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雅思口语最新预测 第一篇_2016年1月雅思口语预测完整版




1. House or flat 住所


2. Work or study 工作或学习



3. Name 全名


4. Hometown 家乡


5. Weather 天气

喜欢晴天还是雨天,分别做什么,晴天有什么不好吗,你觉得天气影响心情吗? 重点准备题目

6. Snack 小吃


7. Film 电影


8. Swimming 游泳


9. Newspaper 报纸


10. Countryside 乡村


11. Friends 朋友


12. Books 书籍


13. History 历史


14. Fruit and vegetable 水果和蔬菜


15. Social network 社交网络


16. Being alone 独处


17. Public transport 公共交通


18. Photograph 照片


19. Memorizing 记忆


20. Sport 运动


21. Public holidays 假期


22. Noise 噪音

有噪音介意吗, 安静的地方优势是什么, 你不喜欢什么样的声音,什么样的声音让你想起童年.

23. Concerts 音乐会

去过现场音乐会没, 最近一次去参加音乐会是什么时候, 喜欢电视上看音乐会还是现场看

24. Driving 驾驶

你经常开车吗, 学习开车是否有必要, 在你们国家多大的了允许开车

25. Birthdays 生日

在你们国家人们过生日一般干嘛, 你上次生日干嘛, 你认为在生日那天做一些特殊的事情重要吗, 你认为生日对成年人重要还是对孩子们重要些.

26. Shopping 购物

你喜欢购物吗, 为什么有的人喜欢购物有的人不喜欢, 你购物的时候经常买什么, 人们为什么喜欢网上购物, 网店会取代实体店吗.

27. TV program 电视节目


28. Clothing 衣服


29. Teachers 老师


30. Color 颜色


31. Leisure time/ Relaxation 休闲时间


32. Math 数学

什么时候开始学的数学, 感觉数学好学吗, 喜欢用计算器吗, 觉得数学重要吗?

33. Being in a hurry 匆忙做事


34. Museum 博物馆


35. Staying up 熬夜


36. Teamwork 团队合作


37. Handwriting


38. Music 音乐


39. Help 帮助


40. Message or call 短信或电话


雅思口语最新预测 第二篇_2015年雅思口语预测于新话题补充_雅思口语必读



1. 常考的旧题

常见part one的高频考题,我们一共总结出了15个:birthday; name; advertisements; hometown; special day, hometown; gifts; leisure time; accommodation; fashion; cooking/food; color; study/work; weather; friends/families; teachers;其中红色标注的部分就是我们此次预测命中的话题(15个高频话题命中了14个)。这些考题在一月份重复考到的几率非常大,所以也请大家对这些中标考题引起高度的重视。我们在1.5-1.9就已经抢先时机发布了我们的预测内容,并附上了一系列独家的关于考题的思路拓展、有用词组句型、常见错误、避免方法等等其他预测和培训机构没有的内容。这些内容在整个一月份都是非常有备考价值的,对于那些考试没有思路,不知道从何说起的考生来说,是不可多得的必备资料。



1. Tree

1) 1. what are thebenefits of trees

2) What kind oftrees are there in your neighborhood?

3) Have you everplanted trees in your country?

4) In China, whattrees have a special meaning?

2. Sleep 1) How long do yousleep every day?

2) What are thebenefits of good sleep?

3) Do you thinkpeople should take afternoon nap?

3. Time

1) Are you anorganized person?

2) Are you a personwho’s good at time managements?

3) How do youorganize your time?

4. handwriting

1) Do you think handwriting is important skill?

2) Do you like toreceive letters written by hand? 3) Do your friendsrecognize your hand writing?

4) Did you receiveany gifts with hand writing message?

5) Do you think goodhandwriting is beneficial for children?

本文由全国唯一100%保分退费、雅思6.5分以上96%达线率的麦考瑞雅思培训机构/ 原创撰写,转载请保留链接,谢谢您的阅读,祝各位雅思同学学习进步!!

雅思口语最新预测 第三篇_最全2016年1月-4月雅思口语预测新题




1. Do you enjoy dancing?

2. Has anyone ever taught you to dance?

3. Does China have any traditional dances?

4. Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people?

5. Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future? Why?/Why not?


1. Do you use computers very much?

2. Have computers changed your life in any way?

3. Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?

4. Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?

5. Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?


1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?

2. Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?

3. What do other people do in parks or gardens?

4. What do you like to do when you go to a park or public garden?

5. What do you think are the functions of parks and public gardens?


1. 有趣的动物

Describe an interesting animal.

You should say:

What animal it is,

Where it lives (or, you have seen it),

What it looks like ,

And explain your feelings about this animal.

2. 新买的让你开心的产品

Describe a product you bought which made you very happy. You should say:

What it is,

When you bought it,

Why you bought it,

And explain why it made you happy.

3. 一个值得尊敬的老人

Describe an old person you respect

You should say:

Who he/she is

When you knew him/her

What you know about him/her

Why you respect him/her

4. 一次因天气改变计划的经历

An occasion when the weather changed your plan

When it was,

Where it happened,

What you did at the end;


A place (a village) you visited that has been affected by pollution

Where it is

Why you went there

What are the pollutants

And explain how you felt about it


6. 一个艰难的决定

A decision you took a long time to make ( A difficult choice you ever made)

what decision it was,

what difficulties you faced,

how you made the decision,

and explain why it took you a long time to make the decision.


Describe a special song

You should say:

What song it is

When you first heard it

What the song is about

And explain why this song has special meaning for you


Describe a job you like to do in the future

You should say:

What the job is

How you came to know about it

What kind of people can do this job

And explain why you like to do this job

9. 让你笑的电视节目

Describe a TV program that makes you laugh.

You should say:

what the program is


what type of program it is

what content it has

and explain why it makes you laugh.


Describe a photo of yourself you have taken

You should say:

When and where you took this photo


What happened

Who took this photo

And explain how you felt about this photo.


Describe a sport you have learnt for the first time You should say:

What the sport is

When and where you learnt it

How you learnt it

And explain why you like it


Describe a dinner that you had with your friends You should say:

When and where you had the dinner

Who you ate the dinner with

What you ate

And explain how you felt with this dinner.

13. 向你道歉的人

Describe a person who has apologized to you

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know about this person

Why he/she apologized to you

And explain how you felt after he/she apologized to you.

14. 你喜欢的家庭(不是自己的)

Describe a family (not your own) that you like

You should say:

What kind of family it is

雅思口语最新预测 第四篇_2016年9月份雅思口语part2话题预测


1.完美工作 Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future.

2.初用外语 Describe a first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.

3.同住之人 Describe a person that just moved home

4.课外活动 Describe an extracurricular activity you do in school.

5.儿时技艺 Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child.

6.想学的课程 Describe a course you would learn if you had time.

7.优良品行 Describe a good part of your personality or character.

8.创作大师 Describe a creative person,such as an artist or musician,who has influenced you.

9.讨厌的旅程 Describe a short trip you disliked.

10.省钱妙招 Describe a method that helps you save money.

11.积极改变 Describe a positive change in your life.

12.聚会晚餐 Describe a reunion dinner you organized.

13.愉快购物 Describe a happy shopping experience.

14.大好消息 Describe a good piece of news you received before.

15.犯错经历 Describe a mistake that you once made before.【雅思口语最新预测】

16.保持健康 Describe a way you keep fit or healthy.

17.有趣传统 Describe an interesting tradition in your country.

18.有趣场所 Describe an interesting place in public.

19.大型公司 Describe a large company you know.

20.初次品尝 Describe a food you first time to eat.

22.电视故事 Describe an interesting story you watched on TV.

23.初尝运动 Describe a sport you would like to try.

24.共进晚餐 Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

25.观看电影 Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home.

26.先进个人 Describe a person you know that had made a contribution to the social.【雅思口语最新预测】

27.人生目标 Describe a goal you'd like to achieve in the future.

28.怀旧歌曲 Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life.

29.本地新闻 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.

30. 你的照片 Describe a photo of yourself that you like.

31.他人赠衣 Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.

32.喜爱家庭 Describe a family (not your own) that you like.

33.外语交流 Describe a time when you talk with other people in English.

34. 改变计划 Describe one time when the weather changed your plan.

35.新的技能 Describe a new skill you want to learn.

36.有趣动物 Describe an interesting animal.

37.一场梦境 Describe a dream you had.

38.致歉之人 Describe a person who has apologize to you.

39.开心商品 Describe a product you bought and you feel happy.

40.污染之地 Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution.

41.仰望天空 Watching the Sky.【雅思口语最新预测】

42.喜爱季节 Describe your favorite season.

43.一款App Describe an App you know.

45.传家之宝 Describe an important object that your family has kept for a long time.

46.尊敬的领导 Describe a leader you admire.


雅思口语最新预测 第五篇_换题季必看!新航道2016年5月份雅思口语考试预测




雅思口语最新预测 第六篇_2016年5月-8月雅思口语新题

PART1 Do you like your hometown? What would you recommend your friends to visit there?

适合小孩成长吗?What do you like about your hometown?

Do you think it is a good idea to live in the countryside?

How is the public transport in your city?

Why the current major? Is it hard to learn? 你学的啥有兴趣吗 老师还是学生更重要 文科生和理科生的区别

Do you study in the morning or afternoon?

What do you enjoy most in your study? What to do after graduation?

What do you find interesting in learning?

What do you dislike about learning?

Do you like your current job?

What do you find difficult in it?

Is it different from what you have expected?

Do you live in a house or a flat? (Is there any store or shop in the neighborhood?)

Have you moved?

Which is your favorite room? Is there anything that needs improvement?

What types of flats would you like to live in the future?

What holidays are there in China?

How do they spend holidays?

Are they enough for you? 是不是越多越好?

What did you do during the last holiday?

What do you think is the different between going on a holiday with friends and with parents? Do you have a favorite color?

Do you care about color when you shop or choose things?

What would the color of your car be if you wanted to buy one?

Is color important to you?





Do you go to museums?

Why do you like going to museums?

Should the school take students to museums and why?


What is the most obvious change in your country?

Have you been to other parts of your country?

What is your favorite part of your country?

Do you like going to the cinema for a movie?

What kind of movies do you like?

Do you watch alone or with others?

What movies do Chinese people enjoy?

Do you make films?

Do you like reading newspapers?

When did you start reading newspapers?

What kind of newspapers are there in your country?

Do you think printed newspaper and magazine would disappear in the future?


E-mail or letter?

E-mail or phone call?

Phone call or face-to-face communication?

bus or taxi, which do you prefer?

How often do you take a bus or a taxi?

Would you take a bus or taxi for a long journey?

How often do you go out with friends?

What do you do when you are together with your friends?

To hang out with just one friend or several? Where do you go usually?

What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

Is it healthy to eat snacks?

Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

What was the most popular snack when you were a child?

What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

Which kind of snack do you prefer and why?

Do you eat different snack in different time in a day?

When was the last time you worked with a team?

Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

What’s the most important thing for teamwork?

Do you like to be a leader?

Do you like music?

What type of music do you prefer?

What would you like to be in a concert?

When was the last time you saw a Music TV or went to a concert?

What are the differences between a live concert and songs in CDs? 韩国歌手流行吗?

How much time do you like to spend at home?

Would you like to spend more time?

What do you do at home?

Do you go out or stay at home for leisure time?

(How do you spend your spare time alone or with others what to do when was the last time?)

Do you like dancing? How often do you dance?

When was the last time that you dance?

What type of dancing do you favor?

Is dancing popular in your country?

What handicrafts have you ever made?

Is it popular in your country?

Is it a good idea for students to learn handicrafts in school?

What can computers do?

What influence would computer have in the future?

is it important to learn computer skills?

what useful computer skills do you want to learn?

Do you like it?

Did you like it when you were little?




Do people like visiting parks?

What parks are popular in your city?

How often do you visit parks?

When was the last time that you visited a park?

With whom do you go? And what do you do?

Do you like it? Is there any science museum in your city?

你喜欢科学吗, 哪一个,



when did you have one first?

On what occasions should you not use your phone?

What was the first school you visited?

When was it?

What did you learn there?

Did you like it?

What did you enjoy most at school?




喜欢走路吗 在哪走路 一次有趣的走路经历

经常走路去学校吗 一般在哪里走路


喜欢唱歌吗 什么时候唱歌 多经常唱歌

小时候学过唱歌吗 上次唱歌什么时候


中国人喜欢唱歌吗 什么情况唱歌


喜欢听什么声音 不喜欢听什么声音


认为现在是不是很多噪音,你在的地方吵不吵,有没什么声音你喜欢或不喜欢 你家周围有噪音吗,你认为噪音会影响你吗,你喜欢什么声音

do you like outdoor games when you were a child?

What outdoor games are popular in China among children?

your children,would you like he do what outdoor game?





When is the last time you buy flowers?








cap and hat for special occasion



Do you like birthdays?

How do people celebrate their birthdays?

Is there any tradition of birthday in your country?

How do you celebrate parents’ birthday?






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