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时间:2018-04-26   来源:主持词大全   点击:


晚会中英文主持台词 第一篇_晚会主持稿英文

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good evening! I am the host Liang Chen, I am Christine. Firstly, please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests in the evening party, they are • • • • • • • • While we are still enjoying ourselves in the New Year Festival, tonight we are more delighted to be here with the students and teachers from the State University of New York. And it is such a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar, now I’d like to extend our warm welcome to the students and teachers of State University of New York, It’s cold outside in winter, but we have passion inside. Dear friends, let’s just light our passion and enjoy this wonderful evening! When China suffered from 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake disasters in 2008, State University of New York offered lots of help to us, We really appreciate it! In order to express our gratitude, the eight students who studied a year in State University of New York will sing a beautiful song, "take me home, country road" .Now please enjoy it !

" Por Una Cabeza " is a classic tango from the classic movie "Scent of a Woman" , Next ,Ma Li with other students will perform this tango, please welcome!

Uygur dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please enjoy Uighur dance "Happy dancing ." by Liu Yuqing and other students.

Guzheng is one of the representative ancient Chinese musical instruments, but also an embodiment of Chinese culture accumulated over thousands of years! Now let’s enjoy the music "Yuzhouchangwan"

After watching so many wonderful performances by our Chinese students, now our American friends also want to show us their talents, please warmly welcome!

Thank you for your wonderful performances! During a-week stay in our Sichuan Agricultural University, the American friends experienced and learned a variety of Chinese culture, including Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese folk music and folk dance, Now they will sing the famous song Jasmine for us, welcome!

A famous Chinese singer Song Zuying once sang a famous song - jasmine in Vienna Golden Concert Hall, tonight the young teachers from my university will sing the series of folk songs including jasmine, please enjoy it!

I think a lot of students do want to have a close contact and communication with American students, don’t you? Well, next we are going to play a game with the American students, I hope you can take an active part in. and here are the rules for the game • • • • • •

Hip-hop is the symbol of youth and vitality, modernity and passion, now please enjoy breaking dance!

There is a famous Chinese guy enjoying a good reputation both at home and abroad, he is famous for his amazing Kongfu, and he is Bruce Lee. Now let us enjoy a wonderful martial arts show.

China has thousands of years ‘ civilization and 56 ethnic groups’ diversified and splendid culture, and among them , Tibetan ethnic minority is like a snow lotus flower rooted in the Chinese big family , Tibetan dance is very elegant and holy ,passionate and unique .now please enjoy the Tibetan dance " the song on the snowy land! "

How time flies! We can’t stop the time passing, but we do can change our own feelings, all the best blessings and wishes are expressed in music and dance ,and at the highlights , let's sing the song Auld Lang Syne together , and we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichuan Agricultural University will last forever!

A: here, We have hardworking teachers and diligent students!

B: Here, We have ink fragrance and the beating pulse of youth

A: Here, We have passion for life and dreams for our future All: Because we always believe that tomorrow is going to be better!

Let us bless in the new year, we hope that the friendship between State University of New York and Sichuan Agricultural University will last forever! We hope the young people in both United States and China can cherish our friendship and make a great contribution to the development of Sino –American relationship!

And that comes to the end of the party, Ladies and gentlemen, good night.

晚会中英文主持台词 第二篇_中英文晚会主持词


单:Dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,Good morning!


单:Time flies ,the youth are bloom here.


单:As time goes by ,our dream are still bright.


单:The situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion.


合:We get together.Let’s enjoy the fun .


单:We are very honored to host this party, Our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们非常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精心准备了一些极好的节目。 单:Everybody, are you ready?And then,Let the party begin.



单:How time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will be

remembered forever,Now, let’s go for the VCR to search for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个月的学习生活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,



单:Give more thanks to GongXiannan and ZhaoXingmin.After the VCR,We will show our strong

confidence.Let’s invite DongGuoqing declain a poetry<I Think I Can>



诵《I Think I Can》

单:Have you ever seen our study achivements?Please allow us to continue our learning

show.Next, we will watch a scene play.



单:As we all know,love is the most beautiful thing in our life.For love we are willing

to devote our life.For love we are wlling to stay away from home.Then, let’s enjoy an English song<Oh,Susanna>



单:Thank you for bringing us a lively song.Next,let’s watch a fierce negotiation. 感谢我的同事们,为我们带来了一首欢快的歌曲。下面我们将欣赏到一场激烈的商务谈判。 单:.................Let’s enjoy an amazing kongfu show from WangGang.


单:Terrific!Chinese kongfu is full of magic.Have you been excited?


Most of us probably heard the song of <吻别>,today ZhangZhanjie will bring us the

English version,<Take Me To You Heart>


单:Do you remember the kongfu show?You can’t imagine such a tough guy also has a artistic

side.Then,let’s recite a poem written by WangGang.




单:Today is the end of the past,what we need to remember is the happiness that we shared



单:Today is the begining of a new day,what we need to prepared is to embrace the new day

with our passion.


合:Let’s remember today, Let’s look forward tomorrow.


单:Ladies and gentlemen, our party is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming. 女士们先生们,我们的演出到此结束。再次感谢大家今天的光临。

晚会中英文主持台词 第三篇_元旦文艺晚会中英文主持稿

英文:Dear leaders


英文: teachers


英文: students


英文: students

Good evening,


英文: Time flies, the youth are bloom here, we fight for our ideals.


英文:As year by year, our dream are still bright, the beautiful ideals are flying here. 中文:岁月更迭,梦想依旧灿烂,美好的理想在这里放飞

英文:The situation now is full of beautiful, sweet and passion


英文:We are meeting here, enjoying the beautiful time of the fate.


英文:We are here, using the love to drive away the cold, to feel the true love. 中文:我们相约在这里,用爱来驱散严寒,一起用心来感受真情

英文:We are together here, let’s make the loud happiness become a happy sea. 中文:我们相聚在这里,让响彻云霄的快乐在这里汇成为欢乐的海洋



1、七一 舞蹈《快乐节拍》



2、九二 合唱《未闻花名》

青春不是丹唇柔膝,而是深沉的意志、辛勤的汗水;青春不是时尚追星,而是激情的挥洒、梦想的追逐;让我们用青春拥抱时代,用百分百的努力书写一片崭新的奇迹,下面请欣赏八(1)班的歌伴舞《It is our turn》。

3、八一 歌伴舞《It’s our turn》


4、八二 小品《喷饭大晚会》

: ,你知道爵士舞的起源吗?


:没错 爵士舞是非洲舞的延伸,在美国逐渐演变形成本土化,大众化的舞蹈。 :对。 在我国,爵士舞也成为时下一种非常流行的健身方式

:下面就请出7年级老师们为我们带来一场炫丽的爵士舞表演吧。掌声在哪里! 5七年级老师舞蹈


6、八三 舞蹈《相逢是首歌》


7、七三 小合唱《那些花儿》


8、八五 舞蹈《黑天鹅狂想曲》










9、七四 音乐剧《遥远的爸爸妈妈》


10、九一 舞蹈《舞出我人生》

高兴了,向前冲;悲伤了,向前冲;成功了,向前冲;失败了,更要向前冲。雄关漫道真如铁,握紧手来向前冲;梅花香自苦寒来,想做梅花向前冲;同学们,握紧八年级老师的手一起向前冲吧!请欣赏八年级组老师带来的健身操表演《向前冲》 11八年级老师舞蹈


12、九五 小品《落叶归根》

青春是充满活力的,青春是五彩的,青春是热烈的,青春是每一个人一生中最美好的时刻,让我们伴随着青春,舞动起来吧,请欣赏7(5)班带来的舞蹈《Dance Together 》

13、七五 舞蹈《Dance Together》


14、八四 歌舞《新贵妃醉酒》


15、七二 舞蹈《第八套广播体操》


16、九三 诗朗诵

斑鸠是报春的使者,斑鸠是春的精灵;它用翅膀掀起春风, 用歌喉唱响春天! 在欢快的斑鸠调中,九年级老师们做嘛格嘞?他们播撒春的种子, 收获秋的硕果!请

观赏赣南采茶歌舞 ——《斑鸠调》!


中国的方块字,博大精神;中国的诗词歌赋,抑扬顿挫;中国人,同祖同宗血脉相通 安国兴邦 众志成城,我自豪我是中国人,我骄傲,我是中国人,接下来请欣赏 7(5)班全体同学带来的诗朗诵《我骄傲,我是中国人》

18、七五 诗朗诵《我骄傲,我是中国人》


19、八六 舞蹈《Together》


20、校民乐队 《紫竹调》


21、七四 舞蹈《卡通大台柱》


22、九四 歌曲《老师我爱你》

英文:The happy time is always short, we are moves by the meeting time


英文: Tonight, we are singing and laughing, tonight, we are imagining the future. 中文:今晚我们欢歌笑语,今夜我们畅想未来

英文:Let’s remember today, let’s look forward tomorrow.

中文:让我们记住今天 ,让我们展望明天


晚会中英文主持台词 第四篇_2016英语晚会主持词


P:Thank you for your wonderful performance . Please give them your loud applause .


P:Ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , good evening ! Welcome to our English party .

I’m the host , Peter .

A:I’m Athena .

P:We are happy to gather here and hold an English party . It’s our great honor, isn’t it ?


P: First of all , please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders ,judges and guests in the evening party .


P:They are ....


P:Let’s give our warmly welcome .

A:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!Peter, do you still remember your first day at school ?

P:Yes, of course . Everyone may have some unforgettable experience in school life .Let’s enjoy English drama Peter’s First Day at School . Performer: Class6. Clap your hands for their performance .

A:接下来请欣赏英语短剧:Peter’s First Day at School 表演者:七(6)班 掌声有请!

A:Boys and girls , are you happy tonight ? Do you want to play a game ? Clap your hands for Miss Qian.(Let’s hug 钱婷)

P: When you read , you begin with?


P: When you sing, you begin with ?

A: Do Re Mi

P:Let’s enjoy English Mini Musical Drama : Do Re Mi Performers: Class7

A:下面请欣赏英语音乐剧,表演单位:七(7)班 ,掌声有请!【晚会中英文主持台词】

P:Thanks for their performance. It’s wonderful ,isn’t it ? There are many choices in life . Are you

regretful for your choice ? Let’s enjoy poetry reading : The Road Not Taken .Performers:Class 8

A:生活中我们总是面临很多选择,那么你对未选择的路遗憾过吗?下面请欣赏诗朗诵:The Road Not Taken 表演单位:七(八)班

P:Clap your hands for Miss Zhou. She will bring us a surprise . (You do, I guess 周利平)

A:Peter, look, there are many animals in our party.

P:Yes, they are really very lovely . Let’s invite them to join our party . Clap your hands for Crazy Animals . Performers : Class 1

A:下面请欣赏情景剧:Crazy Animals ,表演单位七(1)班,掌声有请!

A:Are you proud of yourself ? We are proud of you . Let’s enjoy chorus:proud of you . Performers:Class 14 . 掌声有请七(14)班同学们为我们带来小合唱Proud of You .

P: Everyone is so great ! It’s time for a break . Let’s play a game : Simon Says . Clap your hands for Miss Xu .(Simon Says 徐瑾)

A:Wherever you go,whatever you do, I’m right here waiting for you .Let’s enjoy dancing: Right Here Waiting for you . 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,我一直在这儿等你,下面请欣赏right here waiting for you performers: Class 7/9/16 表演单位:7/9/16班

P:Wolf is Coming is an educational and well-known story in China . Maybe you know this story, but you never see the story performed by our students .


P: Clap your hands for Class 2 . Wolf is coming .


P:Wonderful performance! Thank you . Clap your hands for Miss Huang .Blow out the candles. (黄志芬)

P:Childhood is like a chocolate, the sweet taste is always in our memory .Let’s enjoy singing and dancing :Childhood . Performers :Class13

A:童年像一块巧克力,它的甜永远留在我们记忆中。下面请欣赏歌伴舞:童年 表演单位:七(13)班

P:We are always moved by the sincere emotion in our life .Because of love, the world is becoming peaceful and warm . Let’s enjoy chorus : My Love . Performers : Class 3 and Class4 Clap your hands for their performance .

A:我们总是被生活中真诚的情感感动,因为有爱,这个世界变得平静而温暖。下面请欣赏大合唱:My Love 表演单位七(3)七(4)班 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的表演。

P: Let’s play a game : Words Chain . Are you ready ? Go! (李白林)

A: We have seen the wonderful show of the students . What about the teachers ?


P:We are glad to invite the leaders ,judges and teachers to join the game : Catch the Chair . A: 我们很高兴邀请现场的领导,老师,评委参加抢凳子游戏,掌声有请!(王荣丽)

P:Monkey Hit Lady White is well-known to all of us . Monkey King is smart and brave.And Lady White is changeable and good at making bad blood .

A: 三打白骨精是西游记中家喻户晓的精彩故事,孙悟空聪明勇敢,嫉恶如仇,白骨精善变,还特别擅长挑拨离间?

P:Are you looking forward the English drama Monkey Hit Lady White ? Let’s give our warmly welcome to the performers from Class 11.

A:有没有很期待英语话剧《三打白骨精》? 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎11班的同学们给我们带来精彩的表演,掌声有请!

P:Thank you . Because of you, we enjoy this nice night . Let’s enjoy jazze . Performers: Class2 A:Oh,wonderful performance! Welcome Miss Lin to organize a singing competition . Welcome ! (现场拉歌,林云)

P:Are you happy tonight ? Mr Chen would like to sing a song to us . Take me to your heart . Welcome!

P:Here in my hand is the final results of each program . It means the most exciting moment is coming .But before that, we want to thank all the judges for your hard work and all the performers for their active participation .

A:在我手上是这次晚会评选的最终结果,这意味着最激动人心的时刻即将到来!在宣布结果之前,我们要感谢所有的评委辛勤的工作,所有的演员积极参与。And of course, all the audience, without you this party can’t be perfect . 当然还要感谢我们的观众,没有你们,这台晚会不可能完美。Thanks for being here the whole night .感谢你们一整晚都在这儿。

P:Can you feel the most exciting moment ? I’d like to announce the third winners are....

Then, the second winners are ..... And how exciting the moment is ! The champions are ....

A:Happy time is always too short . And it is time to say goodbye 美好的时光总是如此短暂,到了该说再见到时候!

P:Every end means a new start . We wish all the distinguished guests ,teachers and students happiness .每一个结束意味着一个新的开始,我们希望所有来宾,老师们,同学们幸福快乐!

P&A:Ladies and gentleman , that’s the end of the party. Good night ! See you next year !

晚会中英文主持台词 第五篇_英文晚会主持词

ladies and men, we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:情醉, our head of the district , our headmaster and ***, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school. And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish *** Now let's invite *** to say a few words to us.

Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all theactors and actresses have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.

The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause.... Therefore,I'm very glad to be the host of this evening party.I believe we can give you a great perform !

The first chapter will be a group of singers to perform English songs but with A style of operatic singing.

Elvis Presley

一首单曲,创作人是Jørn Dahl和Laila Samuelsen。

people of the uk and us are fond of various style of modern music.since last century ,the musicians have been devoted to composition. With a love of music, they have composed a variety of songs which involves the elements of classical music such as waltz, (serenade)、(rhapsody)、 (romance)、(sonata)、 (symphony) ( country music)、 (jazz)、 (rock and roll)和 (pop music). materpieces range from Elvis Presley ,mj to Chris Webber. Now let’s walk into the world of the modern music. The first chapter will be a group of singers to perform English songs but with A style of operatic singing.

翠儿will sing a song <you raised me up> by secret garden,

川江will bring us an old Irish song the last rose of summer,乐声, love never dies by Chris webber,from <the phantom of the theater>, 矛盾, love me tender loveme true , by Elvis Presley;Cecelia, think of me , Lyric Ariasby Chris webber,from <the phantom of the theater>,俏百灵,the song my mother taught me, by Antonin Dvorak , 歌声,memory,by Joe Hisaishi, 简洁, the swan , by secret garden, 花仙子one day when we were young, a song from the film in Hollywood.

Now let’s invite these perfomers.

And now we are in the second chapter, the pop.the perfomers

《the old straw hat》will be given by actor Music Lover,from the Japanese film the witmess,子妍’s burning, from Maria Arredondo’ album《Not Going Under》,杰西’ prayer ,the lyrics in which will be given in English and Italian,绿波 Mocking bird Hill, is a gift by the rap singer to his daughter, Scarborough Fair is indeed an ancient song in England,海亮A time for Us, atune from the romio and Juliet,紫云 will sing us a song my heart will go on ,a famous song from the film tytannic. ,子铭the amazing grace ,a Christian song , 简洁 my love is like a red red rose ,the lyric is a poem by the famous british poet Robert Burns.

第三乐章,完美,是由沙龙的管理们用美声演唱一组现代英文歌曲。白水 带来雪绒花,选自美国电影音乐之声,感悟 你的爱,美国饶舌唱作歌手Nicki Minaj演唱的《你的爱(Your Love)》为Nicki首张专辑《粉红星期五(Pink Friday)》中的首波主打单曲,川江演唱【求主同住】是一首流转甚久的非常著名的基督教歌曲,东方演唱的白发吟,是美国近现代创作歌曲,乐声带来的123,选自美国电

影音乐之声,矛盾 演唱的交换舞伴,是一首经典的电影插曲,花仙子演唱的月亮河,该曲第一次亮相是在1961年电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》,咏歌 演唱的锁不住的旋律,选自美国电影人鬼情。


晚会中英文主持台词 第六篇_英语晚会节目单以及英语主持词


晚会中英文主持台词 第七篇_毕业晚会主持稿(中英对照)


(忆年四迹 语君惜别)




D: 1、开场(走秀)


A: In June, with pleasant breeze blowing from the Sun Moon Lake, we can smell the fragrance of flowers far off.


B: In June, filled with feeling of upcoming loss, we are busy dealing with things associated with graduation.


C: In June, reflect on the days that we treasure, we are appreciating our happy growth in the past four years.


D: In June, we all learn the meaning of cherish and begin to treasure every period of time in this university.


A: In the past 4 years, we have been transformed from young boys into mature upperclassmen. B:四年的大学时光,我们似乎再也回不到那绑着马尾的年纪。

B: With the passing of college time, it seems that we can never back to the age with hair tied in ponytails.

C:我们感叹光阴的匆匆,今天的一句毕业了,就成为我们去追寻彩虹背后成功的力量。 C: Time flies. After yelling out ‘we have graduated’, we are prepared to pursue the success lying ahead.


D: It is the last time that we walk around our campus as a student with the feeling that we just can not learn her beauty until we are going to leave.


A: Distinguished guests, teachers,


B: Dear fellow students,


All: Good evening!


C: Welcome to …


D: Tonight, we have many distinguished guests present. They are …


A: Welcome!


B: Thank …for their great support.


C: Once again let's extend our warm welcome to all of them.


C: There will always be people who like showing themselves with sweat in their cheek. D:我们通过肢体的变幻来彰显律动的年华音符。

D: We’d like to displays the vigor that belongs especially to young people through body movements.


C: It is doubtless that the gorgeous dance will contribute to a marvelous performance tonight. D:下面请欣赏舞蹈Team。

D: Let’s enjoy the dance Team.


A:I like walking slowly under the streetlight in campus, gazing at the elongated shadows. B:喜欢在蝉鸣声中静静回忆,回忆曾经的自己,回忆校园中的点点滴滴。

B: I am fond of recalling quietly myself once and everything happened in our campus in the song of the cicadas.


A: The video indicates that we are reluctant to leave.


B: The video shows that we miss the moments very much.


A: Then,it’s time for the Shadow Dance. Let’s welcome!


C: As time goes by, we leave youth behind gradually.


D: Our future continues in the cheers of others.


C: Little by little time slipped away in our songs.


D:Then, let’s welcome the medley of songs.


A: The lovely songs,which resonate within our hearts, remind me of my college life.【晚会中英文主持台词】


B: There will always be a song that moves us and a dance which is worth recollecting.


A: We are from different place but get together because of the similar life.


B: Although our culture differs, we get on well each other in the last four years.【晚会中英文主持台词】


A: Let’s appreciate the Miao dance.


C: The dance is attractive. The dancer’s movements indicate the beauty of softness.


D: Yeah, graceful dance can help us calm down.


C: Just like we can relax ourselves in dance, we can also free ours


推荐访问:晚会主持人台词 春节晚会主持台词
