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时间:2016-01-13   来源:准爸爸知识   点击:




走过那些粗糙与细腻相伴的岁月,四季的纤指引领我无痕的生长。永远难忘 院墙里那片白色的忧伤。【不喜欢的事情】


上摆放着的一台十四寸的黑白电视机,除了每天晚上7:30听一下《天气预报》外,它几乎是不亮的。那时的《还珠格格》,《大头儿子和小头爸爸》是多么吸引我啊,可是我看不到这些,只能听其他小朋友说说而已。记得有一次,爸爸给我布置了一些作业,他自己出去溜达去了。我不喜欢一直学习,学习,学习,就放下手中的笔,朝婶子家走去了。婶子家在放《还珠格格》,看着电视里活蹦乱跳的‘小燕子’,听着里面动听的音乐,兴奋的都差点忘记自己是谁了。大约有十分钟的样子,爸爸喊我了。婶子跟我爸说让孩子看会吧,爸爸严肃的那张脸顿时摆了下来,我知道我该回去了。于是,我一脸无奈地走了回去,继续着我那没完没了的作业。而我能看到的只是家里不大的院子和院墙上方那片蓝蓝的天空。 童年,我一直觉得没什么好回忆的。别人有躺在麦场里,仰着脸数星星的经

历,我没有;别人有烈日下,拿着网兜捕蜻蜓捉知了的事情,我没有;别人有和伙伴捉迷藏跳皮筋的回忆,我还是没有。寒暑假,这个本该开心的时间,而我要坐在桌子旁,开始自学我下学期的课本了。我不喜欢这些,我喜欢学得踏实,玩得痛快的那种,可我能学的踏实,但始终不能玩的痛快,因为爸爸在这里。 后来,我以优秀的成绩考上了理想的初中、高中,四十多岁的爸爸早已忘记












08电信二班 石敏



We live in the world that encourages people to pursue freedom. Nevertheless, freedom cannot be endless. It’s kind of a natural principle that sometimes we may or have to do what we dislike. Many people will regard that as a pain, however, from my point of view, I think this will bring us some benefits because it is able to widen our knowledge, and we may even find things that we really enjoy to do.

It’s a human nature that we avoid doing what we dislike as far as possible, but to some extent, things you dislike can help you widen you knowledge. Take me as an example, I used to hate to learn history in junior high school, I think it’s totally meaningless to know what people did in the past, yet, facing the pressure of exam, I had to spend some time on it, to my surprise, when I wholly dived into history books, I found it more appealing than I had imagined, furthermore, I also learned a lot of historic occurrences which directly affected the development of our modern society such as the Renaissance or the First and the Second World War. It was obvious that reading historical books enlarged my history knowledge and at the same time, helped me to form a new perspective to understand the current world deeply.

Another main reason to do things you do not enjoy is that you may find which field you are really good at, and then totally devote to it. My cousin Steve is the best example, in his child life, he hated everything about study especially studying English, it was not surprised for him that he could not even spell the word “orange” correctly when he was twelve yeas old, his dream was to be a famous singer, however, with the time flied by, he realized his dream became more and more unrealistic, as a result, he studied hard to go to the first-class university, during the time he learned English, he found he had a special gift in learning languages, and the progress he made in English extremely shocked everyone(From fifteen years old, his English test scores never below 90). Now, English becomes his profession, he works in a top 500 company as a senior interpreter, and almost earns 6000 dollars per month.

As is mentioned above, every coin has two sides, it’s not completely afflicting to do things you dislike, on the contrary, sometimes, it may even bring you unexpected results, not only the high salary but also the increased knowledge and your beloved occupation.


