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时间:2018-05-05   来源:私藏美文   点击:


forgive的名词 第一篇_名词




The water in the lake is so clear that you can see the bottom. 湖水清澈见底。 Please remember to water the plants while I’m away. 我不在时,请记住浇花。 As water begins to boil, bubbles rise ever faster to the surface. 水开了,气泡更快地升上水面。

The water in the lake is not particularly deep, averaging about 12 metres. 湖水不是很深,平均约为12米。

A block in the pipe was preventing the water from coming through. 管道中的东西堵住了水流。

If you give water to a small baby to drink, you have to boil it first. 如果你喂婴儿水喝,你必须先把水烧开。

We’ll take the boat out into deep water where we can dive. 我们要把小船划进我们可以跳水的深水区域。


但是,注意,water 虽然表示―水‖时不可数,但在某些特殊情况下可用复数。如:

1. 表示―水域‖―水体‖时,可以用复数。如:

The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters. 出售的鱼来自我们自己的近海水域。

Brackish waters generally support only a small range of faunas. 咸水水域通常只能存活为数不多的几种动物。

The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel. 这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。

2. 表示某国的―近海‖―海域‖―领海‖时,可以用复数。如:

The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas. 当局允许在近海海域勘探石油和天然气。

The two countries are in dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters. 两国在近海水域分界线上尚存分歧。

Other nations are forbidden to fish the waters within 200 miles of the coast. 其他国家被禁止在离岸200英里的海域内捕鱼。

3. 表示―矿泉水‖―泉水‖―喷泉水花‖时,可以用复数。如:

We drink table waters. 我们喝瓶装矿泉水。

A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. 一首伟大的诗篇犹如一座喷泉,永远喷出智慧和欢乐的水花。

注意,take [drink] the waters 为固定搭配,指喝矿泉水治疗或到矿泉胜地疗养。如: He is taking [drinking] the waters at Bath. 他在巴斯进行矿泉治疗。

4. 表示―洪水‖等大量的水时,可以用复数。如:

The flood waters subsided. 洪水退了。

Flood waters swept everything from their path. 洪水沿路冲走了一切。

People spoke of their fear as the floor waters rose. 人们说起看到洪水上涨时的恐惧。 DCS: The dam broke because there was no outlet for the flood waters. 由于那大坝上没有泄洪口,大坝决口了。

5. 表示几条不同河流或海域的水,习惯上要用复数。如:

The waters of the two rivers mingled (together) to form one river. 两条河汇合成一条。

6. 在某些固定表达中,可以用复数。如:

in smooth water(s) 进展顺利,一帆风顺

pour oil on troubled waters平息风波,作和事佬,调停争端

fish in muddy waters 趁火打劫,混水摸鱼

fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼


1. 表示肉体上的―痛‖―疼痛‖:此时可用作可数或不可数名词。如:

This tooth is giving me pain. 这颗牙很疼。

Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm. 玛丽左臂感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。

Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。

由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用pain, a pain, pains都是可能的。如:

I have pain [a pain, pains] in my back. 我背疼。

用作不可数名词,可用much, little等修饰;用作可数名词时,可用many, few等修饰。如:

Was it possible to have so much pain that it could no longer hurt? 痛得很厉害以至不再感到疼痛,这种情况可能吗?

After falling from a ladder, he had many physical aches and pains. 从梯子上摔下来以后他感到身上到处都痛。

2. 表示精神上的―痛苦‖:此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。如:

I could not stand the pain any longer. 我再也忍受不了这种痛苦了。

I hope you will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给了你痛苦,希望你原谅我。

3. 表示“努力”“辛苦”:此时总是用pains这样的复数形式。如:

He had written the book with great pains. 他呕心沥血写了这本书。

We must give him something for his pains. 我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。 此时pains虽为复数形式,但在选择修饰语时,却总是被视为不可数名词,即不能用 many, few 等修饰,但可用 much, little等修饰。如:

Much pains, no gains. 辛劳无获。


tear 是可数名词还是不可数名词?它应该用单数tear还是用复数tears?许多英语初学者认为,“眼泪”(tear) 就是“泪水”,而“泪水”(tear) 其实就是一种“水”,所以它应该是不可数的,只能用单数形式,不应该用复数形式。其实,错了!在英语中,tear是一个典型的可数名词,而且通常使用复数形式。如:

She couldn’t keep back her tears. 她忍不住哭了。

Tears ran down her face. 眼泪顺着她的脸流了下来。

The sight affected her to tears. 此情此景使她感动得流泪。

Hearing the news, she broke into tears. 听到这个消息,她就哭了起来。

其实,tear不仅可用复数,而且还可连用不定冠词,甚至连用数词,如说one tear, two tears, three tears, four tears, five tears等。如:

A tear rolled down his cheek. 一滴泪珠沿着他的面颊流下来。

Her head sank down and two great tears fell on his hand. 她低下头,两滴大泪珠落到了他手上。

有时还可与a few, some, many等连用,即说 a few tears, some tears, many tears等。如:

How many tears have I cried over you? 我为你流了多少眼泪呀!

I must admit I shed a few tears when the school closed. 我必须承认,当学校关闭的时候,我掉过几滴泪。

英语能否说 a parent

有网友在“答疑中心”问,英语是否可以说 a parent(问题见:/guestbook/Guest_Reply.asp?TopicID=1405)。回复如下:

■英语完全可以说 a parent。

■parent 的意思是“父亲”或“母亲”,指父母两人当中的一个,所以若说 a parent,指的就是―父亲‖或―母亲‖,尽管我们在汉语翻译时表父母表示。如:

Would you intervene if you saw a parent hit a child? 要是你看见家长打孩子,你会干预吗?——摘自《美国当代英语学习词典》

A grandparent’s job is easier than a parent’s. 祖父母的任务比父母的任务轻松一些。 ——摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第二版

The death of a parent can cause long-lasting psychological damage. 父母亲有一方去世都会给子女造成长久的心理伤害。——摘自《朗文当代高级英语词典》第四版

There’s nothing worse than for a parent to ill-treat a child. 没有什么比父母虐待自己的小孩那样更糟糕。——摘自《朗文当代高级英语词典》第四版


My parents both work in education. 我父母都从事教育工作。

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。

The tired children trailed along behind their parents. 孩子们累了,没精打采地跟在父母后面。

■归纳:a parent 指父亲或母亲,parent 指父亲和母亲。注意其中的―或‖与―和‖。


beard 主要指下巴和面颊下部的“胡须”,相当于汉语说的“络腮胡子”。比较:moustache 指嘴上的“胡须”;whiskers 指腮上的―胡须‖。

beard 通常用作可数名词,严格说来,应是可数的集合名词,它与不定冠词连用,指的是一个人的全部胡须,而不是指一根胡须;用复数形式,指的是不同人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须。如:

He has [wears, grows] a long beard. 他留有长胡须。

Not all men have beards. 不是所有的男人都留有胡子。

有时用作不可数名词,尤其见于„of beard之类的表达。如:

a fringe of beard on the chin 长在下巴的一圈胡须()

Graham came back from holiday with a week’s growth of beard on his chin. 格雷厄姆度假回来,下巴上留着长了一个星期的胡子。

习惯上后接to do sth和for [of] doing sth的名词

1. capacity 能力,才能

表示做某事的能力,capacity后可接 to do sth, for doing sth, of doing sth。如: Her capacity to remember facts is remarkable. 她的记忆力很惊人。

He has a great capacity for enjoying himself. 他很会想办法自得其乐。

The boy shows a great capacity to learn [of learning, for learning] languages. 这孩子显露出学习语言的卓越能力。

2. means 方式,方法,手段;财力,金钱

(1) 表示做某事的方法,means后通常接of doing sth。如:

We had no means of warning them. 我们没有办法警告他们。

There is no means of finding out what happened. 无法弄清发生了什么事情。 Can you devise a means of overcoming the problem? 你能想出法子来解决这个难题吗?

有时也可后接不定式,但不如后接of doing sth常见。如:

My English teacher provided me with the means to enjoy reading poetry. 我的英语老师告诉了我欣赏诗歌的方法。

另外,有时也可后接 for doing sth,也不如用of doing sth 常见。如:

It’s an effective means for finding qualified job applicants. 这是寻找合适求职者的有效方法。

forgive的名词 第二篇_cir4超脑词汇(很有趣的记忆单词方法哦) 19第十九课


1. wound [记忆方法] wander徘徊


2. accustomed [记忆方法] ac增加; costumed风俗

3. acquire [记忆方法] ac增加; quire需要,要求


4. amaze [记忆方法] a一个; maze音:妹子


5. attempt [记忆方法] at站; mpt在前端

6. attentive [记忆方法] attention注意

7. attract [记忆方法] at站着; tact拉、拽


attract to吸引人的,迷人的

8. biscuit [记忆方法] bi必; s是; cuit苦的


9. brittle [记忆方法] bright明亮的; little小的


10. calendar [记忆方法] cal call; lend借的


11. candidate [记忆方法] can能; did有; ate吃


12. chase [记忆方法] cha查; se死


13. commercial [记忆方法] 音:抠门死


14. committee [记忆方法] 能承担小的责任的是“委员会”。

15. communicate [记忆方法] commun相互; ate v标志

16. contain [记忆方法] con全部; tain抓住

17. coordinate [记忆方法] coord纵坐标

18. cord [记忆方法] accord使一致

19. correspond [记忆方法] cor过来; respond反应

过来做出反应就是“相符合,相应,使一致”。 correspondent记者,通信员

20. curtain [记忆方法] 窗帘


21. dessert [记忆方法] desert沙漠(灭绝人性的抛弃)

22. destruction [记忆方法] des向下; truct结构


23. ditch [记忆方法] 音:低池


24. editor [记忆方法] edit编辑

25. emphasis [记忆方法] emphasize强调(vt)

26. employee [记忆方法] 雇员

27. enclose [记忆方法] close关上;en(前缀)使

四级考点:enclose sth with sth封入

28. exceedingly [记忆方法] exceed超过; ex超过;ceed走

29. faithful [记忆方法] faith 信念

30. fare [记忆方法] welfare福利


31. focus [记忆方法] foc(词根)焦点的; focal(后缀)焦点的

focus on

32. forgive [记忆方法] for为了; give给

33. handful [记忆方法] hand手; ful full

一把手所能承受的东西是“少量,一把”的。 考点:handful是一个名词

34. honoc(u)r [记忆方法] honourable值得尊敬的

an honour professor名誉教授

35. insert [记忆方法] in里面; sert塞他


36. instinct [记忆方法] in里面; stinct潜意识


37. investigation [记忆方法] invest投资; gation gate门槛


38. knowledge [记忆方法] 四级考点:acknowledge 承认(vt)


39. leadership [记忆方法] lead领导人; ship关系

friend ship友谊

40. lively [记忆方法] live 活的


41. manner [记忆方法] 礼貌一定为负数:manner are


42. mere [记忆方法] 非重点词汇

但是考:merely =only

43. moist [记忆方法] wet湿的


44. motion [记忆方法] move移动; motive动机

45. nerve [记忆方法] nervous紧张的

46. offensive [记忆方法] offend 音:我分你地


47. personnel [记忆方法] person人; nel(后缀)集体总城


48. political [记忆方法] politics政治,政治学

49. privilege [记忆方法] private私人的,个人的; leg腿


50. proud [记忆方法] be proud(adj) of = take pride(n)

forgive的名词 第三篇_名词的复数形式

名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加s或es. 现将构成规则与读音规则列表如下:



1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数: 如: two Marys the Henrys

monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

比较: 层楼:storey ---storeys story---stories

2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如: photo---photos piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes c. 均可,如:zero---zeros / zeroes

3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时:

a. 加s,如: belief---beliefs roof---roofs safe---safes gulf---gulfs; b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves; c. 均可,如: handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice man---men woman---women

注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。

如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。

2)单复同形 如:

deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin

但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如: a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说 a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。

如: The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。


a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。 d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book. <<一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。

5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes

若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers


6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼


1、 名词复数的规则变化

成对的共有10对: 清 浊 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v] [s] [z] [θ] [Б ]

[∫] [З] [ts] [dz] [t∫][dЗ] [tr] [dr]



一般情况 加 -s

清辅音后读/s/ map-maps

浊辅音和元音后读 /z/ bag-bags /car-cars

以s, sh, ch, x等结尾 加 -es 读 /iz/

bus-buses/ watch-watches

以ce, se, ze,等结尾 加 -s 读 /iz/


以辅音字母+y结尾 变y 为i再加es 读 /z/ baby---babies

2、 其它名词复数的规则变化

1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。例如:

two Marys the Henrys

monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如: photo---photos piano---pianos

radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

(注意:英语中只有四个以O结尾加es的单词:negro,hero,tomato,potato) c. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如zero---zeros / zeroes。

3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时:

a. 加s,如: belief---beliefs roof---roofs

safe---safes gulf---gulfs;

b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves

knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves

wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;

c. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。

3 、名词复数的不规则变化

1) child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth

mouse---mice man---men woman---women

注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women,如an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman

forgive的名词 第四篇_单词记忆方法



1. 联想法


1) 谐音法



2) 通过单词的拼写来记忆单词的中文含义,如单词grain的拼写通过汉语拼音记成:g(联想拼音



2. 构词法


3. 结构分解法


manage vt. 管理 man+age 男人+年龄 分析:上了年纪的人有经验就从事“管理”工作。 passport n. 护照 pass+port 经过+港口 分析:过港口出国的证件。

retire vi. 退休 re+tire 重复+疲劳 分析:反复疲劳几十年就要退休了。

4. 顺藤摸瓜法


5. 音形对应法


1) 辅音字母大多数直接当音标念:

b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q(kw), r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

注:c大多数时候念 /k/,在i, e, y前时念 /s/。例如:clock, picnic, city, cent, policy

G大多数时候念 /g/,在i, e, y前时念 /dʒ/。例如:great, pig, logic, large, biology

2) 元音字母主要有三种念法:

a e i o u

在开音节里念(元音字母结尾) /eI/ /i:/ /aI/ /əʊ/ /ju:/

make compete bike note cute

在闭音节里念(辅音字母结尾) /æ/ /e/ /I/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/

bad let sit hot cut

在轻读音节中全都念:/ə/ 。有些i, e, y 念:/I/(结尾写成i)。例如:【forgive的名词】

about /ə'baʊt/ report /rɪ'pɔːt/ policy/'pɒləsɪ/

privilege /'prɪvɪlɪdʒ/

3) 几十个组合念法:

ee /i:/ bee, see, feet

oo /u:/ food, zoo, bamboo

ea /i:/ heat, meat, feature /e/ head, weather, feather

ie /aI/ pie, lie, die /i:/ field, believe, relieve

ou /aʊ/ shout, loudly, mouth

ow /aʊ/ cow, how, brow /əʊ/ low, show, grow

igh /aI/ high, might, sigh

ew, iew /ju:/ new, view, review

ar /a:/ car, bar, shark

er, ir, ur /З:/ her, bird, turn

or, ore, oar, al, au, aw, /ɔ:/ for, before, board, talk, cause, law

are /eə / care, share, rare

ere /Iə/ here, mere; /eə/ there, everywhere

ai, ay /Iə/ main, say, pay

oi, oy /ɔɪ/ oil, boil, boy, toy

ph /f/ photo, phone, telegraph

sh /ʃ/ shy, fish, shake

th /θ/ thank, think /ð/ that, clothing

ch, tch, /tʃ/ peach, choose; match, watch

kn /n/ know, knife, kneel

ng /ŋ/ sing, song, bang

ds /dz/ beds, birds, beads

tr /tr/ try, train, country

dr /dr/ dry, driver, laundry

dge /dʒ/ bridge, knowledge, porridge

6. 音节分段法



primitive /'prɪmɪtɪv/ a. 原始的 pri+mi+tive

chrysanthemum /krɪ'sænθɪməm/ n. 菊花 chry+san+the+mum

embassy / 'embəsɪ / n. 大使馆 em+bas+sy

gather /'gæðə / vt. 收集 ga+ther

7. 串联法




同类:mouse(老鼠,复数mice), pig(猪), cow(母牛), ox(公牛), sheep(绵羊), goat(山羊)



一. 五官并用




forgive的名词 第五篇_高中英语 动词如何转换成名词

第九章 动词如何转换成名词 动名词(Gerund)和不定词(Infinitive)

*Sing is good for you. 或者是 *I like sing.

9 2 动名词(Gerund)


I like singing. Playing basketball is good for you. Do you enjoy listening to classical music?

Is traveling around the world meaningful to you? Studying English is not difficult.


Playing tennis is enjoyed by many people. Being kind to others is important for every one.


I enjoy studying English. He does not mind walking long distances. He loves swimming.

3.动名词可以用作介词(preposition)的宾语,英文里有很多介词,at, in, about, of, on等等都是介词, This book is about traveling. He is responsible for cleaning the kitchen.

My brother is capable of writing programs. You just keep on going straight.

在下面,我们要给各位更多有关gerund的例子,各位不妨看看每一个句子中,那个动名词是作什么用的。 Instead of swimming, he walks every morning. He likes walking in the woods.

Are you interested in playing tennis? Loving is to be kind to others.

Reading is important to students. In addition to traveling, he also likes reading novels.

You will be happy by helping others. He is worried about being late.

I finished writing the report yesterday. They thanked me for lending them money.

He has never finished writing the novel. She is in change of teaching English in our school.

My father objected to my going to the summer camp. Please stop joking about my brother.

I look forward to seeing you. He has never enjoyed traveling. She was excited about going abroad. I consider gambling a bad thing to do. I have never dreamed of flying an airplane.

He suggested talking to our teacher. I believe in doing some kind of exercise every day.

Playing the piano is no fun at all. Nancy is accustomed to sleeping late.


1.*Play tennis is fun. 2.*I hate swim. 3.*Stop talk about me.

4.*In addition to read interesting books, you should also watch TV from time to time.

5.*I am not interested in swim. 6.*He talks about go to America. 7.*I believe in do exercise every day.

8.*The cost of transfer a student to another school is very high.

9.*Please forgive me for make this mistake. 10.*Swim keeps me from getting cold.



1. I am interested (listen) to music. 2. Please forgive me (be) so late.

3. In addition (study) , you should also have some exercises every day.【forgive的名词】

4. We talked (build) a house next year. 5. Thank you (help) me.

6. He is excited (travel) to Japan. 7. I am looking forward (meet) you.

8. He insists (talk) to me personally. 9. I believe (exercise) every day.

10. Did you participate that (swim) match. 11. He was not used (listen) to classic music.

12. My mother objected (visit) my aunt tomorrow.

13. I am not accustomed (go) to bed so late. 14. I am interested (swim) .

15. Are you responsible (write) this report? 16. He is excited (see) me tomorrow. 1

17. He is looking forward (see) that movie. 18. I am not used (hear) that kind of noise.

19. You should take advantage (have) such a good family.

20.He is in charge (send) students to other schools.


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