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关于玩的英语日记 第一篇_写日记英语



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1. 格式:英文日记和中文日记的写法大致相同。一般是第一行写日期、星期、天气状况。日期通常顶格写,后面是星期,天气状况写在右上角。表示天气情况的词一般用形容词,如:fine ,cold ,rainy ,windy ,cloudy ,sunny ,snowy ,foggy 等。正文部分另起一行。

2. 人称:日记要用第一人称写。

3. 时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午或晚上,有时也有在第二天补记。所记叙的事情通常发生在过去,所以常用一般过去时。但如果要记叙天气、描写景色、展望未来、议论某事或对话引语等,可以使用一般现在时或一般将来时,以生动再现当时的情景。

4. 日记的写作顺序:日记一般按照时间顺序或事情的经过来写。语言要清楚、自然,内容要连贯、完整。

5. 类型:日记可分为记事型、议论型、描写型以及抒情型等。记事型日记,就是用所学英语词汇记述当天自己生活中所发生的事情。议论型,就是对生活中的某一事件或情况、现象发表自己的看法。描写型就是对某人、某物的特征进行细致地描述,或对某事物抒发自己的感情。

例如:请以下述内容为题,写一篇日记。 3 月 15 日,星期一。词数: 60 ~ 80 词。提示:

①今晚,你去参加李江的生日晚会,大家又唱又跳,玩得很开心。②离开李江家时,天开始下雨,由于已很晚了,你步行回家;③一辆摩托车急驰而过,在十字路口撞倒了一个男孩。④摩托车没停,逃跑了。⑤你十分气愤,记下了车号( fd - 2819 )后马上打电话报警,并把孩子送往医院。


march 15th, monday

this evening i went to li jiang’s birthday party. we sang and danced. we had a good time at the party.

when i left li jiang’s house, it began to rain. it was late. i had to walk home. a motorbike ran by me very fast. it hit a boy at the crossing. but the motorbike didn’t stop. it ran away.

i felt very angry. i wrote down its number: fd - 2819. i telephoned the police at once. then i sent the boy to the hospital.



1. 时间: 2005 年 3 月 4 日,星期一,下午。

2. 天气:阴。

3. 项目:跳远( long jump )。

4. 过程:( 1 )打上课铃时就在操场集合;( 2 )做准备活动( warming-up exercises );( 3 )听老师讲解并示范;( 4 )我因心情紧张而失败;( 5 )不灰心,反复练习;( 6 )终于跳过三米。

5. 体会:只要有恒心( perseverance )就一定能成功。


1. 内容必须包括所有要点,但不能逐点翻译。

2. 日记格式要正确。

3. 词数 100 左右。


march 4, 2005, monday cloudy

this afternoon we had a p.e. lesson. our teacher taught us to practise the long jump. when the bell rang, we gathered on the playground. after warming-up exercises, the teacher told us about the long jump and showed us how to do it. we followed the teacher and practised one after another. soon came my turn and i felt a little nervous. i failed the first time but i didn’t stop practising. at last i managed to jump over three meters.

from this lesson i came to see that one will succeed if he has the perseverance.篇二:英语写日记


英文日记和汉语日记一样,是用来记叙一天中所发生的有意义的事情或对将来的打算等。日记可分为记事、议论、描写及抒情等。记事型是用英语记述当天自己生活学习中发生的事情。议论型是对生活中的某一事情或情况现象谈自己的看法,发表议论。描写型或抒情型,则是对某人物事物的特征做细致的描述,或针对某事物抒发自己的感情。 格式:一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,如:fine (晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(阳光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。 时态:写日记的时间一般是在下午、晚上,有时也可以在第二天补写。因此,日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景色或展望未来时,可以用一般现在时或一般将来时。 写法大致和写汉语日记相同,都是在正文之前有日期、星期几及当天的天气情况。注意内容表达要清楚连贯、准确

日记的第一行,要写明年、月、日与星期,然后要写明当天的气候状况,如果是游记,还要写明地点。这一部分中天气状况比较难写。下面是一些常用的描写天气的英语词语: 晴 clear 阴 overcast 多云 cloudy 小雨 light rain

大雨 heavy rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 阵雨 shower

东风 east wind 南风 south wind 西风 west wind

北风 north wind 西南风 southwester 东南风 southeaster 东北风 northeaster 西北风 northwester

气温 temperature

炎热 scorching heat 寒冷 icy cold 下雪 snow

冰雹 hail 虹 rainbow




sunday----sun monday----mon.

tuesday----tues. wednesday----wed.【关于玩的英语日记】

thursday----thur. 或 thurs. friday----fri.【关于玩的英语日记】

saturday----sat. january----jan.

february----feb. march----mar.

april----apr. may----may. june----jun.

july----jul. august----aug.

september----sept. october----oct.

november----nov. december----dec.

另外,英语日记中由于频繁出现i,因此,常常省略,如:in the evening went with xiao li to the cinema. finishing exercises, went to play tennis. 但如果省去i,会造成语义不清时,则不可省去: 下面三则学生日记供读者参考:

sun., feb. 1


the night before the examination

the clock struck eleven at night. the whole house was quiet. everyone was in bed except me. under the strong light, i looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call “books”.

i was going to have my examination the next day. “when can i go to bed?” i asked myself. i did not answer. in fact i dared not.

the clock struck 12.“oh, dear!” i cried. “ten more books to read before i can go to bed!” we students are the most wretched creatures in the world. 考试是学生日记“永恒的主题”,写得真实有趣。

mon., may 9


a watermelon

got a present of a watermelon cooled down in the well(在井里冷却过的)from my next-door neighbour. as i was very thirsty, enjoyed it very much. they say the watermelons have turned out very well this summer due to the dry weather.


thurs., jan. 7

very fine

a sunny day

i got up early today to watch the suise. while i waited for the sun to rise, i sat beside my window and thought of my future. soon i will be a grown man and i wont be a baby anymore. maybe ill be going to college if i pass the college entrance examination. i didnt want to think of not passing this

important examination, for my parents are counting on me to do so.

anyway, if i dont pass this one i should try again next year. i thought about my parents too. they have worked so hard to give us children a good life. now, they are getting older little by little. there are more grey hairs now in mothers hair. as for my father, hes beginning to have a hard time reading the

surrounding the emptiness. soon i could feel the warmth of the sun as its rays passed through my window pane. the view was really beautiful, more beautiful than

any picture i had ever seen. in a few minutes everyone was awake and everyone went on their own way with their lives. another day started and it was another beginning for all of us.

回家路上on my way home

有趣的一天 an interesting day篇三:如何写好英文日记






1. 日期有多种表达方式:


(1) september 1, 2008 或 september 1st, 2008, 也可省略写成sept. 1, 2008 或 sept. 1st, 2008;the 1st of september in 2008(月份不可以缩写)。

(2) 只有月、日:september 1或 september 1st(月份可以缩写)。

(3)只有年、月:september 2008 或 the september of 2008 (月份不可以缩写)。 以上的1 或1st 都应读作the first.

2. 星期也可以省略不写,可以将其放在日期前或后。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格。如:

monday september 1, 2008

或mon. september 1, 2008

3. 天气情况必不可少,天气一般用一个形容词。这里同学们应该掌握一些表示天气的常用词语,如:

表示晴天的有:fine, sunny, clear等;


表示阴天的有:cloudy, dull, gloomy等;


表示下雨的有:rainy, light rain, heavy rain等;

表示有雾的有:foggy, misty等;


表示冷、暖、热、凉的有:cold, warm, hot, cool;


因为日记通常是记录自己或自己与他人所经历的当天发生的事情,所以日记多采用第一人称i 或we来叙述当天所发生的事。但在写作过程中免不了要描述他人,这就要根据实际情况来使用不同的人称了。








因为日记是记述所发生的事情或议论、抒情,所以,在日记中,其语言应该是通俗易懂,具有生活气息,叙事条理清晰,表达精确到位。在记日记过程当中可以使用一些表渐进、递进关系或发表观点的词语,如:in the morning / afternoon , at noon, at first / last, also, besides, what’s more, as a result, in one’s opinion等。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法句型错误。基础语法较好的同学可以使用一些复杂句式丰富日记的内容。



1. 将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来,不附加任何感情色彩,这是最简单的记日记的方法;

2. 阅读其他同学的日记,并利用所学过的句型来表达个人在一天中观察到的或感受到的事情。


in order to improve your writing ability, the teacher advices you to keep a diary according to the following details:

一个雪后的清晨,假定你在笔直的路上看到一位骑自行车的女士摔倒在地,右腿骨折不能站立。你和一位警察把她送往医院。你给这位女士的工作单位打了电话。当这位女士得到护理时,你向她告别而去。请用日记的形式记叙所发生的事 (100~120词) 。



be covered with

fall off

run up


january 9thmondaysnowy

suddenly i saw a woman fall off her bike. the woman lay on the ground and could not get up. so i ran up to her and tried to help her get up. she sat up but still could not stand up because her right leg was broken. at that moment, a policeman came over. when he saw this he called a taxi. the taxi driver sent the lady to the nearest hospital. i also went with her to the hospital. there i telephoned the woman’ s office and told one of her colleagues there the whole story.

seeing that the lady was well looked after i said goodbye to her. before i left, the lady thanked me again and again. i felt it is my pleasure to do this.


关于玩的英语日记 第二篇_关于学习的英语日记

Today in English class I was afraid to speak out because I didn't want to be laughed at by the other students. My teacher asked me some questions and I had a hard time with the words to use. After class, my teacher told me to listen to English TV and radio programs, to not be afraid to talk to foreign people I meet on the street, and to say the English words out loud over and over until I know them well. I thought this was a good idea and I will try to do this every day. I hope I can learn to speak English without being afraid.

In this weekly English exam I didn't do well. I was not careful and didn't take the time to do a good job. My problem is that I am very careless and make many mistakes. I need to work hard to learn English and get a good grade next week.

关于玩的英语日记 第三篇_为你写的英语日记

亲,这是我现想,并一个词一个词敲上去的。希望你能采纳。(我是一名英语老师哦)It was a fine day today. I got up early in the morning. My father and I went to do some exercise in the park. After that we bought some steam bread and came home to have breakfast with my mum. Mum made my favorite soya milk for us. After breakfast, I did my English homework for two hours. I liked to do it very much. Then I read a book for a while. My mum made a lot of nice food for our lunch. I ate so much and felt so satisfied. In the afternoon, Mum, Dad and I went to a bookshop. We all enjoyed reading the books there. Then we went shopping in the supermarket. We had a simple dinner in the restaurant. In the evening, I played chess with Dad. And then we watched TV for more than an hour. While My poor mum kept doing the housework. I like the free and happy day.

关于玩的英语日记 第四篇_英语寒假暑假日记20篇(带翻译)



1.July 5th Monday cloudy

Today I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it’s a good place. There has some nice view like chang jiang river. I came there in two days ago. Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message didn’t here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.

7月5号 星期一 多云


2.July 6th Tuesday cloudy【关于玩的英语日记】

Ah ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to do, I must write words English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, then …… .Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, now I’m writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!

7月6号 星期二 多云


3.July 9th Friday sunny

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, try your best.

7月9日 星期五 阳光


4.July 12th Monday sunny

How tired am I! I went back from chongqing three hours ago. In the city I nearly lost the way. Thanks for the hot heart man woman. They help us to find the way. Oh, don’t think so badly, I’m fine. Because of my hard, my homepage is more beautiful than before, I’m very happy to see it. I love make homepage, if you love it, please let me know, we can take hours talking about homepage. Thank you.

7月12日 星期一 阳光


5.July 14th Wednesday rainy

Yesterday I came to the center of Chongqing with my mother. We came to a place named “toward the air door”. I think many people know it. The night view is so beautiful that we all don’t want to back to home. I have a photo here. In the nine, we had to go back home. I didn’t wash my face before I went to bed, I’m too tired.

7月1日 星期三 下雨


6.July 16th Friday rainy

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer word I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

7月16日 星期五 阴雨


7.July 21th Wednesday rainy

Good morning everyone, I have some good news some bad news. The good news is that I have a home page: how happy am I. The bad news is the computer game cd-rom is wrong. I can’t play computer game these days. It’s the worse for me. Welcome to my homepage I wish whom could give me a right cd-rom(you are in sleep).hen hen……

7月21日 星期三 下雨


8.July 22th Thursday sunny

Today I came to the city of Bishan,it's a beautiful city.It's the shoes centre of western china. I think many people know it. It developed very quickly these years.More more people move in it. I'm pleased to be a Bishan people.

7月22日 星期四 阳光


9.July 26th Monday sunny

Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my web today.. It took me more than two days to do. I have a English pen friend now. I want to get pen friend more. So welcome write to me. My E-mail is:8ttt8@126 I’m so tired when I wrote this message, I must go to bed quickly.Good bye.

7月26日 星期一 阳光

嗨,大家好!我很高兴地告诉大家:我今天已经完成了我的网站. .我花了两天时间。我现在有一个英语笔友了。我想要得到更多的笔友。所以欢迎写信给我。我的电子邮箱是:8 ttt8@126当我写此消息我已经很累了,我必须很快上床睡觉。再见。

10.July 28th Wednesday rainy

I will go to school few days later. I’m afraid that I can’t get used to the school life because I true very hate school. I don’t think there has a good school in my home. We have English teachers from USA we have good computer ..May be many students can’t agree with me. But they will agree if they can see a really good school. do you agree with me?

7月28号 星期三 下雨


11.July 31th Saturday rainy

Every day or every time many people was failed in something. They usually said that it was bad lucky. But the teacher of “Liyang” said:” you should do a little more then you will won.” Remember this word. Then don’t be shy,try. If some laugh at you, you can say go yourself. If you can do it, that means you are a strong man.

7月31号 星期六 下雨


12.August 1st Sunday sunny

Today I’m very tried for I made my homepage from 10:00 yesterday to 5:00 today. Seven hours nearly let me dead. But I’m pleased to see my homepage has been changed more more beautiful full with web. So I will keep doing tomorrow, I can’t do this night, I’m ready to go to bed. Goodbye, every friend. See you tomorrow.

8月1号 星期日 晴天


13August 3ed Tuesday sunny

I want to kill my bother named kewang because every time every day he makes me very tired. If yesterday he hut you, tomorrow he will heart you. He is a silly man, he went to bed at 9:00,then he woke up at 6:00 then he shouted very loudly to makes me up. But I went to bed at 4:00 morning

for my home web. I really want to kill him.

8月3号 星期2 晴天



1. January 20 2010

When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter!

2. January 21 2010

It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.

3. January 22 2010

Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.

4. January 23 2010

I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill.

5. January 24 2010

Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn’t work. I used the control, but it still didn’t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. I went downstairs. My father told me

two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken. Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble. Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy!!

6. January 25 2010

It doesn’t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. But my notebook-computer also was broken. I really don’t know what to do. So I went to play basketball. I didn’t know any one in that place. And I was the first time to go there to play basketball. At first, there was no person playing basketball. So I played basketball alone. A few minutes later, some students came to play. So we played together. Of course, we had a match. And It lasts two hours. After the match, I felt I would be dead. I was too tired.

7. January 25 2010

No computer, I will not know to do what. I have no solution to the problem. So I sent my notebook-computer to the Asus computer company. I must have my computer repaired. And the other one, it was thoroughly broken. It can’t be repaired again.The computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair. The electric led to all trouble. And many electrical appliances are broken. I don’t know when our country can solve the problem.

关于玩的英语日记 第五篇_初一英语日记过去式



yesterday was sunday.It was a sunny day.I was very happy.I got up at six o`clock.Then i had breakfast with my family.I did some homework after that.AT nine o`clock,I visited my friend xiaohua.I played computer games with him or her.In the afternoon,I played basketball with my friends.At 20 o`clock,I watched TV with my parents.The day is very beautiful!


7月21日 晴



关于玩的英语日记 第六篇_暑假英语日记 三篇

暑假英语日记 (一)

I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.



暑假英语日记 (二)

I was happy this summer holiday! Do you know why? Because I had enjoyed a good summer holiday! In the morning, sometimes I went toYueXiuParkto play badminton with my families or friends. We always went to McDonald's to have lunch after we finish the game. My sister and me like swimming, so in the afternoon, we went to swimming with our father. It was so cool! It feels so great to swim in such hot summer days.


暑假英语日记 (三)

Good morning, my dear fellows. I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school. I would like to share my life in holiday with you. This summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so on. But I also pay attention to my study. For example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so that I can both have fun and learn something new at the same time. Besides, I get up early to do some morning reading to practice my English. Of course, I finish my summer exercises on time. In short, my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful. How about your life in summer holiday? I am eager

to know.


关于玩的英语日记 第七篇_高中英语作文范文-谈谈写英语日记的好处



It is good to keep a diary in English(谈谈写英语日记的好处)

题目要求:自拟题目写一篇 100 ~ 120 字的短文,谈谈写英语日记的好处。 It is good to keep a diary in English

Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.

Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.


推荐访问:英语日记大全 初中英语日记
