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大写字母,上帝,he(一):大英( 三)Unit 2 详案

《大学英语(三)》Unit Two

Teaching Tasks:

1. Warm-up Discussions;

2. Study of New Words and Useful Expressions in Text A;

3. Active Words;

4. Vocabulary Check

Teaching objective:

1. Get familiar with the topic.

2. Master the pronunciation, spelling and meaning of new words, and master the

usage of key words.

3. Master the useful expressions.

4. Master the meaning and usage of "Active Words".

5. Finish the Exercises of "Vocabulary Check".

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up Discussions. (About 10 minutes)

Q: Do you know a Chinese myth or a folk tale that tells about the creation of humanity or the

origin of a certain thing? 2. Study of New Words and Useful Expressions in Text A. (About 30 minutes)

★Step 1: Read the Words and expressions.

★Step 2: Explain the usage of the key words and expressions, and ask the students to make some 1) heaven n. 天,天堂;上帝

e.g. (1) Good heavens! 天哪!

(2) I was in heaven when I heard the good news.


→heavenly adj. 天空的;天堂的,极其美妙的

e.g. (1) The sun is a heavenly body. 太阳是一个天体。

(2) What heavenly music! 多么美妙的音乐啊!

2) dust n. 尘土,尘埃;vt.掸掉…上的灰尘

e.g. (1) The book is covered with dust. 书上落满了灰尘。

(2) Please dust the electric fan. 请掸掉电风扇上的灰尘。

→ dusty adj. 布满灰尘的

a dusty bookshelf 积满灰尘的书架

3) garden n. 园,花园

→gardener n. 园丁

e.g. ▲在汉语中,老师常被比作园丁。

In Chinese, a teacher is often compared to a gardener.

→gardening n. 园艺

e.g. My father is fond of gardening 我爸爸喜欢园艺。

4) fruit n. 果实,水果;成果

e.g.We are now seeing the fruits of our efforts.我们现在看到努力开始有结果。

→ fruitful adj. 多产的,有成效的

e.g. 他是一位多产的作家。 He is a fruitful author/ writer.

5) enjoy vt. 享受;喜欢

→ enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

→ enjoyment n. 乐趣;赏心悦目的事物

e.g. I get a lot of enjoyment from my study.

→ enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的,可享受的

e.g. A visit to the Great Wall was an enjoyable experience.


6) creep vi. 爬,蹑手蹑脚地走

creep-crept-crept/ creep-creeped- creeped

e.g. They felt tired, so they crept into their camp.


→ creeping adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,怪异的

e.g. My classmate and I had a sleepless night after watching that creepy ghost

movie. 看了那部令人毛骨悚然的鬼怪电影后,我和室友整夜没睡着觉。

7) except prep. 除 …之外

e.g. 他什么都考虑过,唯独没想到天气。

He had considered everything except the weather.

→besides prep.除 …之外(包括在内)

e.g. 不仅天气,他什么都考虑到了。

He had considered everything besides the weather.

→except for也译为“除了”,只是用以指出不足,该不足不会影响所要强调的主句所表达的内容。

e.g. 你的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误。

Your composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.

8) reply v.& n. 回答,答复

e.g. (1) He made no reply to my question.

(2) Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请速回复。

→☆ in reply (to) 作为回答,作出反应

e.g. What did he do in reply to your challenge? 对于你的挑战,他作何反应?

9) forbidden adj. 被禁止的

e.g. (1) the Forbidden City 紫禁城

(2) Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请速回复。

→ forbid v. a) 不许;禁止 b) 不许(某人)进入(或使用等)

→☆forbid sb. to do/ forbid sb. from doing

10) crawl vt. & n. 爬行,匍匐而行

e.g. (1) The baby crawled about on the bed. 婴儿在床上乱爬。

(2) The traffic was moving at a crawl. 车辆在缓慢地蠕动着。

11) hate v.& n. 恨,厌恶

hate doing sth (一贯性地)讨厌做某事

e.g. The boy hates washing clothes.

hate to do sth (偶尔性地)讨厌做某事;不愿意做某事

e.g. ①I hate to play basketball today.

e.g. ② I hate to trouble him.

→hatred n. 憎恨,厌恶

e.g. She looked at him with an expression of hatred. 她看着他,面露憎意。

→hateful adj. 可恶的,可恨的

e.g. Nothing is as hateful as ingratitude. 忘恩负义是最可恶的。

12) return v. 返回,还给 n. 返还 adj. 回程的,返回的

e.g. You should return the books on time.

the return of spring 春天来临

I need a return ticket. 我需要一张往返票。

→ in return (for) 作为(对…)的回报

e.g. I bought him a drink in return for his help.


13) prevent vt. 防止,预防

e.g. It is the job of the police to prevent crime. 防止犯罪是警察的职责。

→ prevent sth from doing 防止…发生

e.g. The rain prevented us from playing football. 雨使我们不能踢足球了。

→prevention n. 防止,预防

e.g. Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。

→preventive adj. 预防性的

e.g. preventive measures 预防措施

14) come out of 从….中产生

e.g. 他们的成功来自勤奋。Their success came out of their hard work.

15) make…into 把…制成

e.g. He made a piece of clay into a teapot. 他用粘土做了一把茶壶。

16) take….off 把…从…取下来

e.g. 那男孩想把风筝从树上拿下来。The boy is trying to take the kite off the tree.

17) because of 因为

e.g. I came back because of the rain. 因为下雨, 所以我回来了。

18) make a living 谋生

e.g. He made a living by selling his paintings. 他以卖画为生。

19) drive…out of 把…赶出…

e.g. They drove the cheat out of their village. 他们把骗子赶出了村。

3. Ask the students to finish the exercises on page 29 and check the answers. (Vocabulary Check:

Part C) (About 10 minutes)

4. Active Words (About 20 minutes)

★Step 1: Point out some meaning and usage of a word which may be new to students, and focus

on phrases.

like: 1) how do you like…? 2) like it or not

enjoy: 1) enjoy oneself


taste: 1)taste of

know: 1)as far as I know 2) before you know it 3)know better (than)

4)know of 5)know something inside out 6)you never know

Step 2: Ask the students to make sentences by using some of the key phrases.

5. Vocabulary Check (Part A) (About 10 minutes)

6. Homework:

1) Review the words and expressions.

2) Preview Text A.【大写字母,上帝,he】

3) Finish the exercises on page 37. (Comprehensive Exercises: Part B and C)

Text A Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Teaching Tasks:

1. Review the word and phrases students have learned.

2. Get familiar with the text.

3. Do the comprehensive exercises.

Teaching Objective:

1. Master the usage of words and phrases.

2. Improve the students' ability of listening and translation.

Teaching procedures:

★Step 1 : 1) Background Information: the Stories of Creation in the Bible (Time: 1~2 minutes)

(Teacher's Book: 26)

2) Warm-up Discussion (Time: 3~5 minutes) : 犹大)? What’s the story between them? ★Step 2 : Analysis of Text A(Time:45~50 minutes)(PPT)

1. Para.1

1) He created man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. (Line 2)


→He 如同下文的Him用来指代上帝,如God, Creator等,首字母都要大写。

→create v.

a) 创造;创作;设计(服装) God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs.

b) 创建;创设 They recommended that a new committee be created.

→creative adj.创造的;有创造力的;建设性的;有意义的

creativity n. 创造性;创作力;创作能力

creation n.创造;创作;建设

creature n. 生物;(有生命或无生命的)创造物;产物

→ breathe life into 带给…生气/活力

e.g. The new general manager is able to breathe new life into the company.


→ breathe in 吸,吸入

breathe out 呼,呼出

→breath n. 呼吸

breathing n. 呼吸运动 adj.有气息的;活的

2) Whoever might eat the fruit from this tree would live on forever. (Line 12)


→ 这里whoever引导的是主语从句,=no matter who。

→带ever 的wh-疑问词在引导条件状语从句时可与no matter + wh-疑问词互换。 e.g. No matter where / Wherever she is, she always thinks of you.

→ 若不引导条件状语从句则不可互换:

e.g. In need of money, Bob had to take whatever job that was offered to him. (在这里



(1) 表示与现在事实相反的假设 —— 从句中用were或其他动词的一般过去时、过去

进行时;主句中用would / should / could / might + 动词原形。 e.g. If you knew

everything, you would not be so angry with him.

(2) 表示与过去事实相反的假设——从句中用过去完成时;主句中

would/should / could / might + have + 动词的过去分词。

e.g. If he had not helped her, she would have died.

(3) 表示对将来事情的假设 —— 从句中用were或其他动词的一般过去时,were to +

动词原形;主句中用would / should / could /might + 动词原形。 e.g. If he were to hear you talking, he would think you were mad.

2. Para.2

God said, “it’s not good for the man to be by himself, I will make one like

himself as a help to him.” (Line 14)

上帝说:“让那人独自生活不好,我要为他造个和他一样子的帮手。” → (all) by oneself: live alone; live by himself 单独地;独立地

e.g. 他们独自完成了这项任务。 They did it all by themselves.

3. Para.3

….so he planted in the garden a test-tree, the tree of knowledge. (Line 21)

→ 划线部分为同位语,同位语就是一个用于解释或描述其他词语或词组的词。

e.g. (1) Mr. Smith, our new English teacher, is very kind to us.

(2) 我们学生应好好学习。 We students should work hard.

4. Para.13

You, snake, must crawl forever, hatred and feared by mankind. (Line 50)


→ you和snake是同位语,

hatred and feared by mankind是一个省略了 主谓的状语从句,原句为while you will be hatred and feared by mankind.

5. Para.14

suffer (Line 51) v.

a) 受痛苦;受苦难 The patient is still suffering.

b) 受损害;变糟 His health suffered from overwork.

→ suffer from sth.

suffer from headaches

大写字母,上帝,he(二):第一讲 名词



专有名词(Proper Nouns)

主要是指人名、地名或某类人或事物的名称,如Beijing,China Americans; English; May; New Year’s Day等。


普通名词(Common Nouns)


抽象名词(Abstract Nouns) 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns) 物质名词(Material Nouns)

普通名词 集体名词(Collective Nouns) 可数名词(Countable Nouns) 个体名词(Individual Nouns)

1. Individual Nouns: 指作为个体而存在的人或东西

可以指具体的人或物。Eg: aunts; a panda; apartments 也可指抽象东西。 Eg: a year; fairy tales; a dream

2. Collective Nouns: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体

Eg: army; audience; crew(全体船员,全体乘务员); family; team; police; government; public


His family _____ not large.

His family ______ all music lovers.


Eg: The gang is being hunted by the police.

Our company is sending him to work in Berlin.


Eg: The police are looking for him.

3. Material Nouns: 指无法分为个体的物质。

Eg: beer; cake; cloth; cotton; detergent洗涤剂; fur; ice; paint; paper; soil 一般来说,物质名词是不可数的,因而没有复数形式。但有一些特殊情况:

1) 有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示―一份‖、―一杯‖、―一种‖

Eg: Two strong black coffees, please. ( 两份)

Three beers, please. (三杯)

It was a special tea. (一种)

2) 个别物质名词的复数形式可以表示特别的意义。

Eg: rains (雨季) sands (沙滩) snows (积雪) waters(海域)…

4.Abstract Nouns:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念


推荐访问:大写英文字母 首字母大写
