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城市生活垃圾管理办法 第一篇_城市生活垃圾管理









①国务院行政法规 《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》,1992年6月28日由国务院第100号令发布,自1992年8月1日起施行。这是国务院颁布的有关城市市容和环境卫生管理的行政法规,也是实施城市生活垃圾管理的最广泛的规范依据。该条例对生活垃圾的主管部门,生活垃圾管理的原则,生活垃圾收集、运输和处置作业,设施设备配置等做出了相应的规定。

②地方行政法规 根据各自行政区域的具体情况和实际需要,由省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定的针对生活垃圾管理的地方性法律法规,如上海市人民代表大会常务委员会于2001年11月14日通过,2002年4月1日起实施的《上海市市容环境卫生管理条例》,是上海市实施市容环境卫生管理和生活垃圾管理的直接依据规范。


①部门规章 《城市生活垃圾管理办法》,1993年8月10日中华人民共和国建设部xx27号,自1993年9月1日起施行。此外还有《城市道路和公共场所清扫保洁管理办法》等。

②政府规章 由各地方政府根据各自实际情况,依据法律法规制定的规范生活垃圾管理的规章,如《上海市城镇环境卫生设施设置规定》等。

(4)规范性文件 由政府部门在贯彻上述法律法规和规章的过程中,制定的具体的操作性的文件。如上海市建设和管理委员会、上海市市容环境卫生管理局在法定权限内制定了一系列实施性规范文件:《上海市生活垃圾管理实施细则》、《上海市餐厨垃圾管理实行办法》、《上海市新建住宅区生活垃圾管理暂行办法》等。又如国家环境保护总局、国家发展和改革委员会、建设部、科技部、商务部联合发布的《关于推进城市污水、垃圾处理产业化发展的意见》,建设部发布的《关于加快市政公用行业市场化进程的意见》等。






(1)企业清洁生产 推行企业清洁生产,开征包装税,限制产品的过度包装,减少难回收、难降解物质的使用,做好源头减量;明确生产者责任,要求产品生产者对他们的产品在进入消费领域后所产生垃圾的回收利用、处理处置承担起相应的责任。



4.城市生活垃圾管理的手段 城市生活垃圾综合处理导论P152页


1、优惠政策。 通过投融资、税收、土地使用以及环保产业、高新技术产业等优惠政策,减轻企业的


2、服务购买。 服务购买将生活垃圾的收集、运输和处置,开展垃圾减量的宣传活动等公共服务,由政府进行购买。由于这种购买行为的存在,使培育、规范市场成为可能,通过市场选择、市场运作进行资源的合理配置和提高公共财政在生活垃圾管理方面的使用效率。



3、征收垃圾处置费。 征收垃圾处置费作为一种经济措施,主要发挥对生活垃圾产生者源头减量的经济刺激作用。美国、日本、韩国、欧洲国家及我国台湾省台北市的管理实践证明了垃圾处置费经济杠杆调节作用的有效性。

(3)应用法律手段 法律法规是生活垃圾管理的依据。依法行政既是法律的要求,也是法律手段的应用。但是并不是有了生活垃圾管理方面的法律法规就能应用好法律的手段,随着《行政许可法》的实施,政府的行政行为受到越来越强的约束,通过司法程序解决生活垃圾管理中矛盾冲突的问题是一个重要手段。




通过分类投放、分类收集,把有用物资,如纸张、塑料、橡胶、 玻璃、瓶罐、金属以及废旧家用电器等从垃圾中分离出来重新回收、利用,变废为宝。既提高垃圾资源利用水平,又可减少垃圾处置量。

2. 提高垃圾处理的有效性



每天被我们丢弃的可乐瓶和被称为白色垃圾的塑料袋、一次性塑料餐盒,属于高分子聚合有机物,如果埋在地下的话,就是100年200年也烂不掉,它还会使土壤板结,降低土壤的肥力,甚至使土壤失去耕种的能力。 通过垃圾分类后被送到工厂而不是填埋场,既省下了土地,又避免了填埋或焚烧所产生的污染,还可以变废为宝。





处理阶段: 我国城市生活垃圾的处理方式主要有填埋、焚烧、堆肥三种方法,处理比例分别是79.2%, 18.8%, 2%0








日本前岛清洁中心是市政府投资成立的一家垃圾焚烧场,比较有代表性。该市有36万人口,每天产生约450t可燃烧垃圾,可燃烧垃圾是全部烧掉。焚烧垃圾时,炉内产生高达900℃的高温气体。这些热量可以用来发电。发电的余热又用于提高游泳池水的温度,实现了热能的充分利用。清洁中心焚烧垃圾所产生的粉尘,通过一个集成设备进行处理,清除粉尘污染。焚烧产生的废气还要经过清洗、脱硫等处理,清除了污染物后,才排人大气。烧垃圾时,车间的烟囱没有黑烟。焚烧产生的废渣,大部分被送到远处的大阪湾掩埋场掩埋;少部分在焚烧场附近就地掩埋。在当地,早期的掩埋场有的建成了停车场,有的改造成了林地。 东京以南的港口城市横宾,在努力开发将生活垃圾变为能源的新技术,并获得了初步成功。科研人员利用专门

设备,从垃圾中自动分拣出烂菜果等可分解的生活垃圾,然后用甲烷菌对其作发酵处理,得到大量的沼气,而剩的残渣可焚烧掉。沼气燃烧时不冒黑烟,排出的氧化硫、氧化氮等有害气体也很少。 目前,日本的垃圾近80%是被焚毁,而美国垃圾的80%是回收利用。


本篇文章来源于 环卫科技网(原文链接:


1. 政府重视不够















4. 尚未引入市场和公众参与的管理机制


差别较大,但政府职能却大致相同,即环境卫生部门既执行监督管理职能,又要具体组织垃圾的清运及最终处理处置,呈现“政企不分”的状况,对于社会主义市场经济非常不适应。这表现在:“政企不分”,政府机构既要负责管理,又要负责服务;多头管理,各自为政,职责不清;垃圾的清运、处置主要靠政府的大量补贴与行政命令手段,垃圾处理者无经济利益驱动,除了行政命令或者政府大量补贴外,无法激励国内外企业积极参与垃圾的无害化、资源化处理。使一些单位在改善工作质量,提高工作效率和降低处理费用等关键问题上,缺乏体制性动力;很多中小城市没有能力独自建设符合标准的处理、处置设施来解决城市垃圾问题。可以看出,现行的管理体制和运行机制制约着环境卫生事业进一步的发展。城市生活垃圾处理一直被视为公益事业,环卫设施建设资金,垃圾收集、运输设施、垃圾中转站等主要由政府投资,垃圾填埋场建设资金、各垃圾处理场运营维护费也基本由政府投资建设,垃圾发电厂大多采取 BOT 等方式,以吸引社会资本投资。可以看出其经费来源于财政拨款。这种没有竞争压力的机制,必然产生懒惰和低效,这一点早已被社会实践证明。虽然每年政府投入大量资金,但资金缺口越来越大。如上海市每年投入环卫行业的开支高达4. 5亿多元。因此,大力发展环保产业势在必行。通过培育环保市场,发展环保产业,在利益驱动的市场机制下,实现环境保护工作由被动向动的转化。









城市生活垃圾管理办法 第二篇_城市生活垃圾管理办法(2007)-EN



Effective date: 04-28-2007 07-01-2007 Department: Subject: Ministry of Construction Environmental Protection Order of the Ministry of Construction

(No. 157)

Administrative Measures for Urban Living Garbage, which were deliberated and adopted at the 123rd utive meeting of the Ministry of Construction on April 10, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of July 1, 2007.

Minister of the Ministry of Construction Wang Guangtao

April 28, 2007

Administrative Measures for Urban Living Garbage

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of urban living garbage and improving the city appearance and environmental sanitation, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Regulation on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation and other laws and administrative regulations.

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the clearing, collection, transport, disposal of urban living garbage and the relevant administrative activities within the territory of the People Republic of China.

Article 3 The principles of minimization, reclamation and environmentally friendly treatment and that whoever produces garbage shall bear the responsibility for the disposal thereof shall be observed in the control of urban living garbage.

The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures which are helpful to the comprehensive utilization of urban living garbage, enhance the scientific and technological level of control of urban living garbage and encourage the full recovery and reasonable utilization of urban living garbage.

Article 4 The entities and individuals producing urban living garbage shall pay fees for the disposal thereof according to the criterions determined by urban people’s government on garbage disposal fees and other relevant provisions.

The urban garbage disposal fees shall be exclusively used for the collection, transport and disposal of urban living garbage and are strictly forbidden to be used for any other purpose.

Article 5 The construction administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage throughout the country.【城市生活垃圾管理办法】

The construction administrative department of the people’s government of each province or autonomous region shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage within its administrative area.

The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people’s government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, of a city or a county, shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage within its administrative area.

Article 6 Any entity or individual shall comply with the relevant provisions on the administration of urban living garbage and may expose and charge against any entity or individual in violation of these Measures.

Chapter II Control Planning and Facilities Construction

Article 7 The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people’s government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, of a city or of a county, shall, jointly with the relevant departments such as the city planning department, work out a plan on the control of urban living garbage and uniformly arrange the distribution of, land to be used for and scale of facilities for the collection and disposal of urban living garbage.

The opinions of the general public shall be widely consulted in the formulation of a plan on the control of urban living garbage.

Article 8 The land to be used for the facilities of collection and disposal of urban living garbage shall be integrated into the urban yellow line protection range. No entity or individual may illegally occupy it or change its purpose of use.


Article 9 The construction of facilities of collection and disposal of urban living garbage shall be in line with the urban living garbage control plan and the pertinent national technical standards.

Article 10 An entity engaging in the development of a new area, rebuilding of an old area or construction and development of a residential area, or the business management entity of an airport, port, station, store or of any other public facilities or place prepare facilities for the collection of urban living garbage under the urban living garbage control plan and the criterions on the setup of environmental sanitation facilities.

Article 11 The relevant laws, regulations and technical standards of the state shall be strictly followed in the survey, design, construction and supervision of construction of projects of

facilities for the collection and disposal of urban living garbage.

Article 12 After the completion of a project of construction of facilities for the collection or disposal of urban living garbage, the construction entity shall organize a completion-based check and shall, within 3 month thereafter, submit to the construction project archives to the construction administrative department and the environmental sanitation administrative department of the local people’s government. If no completion-based check is made for the project or if the project fails to pass the check, it shall not be delivered for use.

Article 13 No entity or individual may illicitly close down or dismantle any facilities or site for the disposal of urban living garbage or leave them idle. If it is really necessary to do so, such entity or individual shall be subject to the examination and approval of the construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the local people’s government at the county level or above and shall take measures to prevent environmental pollution.【城市生活垃圾管理办法】

Article 14 An applicant shall submit the following materials if it (he) applies for closing down or dismantling any facilities or site for the disposal of urban living garbage or leaving them idle:

1. A written application;

2. The ownership certification materials;

3. A certification for its loss of functions or for the replacement of its functions by other facilities;

4. A plan on the prevention of environmental pollution;

5. A drawing of the present state of and a plan on the dismantlement of the facilities to be closed down, to be left idle or to be dismantled;

6. A design map of the new facilities to be built;


7. For any facilities to be left idle, be closed down or dismantled due to the ution of a city plan, the approval documents of the planning and construction administrative department shall be provided as well.

# Chapter III Clearing, Collection and Transport

Article 15 Classified dumping, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall be gradually realized. The detailed measures shall be formulated by the construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people’s government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a county, according to the national standards and the local actual situation.

Article 16 An entity or individual shall, according to the prescribed place and time, dump the living garbage to the garbage containers or collection place as designated. The waste furniture and other large pieces of garbage shall, at the prescribed time, be put in the collection place as designated.

For an area for the classified collection of urban living garbage, the entities and individuals shall, according to the classification requirements as prescribed, put the living garbage into the corresponding garbage bag and then put it into the designated garbage container or collection place.

Hotels, restaurants, government organs, universities, colleges and other entities shall, under the relevant provisions, separately collect and keep the kitchen garbage produced by themselves and deliver such garbage to an enterprise of collection and transport of urban living garbage, which satisfies the requirements of these Measures, for transport to prescribed place of disposal of urban living garbage.

It is forbidden to dump, throw, spill or pile up urban living garbage at will.

Article 17 An enterprise engaging in commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall obtain a license for the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.

Any enterprise failing to obtain a license for the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall not engage in activities of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.

Article 18 The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a city or county, shall, by way of bid tendering or any other fair competition means, make a licensing decision about the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage and issue to the bid-winner a service of commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.

The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a city or county, shall sign with the bid-winner an agreement on the business of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.

The agreement on the business of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall state the time limit, service standards and other items and shall serve as an attachment to the license for the service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.

Article 19 An enterprise to provide the service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall meet the following conditions:

1. The registered capital of the enterprise with the legal person status which intends to engage in clearing and collection of garbage shall not be less than 1 million yuan or the registered capital of the enterprise to engage in the transport of garbage shall not be less than 3 million yuan;

2. Its mechanical clearing capacity shall reach at least 20% of the total clearing capacity; it has mechanical clearing vehicles, including tank cars and clearing vehicles. A mechanical clearing vehicle shall have the functions such as automatic water spray, preventing dirt, preventiing falling and scattering, as well as safety warning, and shall be equipped with an instrument for recording the driving and clearing courses of the vehicle;

3. It shall employ completely airtight transport tools, which have the function of classified collection, to collect garbage;

4. It shall employ completely airtight automatic discharge vehicles or vessels, which have the

functions of preventing the spread of disagreeable odor, preventing falling and scattering, preventing the seeping, dropping and leaking of liquid, and which shall be equipped with an instrument for recording the driving and clearing courses of the vehicle;

5. It has sound rules on the management of technologies, quality, safety and monitoring;

6. It has a lawful road transport business license and vehicle licenses; and

7. It has a fixed office, machines, equipment, and a place for parking vehicles and anchoring vessels.

Article 20 An enterprise engaging in the commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall perform the following obligations:

1. To timely clear, collect and transport the urban living garbage within the prescribed time limit according to the environmental sanitation standards and norms;

2. To transport the urban living garbage it collets to the disposal place acknowledged by construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people’s government of the municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a city or county;

3. After it clears, collects and transports the urban living garbage, it shall timely keep clean and reposition the living garbage collection facilities, clear up the operation place and keep the living garbage collection facilities and surrounding environment clean; and

4. The vehicles and vessels used for collecting and transporting the urban living garbage shall be airtight, in good condition and clean.

Article 21 An enterprise engaging in the commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage is prohibited to commit the following acts:

1. To dump, throw, spill or pile up urban living garbage at will;

2. To stop business or close business; and

3. To throw away, leave or scatter any living garbage during the process of transport.

Article 22 The industrial solid waste and hazardous waste shall, under the relevant provisions of the state, separately collect, transport, and be strictly prohibited to mix the urban living garbage.

Chapter IV Disposal

Article 23 The urban living garbage shall be disposed at the forwarding station or disposal plant (place) of urban living garbage.


No entity or individual may dispose of the urban living garbage at will.

Article 24 The technologies, equipment and materials employed in the disposal of the urban living garbage shall conform to the national technical standards on the disposal of urban living garbage so as to prevent environmental pollution.

Article 25 An enterprise to engage in the commercial disposal of urban living garbage shall obtain from the local construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people’s government of the municipality directly under the Central Government, or of the city or county a

城市生活垃圾管理办法 第三篇_城市生活垃圾处理费实施办法



第一章 总则

第一条 根据《城市生活垃圾管理办法》(建设部第157号令)和《徐州市城市生活垃圾处理费征收和管理暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》),结合铜山区的实际情况,制定本实施办法。

第二条 本办法所指城市生活垃圾是指城市人口在日常生活中产生或为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物(不包括建筑垃圾、工业固体废物和危险废物等)以及法律、行政法规规定,视为城市生活垃圾的固体废物。

第三条 城市生活垃圾处理费为行政事业性收费,区城市管理局为城市生活垃圾处理费征收和管理行政主管部门,区城市生活垃圾处理费征收和管理处具体承担此项工作。

第二章 城市垃圾处理费的征收对象及标准

第四条 区财政拨款的国家机关,事业单位的生活垃圾处理费,由区财政局按单位参加城镇职工基本医疗保险在职职工数、每人每年36元标准一次性征收,由单位负责。

第五条 办理税务登记的,未纳入财政预算管理的自收自支事业单位,省、部属单位和外地驻徐单位的生活垃圾处理费,由区地税局在单位缴纳城镇职工基本医疗保险费时按每人每月3元征收;各类企业的生活垃圾处理费,由区地税局在企业缴纳基金费时,按每人每年36元标准一次性征收。以上征收对象缴费人数以


第六条 宾馆、招待所行业,根据其实际床位数,每个床位每月按6元收取,其中餐饮、桑拿、娱乐部分按相应标准另收,由区工商局在营业执照年检时一次性征收。由经营者负担。

第七条 餐饮、桑拿、歌舞厅、美容美发等相关餐饮娱乐行业,由区工商局在营业执照年检时,按营业面积每月每平方米1元标准一次性收。由经营者负担。

第八条 农贸市场及未办理税务登记的专业市场、长途汽车客运点(国有、社会)按实际产生垃圾量每吨40元收取,由主办或经营管理单位负担。

第九条 家庭装潢和修缮房屋产生的垃圾,按房屋建筑面积每平方米1元的标准收取,由住户负担。

第十条 建筑施工单位的生活垃圾处理费;由区住房建设局在其办理建筑工程招投标时,按照承包工程合同总造价的万分之四一次性收取,由建筑施工单位负担。


第十一条 大中专院校、职业教育学校及高中阶段在校学生,以及未纳入自来水收费系统的住户和未登记注册个体工商户的生活垃圾处理费,由区城市管理局负责征收。

第十二条 使用自来水住户生活垃圾处理费的缴纳:





第三章 城市垃圾处理费的退返对象及标准

第十三条 特困户、低保对象等社会贫困人群的生活垃圾处理费退返工作,由区总工会、民政部门根据特困户、低保户的生活垃圾处理费实际缴纳情况制订退返计划,经区生活垃圾处理费征管


第十四条 大学生自主创业企业的生活垃圾处理费退返工作每年组织一次,由区人保局根据企业生活垃圾处理费实际缴纳情况制订退返计划,经区生活垃圾处理费征管机构审核后,由区人保局予以退返。

第十五条 使用自来水住户生活垃圾处理费的退返:


推荐访问:城市建筑垃圾管理办法 城市生活垃圾管理规定
