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时间:2017-06-16   来源:自我鉴定   点击:










和玻璃自制风灯,用沙漠麻布缝制彩色条纹窗帘……,积极乐观地一步步建设着充满情趣的“沙地城堡”,三毛还说“在一年以后,已成了一个真正艺术的宫殿”,引得人不禁赞美:“你把罗马建成了” ,三毛自豪地回应:“罗马不是一天建成的!” 与此同时,三毛也尽一切可能走进浩瀚的沙漠探寻她真实的面目,她用相机拍下极荒僻地区游牧民族的生活,随身带着药箱为贫穷落后的撒哈拉威人义务诊治,并将日用品等送给当地的人们……作为第一位涉足大荒漠的东方女性,她以东方女性不常见的潇洒和诙谐,以中国人特有的广博与侠义的精神传播着现代文明。同时,她也以现代文明的角度观看古老文明与沙漠旧俗,并生动地记录着她在沙漠的所见所闻所感。她在《沙漠观浴记》描述了撒哈拉人的肮脏、奇异生活习俗。由于沙漠缺水,她们三四年才洗一次澡,洗澡的方式闻所未闻,用石片刮掉身上的污垢,还用海水灌肠,让人真实地感受到沙漠环境的恶劣与生活方式的落后,也为三毛在沙漠的生活捏了一把汗。






撒哈拉沙漠居然下雪(二):泽林牛津版8A Unit7 Seasons单元综合测试卷(A)含答案

8A Unit 7 Seasons单元综合测试卷(A)

班级_______ 姓名_______


1. You should try Pantene. It gives your hair_______ (光泽).

2. The wind is_______ (吹) hard outside now. The sound "Wuwu" makes us feel afraid.【撒哈拉沙漠居然下雪】

3. He's just a man and also makes mistakes like the_______ (其余)of us.

4. He didn't find the right way and fell into a_______ (深的) hole.

5. My mother wouldn't let my brother in because he just had a_______ (打架) with other kids.

6. The river_______ (上升) three metres this year and we can't swim in it.

7. The_______ (云) become dark. It seems to rain soon.

8. -What's wrong with Andy?

-Oh, he has a high_______ and his body temperature is 400C now.

9. -_______ me when you reach your grandparents' home, OK?

-OK. But you should tell me your phone number first.

10. -Why do you like summer best?

-Because I can eat_______ cream every day!


( ) 1. -My uncle arrived_______ Shanghai_______ a foggy morning of July.

A. at; in B. in; at C in; at D. from; to

( ) 2. _______ fine day it is today!

A. What a B.is How C. What D. How a

( ) 3. The temperature will be_______ tomorrow. It will_______ to -50℃.

A. little; fall B. less C. lower; cover D. lower; drop

( ) 4. The people on the square were all_______ at the_______ news.

A. exciting; exciting B excited; excite

C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited

( ) 5. The land is much_______ after the_______ ram.

A. wet; hard B wetter; hard C. wet; heavy D. wetter; heavy

( ) 6. Which is the right sentence structure of "The good news made me happy"? A; S+V+DO B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC

( ) 7. The weather was very_______ last night and it got even_______ this morning.

A. bad; bad B. worse; worse C. worse; bad D. bad; worse

( ) 8. It's_______ today. You'd better_______ to the museum.

A. raining; go B. rainy; not go

C. raining; not to go D. rainy; not to go

( ) 9. -How wet it is today!

-Don't worry. It will be_______ tomorrow.【撒哈拉沙漠居然下雪】

A. sunny B. snowy C. rainy D. foggy

( )10. Advertisements(广告)are like air-they are_______.

A. something B. everything C. everywhere D. somewhere

( )11. Did you see Judy with a green hat on? She_______ funny.

A. tasted B. looked C. sounded D. smelled

( )12._______ time passes by, we can understand our parents better.

A. With B. As C. While D. Following

( )13. There will be a strong wind_______ the south of the Yellow River. Let's close the


A. at B. on C. in D. from

( )14. It rain so_______ that we have to walk very

A. heavy, slow B. hard, slower C. hard, s D. heavy, slowly

( )15. The teacher told us to go home earlier_______ the snow got worse.

A. because B. so C. but D. and

( )16. It will be_______ tomorrow and there will be much_______.

A. rainy: B. rain, windy C. rain, wind D rainy, windy

( )17. Lucifer sings_______ than I, but he doesn't sin_______ my sister.

A. worse, as better as B. worse, as good as

C. better, as good as D. better, as well as

( )18. This kind of pad looks_______ and sells_______ in the shop.

A. nice; well B. good; good C. nicely, well D. nicely; good

( )19. -Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?

-_______. It is too hot these days.

A. So it is B. I'm afraid so

C. I hope so D. Of course not

( )20. -How was your trip?

-_______. I hope I can go there again.

A. Just so-so B. Not very good C. Nothing special D. Wonderful


1. Julia kept_______ (cough) last night and we took her to the hospital this morning.

2. The farmers_______ (harvest) crops there. We should help them.

3._______ (not drop) your glass of milk to the ground when you carry it!

4. It's hard_______ (move) this rock away because it's too heavy.

5. Next time, I_______ (try) my best to get good results in the English test.

6. Would you please_______ (invite) your parents to my birthday party?

7. You are too late. The train_______ (leave) three hours ago.

8. She_______ (fly) to London soon.

9. The little girl planned_______ (not tell) her mother first about her test result.

10. After class, the student went on_______ (discuss) the questions the teacher asked.


That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the the front row of the shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him money. He decided not to go home down on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels (轮子to see that the so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in his life.

( ) 1. A. see B. look at C. hear D. notice

( ) 2. A. gladly B. nearly C. really D. quickly

( ) 3. A. something B. what C. nothing D. anything

( ) 4. A. little B. a little C. much D. lots of

( ) 5. A. right away B. then C. just now D. at all

( ) 6. A. pleased B. excited C. surprised D. interested

( ) 7. A. up B. through C. out D. down

( ) 8. A. much B. still C. very D. less

( ) 9. A. out of B. with C. without D. having no

( )10. A. look B. feel C. appear D. seem



One Sunday evening two men met in a London pub. One of them was very unhappy. “Life is terrible. Everything in the world is really boring," he said.

“Don't say that," said the other man. "Life is about Italy. It is a wonderful country. Did you go there before?"

“Oh, yes. I went there last year and I didn't like it."

“Well, did you go to Norway(挪威)?Did you see the midnight sun?"

“Oh, yes. I went there in 1994 and I saw the midnight sun. I didn't enjoy it."

“Well. I came back from Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠)in Africa. Did you visit Africa before?"

“Yes. I went to Sahara Desert in Africa last year. It was really boring."


"Well," said the other man, "I think you're very ill. Only the best psychiatrist(精神科医生)can help you. Go to see Dr. Greenhaum in Harley Street."

“I am Dr. Greenhaum," answered the man sadly.

( ) 1. Where were the two men according to the passage?

A. They were in Italy. B. They were in Norway.

C. They were in Sahara Desert. D. They were in a London pub.


( )2. When did the unhappy man go to Norway?【撒哈拉沙漠居然下雪】

A. Last year. B.In 1994.

C. Two years ago. D. We don't know.

( )3. What does the underlined word "marvelous" mean in Chinese?

A.无聊的 B.伤心的 C.妙极了的 D.乐观的

( )4. Why did the man talk with the unhappy man?

A. Because he wanted to cheer up(鼓舞)the unhappy man.

B. Because he wanted to know who the unhappy man was.

C. Because he wanted the unhappy man to pay for his drinks.

D. Because they were good friends.

( )5. After reading the passage, we can infer(推断)_______.

A. the man was angry with the unhappy man

B. the man took the unhappy man to see the best psychiatrist

C. the man was surprised to know the unhappy man was Dr. Greenhaum

D. the man went away because the unhappy man didn't listen to him


Last summer my parents and l went to Yunnan. It left us wonderful memories. If you like a spring climate(气候),clean air and nice views, then Yunnan is the best place for you!

Day l Shanghai-Kunming

Activities: Arrive in Kunming. Hotel check-in.

Meals: No meals


(We flew to Kunming. After our arrival(到达)in Kunming, the guide took us to our hotel by bus. Then he showed us around the shopping center for the rest of the day.)

Day 2 Kunming

Activities: Visit Stone Forest, Bird & Flower Market.

Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch

(In the Bird&Flower Market, we saw many kinds of flowers and birds as well as some traditional Chinese arts.)

Day 3 Dali-Lijiang

Activities: Arrive in Lijiang. Visit Lijiang Dayan Ancient(古代)City, and its famous Square Street.

Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch

(The Ancient City of Lijiang is known as Dayan Town. It has a long history of over 800 years.)

( )6. The writer went to Kunming from Shanghai_______.

A. by bus B. by plane C. by ship D. by train

( )7. The writer and his parents_______ on the first day.

A. visited the Stone Forest

B.visited Lijiang

C. went to the Bird & Flower Market

D. went to the shopping center

( )8. We can't find_______ in the Bird & Flower Market.

A.flowers B.birds

C. the Square Street D. Chinese arts

( )9. Where is the Square Street?

A Beside the Ancient City of Lijiang. B. In Dayan Town.

C. In the Stone Forest. D. In the center of Dali.

( )10. Which is NOT right according to the passage?

A. The writer spent at least three days in Yunnan last summer.

B. The writer visited Lijiang Dayan Ancient City on the second day.

C. The writer enjoyed himself in Yunnan last summer.

D. The writer didn't travel from Shanghai to Yunnan alone.











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