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时间:2018-08-03   来源:生活常识   点击:


一年后的我英语作文 第一篇_初中英语作文-50年后我们的生活会是什么样


根据中文提示即所给英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑,不少于50字的短文。 同学们在讨论人们未来的生活是什么样的,小明说......

work at home ,a special computer ,instead of robot , comfortable What people's Life In the Future Will Be.

In the future, people will work at home since robots(机器人)will do most of the work instead people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which can control the work far in the factories. All in all(总之),people will lead a comfortable life in the near future.

一年后的我英语作文 第二篇_十年后的我作文范文

I think my life in ten years will be wonderful and full of happiness. I will have a sweet home, a beautiful, considerate and kind-heart wife and a smart child. As for my job, I think I will be a successful businessman owning a big company. I can get on well with my colleagues and everything is going on smoothly in my company. In my leisure life, I can do what I like to do, such as swimming, jogging, playing basketball and so on. I will also enjoy traveling around the world, experiencing the amazing cultures and custom of other countries. All in all, I think I will have a wonderful and meaningful life in ten years.

一年后的我英语作文 第三篇_我的英语作文

Reading and doing

When it comes to learning, most people believe that reading is a critical part of learning, but other people maintain that we learn best by doing. To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes. But a majority of people are just in favor of the former or the latter point of view. Personally, I hold the view that reading and doing are equally important to learning.

'Reading makes progress', as the saying goes. There is no denying that reading plays an important role in acquiring new knowledge. And we all have had the benefit of reading, especially when reading the right book at the right time. But if we will not apply the knowledge learned by reading to practice, reading more is futile. As a matter of fact, there is something that we can't learn from books. For example, we can not improve communication skills just by reading related books. Similarly, you can not expect to drive well without concrete experiences. Moreover, if one wants to exploit new field, it is necessary to practice.

I keep a Vinci's byword in mind that wit is the daughter of practice. We learn a lot from first-hand and concrete experiences, using our scenes, exploring our environment of people, things, places, and events. However, in some cases, Learning from doing is based on the premise that you have a grasp of related theories by reading some books. For instance, every time before we do experiments, we must learn the experimental principle carefully by reading. Otherwise, you may cause accidents in practice. Furthermore, we can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our life time, just by reading about them in books, which I think is amazing.

According to the saying all above, we can draw a conclusion that reading and doing are equally important. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages, but we can combine them mutually and complement each other, then we will make better in learning.

The employment of college students

Nowadays employment has become a problem which college students have to face. As far as I am concerned, there is a growing number of unemployed college students. Which has led to heavy social burdens.

This phenomenon exists for plenty more of reasons. First, Chinese exam-oriented education makes college students lag behind the demand of our social development. As a consequence, on the one hand, there is a shortage of technical personnel, on the other hand, more and more college students are not able to obtain a job. Second, a large number of college students who drift into a comfortable but aimless academic life. Therefore, they fail to grasp the importance of knowledge, let alone apply it to solve problems. What's more, some college students who set a high goal are unwilling to accept a job which is less than satisfactory.

It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop this situation. First of all, we ought to reform the education system. And there is no doubt that more attention should be paid to cultivate college students' abilities of practice. The best approach to work out the employment of college students is to impress the importance of innovations on undergraduates and encourage them to start their own businesses. Only in this way can we settle the trouble, and create more jobs in the


Mobile Phone

Recently the problem of mobile phone has been brought into focus. As far as I'm concerned, mobile phones have been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. They have brought a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

It has been widely acknowledged that mobile phones make a real difference to our life. At the beginning, mobile phones provide us with environment in which to communicate without limitations cf distance. Afterwards, with the rapid development of science and technology, mobile phones have possessed a variety of functions. Nowadays, we can not only phone others, but also take photos, play games, surf the internet, view maps and even practice our oral language by mobile phones. We have to admit they play an important role in our life. But on the other hand, it still has some disadvantages. For example, many students are addicted to entertainments offered by mobile phones. Because of the convenience that mobile phones offer, we ignore talking with each other face to face. A lot of people feel that mobile phones bring them not a colorful but a cold life. What's more, under no circumstance should we give up making friends in real life.【一年后的我英语作文,】

All in all, we cannot live without mobile phones, but at the same time we must try to find the new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. To our relief, more and more people has realized it is high time that we put an end to this trend. Indeed, only when we use mobile phone properly can we make a good use of it.

一年后的我英语作文 第四篇_给一年后的自己





我是一年后的24岁的你。光阴流转,眨眼间我已步入社会 四个月多了,记得写这封信的时间和场景,元旦,学校正放着假,一直都是很喜欢这种感觉的,甚至近乎迷恋。蹲在房间里盯着电脑发着呆,回忆过去一年发生的一幕幕。偶尔傻笑。

——————————————————————————————————————— Jan.你刚从实习岗位回到学校忙碌着论文的开题与初稿,可是那时的你根本都不知道论文是什么鬼。然后你就瞎扯了一个纯理论的【激励性教学法在小学体育教学过程中的应用】,那时的知道老师差点被你气吐血。一向偏执的你还是不顾后果选了这题目,也就有了你后来的囧事。


Mar.糜烂的生活依旧在继续。直到在和YJ的一次5十K中。再次提到你最不愿意触碰到话题。毕业后到底要干嘛?YJ:“要不我们去教招试试吧,不试怎么知道行不行。反正也是闲着。”最终你还是被说的有点动摇了,然后就买了教综合专业的资料放在书房发酵着。虽然寒假是最长,但是你过的却是最不开心,因为你根本不知道一年后你该何去何从。 Apr.一晃眼你又回到了龙岩。可是这时的你是我最喜欢的。


May -招考时间一天天逼近,本应该紧张,可你心情却越来越轻松。没到傍晚你总会望向窗外,可以尽览同心广场、信息楼,看着学弟学妹们手拉手秀着恩爱、社团办着各种活动、各种傻瓜秀着智商。在已经进入了夏天,少了那么点酷热,多了那么点清凉。在这样的环境下人的心会变得柔软而安宁„„

5.26走出考场的你给自己交了一份满意的答卷。可是你却不知道暴风雨即将来临。 June -电话那头,论文指导老师在疯狂的吼着。马上答辩了你论文还是乱七八糟的肯定要二辩。(呵呵)这就是你当时心理活动。果不其然。你二辩了可是你刚把心思从教招中收回来,正准备嗨一段时间。随随便便写了点。







Oct. Nov Dec.—11.14号你领到了这辈子第一份工资。



一年后的我英语作文 第五篇_初中一年级英语作文:我的一天(My Day)



My Day

I am Mary. I am a junior high school student. I get up at 6:30.Then I have breakfast at ten to seven. At ten past seven, I go to school. Classes begin at half past seven. We have four classes in the morning. Then I have lunch. In the afternoon, I have three classes. At ten past three, I go home. In the evening I do my homework and watch TV.

一年后的我英语作文 第六篇_2004-2015年全国卷高考英语作文范文汇总 (1)



2004 年高考英语全国卷 I

假设你是李华,你在报上看到北京电视台今年七月将举办外国人“学中文,唱中文歌”才艺大赛。你的美国朋友Peter正在北京一所大学学中文,你觉得他应去试一试。请按以下要点给他写信告知此事,并表示可以提供帮助。比赛时间:7 月18日







3.参考词汇:才艺大赛-talent show



2004 年高考英语全国卷 II

假设你是李华,加拿大一所学校将于今年暑假组织学生来你校访问。其间,Andy Smith将借住你家。请你代表全家写信给Andy,欢迎他的到来,并告知有关事宜。信的要点如下:

 ※ 上午:学校活动

 ※ 下午:游览市区

 ※ 晚上:看电视,玩游戏,聊天

 注意:1.词数:100左右


 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

 3,参考词汇:安排—arrange



2005 年高考英语全国卷 I





3.参考词汇:牛津——Oxford 费用——fee


__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4



一年后的我英语作文 第七篇_写给十年前的自己的一封信——英语

13级机械类3班 陈茂贵 201330220304

Dear myself of ten years ago:

Were you amazing to get this letter? Yeah, no matter what kind of reaction you were having ,I will fell fantasy forever to tell you that I am you whom come form ten years later.

In my memory, you are having a good time that you don’t have any trouble thing at present.At the same time, you are wasting most of your time as well. Therefore,in order to help you enrich your live and make your time into good using, here I will on behalf of the one who had been through ten years to tell you some useful suggestion.

Firstly, read as more books as you can. However, the books are not just about the textbooks, but any kind of the classic books which contain different types and come from all of the word. As the one who have gone through the later ten years, I can certainly tell you that a full store of knowledge is the foundations for your future development.

Secondly, cultivate more hobbies. Different types of hobbies can make you more popular and have more chance to make new friends. As a ten-year-old child, you may have a fuzzy recognition for relation or friends, but here I can tell you in advance that every friend can be priceless.

Thirdly, develop a expertise for yourself. After nearly two years of university life,I deeply realize a truth that a expertise is more important than a super major. Take it for deep consideration, you may find a major,no matter how super it is, is just a paper and many people possess it, while a expertise is a sharp knife and only belong yourself which can make you more competitive. In a word, it is no doubt that having a knife is more secure than having a paper in such a competitive society.

All in all, I hope you can accept my suggestion and put that into action. For the reason is that the suggestions what I say are what I am lacking or what I am needing very much, of course, so do you after sever years. However, don’t forget to keep a smile on your face every day.



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