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时间:2018-04-03   来源:生活常识   点击:


英语小报设计 第一篇_身边的英语小报 生活中的英语小报



Joke 笑话yesterday 昨天 cents 美分 poor 可怜、贫穷 answered 回答 proudly 骄傲的 interested 感兴趣 sells 卖

candy 糖果

Advertising words 广告词

Started Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始 Connecting People. 科技以人为本 Good teeth, good health. 牙齿身体就好 Let's make things better. Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!

Just do it 跟着感觉走

Independence Day 独立日 Super sun duck 超能太阳鸭

Zootopia 疯狂动物城

Now You See Me 惊天魔盗团

finding dory 多莉去哪儿 Kung Fu Panda3 功夫熊猫3

Transformers 变形金刚5 Big Hero 6 超能陆战队

A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.

"What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

"She is the one who sells the candy."

Ride English乘车英语

Which bus should I take?


The car is too crowded for us to take the next bus.


After first under on, do riding

with civility.




英语小报设计 第二篇_我的英语小报模板A4模板

【英语小报设计】【英语小报设计】 【英语小报设计】

我的 英 语 小 报


英语小报设计 第三篇_London --- 英语小报设计

【英语小报设计】 【英语小报设计】 【英语小报设计】

英语小报设计 第四篇_优秀英语手抄报设计欣赏

类 别: 英语手抄报 学 校: 南康市浮石高车小学 版面设计: 邓恒鸣 沈彬玉 尺 寸: 800x600 像素 班 级: 五年级(3)班 文字编辑: 邓恒鸣 大 小: 84KB(85544 Bytes) 指导老师: 叶乘风 美术编辑: 沈彬玉 优秀英语手抄报设计欣赏简介:本作品尺寸为800x600像素,由南康市浮石高车小学五年级(3)班邓恒鸣和沈彬玉共同制作,手抄报版面设计过程在叶乘风老师的指导下完成。本站推荐欢乐童年手抄报_六一儿童节,安全教育手抄报_生命第一,我的感受手抄报欣赏,益达爱牙手抄报图片欣赏,端午节的来历手抄报欣赏,关于生态环保的手抄报,倡导低碳生活手抄报(小鸟插图),希望你喜欢。

英语小报设计 第五篇_名著推荐英语小报 小勋爵小报

Little Lord Fauntleroy

Content introduction

illustrious English Earl’s youngest

, despited his father’s prejudice against America, married an American girl in New York. Afterwards he died of an illness, his son Cedric——the hero of the story, lived with his mother alone. Suddenly one day, he knew he had an grandfather in England, and he is an Earl. The old Earl is an bad-tempered man, after he knew his most loving son’s death, he decided to let his grandson come back and be the heir. Faced his serious offish grandfather and unacquainted surroundings, with his cheerful, optimistic attitude

and kindest heart in the world, he finally melted ice his grandfather’s heart, and with his good friends’ help, they saw through the fraud Minna ——a

material girl. At last, he became the next Earl of Dorincourt.

The character I like

Cedric is my favourite character. Because he had the kindest heart in the world, he was always kind to his mother, his friend and everyone. So whether people knew him or not, they all loved him. His heart was soft, he felt pity for anyone who was in grim situations and he felt grateful for everything around him. When his friends was in trouble, he always donate his money from his pocket. He bought a golden watch with their names back for Hobbs. He paid for Bridget’s rent and bought food for Bridget’s husband and her children. He gave new brushes, a big new sign, and the best boot-black business in New York to Dick. He also wrote to Newick to let him give Higgins more time to pay for his rent. So, I like Cedric best.

Grade 2, Class 10 ——name

英语小报设计 第六篇_星星英语手抄报版面设计

类 别: 英语手抄报 学 校: 太和县皮条孙镇龙岗小学 版面设计: 胡绍平 马新翔 尺 寸: 700x466 像素 班 级: 三

年级(6)班 文字编辑: 胡绍平 大 小: 105KB(106633 Bytes) 指导老师: 孙世维 美术编辑: 马新翔 星星英语手抄报版面设计简介:本作品尺寸为700x466像素,由太和县皮条孙镇龙岗小学三年级(6)班胡绍平和马新翔共同制作,手抄报版面设计过程在孙世维老师的指导下完成。本站推荐中学生手抄报作品,自然手抄报报头_七彩风铃,校园手抄报之珊瑚海篇,关于防震减灾的手抄报,光荣岁月手抄报图片,汉字主题简单小报设计,纪念辛亥周年手抄报,希望你喜欢。


推荐访问:英语小报版面设计 一年级英语小报的设计
