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2016英语一翻译 第一篇_2015-2016-1大学英语III翻译


翻译一,较易 在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多种植水稻,人们通常以大米为主食;而华北大部分地区因为过于寒冷或过于干燥,无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。

【参考译文】In the eyes of the Westerners, the basic food most closely connected with China is rice. It has played such an important role in Chinese diets for a long time that there is a Chinese proverb saying “Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice”. People in South China mostly grow rice and they usually take it as staple food, while the main crop in most parts of North China is wheat because it is either too cold or too dry to grow rice. In China, some people make bread with flour, but most people use it to make steamed buns and noodles.


“你要茶还是咖啡?”是用餐人常被问到的问题。许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶。相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病。在明清(the Ming and Qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国。饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美。如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一。茶是中国的瑰宝,也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。

【参考译文】 “Which one would you prefer, tea or coffee?” This is a question often asked to customers. Many western people would choose coffee, while Chinese people would choose tea. According to history, 500 years ago, a Chinese emperor discovered tea and used it to cure pain. Tea houses were all over the country in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Tea spread to Japan in the 6th century and came to Europe and America until the 18th century. Nowadays, tea has become one of the most popular beverages in the world. Tea is the treasure of China, and it is also an important part of Chinese tradition and culture.



【参考译文】Chinese education workers have already realized the significance of reading for a nation. Some workers suggested that we should have a national reading day in 2003. They emphasized that people should read good books especially the classical ones. Through reading, people can learn better how to be 1

grateful, responsible and cooperative. The goal of education is to cultivate these basic personalities. Reading is especially important for middle and primary school students. Suppose they don't nurture the interest of reading at that key moment, it will be harder to develop a habit to read books.

翻译四,较易 中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其实包括到2020年建成一个太空站。目前,中国是世界上最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。 2011年,中国超越日本成为第二大经济体。

【参考译文】China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Numerous elements forming the foundation of the modern world originate from China. With the world’s fastest growing economy at present, China is experiencing a new industrial revolution. China has also started an ambitious space exploration program, which includes building a space station by 2020. Currently, being one of the world’s largest exporters, China is attracting massive foreign investment. Meanwhile, it has invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China overtook Japan as the world’s second largest economy.

翻译五 较难

据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier services)将递送大约120亿件包裹,这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。

【参考译文】It is reported that China’s courier services will deliver about 12 billion packages this year. This will probably make China exceed America to be the largest express market in the world. Most packages are filled with items ordered online. China offers opportunities to millions of online retailers to sell goods at very competitive prices. Only on November 11th, Chinese customers bought 9 billion dollars’ worth of goods from the nation’s largest online shopping platform. There are quite a few such special shopping days in China. Therefore, the expansion of China’s express industry is nothing strange.


2016英语一翻译 第二篇_2016高三英语一模各区翻译真题汇编


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.








1.It is no use persuading her not to do online shopping any more.

2.Since iPhone6 came out /came into the market /was released, no other cell-phones/mobile phones have appealed to me more.

3.The aging population problem is so severe/serious that it becomes a universal/global big headache for the government worldwide.

4.From the customer’s body language, the sop assistant can exactly know what he wants to buy, which amaze the customer very much.

5.Walking slowly along the Bund, you can appreciate all kinds of European architecture/buildings of different styles, ranging from the 19th century to the 21st century.

1 1

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.他的所做和他的所说大相径庭。 (There)

3.毫无疑问,选择学校常常能反映出父母对子女的希望。 (reflect)


5.尽管他明知暴饮暴食有害健康,但他对我们要他节食的忠告却一直置若罔闻。 (Although)

1、The question of cost plays an important part/role in our decision.【2016英语一翻译】

2、There is a striking contrast between what he does and what he says.

3、There is no doubt that the choice of school reflects the parents’ hope for their children.

4、People who often change jobs and living places often lack a sense of security and a sense of responsibility.

5、Although he is quite clear of the fact that drinking and eating too much is harmful to health,

he turns a deaf ear to our advice that he should have a diet.

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.你养成每天听英语新闻的习惯了吗? (develop)



2 2


5.与往届会议不同的是,本次会议各国并无明显分歧,新的协议有望达成。(expect) keys:

1. Have you developed a /the habit of listening to the English news every day?

2. I think it (is) necessary for us to discuss this problem with our parents before we make a final decision.

3. Because he was ignorant of the software developed by the company, he finally failed in the interview/failed to pass the interview.

4. So successful was the exhibition of the photos that a month later John quit (quitted) his job/resigned and became a professional photographer, realizing his dream/making his dream come true.

5.Different from the previous meetings/conferences, there are not any/no obvious differences/disagreements among/between the countries at this meeting/conference, and a new agreement is expected to be reached/arrived at.


题目2:it is+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.和Sb. finds\thinks it+adj. to do sth. It做形式主语和宾语的句型翻译中常考句型;

题目3:be ignorant of sth. 意为“对„一无所知”,本题还出现了过去分词作后置定语的用法,翻译和阅读中常见用法,作文中也可以用。此外,fail to do sth. 意为“未能做成某事”,作文和翻译中均可使用;

题目4:So„that, so位于句首的部分倒装句,类似的常考倒装句型有:Hardly„when, No sooner„than;

题目5:be expected to do sth. 意为“有望、预计做某事”

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 今年除夕你计划在哪里过? (plan)

2. 下雨天上海的道路总是比平时更拥堵。 (than)

3 3

3. 是一个外国人不顾自己的安危救了那个轻生的男子。 (It)

4. 那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。 (No sooner)

5. 无论谁想要成功必先明白这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”。 (Whoever)


1. Where are you planning to celebrate the New Year’s Eve this year?

2. Roads in Shanghai always get/ become more crowded/ hold up more traffic than usual on

rainy days.

3. It was a foreigner that/ who saved the man trying/ who tried to kill himself/ commit

suicide without considering his own safety.

4. No sooner had I left the school that early evening than I met with/ bumped into/ came

across/ encountered a classmate of mine in primary school (whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/ years.

5. Whoever wants to be successful should first understand the principle that success comes

from hard effort/ work and persistence/ perseverance.

I. Translation.

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 在被人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。(It)

2. 新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放。(open)

3. 对学生而言真正重要的是在获取知识的过程中养成良好的习惯。(matter)

4. 他在那个偏远小镇过着如此宁静的生活以至于他都不想返回家乡了。(Such) 4 4

5. 政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效。(achieve)


1. It is impolite/ bad manners to interrupt others when they are talking.

2. The newly-built gallery will be opened to the public for free from the beginning of next year.

3. What matters to students most is that they should develop good habits in the process of acquiring knowledge.

4. Such a peaceful life does he live in that remote small town that he doesn’t feel like returning to his hometown.

5. Recently, the government has taken a series of measures to cope with the environmental pollution, which has achieved initial success in some cities.

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。(award)

2. 直到他走出空调房间,才意识到今天有多冷(Not...)

3. 你接触的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。(expose)

4. 同事们从来没有想到,他会想方设法完成大家认为不可能完成的任务(occur)

5 5

2016英语一翻译 第三篇_2016年度网络热词英语译法


2016年度网络热词:蓝瘦香菇等英语都怎么说? 还有1个多月,就要到2017年了!



撩妹、宝宝心里苦... 这些网络热词用英语怎么说?今天和选师无忧的英语君一起来学一学吧!




蓝瘦香菇:blue(蓝) thin(瘦) mushroom(香菇)



蓝瘦=难受=feel awful

香菇=想哭=want to cry










down in the dumps:心情跌入低谷




be in tears:含泪,泪流满面

burst into tears:放声大哭,突然哭起来

cry one's eyes out:(口语)痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心

break down:(因情绪失去控制而)痛哭,大哭





1. Routine 周而复始的惯例,老规矩,老一

“少一点套路,多一点真诚”可以说“Less routine, more sincerity.”

2. Honeydick 为达自己目的而引诱某人

Honeydick这个词中的honey 和dick既可以合为一个词,也可以分开来组成一个词组来用。


Damn the teacher honey dicked us by not telling us that paper would be due today. 那该死的老师又跟我们玩套路,都没告诉我们今天要考试。

3. Strategy 策


Strategy作为形容词时,就可以用来形容一个人很有心机、套路很深。例如:She is a strategy person. 她是个心机婊。

4. Trick 套路、诡计





Ge You-esque lying/Ge You-esque slouching。

这里的-esque 是“…型式,…方法”的后缀。




1. slouch 下垂;笨拙的人,懒散的人;懒散的样子


Try not to slouch when you are sitting down.


2. down in ( at ) the mouth 垂头丧气


I settled on the same disheartening conclusion I had arrived at all too often during my travels abroad: I would never know.




这句话的来源,有2个说法。一个是天线宝宝,另一个是出自微博大v。 ☆字面直译☆

“宝宝”可以翻译为Baby,“宝宝心里苦”就是baby in the heart bitter。


My heart is broke. 我的心都碎了!

grievous 极其伤心痛苦的




feel wronged:受到冤枉而委屈

be aggrieved:愤愤不平,表示情绪明显的委屈,以及在合法权益上收侵害的委屈。 humiliation:名词,屈辱,受辱。


“互相伤害”的意思,是说“不怕受伤你就来吧!” 这其实是个反义词,伤害是爱的延续,所以也有“跟我恋爱吧”的意思。相爱相杀,你懂的...


1. hurt each other


Friends are not supposed to hurt each other.


2. injure mutually


Since loves such deeply, why can also injure mutually.




Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you are never coming around.

2016英语一翻译 第四篇_2016~2014英语四级历年翻译



功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。它作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。

Kung Fu is commonly known as the Chinese martial arts, the origin of which can be traced back to the need of selfde-fense, hunting activities and military training in ancient China. It is one kind of Chinese traditional sports. The young and the old often practice it. It has gradually evolved into the unique elements of Chinese culture. As a national treasure of China, there are hundreds of different styles for Kung Fu, which is most common forms of martial arts. Some of styles imitate the movement of the animals, and some are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.



In the city of Weifang, Shandong province, kites are not just toys, but also a sign of the city culture. Weifang is famous for "the kite", having a history of nearly 2400 years of flying kites. It is said that the ancient Chinese philosophers spent three years on making the first kite in the world , but the first day of the flying kites had dropped and broken. Some people believe that the kite was invented by ancient Chinese carpenter, Lu Ban. It has been said that his kite is made of wood and bamboo, falling to the ground after flying three days.



Located on the riverside of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Wuzhen of Zhejiang Province is an ancient water town. It is a fascinating place with many bridges, Chinese hotels and restaurants. Over the past millennium, the water system and the way of life in Wuzhen has not changed much. Wuzhen is a museum of ancient civilization. All the houses of Wuzhen are built of stone and wood. For centuries, the locals built dwellings and markets along the river. Countless beautiful and spacious courtyards hide between houses. Visitors will be taken by pleasant surprise wherever they go.




The ancient town of Lijiang in Yunnan province is one of the famous tourist destinations。 Its living rhythm is slower than that of most other Chinese cities。 Lijiang is full of natural beautiful sceneries, where numerous minority nationalities provide rich and varied cultures in order to give tourists a different experience。 Historically, Lijiang was also known as “ the city of love”。 Plenty of stories about living for love and dying for love have been spread among the natives。 Nowadays, the old town equals the paradise of love and romance in the eyes of Chinese and foreign tourists。


The annual Chinese speech contest for foreigners was held in Changsha this year。 The contest proves to be a good way to promote cultural exchanges between China and other parts of the world。 It offers the young all over the world an opportunity to know more about China.126 candidates from 87 nations gathered in the capital of Hunan province to attend the semifinal and the final from July 6 to August 5。 Besides the contest, the candidates also got a chance to visit famous tourist attractions and historical interests in other parts of China。


Chinese parents have frequently tended to pay too much attention to their children's study, so that children don’t help them do the housework. Their only requirement for their children is to study hard, perform well in the exams, and go to a famous/prestigious university. They believe it is good for their children, because in such a highly competitive society, only good results could ensure a promising future.

Chinese parents also believe that parents will be honored if their children can achieve great success in society. Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies and interests, to create much better conditions for children.



China is one of the oldest cultures in the world, from which much that constructs the foundation of the modern world is derived. China is witnessing the fastest development ofits economy and experiencing a new industrial revolution. Also, China has started the ambitious program forexploring the outer space, including to complete a space station by2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world,China is attracting massive foreign investment. Simultaneously, it has invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-largesteconomy.


In the eyes of the western, the basic food closest to China isrice. Rice has long occupied so significant a position in the dietof Chinese that there is a proverb “ Even a clever housewife cannotcook a meal without rice”. Rice is grown mostly in southern Chinawhere people usually take rice as their staple food, while itcannot be planted in northern China where the climate is either toocold or too dry for rice to grow. As a result, the main crop in thenorth is wheat. In China, flour is sometimes the main ingredientfor bread but more often used to make buns and noodles

3.据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能赶超美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国约有百万在线零售商以及其竞争力的价格销售商品的机会,仅在11月11日,中国消费者就在国内最大的购物平台买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日,因此,快递能在中国扩展就不足为奇了。

According to reports, this year, China‘scourier service will deliver about 12 billion parcels. This will make it possible for China to overtake the United States as the world's largest express market. Most of the items which were ordered online are contained in the parcels. In China, there are opportunities for millions of online retailers to sell their products with competitive prices. Only on November 11th, Chinese consumers have bought $9 billion worth of goods on the biggest shopping platform. China has many these kinds of special shopping days, so the expansion of courier service in China is not surprising.


More and more Chinese young people are getting interested in traveling, which is a new trend recently. The increasing number of young travelers can be attributed to the rapid growth of income and the curiosity to explore the outside world. With more travel, youngsters spend more time in remote areas rather than big cities and famous resorts. Furthermore, some of them would choose backpacking. Recent survey showed that many young people want to experience different culture, enlarge knowledge, and broader their horizon through traveling.


The giant panda is a kind of gentle animal with a black-and-white coat. It has been listed as an endangered animal due to its very limited number. The giant panda is of great significance to WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature). The panda has been its symbol since its establishment in 1961. The giant panda is the rarest animal of the bears, mainly living in the forests in south west of China. Now, there are approximately 1,000 giant pandas. The animal that mainly eats bamboo is facing many threats. Therefore, to ensure its safety is of greater importance than before。


The Internet Community of China experienced the fastest development. In 2010, there were 420 million netizens and this number is still running upward. The popularization of Internet has brought about huge changes. Generally speaking, different form American netizens who are motivated by real necessities such as sending emails, on-line trading, doing research, travel planning and on-line payment, Chinese netizens use Internet out of the need for social communication. Therefore, they log more generally onto web forums, blogs and chatting rooms.


The phenomenon of holiday economy shows that Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great changes .According to statistics, the demands of Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development .Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

1.为了促进教育公平,中国已投入360亿元。用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些这些资金用于改善教学措施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课,一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。

In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools.




China should further develop nuclear energy because nuclear power accounts for only 2% of its total generating capacity currently. Such proportion ranks the thirtieth in all the countries possessing nuclear power, which is almost the last.

After Japan’s nuclear power accident in March 2011, nuclear power development in China was suspended, so was the approval of new nuclear power plants. Alsonational safety check for the nuclear power was carried out. IT was not until October 2012 that the approval was prudently resumed.

With the improvement of technology and safety measures, there is little possibility for nuclear accidents to happen. In other words, there won’t be any trouble to develop and exploit the nuclear power.


Chinese educators have already realized the significance of reading for a nation. Some workers suggested that we have a national reading day in 2003. They emphasized that people should read good books especially the classic ones. Through reading, people can learn better how to be grateful, responsible and cooperative. The goal of education is to cultivate these basic personalities. Reading is especially important for middle and primary school students. Suppose they don't nurture the interest of reading at that key moment, it will be harder to develop a habit to read books.

2016英语一翻译 第五篇_2016大学英语自我介绍范文带翻译4篇



Hello, everyone!My name is Winnie. I'm a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

I'm an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well.

I also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. I'm kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends!

OK. This is me .A sunny girl.







推荐访问:高一英语翻译 初一英语翻译
