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时间:2017-05-27   来源:结婚知识   点击:



分类词汇:和婚礼的有关英语词汇 >


wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日


bridegroom or groom 新郎

officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧师

groomsman 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服

wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚

marriage certificate 结婚证

guest 来宾

marriage after divorce 再婚

wedding march 婚礼进行曲

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻 结婚周年表达

Paper wedding 纸婚 一周年

Tin wedding 锡婚 两周年

Crystal wedding 水晶婚15周年

China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年

Silver wedding 银婚25周年【形容婚礼英文版】

Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30周年

Ruby wedding 红宝石婚40周年

Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚45周年

Golden wedding--金婚50周年

Emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年

Diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年

(来源:译索网, 原版英语编辑)



1、The rose Westlife

爱尔兰男子团西城男孩的嗓音柔和温婉,最适合在婚礼上最背景音乐啦。这首《The Rose》是一首传唱多年的经典老歌,那句“I say love, It is a flower, and you it's only seed.”(我说,爱是一朵花,而你是唯一的种子。)不知拨动了多少人的心弦。


2、Could this be love Jennifer Lopes

这是一首很适合翩翩起舞的歌曲,虽然是首老歌,也没有新的翻唱版本,但这种复古的感觉不是更能给婚礼带来一丝永恒的感觉吗?Jennifer Lopes在伴奏部分诺诺自语“El Amor No Hace Promesas”(爱,无需诺言),更添加了一份浪漫。

3、Endless love Mariah Carey ft. Luther Vandross

哪有神马比凝视爱人双眼说上一句“You will always be my endless love.”更催泪的呢。不要怪小编不潮,老是找老歌给大家听,这首《Endless Love》可是难得一见的煽情催泪弹。

4、Way back into love Hugh Grant & Halay Bennett

《Way back into love》是电影《K歌情人》的插曲。这不像前面哭哭滴滴的苦情歌,是一首活泼可爱的小情歌,男女对唱,诉说着找到了对方为自己的生活带来了不一样的色彩。

5、Nothing’s gonna change my love for you Khalil Fong

你可能要说这首《Nothing’s gonna change my love for you》有那么多版本要用哪首呢?小编攥起拳头力顶Khalil Fong方大同,这首翻唱与原曲的编曲有很大区别,颇有圆舞曲的风范,小号和风琴融合为一,饱满而浪漫。

6、Can’t take my eyes off you Frankie Valli

这是一首充满蛊惑的歌,有好些电影桥段用这首歌做背景,表现受尽婚姻折磨的男主人公遇见小情人的场景。没错这首《Can’t take my eyes off you》就是这般张扬地表达了君子见到窈窕淑女时的原始冲动。

7、Angels Robbie Williams

坏小子Robbie Williams能被什么样的天使救赎呢?竟然能让他说出对她的爱是“I’m loving angels instead.”(我爱着的是天使。)你的那个姑娘是不是也是这样一位塑造了你的天使呢?

8、Halo Beyonce

这首不荐对不起自己对不起大家。Beyonce和Jay Z是圈里有名的模范夫妻,这首《Halo》更是两人爱情的见证。看到爱人的头顶被光环笼罩着,他闪闪发光牵着你走过黑暗。Beyonce毫不吝啬自己的好唱功,声情并茂,令人动容。

9、When a man loves a woman Michael Bolton

只要第一句“When a man loves a woman”想起,我保准你也会说似曾相识。Michael Bolton沧桑的嗓音好像月老看着情人牵手,感慨万千,千言万语化成了这首《When a man loves a woman》。

10、This love Maroon 5

最后这首集万千宠爱于一身的《The love》很有点在ball(派对舞会)上的感觉,大家都能即刻起身扭动起来。


The Difference Between Chinese and Western Marriage Custom

章月娇 国贸1201 22号

As the different religions, cultural origins, marriage concepts and geographies, there are many differences existing in the Chinese and Western marriage customs.

1.Marriage Broker

Chinese marriage custom, the matchmaker functions almost all the time and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western marriage custom, the priest functions and the youths have legal right to choose whom they want to marry and men and women are equal.

2.Marriage Lacation

For our Chinese,the wedding invited many relatives,friends,it’s necolleagues,classmates and so on.It’s necessary to find a spacious courtyard or hotel where can fill up all our guests.By contrast, the western marriage always hold in a church or a gardern.owns bride.

3.Marriage Dress

Since antiquity,Chinese wedding’s main colours are red,this is Chinese tradional representative festival color,generally wear red gowns bride. Western wedding’s main colours are white.In Western weddings,the bride usually wear wear white wedding,representing the holy and faithful.

4.Marriage Ceremony【形容婚礼英文版】

In Chinese wedding,always including fetch the bride,music and firecrackers,bowing and teasing the new couple.In western marriage custom,the bride is seen walking down the aisle,leaning on her father’s elbow.All eyes turn to her as she slowly moves forward to take her place beside the bridegroom in front of the clergyman.Then they make a promise to each other and exchange of rings,through the bouquet.




1. wedding banquet 婚宴;喜宴

2. bride 新娘

3. bridegroom 新郎

4. formal 正式的【形容婚礼英文版】

5. gown 女长袍,礼服

6. solemn 庄严的;隆重的

7. make a vow 宣誓

8. propose a toast 敬酒;举杯

9. procession 队伍;行列

10. escort 陪同;护送


The culture differences reflected in the detail ofwedding ceremonies


Author Note


Correspondence concerning this sample paper should be addressed to Name,Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Phone:**********. E-mail:

This article attempts compare different aspects of the wedding of Chinese and Western to find out the differences and analyze the causes of the differences. Wedding is an important part of culture, it has come into a different wedding customs under the influence of different cultures between the west and east. In order to find out differences between Chinese and Western wedding culture, this article will show it through the comparison on the form of wedding ceremony and wedding party.

First of all, let's focus on the wedding forms.

The feature of traditional wedding customs in China is “complicated”. The specific process is : the man propose marriage, and if the woman agreed to the proposed marriage, the man could go to the woman's family with the bride price. And then he would ask the woman's date of birth, and divine good and bad fortune of her name and their marriage. And as a token of engagement, the man would send jewelry, silk, and even sheep or pig. The man give the dowry to the woman’s family, and two family would choose an auspicious day for the wedding. And at last, the new husband will go to his wife’s family in person to marry her. [1] The feature of traditional wedding customs in western is “romantic”. On the wedding, playing the wedding march, relatives and friends light the candles, the priest and the choir comes in, then the bridesmaids and the best man come in, the bride’s parents accompany the bride comes into

play, and all the audience stood up. Father solemnly handed the daughter to the groom, the parents of woman sat down, all the guests seated. Pastor is the chief witness at the wedding ceremony, the new couple will make the oath of marriage, the bride and groom exchanged wedding rings. Under the leading of choir, the guests singing blessing songs. They walked out of the church, followed by the best man and bridesmaids, family members and guests then exit the church. And at last, comes the wedding party. [2]

Here, we can find out that, in China, people did not have a fixed belief, but Chinese people would respect the constraints of "moral". The Confucianism is the biggest influence on the Chinese. Confucianism thought moral indicator of filial piety is very important. Marriage is no longer a personal matter, but the big event of whole family, love is not the basis for marriage. Chinese people are very cautious about marriage. So both men and women must put family interests first when choosing their own lover. Chinese people pay special attention to "harmony between natural and human", forming a traditional concept of "big natural". So complicated wedding ceremony, worship and bow down to natural reflects the respect for the solemn marriage and natural.

However, people live in Western would not think so, capitalist culture is formed during the "Renaissance" in the 16th century. They preached "humanism", they follow the family values of freedom and equality.

Couples married for love, not the reputation and status of the family. As the wedding party is an indispensable part of the wedding, are there any differences?

In China, the traditional wedding is a very grand banquet, usually held at noon, last for one to three days. The groom's parents will entertain all their friends. On the feast, people eat, drink, chat, and then go home after dinner, and the groom will pay the cost of the wedding party. But guests are given enough gifts to pay the man wedding, and even a slight surplus. On the banquet, the bride and groom will toast to each of the guest. Chinese people would like a more lively wedding, so that they feel auspicious. People's religious belief is very clear, and the impact on the personal life is great. So their wedding should follow the religious dogma of faith. Christianity has a great influence for Westerners, a marriage which have God's testimony is very important for them.[1]

The type of food is followed the bride and groom’s cultural tradition and the economic conditions of bride's family, because, usually, the bride's family would pay for the wedding banquet in the United States. The bride and groom will take the first dance at the beginning of banquet, and then the party begin. For westerners, rather than the wedding car pickup and put on a large banquet, the most important program of the wedding is the congratulations of priest, and the promise and rings exchanged. Wedding banquet will be in the form of a buffet, so

the guest can use a small amount of money to held a big banquet, colleagues, guests could eat any food according to their own needs, so there will not have any waste. [2]

So, we can obviously find out that Chinese people pay more attention to the festive and lively. Chinese people regard the wedding as a grand ceremony to connect the couple with the marriage, and marriage is not the tomb of love, but perfect ending of love. Western concept of traditional marriage is more open and free. They show more attention on the importance of individual freedom. And they value the practical benefits.


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