?

威胁英语 第七篇_SWOT是英文Strengths













推荐访问:汉语受到英语的威胁 threat
