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时间:2019-05-15   来源:生活常识   点击:


1、-2/1 2、2
3、105度 4、0
6、5/1 7、-23 8、7.5
9、 4或2 10、0.5x+3)80%=16.8
11、a=-2 12、互为倒数 13、2.51乘(10的5次方) 14、 0 15、不大于4
计算题:1、-13 2、30 3、2003
6、x=-5分之3 7、3
8、23 9、-a 10、x=8
(2)有最值4 ,无最小值
2、(1)39千米 列式:15-2+5-1+10-3-2+12+4-5+6
(2)3.25升 列式:(15+2+5+1+10+3+2+12+4+5+6)×0.05
3、 3. 5年后
4、(1)平角aoe 钝角aod 直角aoc 锐角aob
6、(1)1 3 5 4 8 12
进入专题大全  7、将10个除颜色外其余都相同的球放入一个黑布袋中,其中有5个红求,4个白球,1个蓝球。摇匀后随即摸出一个球,使其摸出红球的可能性为2分之1。
一. 1.嶙 2.翼 3.糟 4.伫 5.怡 6.毫 7.蹂 8.瓣
二. 1.c 2.轩然大波以泪洗面 匪夷所思 丧尽天良 逍遥法外 提心吊胆 3.如:患难之交 布农之交 车笠之交 一面之交
二. 1. 宛转 悠扬 自失起来弥漫在含着豆麦蕴藻之香 2. 斜射在山腰上 忽然害了羞 微微露出点粉色 3. 白铁无辜铸佞臣 4. 悬泉瀑布 飞漱其间 清荣峻茂 5. 听取蛙声一片 6. 学而不思则罔 7. 月有阴晴圆缺 千里共婵娟
三. 1.唐代 杜甫 2. c
四. 1.农村生活 农民 2. 略
五. 向日葵 一串红 黄红相间的花丛,生机勃勃,春意盎然
一. 山珍海味 遗臭万年 杂乱无章 点石成金 弱不禁风 粗制滥造 火上浇油 笨嘴拙舌
二. 勿施于人 差之千里 五谷不分 满盘皆输 一鸣惊人 百年树人
三. 1. 江春入旧年 2. 清风半夜鸣蝉 3. 今夜月明人尽望 4. 海纳百川 5. 盈盈一水间 6. 便引诗情到碧霄
四. 斗千军万马
五. 六出祁山 七擒孟获 东和孙权 北拒曹操 火烧赤壁 收取东川,西川
1. 第一件;我读小学时写了一篇很得意的作文,老师说我是抄的,我委屈地哭了。第二件:我读大学时用几何作图法解答求功率问题的考题,教授说我不懂微积分,还说是抄的。第三件:我当教授时怀疑学生的一篇好论文是抄的,二是查资料并请教同事,寻求解决办法。2. 师怀疑学生的创新能力(或答:老师怀疑学生的作业。可答:怀疑学生
3. 某种现象再次发生
4. 翻来覆去地看学生的论文,到图书馆去查资料;向同事请教处理办法
5. 从罗马法精神的高度(或答:从文明与野蛮的分际的高度。或答:从法律的高度。)
一. 1.想 2. 编 3. 写
1. 隐喻着因年龄的稚嫩,认识的浅陋,而容易犯的不可避免的错误,青春路上的小路,是喻指因犯错误而走的弯路.2. 作为"过来人"所拥有的生活经验;想以此来劝告,避免后来人重蹈覆辙.3. 表现了"我" 好奇心,求知欲,不屈不挠的精神,及执着与顽强.4. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的,只要执著于一个目标,顽强地奋斗,努力,未来就是美好的.5. 任何人都具备人类所共有的美好品质,好奇,求知,执著,顽强,并且乐于实践,不落后 ,这是我们值得庆幸的优点.6. "过来人"的"拦路癖",无非是想让后人少犯错误,少走弯路.但是人性的发展却无视这些,它按照人的成长规律循序渐进,不会因为长者的经历,而废除后来人的成长过程,没有这一过程,就没有真正的成长,这是规律,所以,明智的长者,会叮咛之余,微笑着关注这一切的发生与结束.
一. 1.会心得意处 显示 2.(1). 他只要一去总是喝光,约定必醉方休。 (2). 醉酒赋诗,以娱乐自己的心志。 3. 读书,喝酒,写文章.4.b5.(1). 一种与世无争,逍遥洒脱的人生态度。隐居田园,不与世俗,不与官场同流合污(2). 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。二. 1. (1). 集 (2). 联 2. (1). 半夜不怕鬼敲门 (2).英倍君行车3. (1). 顾头不顾尾 (2). 快马加鞭4. (1). 虎 龙 龙 虎 龙 虎 (2). 龙 凤 龙 凤 龙 凤三. 夏夜的星空
一. (1).壮丽 (2). 悲伤二. 倍 暗 日 异 开 山 长 万 心 一 发 强 理 壮 云三. 1. 数不清 2. 愿者上钩 3. 猴子称霸王 4. 不识好人心5.四不像五.1. 精神到处文章老 学问深时意气平
一.1. 公共卫生也应该讲究啊。 2. 还好有你监督嘛。二. (1). 退 (2).老 (3). 偏 暗 (4). 易 (5).生三. 1. 途径方法正规 2. 坏人就怕遇到“阳光”四. 1. 答:心脏病、癌症、突发病和肺炎。第五位。2. 答:交通要分离、交通要连续、交通流量均分3. 答:道路语言是指道路上的交通标线,标识,交通标志和交通信号。易懂4.答:道路语言的规范,完善与科学化是城市交通管理现代化的最重要标志。5.答:此题无划线。6.答:指交通网络意外的胡同,里弄,窄街,以及便道等道路。由于它路窄,形式复杂或难于管理等原因。以此来疏通微循环网络,达到对于干道网络分流的目的。
一.1. 大风起兮云飞扬,安得猛士兮守四方。 2. 待到重阳日,还来就菊花。 3. 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。 4. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。三. 落花/你注定一路与风儿相伴/刻刻为春芽献出营养/却腐化你自己四. 1. 济南冬天的湖 不结冰2. 那水呢,不但不结冰………….全拿出来了3. 把白雪写活了,体现他的生气。4. 拟人 天儿越晴,水藻越绿。5. 澄清的水 灵的蓝水晶 把水面倒映的红屋顶,黄草山,比作小灰色树影。6. 温晴五. 心动不如行动,某些事等待其实就是意味着放弃,意味着错过。
一.1. 喜欢“超级女生”的人很多,喜欢“2004年感动中国人物评选” 2.学生们的全民素质有待很大的提升。四. 1. 一不报,二时候未到。立即尽孝2. 孝心在我们身旁时,我们从来不会在意,只有到死神降临时,我们才会看见她。
4. 赶快尽孝。不会让他们再生气,做一些力所能及的事,让他们省点心。
二. 众位好汉在吴用的策划下合演了一场戏,令杨志放松警惕,骗过了他取得了生辰纲。
三.1. c 2. a
五. 信任是一缕春风,它会让枯藤绽出新绿;信任是一条纽带,它连结了无数心灵。信任又像绽放的花朵,它需要友爱作空气,忠诚作阳光,关切作雨露。
六. 我们必须尊重他们!!因为这样心地善良的人已经不多了,我们一生要真诚的对待这些人,关注他们。
一. 1. 醇 2. 旌 3. 惘 4.籍 5.钧 6.地 7.睹 8. 偶
二. 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.b
三. 1.a 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.b 6.b
四. 1. chāi sāng 籍 颠簸
3.(1)根据犹唱后庭花 (2)晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄 (3)宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来
4. 除暴安良,悟空识破白骨精 命舛气壮, 武松写就英雄诗 5. 棉花:是花,我却不与百花争芳斗艳;不是花,我却用花絮温暖人间。帆:离开船桅,我是一块普通的布;只有走进江海湖泊,才能大展宏图,才能高歌奋进。
六. 过去
三. 如果没有老师的指导,如果没有家长的关心,我迟早是要吃苦头的。
四. 感谢 一生之中,我要感谢的人实在太多了,感谢老师们对我的教导、感谢朋友们 对我的支持、感谢同学们对我的照顾,我尤其要感谢爸爸妈妈,他们对我的栽培是 无微不至的,我是永远不会忘记他们的恩情的。 首先我要感谢的人是我爸爸,他每天出去工作,赚钱来供我读书。在我读幼 稚园的时候,爸爸常常教我写字,哪一个字我不明白他都会解释给我听。爸爸有时 候也会骂我,不过我知道他是为我好才骂我的。爸爸对我的期望很大,他希望我将 来可以成为一个出色的人,可以为社会服务。有一次考试,我的成绩不是太好,只 是刚刚及格,爸爸不但没有骂我还对我说:「这一次考不好不要紧,下一次再考好 一点也可以。」下一次考试的成绩果然比上次的好了很多。我实在要感谢爸爸对我 的鼓励,如果没有他就没有现在的我。 当然,妈妈也很重要,她每天要煮饭、洗衣服和扫地等。。。每天我放学会 家的时候,妈妈总是替我收拾书包和看看我刚学的课文。每逢星期六,妈妈就去市 场买些菜、水果、肉和鱼类来煮一些好菜给我们吃。妈妈对我非常好,她希望我能用功都书,将来可以成为一位教师。
作业1 答案
iii.club member beautiful classmate same
exciting interesting university vacation actually
1. 根据课文内容填空。
club member call where are you from mexico beautiful so
who’s classmate same where’s from go hello last name spell
retell the text .
seoul nice big very exciting club member mexico interesting big
2. 用be动词的正确形式填空。
(1) is he isn’t (2) are i’m not (3) are (4) is (5) is
(6)are (7) are (8) is (9) are are (10) is is
3. 用所给代词的正确形式填空。
(1) she her (2) they they their
(3) my i (4)we our
(5) her (6)its
(7) their (8) our
(9) my (10)me
4. 根据答语写问句。
(1)how’s (2)where’s (3)what’s (4)who’s
(5)where’s (6)what’s (7)how’s (8)who’s
作业2 答案
iii. semester free really actually
creative present university brother
japan spell smart student
last shy chemistry cafeteria
originally sure same boring
popular change exciting plain
iv. 1. 81362475
2. i’m she’s they’re it’s you’re we’re he’s
canada a pat on the back
japan a hand shake
france a kiss on the cheek
russia a bow
4. (1) he, his (2) i, my (3) your (4) their (5) we
5. (1) where is (2) where are (3)where do (4) who is (5) what’s (6) who is
6. are, have, to learn, watches, china
作业3 答案
cousin niece wife nephew married
government secret photographer traveling couple
single carpenter project wildlife visit
iv. 练习题
1. 根据上下文默写p31 ex. 3
brother and sister
works for the government
what does she do
she’s working on a very secret project
what about
wildlife photographer
an interesting not working in the united states
2. 用所给词的正确形式完成句子。
(1) is working (2) is drawing (3) is singing(4) is washing
(5) are swimming (6) is he waiting is coming
3. 连词成句。
(1) what is your brother doing these days?
(2) who are you visiting this week?
(3) he is not traveling now.
(4) is your father spending a lot of money
(5) how are you and justin enjoying your shopping trip
4. 根据答语写问句,必要时做简单回答。
(1) what are they doing?
(2) is linda listening to music? she isn’t.
(3) are lily and mary playing computer games? they are.
(4) who is visiting your parents now?
(5) where is susan working?
5. 根据汉语完成英语句子。
1. are visiting grandparents
2. is teaching university a carpenter
3. is nephew working government
4. am standing elevator stuck
5. a actress husband couple
作业4 答案
iii.nowadays , typical ,attention ,share, change, most, happen, tired, spend, marry, because, lonely, present
1. is /her/being/attention/feels/lonely/lots/of
is /comes/his/brothers/sisters/are/birthday/presents
进入专题大全  2. 见课本及学案
3. picture years mother brother birthday watching playing
4. (1) is going /does…like / likes / doesn’t (2) living/are/are studying
(3) is/studying/is studying/does/want/to be (4) is singing
(5) is swimming (6) is...writing
作业5 答案
iii. dancer cashier chef pilot server musician receptionist guide
passenger company restaurant tour university exactly
1. cashier, cook, musician, pilot, dancer, nurse, waiter, guide, teacher, fisherman
2. 略(见课本原文)
3. gets takes loves starts thanks spells lives brushes
does teaches washes fixes mixes misses guesses flies buys tries enjoys carries
4. (1) what do, do (2) where (3) where do (4) where does
(5) what does, do (6) how does, like
5. (1) scott and beth ____work____ (work)in a hospital.
(2) tanga ____teaches____ (teach)an art class at a school.
(3) where ___does_ your pen pal ____play(play)the guitar?
(4) what time _____do_ you ____take_(take) a shower?
(5) nick and pam_don’t _teach (not teach) english at school.
(6) where _does____he _study___(study) the violin? he studies__(study) in a school.
(7) my brother __goes____(go) to the university of texas.
(8) david ___has___(have) lunch at school on weekdays.
(9) how _does__ she ____like_(like) it? she _loves__(love) it.
(10) what ___does___he ____do___(do) there?
he designs___(design) fantastic web-sites.
作业6 答案
/ d?im / gym / ?'nauns? / announcer / ig'zktli / exactly / 'rek?gnaiz / recognize
/ 'wee? ri'p?:t / weather report / stei ?p / stay up / weik ?p / wake up / snk / snack /‘wi:knait/weeknight /’deili/daily /’sked?ul/schedule /’fe?li/fairly /’sl?ri/salary
/?’lau?ns / allowance /ik’spi?ri?ns/ experience
1. 根据音标完成下列句子。
(1) exactly (2) recognize (3) announcer (4) schedule (5) stays
2. 根据课文内容完成对话。略
3. 填词完成句子。
(1) from…unitl… (2) in at in on on at (3) on (4) in
(5) until at (6) on (7) late (8) on/at
4. 连词成句。
(1) i usually wake up late at 10:a.m..
(2) i sometimes have a little snack at nine-thirty.
(3) do you usually go to the gym on sundays?
(4) she always wakes up ater noon on weekends.
(5) she often leaves work early in the morning.
(6) she stays up until midnight.
5. 完成短文。
part-time at on on early from until at until after until in at early
作业7 答案
science,fiction,classical, styles,popular, thriller,program,jazz,western, news,horror, rock,fan, voice, piano, guess, favorite, group,different, guitar,soap, opera, cello iv.
1. like,don’t, very much,a big fan of,don’t,does,the,doesn’t,he’s a, guess,know
much about
2. e b f d a c
3. (1) do you like pop music
(2) what kind of music do you like
(3) what kind of movies do your parents like
(4) he doesn’t
(5) what does he play
4. do you like, do you, i do, who is your favorite, i think, i don’t think, what kind of , does
作业8 答案
date, classical, western, news, jazz, horror, thriller, invitation, tickets, stadium, soccer, match, gate, save, dinner, tomorrow, concert
iv. 练习题
1. (1). invitation (2).stadium (3). soccer (4) tickets (5).sounds
2. 略(见课本原文)
3. (1). c (2).c (3). b (4) d
(5). a (6). a (7). a
4. _ d __(1). __b___(2). __g___(3). __c___(4).
___f__(5). __e___(6) __a___(7).
5. welcome watch think about stand answering
作业9 答案
1. 3 6 1 9 8 5 4 7 2
2. 5 7 1 2 3 4 6 10 11 9 8
进入专题大全  3.(1) forty-three dollars (2) fifty-six eighty-nine / fifty-six dollars and eighty-nine cents.
(3) sixty-eight yuan
(4) one hundred and ninety sixty four / one hundred and ninety dollars and sixty four cents
(5) ninety pounds (6) twenty-five fifty / twenty-five dollars and fifty cents
(7) seventy-eight pounds (8) seventy-eight seventy / seventy dollars and seventy cents 4.
(1) 直接加s: oranges days friends
(2) 在以s,x,sh,ch 结尾和部分以o结尾的名词后加es:
classes buses boxes foxes
watches brushes tomatoes potatoes
(3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词去y变为ies:countries families babies
(4) 以f,fe结尾的名词去f,fe变ves: shelf shelves leaf leaves knife knives
(5) 不规则变化: children feet teeth men women sheep
that one one it’s those ones ones they’re those they this
作业10 答案
iii. price stylish boots plastic bracelet gold cotton silk wool silver
rubber leather polyester attractive medium pants design
iv. 练习题
1.(1) cheaper (2) more important (3) prettier (4) more difficult (5) larger
(6) more expensive (7) faster (8) heavier (9) bigger (10) better
2. (1)(5) bbbbd (6)---(10) bbabc
3. (1) taller, shorter (2) warmer, more stylish (3) more beautiful, more comfortable, better
(4) less, thinner (5) healthier, more (6) colder, worse
(7) more, more interesting (8) more difficult, easier, higher (9) more popular
4. older than,likes,living ,more interesting,more beautiful ,enjoys , better, takes, makes
作业11 答案
v. 练习题
1. i like volleyball, basketball…
my father likes…, and my mother likes…
2. do aerobics, weight training, yoga
go bicycling, in-line skating, swimming
play baseball, soccer, tennis
3. always, almost always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, almost never, never.
4. 完成对话。
(1) how often do you exercise?
(2) what (sports) do you usually do on saturdays?
(3) yes, i do. i almost always watch tv in the evening.
(4) do you go to the gym after work?
(5) i hardly ever go in-line skating.
作业12 答案
shape /?e?p/ fitness /′f?tn?s/ freak /fri:k/ sometime /′s?mta?m/ tip /t?p/ work /w?:k/ out /a?t/ chat /t?t/
relax /r?′lks/ type /ta?p/ regular/′regju:l?/
enter /′ent?/ keep /ki:p/
v. 练习题
1. number the sentences according to the conversation.
2. choose the correct responses.
(1) once a week (2) two hours a week
(3) pretty well (4) not very good, actually
3. complete the questions.
(1) how often do you (2) how long do you
(3) how well do you (4)how good are you
4. complete the questions with how many, how much, how long, how old, how far and how about .
(1) how much (2) how many (3) how long (4) how long
(5) how far (6) how old (7) how about (8) how much
作业13 答案
iii. / 'b:b? ??p/ /'l?:ndr?mt/ /?ste???n?r? st?:/ /?trv?l ?e?d??ns?/ /?θ??t?/ /?gr??s?r? st?:/ /?ne?b?/ /mu:v ?n/ /??kr?s fr?m/ /'??p?? 'sent?/
/'?nt?net k'fe?/ /pe? f??n/ /?he?k?t/ /'rest?r?nt/ /d??m/ /s 'ste???n/ iv. 背诵 p50 conversation 2, 写句子完成对话,并用红笔自批改错。
(1) i’m just moved in
(2) i’m looking for a grocery store
(3) are there any around here
(4) and is there a laundromat near here
(5) there’s one across from the shopping center
(6) there’s a barber shop in the shopping center, too
v. 练习题
1. moves, grocery, store, some, a, laundromat, across, from, barber, shop, shopping, center
2. (1) are there any internet cafés
(2) is there a post office
(3) are there any pay phones
(4) is there a travel agency
(5) are there any gas stations
3. (1) laundromat (2) restaurant
进入专题大全  (3) internet café (4) stationery store
作业14 答案
iv. 见课本 p53 ex.8 conversation part a
v. 练习题
1. 选词填空.
(1) a: excuse me. is there a gas station near here? b: yes, there is. there’s __one___ around the corner.
(2) a: how _many_ hotels are there in this neighborhood? b: there are __a few / some / many__.
(3) a: is there __any / much__ public transportation near here? b: no, there isn’t _any / much___.
(4) a: how __much__ noise is there ? b: there’s __none__. it’s really quiet.
(5) a: is there __any / much_ parking ? b: no, there isn’t ___any / much_______.
2. 根据答语或提示,写出对应的问句:
(1) a: __how many trees are there__? b: there are ten or twelve trees.
(2) a: ___is there any public transportation___? b: yes, there’s a little public transportation.
(3) a: ___how much milk is there in the glass____? b: there is a lot milk in the glass.
(4) a: ___are there any pay phones__?
(5) a: ___how much is the red coat ___?
(6) a: ____where is the post office___? b: no, there aren’t any pay phones. b: the red coat is only 80 yuan. b: the post office is opposite the bank.
(7) a: ____how can i get to the bank____? b: go straight down the street and turn left. (the bank)
作业15 答案
i. vocabulary
1. 根据图片写出正确的单词。
(1) tie (2) shirt (3) jacket (4) pants (5) umbrella (6) earring (7) necklace
(8) blouse (9) bracelet (10) skirt (11) glasses (12) suit (13) belt (14) sock
(15) shoe (16) dress (17) coat (18) purse (19) stocking (20) hat (21) watch
(22) glove (23) briefcase
2. 词语释义。
(1) a (2) c (3) d (4) c (5) a (6) a (7) c (8) d
ii. reading.
1. 阅读下列对话,帮助michael完成学生证的填写。
name: michael clark
age: eighteen
e-mail address: m. clark@yahoo.com
mobile phone: 013188697215
what can you play / do? i can play the guitar and the drums. i can sing a little.
why do you want to join the music club? i want to learn to play the piano.
2. holiday shopping
(1) f (2) t (3) t (4) t (5) f


