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时间:2014-10-26   来源:美食知识   点击:



Reading Report on Trusting Each Other【描写互信的美文】

each other, can our society become more harmonious and safer.


The passage reminds me of the day my friend and I volunteered to help passengers who carried heavy luggage at the bus station. To my surprise, many people refused our help because they considered that they would (have to ) pay for our help. So, we tried our best to assure them that our help is free. However, only few tourists trust us. At last, we felt a little sad for our society is short of trust.【描写互信的美文】

Nevertheless, it’s essential for our society to build up trust among people. There are some reasons for trusting each other. Firstly, no one can sail the ocean families, friends, classmates , partners and so on. The bridge of trust others must be built up and then, we can feel happy and warm from others. Secondly, trust can bring friendship, justice, honesty and fairness while suspicion cause sadness, revenge and hate. A harmonious society will come along with trust. At last, our country is devoted to a harmonious society, so if all of us are willing to trust others, our country will become stronger and stronger. Why not try to trust others?

But, it’s hard for somebody to trust others especially those who has been cheated. According to my own experiences, some people are so defensive that they won’t give you a chance to approach them. In my opinion, building up trust in our society requires much more time and patience. As a college student, I’m encouraged to throw myself into building up trust among people. For the time smile and warmth for strangers.

So long as we devote ourselves into building up trust and keeping honest, our society will finally become more harmonious. Let’s try to trust others!


真诚覆盖着信任之下更是真诚的心 文 / 木车



似乎总是被念叨的“诚信”,却早已模糊了或是从来就没有弄清过它的定义。手忙脚乱地去翻字典,也寻不到它真正的意义,是丢失了还是渗透得太深。强迫大脑扫描过那些情感与理智的记忆,依稀看到有一只枯瘦的手,在面前的黑板上写下过“言必行、行必果。”那个已遥远得记不清感觉的年龄,总是反复“白日依山尽” 的年龄, 完全看不懂那样精深文字的年龄,竟然涌起过“崇高的责任感”。也许如同辛德勒决然踏出拯救犹太人的脚步时充斥的使命感,这样的使命感使他的背影瞬间挺拔而高大。这样深奥的词用在稚嫩的年纪,怎么看都不搭调,但是,除了这,我无法解释,是哪一种强大的力量,为它在记忆的碎片中固执地保有那一片完整的阳光。【描写互信的美文】








