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时间:2019-01-06   来源:自我介绍   点击:



  Aromatica是澳洲有机护肤品牌,不仅拥有号称全澳洲最大的有机农场,aromatica还是由一群芳疗师、有机农业专家和医学美容化学家所组成的团队,从一块451英亩经澳洲有机种植(OGA)颁发HACCP证照的有机农场开始。一直到现在,它仍是澳洲最大的有机认证农场。 aromatica系列商品不仅採用富含活性营养素的有机草本精华,以及胜肽、神经醯胺和奈米维生素等医学美容成份,更大量使用玫瑰、橙花等昂贵精油,是一家结合了天然有机、芳香疗法和医学美容的保养品。 而aromatica最推荐的明星商品,包括有:有机精油滚珠按摩棒、白金级玫瑰橙花赋活面膜和赋活面膜。林可指出,「有机精油滚珠按摩棒」不仅有机成分高达97%以上,它14ml的超大容量,比他牌产品多出40%~50%,目前已有乐活提神、舒压助眠、浪漫茉莉、玫瑰和谐和适合情人送礼的爱的故事等五种不同功效的精油配方。而「白金级玫瑰橙花赋活面膜」则是有专利温控式水凝胶材质,利用皮肤温度将有效成份慢慢释放出来,经由毛孔传输到深层肌肤。「赋活面膜」,则含有玫瑰、橙花、熊果素、杜鹃花、蜂胶、海洋胶原蛋白、玻尿酸和胜肽复合物,具有美白、深层保湿及抗老化等多重功效,能同时淡化暗沉、抚平细纹、滋润干燥、紧緻松弛、恢復弹性,使肌肤迅速回復最佳情况,散发年轻健康光泽。 此外,Aromatica还有一个相当特别的系列-「AUGANICA澳洲有机芳疗」系列,诉求兼具「有机环保」与「经济实用」。林可指出,此系列除了提升有机成份比例外,还特别採用大容量经济包装,也刻意压低产品价格,让更多人愿意使用有机保养品,共同为环境保护尽一份心力。而此系列推荐商品为:AUGANICA有机洁肤乳和AUGANICA有机保湿露。 一般洁肤产品都添加起泡介面活性剂,会过度清除掉皮肤的天然皮脂膜,甚至角质层脂质,造成皮肤不同程度的刺激与伤害。且这些介面活性剂排放到河流,也会裂解成环境无法分解的毒素(环境荷尔蒙),造成生态环境的污染。但AUGANICA有机洁肤乳诉求不含任何介面活性剂、化学防腐剂和化学香料。100%天然成份,以有机橄榄油和椰子油制成,能有效去除污垢和彩妆,不伤害天然皮脂膜,洗后皮肤非常平滑柔顺。适合卸妆、洗脸及洗澡,採用500ml大容量包装,兼顾天然环保与经济实惠。有玫瑰回春、橙花亮白、洋甘菊舒缓和茶树控油等四种不同功效的精油配方。 AUGANICA有机保湿露则是一种喷雾式精华液概念商品,不仅标榜100%天然成份,还特别添加2% SymGlucan燕麦酵母葡聚糖,它的分子很小能渗入角质层,在皮肤内形成保护网,可以抵抗紫外线侵害、皮肤干燥老化、皱纹形成等等。保湿效果比玻尿酸更持久,可长达4小时,特别适合用来解决亚热带地区乳霜类保养品不够清爽的问题。有玫瑰回春、橙花亮白、洋甘菊舒缓和茶树控油等四种不同功效的精油配方。 下面是Aromatica官方网站介绍: Aromatica, initiated by a group of aromatherapists, organic growers & cosmeceutical chemists, who started their organic plantation back in 1997, with 451 acres of organic plant certified “A Grade” by OGA (Organic Growers Australia), & under the accreditation of HACCP for organic plants, we then formulated Aromatica. We remain the largest certified organic grower of some of the plants in Australia even until now, and we’re pioneering organic extracts to focus on enhancing wellbeing and personal care. With the experts we have in our team and with the combination of the most purist plants and things natural including the botanical realm from a farming level, our professional chemist utilizes our techniques, in aromatic science, by using natural substances to treat and cure your fatigued skin and body. At Aromatica, through experience and study, we understand the environmental stress and damage done to the human body, because of this we only use the most purest actives taken from nature in its finest form. As a result, Aromatica has been a true star in skincare by using both organic aromas & advanced skin actives in a scientific & the most effective way – which, either are commonly lacked in the commercial cosmetic house, or traditional natural skin care brands. Aromatica products are filled with active extracts that are made up of hundreds of molecules which act in synergy. Each of these tiny botanical elements penetrates right to the heart of the skin and also acts as a booster in each Aromatica product. Aromatica is holistic, effective, unrivalled, pure & natural, and organic whenever possible. Start your journey for better skin & wellbeing with Aromatica now! Aromatica Product: No synthetic preservatives No synthetic fragrances No sodium sulphates No mineral oils No SLS/SLES No artificial colors Hypo allergenic and pH balanced Aromatica is a brand that specializes in authentic aromatherapy and premium actives into natural cosmetics. Aromatica is a brand that specializes in authentic aromatherapy and we are devoted to develop natural aromatic oils and herbal extracts pressed from both Eastern and Western herbs as well as unrefined cold pressed vegetable oils into new and beneficial products for our customers. We are also putting a great deal of our efforts into researching & developing powerful actives and their formulae in the safest & most potent application in skin care & wellbeing. Aromatica"s products are made of the best quality natural ingredients and essential aromatic oils. Aromatica eliminates to the highest degree the use of synthetic ingredients that are typically used by a great majority of cosmetic companies. Instead, Aromatica uses natural oils and natural extracts in creating our products. Aromatica does not use artificial fragrances. Artificial fragrances manufactured by perfumeries used in most cosmetic products are to raise the commercial value of the products. However, we do not use any artificial fragrances in any of the products we manufacture. Instead, we only use the natural aromas of all-natural essential oils and other organic ingredients in our products. It has been revealed that the excess use of artificial fragrances found in perfumes, air-fresheners, and cosmetic items can trigger a hormonal imbalance and cause side effects.













