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时间:2018-06-19   来源:经典语录   点击:


马男波杰克 第一篇_马男波杰克观后感

There are so few real people and explore, and the story of the relationship between his.

It looks ridiculous pictures everywhere and circumstances in fact sharp and true. Like a needle, like everyone stabbed it, because everyone can learn to see their own story.

The plot is very simple, a very arrogant asshole sucker Malian actor random life stories, the same as real life stories, which interspersed a lot of people come and go, they are both important and not important, but repeated in your life .

The play best idea is that each episode is consistent, unlike the story of a drama set over on the end, may never mention it again. Each episode of the show small details, will probably lead to a series of questions later, you may have forgotten how one thing, where the sky.

I especially like some, Bojack to visit his cancer when young gay partner, who helped him fame but that he has betrayed.

They meet again very happy talk, the way always wanted as a young man did apologize, do not have the courage to speak, and later, when he finally found the courage to apologize, gay began to curse him, but also pulled in both of them are smashed important telescope.

Then Bojack been driven away, drive to the beach, and he likes girls Diane (Bojack "friend" Peanut butter fiancee).

In the depressed trough Bojack broker Princess Carolyn received a phone call saying she gave him pick up a great new job. Bojack lukewarm response but he did not care. (That is Princess Carolyn's birthday, and she really took a lot of effort to Bojcak for this job)

At the seaside Bojack cry, sobbing for a while but did not cry out, and then he kissed Diane was refused, because Diane him no feeling of love, when she just wanted to pee, so I felt embarrassed.

Hey, maybe sometimes the person is important to you, but she might be thinking of something insignificant, or he felt important being to another.

I was seen here when sigh this is life, full of regret and incomplete, but because each of these feelings are so real and touching exception.

Inside, everyone alive, especially each person's weaknesses, there is annoying, there is nothing, there are not only annoying but also useless.

These are ordinary people, they may hate you but let you earn a lot of money has ruined your life, or give you warmth but make you more lonely.

Some people say that is a comedy, but I think he is absolutely not, after reading will not be happy. From start to finish just tell the story of lonely people between these stories is not funny.



情节很简单,一个非常asshole的自大傻逼马脸演员的random life stories,就像real life stories一样,里面来来去去穿插很多人,他们既重要又不重要,但是反复出现在你的生活里。 这个剧最棒的idea是,每一集都是连贯的,不像一般连续剧一集的故事完了就完了,可能永远不会再提起。这部剧每一集里的小细节,可能都会引出后面一系列问题,可能你自己都忘了怎么一回事,从何而起。




随后Bojack被赶走了,开车去海边,和他喜欢的女生Diane(Bojack的“朋友”Peanut butter 的未婚妻)。

在郁闷的低谷中Bojack接到经纪人Princess Carolyn的电话说她给他接了很棒的新工作。Bojack却冷淡的回应他根本不care。(那天是Princess Carolyn的生日,她也真的费了很多功夫给Bojcak争取这个工作)








马男波杰克 第二篇_马男波杰克观后感



我深深地认同这个二分法。我相信每个人剥皮剔骨后剩下的那一个最隐秘的核心,必然是Zelda和Zoe二者其一。有些Zoe看起来很像Zelda,比如风趣幽默的Tina Fay。有些Zelda也拥有Zoe的聪明脑袋,比方说Amy Poehler。(某个时期她们在各自喜剧中的形象都曾是我的人生榜样。)但是你一眼就能看出她们的不同。

长久以来,我总隐约地感觉到,人与人之间有一道不能逾越的鸿沟。这种鸿沟甚至超越你喜欢贝多芬而我喜欢TF Boys。为什么有些人总是活得轻松自如,毫无顾虑?而另一些人却总是活得困难重重,疲惫不堪。也许最根本的解释,就是前一种人是Zelda,后一种人是Zoe。


Raphael提供的标准是:本人比照片好看的是Zoe,反之则是Zelda。Zelda需要人陪伴,而独处则让Zoe更舒服。Zelda是乐观主义者,Zoe是悲观主义者。Zelda们改变世界,因为他们相信他们能够做到。而Zoe们总在心里想:这一切都太晚了。最后一条黄金准则:Zelda们相信,每个人,都有Zelda和Zoe的一面。每个人可以既是书呆子,又是运动健将,可以失望透顶也可以是公主,是罪犯。Zoe们会随声附和,表示他们也相信这一套。但不管如何努力,内心深处,Zoe们都清楚地知道:我是Zoe,这一点无可救药。 就从无可救药的Zoe们开始,来讲叙这部剧吧。






马男波杰克 第三篇_马男波杰克观后感

一个过气的喜剧明星,在剧集结束后一事无成,每天的生活就是窝在沙发上看自己的喜剧缅怀过去的辉煌。与经纪人交往多年,却因为害怕承诺而分分合合。他曾有过朋友,最后却背叛了友谊。二十年后,他终于鼓起勇气乞求原谅,但一切都太晚了。一直陪伴他的人,他不懂得珍惜。他在乎的人,又不懂的如何抓牢。他逃避感情,逃避责任,逃避一切。终其一生,波杰克都在做错误的选择。 人生中每一步的细微偏差,层层叠加,最后竟然将自己引上了毁灭的道路。第十一集,使用致幻剂之后出现的幻觉,照映出了他内心的真实渴望:如果二十年前选择了和夏洛特前往缅因州,人生是否会轻松得多。然而那时他太年轻了,根本衡量不出生命中真正重要的到底是什么。他被欲望驱使着,享受短暂的声名与财富,却不知道那是魔鬼的恩惠,一旦得到,就要付出灵魂的代价。在极度的崩溃中,他向戴安寻求自我肯定。他祈求她:“求你,戴安,告诉我,我是个好人。”随即而来的是一阵长久的沉默。


如果一个人开始诘问自己是否是个好人,那一定是他精神世界严重失序的时刻。菲兹杰拉德(a Zoe)在《崩溃》里写道:“毫无疑问,所有的人生都是一个垮掉的过程,但那些引发戏剧性场面的打击——那些来自或似乎来自外界的巨大而突然的打击——那些被你存在记忆里,承担着你的怪罪,你在脆弱的时刻会向朋友们倾诉的打击,其效果的显现倒并不突兀。另一种打击来自内心——那些打击,直到你无论怎么做都为时晚矣,直到你断然意识到在某些方面你再也不是那么好的一个人了,你才会感觉得到。”波杰克,毫无疑问,正承受着第二种无可回转的打击。





马男波杰克 第四篇_《马男波杰克》有感 ——“我”是怎样的我?

《马男波杰克》有感 ——“我”是怎样的我? 作为成年了的大学生闲置在家,看了《在下版本,有何贵干?》,而后看了《胜利即是正义》,整个人都失去自我意识变成一台只会哈哈发笑的机器,看了豆瓣的推荐,才知道原来朋友圈里转发的截图里的马男是这部动画。看了前面六集, 完全,完全笑不出来。



果然还是少碰这类事情的想法。敏感,斤斤计较,不喜欢参加社交活动,房间里是永远也拉不上的窗帘,总觉得自己的床过于狭小,总觉得自己的心胸过于狭隘,有时候沾沾自喜,有时候把自己 贬得一文不值,大多时候觉得自己应该奋进,却又那么的懒惰,或者是把自己压得太死奋进感膨胀的厉害,过后又总是 一副懊悔的样貌。疲于家庭的经营,感到生活中很多人的不幸与无趣。


作为从小没任何理想抱负,单凭这父母老师因为我成绩好夸赞我成为我的少数的骄傲,进入一个放松的环境变得如此不堪一击也是很正常的事。我觉得自己家庭很普通但是从小至今并没太多幸福感,就算遇到了喜欢的人, 但还是觉得生活负面的东西多于正面的东西。但是,这样的我,还是属于热爱生活的人,偶尔会在厕所唱一下歌,也会与男友相互依偎,以后还想学习心理学,对于世界上的东西还有好奇心和探索欲。



马男波杰克 第五篇_马男波杰克观后感



学党章党规,应着眼明确基本标准、树立行为规范,全面理解党的纲领,牢记入党誓词,牢记党的宗旨,牢记党员义务和权利;学系列讲话,应着眼加强理论武装、统一思想 行动,认真学习习近平总书记关于改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军的重要思想,认真学习以习近平同志为总书记的党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略;做合格党员,应着眼党和国家事业的新发展对党员的新要求,坚持以知促行,做讲政治、有信念,讲规矩、有纪律,讲道德、有品行,讲奉献、有作为的合格党员。





马男波杰克 第六篇_马男波杰克1.4

1x04 - Zoes and Zeldas And he says he says, "Why the long face?" And I say, "Hey, buddy, I can't help it.

" You get that? Long face.

Horses have long faces.

I am a horse, my face is long.

You get it, right? Good, good.

What about the Rock Hudson stuff? Felt like that flew over your heads.

Did you get that? Keep this up, and the only thing we're gonna get is our money back! Okay, okay, it wasn't that funny.

Maybe you didn't get it.

Uh, hey, guys, guys - Hey, let me buy you a drink.

- Get cancer, jerk wad.

You've got some good material, you really do.

The Gorbachev stuff, it's killer.

But you gotta stop asking people if they get things.

- But then who do I know if they got it? - They'll laugh.

Why are you giving me advice? Look, I've been doing stand-up for a year now, and it's the responsibility of big shots like me to always be looking out for the little guy. - Let me buy you a drink.

- Oh, I don't drink.

- BoJack Horseman.

- Herb Kazazz.

Oh, God! Goddamn it, Todd, clean up your shit.

What am I supposed to do, okay? You don't give me any closet space.

Not my problem.

A better man than you once said, and I quote, "It's the responsibility of little guys like you to be looking out for big shots like me.

" Who said that? I don't know, Jesus, Ghandi, Malcolm-Jamal Warner.

Clean up your shit! Oh! Gloria Steinem, one of the leading lights of modern feminism. You will surely go down in the annals of history just as surely as Lisa Lampanelli will go down in the locker room of the Houston Rockets.

Hey, BoJack, settle a bet.

- Are you a Zoe or a Zelda? - Don't know what that means.

Well, I was talking to Wayne.

- Who's Wayne? - I'm Wayne.


Wayne's writing an article about me for BuzzFeed.

BuzzFeed? What'll they think of next? Fun fact: Wayne is also my ex-boyfriend. You're funny.

Pretty cool, eh, BoJack? Diane's writing a book about you, Wayne's writing an article about me.

We're the same! How could you think that that's the same? My book will be in libraries for hundreds of years.

Your BuzzFeed article will be crammed between an animated GIF of a cat falling asleep and a list of fun facts about Legally Blonde.

- Ha! Classic Zoe.

- I still don't know what that means.

Well, are you familiar with Mr.

Peanutbutter's House? Do you mean his sitcom that coincidentally had the exact same premise as my sitcom? Not the exact same.


Peanutbutter's House featured a pair of twins, Zoe and Zelda.

Zelda was the sunny, fun-loving extrovert.

- Look at my pumpkin, Mr.


- Pretty smile, Zelly-belly.

Aww Whereas Zoe was the smart, cynical introvert.

My pumpkin's throwing up because Halloween encourages excessive consumption of

refined sugar at a time when obesity rates are sky high.

Plus, Halloween costumes are a gateway to casual racism.

Why don't I keep the knife, Zo-bo? Who's that dog? Mr.

Peanutbutter Knick-knack, paddywhack Give a dog a bone Now, was the show's acting ham-fisted and the writing moronic? - N-n-no? - Yes, but the Zoe/Zelda paradigm rang true.

I believe everyone's either a Zoe or a Zelda.

For example, Nixon was a Zoe and Kennedy, a Zelda.

Al Gore, Zoe.

George W.

Bush, total Zelda.

It's R2-D2 and C-3PO, Zooey and Emily Deschanel.

So Zooey's a Zoe? No, Zooey's a Zelda.

Emily's the Zoe.

What a crazy world.

- So which one are you, BoJack? - I think I'm above this.

Said the Zoe.

Well, I think I'm a Zelda.

Or maybe you're the third kind of person, whose only function is to drain the energy and life force - from his host organism.

- Come on, BoJack.

Nah, he's right.

I'm pretty much worthless.

See? You say something to someone enough times, and eventually, he internalizes it. The system works.

I don't have a job, I don't have any prospects.

I probably won't ever finish the rock opera I'm working on.

What? Since when are you working on a rock opera? Oh, no.

Why'd I ask that? Basically, it's Tommy by way of Cirque du Soleil set in space, with heavy erotic overtones, and the gripping psychodrama of a thriller with plenty of heart and more than a little humor.

I call it Newtopia Rising, Book 1: - The Search for a New Utopia.

- Book 1? You've got me thinking sequel here.

Traveling on a spaceship - I'm in.

- I'm out.

So far away from home To find a new and better place A planet rich with loam - Loam? "Rich with loam?" - Yeah, it's a kind of soil.

These people are simple, agricultural types.

On a spaceship? We learned a lot And had some laughs But they couldn't make us slaves No! No, they couldn't make us slaves No! No, they could-n-n-n't Make u-u-u-us One, two "Slaves.

" Just say "slaves.

" Sla-a-a-a-a-a-aves That was and I don't say this lightly worse than a hundred September 11ths.

Yeah, you're right.

This was stupid.


I don't know what I was thinking.

- Well, guess I'll give up forever.

- That's the spirit.

Now, you have to understand that as a port city, Liverpool had unique access to all aspects of American culture, especially Blues music and its unruly nephew, Rock and Roll.

I thought this story was about running into Paul McCartney in the bathroom at the Golden Globes.

It is.

I thought you would appreciate some context.

Let's skip that one for a minute.

- Tell me about Todd.

- Todd? What's to tell? Five years ago, he found his way into one of my house parties and never left.

And you've never asked him anything about himself? I've asked him to get a job, I've asked him to move out.

With a little encouragement, I'll bet he could really flourish.

I mean, didn't you have anyone who helped you - when you were just starting out? - Um, actually, no.

Todd clearly thinks the world of you.

Todd thinks the world of Pop-Tarts.

Look, I get that helping other people is not your thing, but What? I let Todd live rent-free in my stately manse.

I am his own personal Mother Teresa.

But do you let him stay here because you're kind or just because you're terrified of being alone? That is insane! I would love to be alone.

That is all I want.

Mmm if that were really true, I don't think you'd be clipping Todd's wings all the time. What? That's unbelievable.

- Todd! - What? Clean up my shit? Yes, but also, I would like to help you with your dumb-ass rock opera.

- What? - I am supporting you.

I-I don't understand.

Oh, my God, are you dying? No.

I think you have great depth of untapped potential and I wish to mentor you in your art. - Really? - Yes.

Wait, is this going to be like that time you promised to take me ice skating, and I got really excited about the ice skating, but then instead of ice skating, you left me at home so you could go to the strip club and then you took the strippers ice skating? - No. - Then hooray! Let's dig in.

Where to start? Okay, well, the headline is, I hate it.

I hate everything about it.

The premise is bad and the execution is also bad.

It's an irredeemable jumble of shit.

- Tough but fair.

- Ahem.

That said, I don't see why we can't make something really great here.

Okay, thank you.

I'll work on that.

- Are you close? - No! - How 'bout now? - No! - Now? - You're not even inside of me. Oh, God! Did you get there? Okay, so you know in the second act closer when the

seekers of Newtopia are in the Turbidians' dungeon and they learn their ship - has been destroyed? - No.

Well, what if we move that to the fourth act? I have no idea what you're talking about, but that idea is terrible.

I hear the note.

Let me see what I can do.

And that's why this planet su-u-u-u-u-cks - So? - How can I put this? Imagine if the Holocaust happened every four years like the Olympics.

I would rather that happened than your rock opera.

That's not really a note.

In fact, none of your notes have been notes.

I feel like you're not even listening.

Yeah, well, you know what? Maybe I would listen if the Turbidians had some reason to enter the Cave of Swollen Dreams that didn't break the pact they made in act one - with Queen Darneesa.

- You have been listening.

This just doesn't make sense.

The Turbidians are a loyal people.

They they wouldn't betray their queen.

Unless They were working for Queen Darneesa, who gave them a potion that would

counteract the effects of the Elixir of Failed Remembrance so they could bring the secret knowledge from the cave back to her, and then establish Newtopia as a vassal state to the Craterman kingdom! Well, don't just sit there! Get this down! Oh, you like that. - You like daddy's good stuff? - Not especially.

Did you get there? Okay, what if there isn't a robot army? I think you just blew this thing wide open.

We'll make this our Newtopia-a-a - # Up a fifth # - # Ah # - # Down a fifth # - # A-a-ah # That was great! This train is moving.

Let's take a break and get lunch.

- Wait, you want to get lunch with me? - Yeah, that's right.

Is this like the time you invited me to lunch, but then, when I got to the restaurant, you texted me to tell me you weren't coming because you were at a strip club "eating stripper" for lunch, - and also, it was my birthday? - No.

Then hooray! And that was a last time I worked with David O.


What's that old expression? "Fool me once, shame on me, but fool me twice fiddle-dee-dee.

" I do believe that is the expression.

Ooh, hold on.

I gotta take this.

Erica, I don't have time to be charmed to death right now.

So how long have you been dating Mr.

Peanutbutter? Is it serious? I'm only asking for the article.

Better question: How long does it take to write a BuzzFeed article? - I want to be thorough.

- What?! Diane, Diane, Diane, Diane! - Do you know what today is? - Sunday? It's

"burritos as big as your head" day at El Taco Loco! We gotta go right now! I thought we were going to see the Diane Arbus show at LACMA today.

You know I love Diane Arbus.

I see what's happening here.

Her name is Diane, and your name is Diane.

That's not what's happening.

I can go to the Arbus show with you, Diane.

- What? - I've actually been meaning to go myself.

Oh, man, you guys are perfect for each other.

Why did you ever break up? Okay, less yakking, more snacking.

Let's go ride in the car! Here's your steak.

- Uh, sorry.

- Mm-hmm.

You mean to tell me that for a full year you were on the run - from the Russian mafia? - Well, a Russian mafia.

I can't believe you never told me any of this stuff.

I just thought you were a dumb freeloader who ate all my food and played video games all day.

You should have seen me in high school.

- There was this one game, Decapathon.

- I remember that game.

I was up for Dr.

Decapitator in the movie version.

They said they wanted someone hipper, but the part ended up going to Robert Downey. - Junior? - If it was Junior, I would have said, "Junior.

" That game basically destroyed my life.

I flunked out of school, my girlfriend left me.

I mean, I didn't stop playing until my mom threw me out of the house.【马男波杰克】

I mean, that's when I first realized, you know, - I'm a total screw-up.

- You're not a screw-up anymore, Todd.

You're about to have a hit rock opera on your hands.

I'm really glad you think that.

I got Princess Carolyn to invite Virgil Van Cleef - to our next rehearsal.

- Who in the what Van? Virgil Van Cleef is the biggest name in rock opera.

Okay, think of all the great rock operas - from the last 20 years.

- Okay.

He had a piece of all of them.

Wow, Todd, are you sure we're ready for that? Hey, you said yourself the train is moving, but if you think we're not ready, I mean, I'll listen to you.

Hey, you've done enough listening, buddy.

Maybe it's about time I start listening.

Well, I feel like Gotta take this.

Hello? Hello? BoJack Horseman? We have some very delicate pictures you might have an interest in not getting into the wrong hands.

I am very happy with my current - long distance provider, thank you.

- What? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm having lunch with my friend.

But if you just listen All right, gang, when Virgil Van Cleef gets here, look alive.【马男波杰克】

This could be Todd's big break, so clap really hard and laugh at all the jokes, even if they're not funny, but also, be careful, because a lot of things you might think are jokes are not jokes, so, you know, look out.

- That was not a joke.

- That was not a real laugh.

I hope you don't mind I brought Wayne along.

- Who's Wayne? - I'm Wayne.

I just wanted to make sure he had everything he needs for the big BuzzFeed cover story. BuzzFeed is a website.

There is no cover.

Eh, "tomato," "tomato.

" It's "tomato," "to-mah-to.

" You say, "tomato," "to-mah-to," I say, "tomato," "tomato.

" Oh, hey, Diane, I got you something.

- Oh, plane tickets? - Yep, to San Francisco.

That's where the Arbus exhibit is heading next.

Oh, my God.

Thanks, Mr.


Gentlemen, dazzle me.

What you're about to see is rough, very rough.

It's a vomit pass at what might become a rock opera.

Right now, it's set mostly in space, but we're not married to that.

Todd is neither a singer nor a trained musician.

In fact, he never even graduated high school, he told me in confidence.

Keep all that in mind as you give it up for Todd.

Okay, so we start in 1887 with a young Emma Goldman.

No they couldn-n-n-n't make u-u-u-us sla-a-a-a-a-aves - It needs a third act showstopper. - I had the same note.

But in all, it's spellbinding.

- All right! - Whoo! You know, I run a small theater in North Hollywood.

We were supposed to mount a J.


Superstar revival next month, but of course, Andrew Lloyd Webber has to be a real hot penis about everything.

Oh, Andy.

Fool me once, shame on you, but teach a man to fool me, and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life.

马男波杰克 第七篇_马男波杰克1.8

[BoJack] Oh, right.

Well, just tell whoever, then.

- Haaah! - [tires screech] Ooh! [honks horn] - Asshole! - [tires squeal] Anyway, I'm off to Malibu to see Herb Kazzaz.

He has cancer, which, as you know, is a whole thing.

Plus, he hates me, so I could really use some good news at the end of the day. Oh, my God.

You're going to see Herb? You must be really Nope.

- Don't care.

Not interested.

- [phone beeps] Okay, Good talk.


- Ready for this? - Listen.

I want to make sure I don't spend any time alone with Herb.

I'm bringing you along as my buffer.

And your memoirist.

I should meet your old best friend before he dies of cancer.

Fine, I guess.

Just don't abandon me.

No bathroom breaks.

And don't slip out of the room to text your fiancé a bunch of winky smileys with hearts next to them Gross.

Congratulations on the whole being engaged thing, - by the way.

- Thanks.

It's just starting to hit me.

I'm getting married.

Thank God I don't have to die alone.

- No offense.

- None taken.

Till you said, "No offense.

" So what's the deal with you and this guy? You never talk about him.

Well, I kind of, maybe stabbed him in the back.

Yeah, it's a bit of a story.

A story of power, betrayal, and ambitious hairstyles.

The year? 198 - Movie's over.

- Watch the next one.

Aw, I'm tired of watching movies.

- Do you want to play a game? - Sure.

I spy with my little eye someone who needs to shut the hell up.

- Is it me? - It's always you.

- Now, where was I? - You were about to tell a story about you being a shitty friend, but then, we got interrupted by you yelling at Todd.

Oh, yeah.

Shut up, Todd.

[funky electronic music] ['80s music] Generic '80s new wave Beep, bop, beep, bop, beep, bop This is a song from the '80s The decade which it currently is Why do we need a kitchen and a bathroom? Pipes are pipes, people.

Do we really need a toilet and a sink and a bathtub and Wait, hold on A whole 'nother room with another sink? They're all just holes to the ocean, lady.

I mean, come on.

[laughs] BoJack, you're late.


I got you a beer.

It's on the house.

Don't tell my boss.

Thanks, Charlotte, but one beer gets me tipsy.


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