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时间:2014-10-30   来源:美食知识   点击:



Will the US Become a Bilingual Country? 美国会成为一个双语国家吗?

In the U.S., speaking more than one language fluently is not very common – except in Los Angeles, California.


The city has one of the largest populations in the U.S. of young people between the ages of 18 and 34.


This generation is often called millennials.


More than half of millennials in Los Angeles are bilingual, which means they speak more than one language.

在洛杉矶,这些千禧一代中大多数人都通两种语言,也就是说,他们会讲不只一门语言。 Maria Elena Burgos is cooking a Mexican breakfast. She says making Mexican food is just one of the many traditions in her home. Another is speaking Spanish to her children.


We want them to be bilingual. We want to keep the Spanish somewhere in their learning too, not only at home.

“我们想要他们通两种语言。想要他们不只在家学习西班牙语,在其他地方也能学到。” When Ms. Burgos first came to the United States from Mexico, she learned English. She knew her children would learn English quickly.



So she wanted them to speak Spanish at home and study the language at school.


She says being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future.


Knowing Spanish also means the children can talk with their relatives in Mexico and El Salvador. 学会西班牙语也意味着孩子们可以和墨西哥及萨尔瓦多的亲戚交流。

When we had our children, one of the decisions we as parents decided was to name them with a name that was easily pronounced in English and Spanish.


Her children include daughters Elizabeth and Monica. They like speaking both English and Spanish.

布尔格斯有两个女儿——伊丽莎白和莫妮卡。他们喜欢用英语和西班牙语两种语言交流。 Elizabeth wants to know her family's culture.


The culture -- to go back to our roots because that's part of who we are,


Monica wants to pass on the culture to her children.


t's nice to know our culture and then to be able to pass it onto our children and grandchildren and everyone to let them know where we come from.


And, Monica says she does not speak only English and Spanish. She has even learned some Korean in school.


The U.S. Census Bureau says more than half the adults in the Los Angeles area between 18 and 34 years old speak a language other than English at home.


For the whole country, the number of bilingual adults is only 25 percent.


The number of bilingual speakers has gone up since the 1990s. At the same time, the number of foreign-born millennials has gone down.


In other words, more people in the U.S. are learning a second language at home or in school. 换句话说,美国越来越多的人在家或学校学习第二语言。

Many immigrant parents are passing their native languages to their American-born children, says University of California Los Angeles professor Raul Hinojosa.


But now the opposite is true. In the last ten years, more immigrant parents say they want their children to keep speaking their native language.


Mr. Hinojosa calls their choice the "path of pride."


Mandarin is going to be encouraged. Japanese is going to be encouraged. Vietnamese is going to be encouraged.


Raul Hinojosa says the decision to keep a native language is clear in Los Angeles now. 伊诺霍萨教授称,在洛杉矶,大多移民者都明确地保留了本土语言。

And, as the number of minorities in the U.S. continues to grow, he thinks bilingualism will spread to the rest of the country.


The Language of Love: How Not to Write a Love Letter


Saint Valentine's Day falls on February 14.



Traditionally, Valentine's Day is the day when lovers show their feelings for each other. 一般来说,情人们在情人节时会互相表达爱慕之心,

They do that with presents like flowers and chocolate. They go out to dinner and maybe go dancing.


Sometimes, you fall in love so hard that you must, simply must, tell the person in a love letter. 有时,爱情之路非常艰难,你必须,也只能通过情书向他/她表白。

But love is hard to explain. Love is even harder to write about.【描写洛杉矶的美文】


The idea of sharing your feelings of love in a letter may fill you with fear.


Well, fear not. Take a pen and chose your best paper.


In this day of electronic communication, a handwritten letter may win you big points in the game of love.


But if you chose to write a love letter in English, here are a few suggestions on what not to do. 但是如果你打算用英语写情书,请注意以下几点禁忌。

Do not make mistakes.


Try your best to not make any spelling or grammar mistakes. Nothing kills romantic feelings more than a lover correcting your letter with red ink.

尽力避免任何拼写和语法错误,不要让红色的改动笔迹将浪漫的感觉抹杀掉。 Do not have a friend write your love letter.


The person receiving the letter may fall in love with the real letter writer and forget all about you. 收信人会爱上真正的写信人,并将你全然忘记。

And do not use commonly heard expressions or poems, such as "Roses are red, Violets are blue; sugar is sweet and so are you." Just be yourself.


Do not use general words.


Use specific details about the person you are in love with.


Write about the time you saw the sun light up her beautiful face as she laughed with a friend. 描写阳光下她与朋友交谈时的美丽容颜;

Write about the sparkle in his eyes as he fixed your bicycle.


If she loves a certain song, include the song's name in the letter. If he is good at a sport, mention that.


Writing about these details proves that you are paying attention. And that is very attractive. 这些细节表明你注意了他们的一举一动,这也能增加你的魅力。

Do not write a love letter as if it was for your English class.


A love letter is not homework. Also, writing a love letter is not the time to use a new idiom you just learned.


It is better to write simple words that are your own than to write new-to-you idioms.


Do not steal song lyrics. Nothing kills a budding romance more than getting caught copying someone else's words.

不要借用歌词。扼杀刚刚萌生的浪漫之感的最佳利器就是被发现是抄用了他人的话。 Here is a true story.


When I was in high school I had a crush on a boy. He liked me, too, and wrote me a long poem. 我高中时曾喜欢上他一个男孩,他也喜欢我并为我写过一首长诗。

When he gave it to me in history class, I was sure he could hear my heart beating. I was so nervous.


The poem was written on simple notebook paper. It was folded, not once but twice, and had pencil eraser marks all over it.


I thought to myself, he must have worked hard on this letter.


Later, I read the letter out loud to my best friend. We swooned reading his intense words of love. 随后,我向我最好的朋友朗读了这封信。我们为他挚爱的语言着迷。

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

“即使太阳不再闪耀,我依然会爱着你,即使山峰汇入沧海,我依然与你同在。” Then we both paused.


Wait a minute. This sounds familiar, my friend said. "Aren't those the lyrics to that song 'Thank You' by the rock group Led Zeppelin?'''

“等下,听起来非常熟悉。”我朋友说,“这不是摇滚乐队齐柏林飞艇《感谢你》的歌词吗?” No, of course not, I said. "At least...I don't think so."



One look at the song lyrics proved that this guy had, in fact, copied the lyrics. That was the end of that relationship.

有位朋友查看了单词,证实这个男孩实际上是抄袭了这篇歌词,这段关系也随之终止于此。 That is not to say that you cannot get motivation from a famous song or love letter.


The British insurance company Beagle Street recently asked 1,000 people to vote on the most romantic letter.


A letter by musician Johnny Cash to his wife June Carter Cash won first place.


Some say it is not the most romantic letter ever written. But Johnny and June's long life together was evidence of their strong relationship.

有人说,这并不是最浪漫的情书,但是约翰尼和琼共度一生证明了他们之间的牢固关系。 They married in 1968 and stayed married until June Carter Cash died in 2003. Johnny Cash died four months later.


Here is his love letter to June:"We get old and get use to each other.We think alike. We read each other's minds. We know what the other wants without asking.


Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted. 偶尔也会惹恼对方,也许有时候我们把对方当做理所当然缺少珍惜。

But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met." -- Johnny Cash


His letter is simple and heartfelt. That is the best advice when writing a letter to the one you love – write from the heart and keep it real.


specific – adj. relating to a particular person, situation, etc.


adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的

swoon – v. to become very excited about someone or something

vi. 昏晕;惊讶;着迷

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