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时间:2016-12-23   来源:生肖文化   点击:





选乘航空公司:乘坐中国国际航空公司客机直飞欧洲,无转机无经停,增加游览时间,中文服务,舒适快捷 G贴心舒适

全程安排欧洲三—四星级酒店住宿,住宿更为舒适,为游客提供品质优秀的服务 特别安排品尝意式咖啡Espresso,体验意大利的咖啡文化 G精心设计的行程


探访被誉为“万城之城”的罗马;欧洲文艺复兴运动发源地佛罗伦萨;“因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴”美誉之称的威尼斯,在庄严、辉煌的意大利,经历一次精彩的旅程; 连住3晚素有“世界花都”之称的巴黎,巴黎是历史名城、美食之都和创作重镇,成千上万的橱窗摊铺里充满了琳琅满目的创意产品、时尚设计师作品;

前往被冠上各种美誉的法兰克福,他既是“美茵河畔的耶路撒冷”,又是歌德的故乡,还是“德国最大的书柜”; G特别赠送的景点:

访世界三大博物馆之一的法国国家艺术宝库—“卢浮宫”, 其艺术藏品种类之丰富、艺术价值之高令人难以想象






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.




行程中安排的午、晚餐以中式餐食为主(用餐标准为五菜一汤); 全程提供旅游巴士,专业司机;


行程中所列航班经济舱团体机票及相关税费; 旅行社责任保险。


1. 境外服务费;

2. 护照费、申请签证中准备相关材料所需的制作、手续费,如未成年人所需的公证书、认证费; 3. 出入境的行李海关课税,超重行李的托运费、管理费等; 4. 旅游费用包含内容之外的所有费用;

(1)一切私人费用:例如交通工具上非免费餐饮费、洗衣、理发、电话、饮料、烟酒、付费电视、 行李搬运、邮寄、购物、行程列明以外的用餐或宴请等; (2)自由活动期间的餐食费及交通费;

5. 行程中未提到的其它费用:如特殊门票、游船(轮)、缆车、地铁票等费用; 6. 因个人原因滞留产生的一切费用;

7. 因气候或飞机、车辆、船只等交通工具发生故障导致时间延误或行程变更引起的经济损失和


8. 行李在航班托运期间丢失、损坏的造成的经济损失和责任

1. 欧洲法律规定,司机每行驶两小时后必须休息20分钟,每天开车时间不得超过9小时,且休息时


2. 法国、意大利等欧洲国家政府规定:公共场合禁止吸烟!如被查到将会受到当地相关执法部门的重


3. 境外服务费:因收取境外服务小费为境外旅游的惯例,请您向境外服务人员(司机、导游)支付服




If catching fish in the dark is impressive 如果说在黑暗中追捕游鱼是如此的不可思议

imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down. 想象下倒挂状态下不用爪子吞食滑溜溜的米诺鱼是怎样的神奇场景【wings领队】

Dawn, over the karst hills of Guilin. 拂晓降临至桂林的喀斯特山地

These remarkable hills owe their peculiar shapes 这些山地的嶙峋奇秀归功于

to the mildly acid waters of the Li River 漓江那弱酸性的水质

whose meandering course over eons of time has corrode away their basis 亿万年的侵蚀褪去了他们的本来面目

until only the rocky course remained. 只剩下坚硬的河道残留下来

Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China, 漓江是中国最清澈的河流之一

a favorite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants. 是捕鱼者和他们训练有素的鸬鹚最爱的捕获点

The men, all called Huang, come from the same village, 这帮七八十岁的男人全部姓黄 now in their seventies and eighties, 他们来自同一个村落

they've been fishermen all their lives. 他们毕生都以捕鱼为生

Before they release the birds, 在释放鱼鸟之前

they tie a noose, loosely around the neck 他们在鸟的脖子上松松的系一条套索

to stop them swallowing any fish they may catch. 以防止鸟儿私自将捕到的鱼吞进肚子里

Chancing and dancing, the Huangs encourage their birds to take the plunge. 伴随着即兴的舞蹈, 黄老汉鼓励着他的鸟儿们跳入水中

Underwater, 在水下

the cormorant's hunting instinct kicks in 鸬鹚的狩猎本能暴发

turning them into fish seeking missiles. 他们化身为水下的游鱼追踪导弹


Babies are born with ginger fur 叶猴宝宝裹着姜黄色的毛发出生

which gradually turns black from the tail end 这些毛发随着生长逐渐从尾部开始变成黑色 Young infants have a vise-like grip 叶猴宝宝虎钳般的爪

used for cling on to mom for dare life 帮助他们附着在妈妈身上以保证安全

As they get older 随着年龄的增长

they get bolder and take more risks 他们越发胆大,并开始常识更多刺激

Those have survive spend a lot of time travelling 这些是经历诸多冒险后的幸存者

Yet experienced adults know exactly where to find seasonal food 尽管经验丰富的成年叶猴深知 in different parts of their range 到守备范围内不同区域的哪里去寻觅当季的食物

In such steep terrain 在如此陡峭的地带

travel involves a high level of climbing skill 旅途顺利包含了高超的攀爬技巧

These monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbers from the time they learnt to walk 这些猴子打会走路起就是卓越的攀岩专家

In langur society 叶猴族群

females rule the roost 是母系社会

and take the lead when the family is on the move 并且是举家迁徙的领队人物

At last, journeys end, 旅途的终点

a coated niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator. 高悬的庇护所使得最激进的捕食者都束手无策

But it's not just monkeys that find shelter in caves. 并非只有猴子们在洞穴中寻找遮蔽 These children are off to school. 这些孩子们刚放学

In rural China, that may mean a long trek each morning, 在中国农村每天早上都意味着一段 passing through a cave or two on the way. 穿越一两个洞穴的艰苦跋涉

But not all pupils have to walk to school. 然而并非所有孩子都要徒步上学

These children are boarders. 这些孩子是寄宿生

As the day pupils near journey's end, 当孩子们快要到达学校时


the boarders are still making breakfast. 住宿生还在做早饭

In the school yard, someone seems to have switched the lights off. 校园内仿若被关掉了灯一般黑暗

But this is no ordinary play ground 但这里其实并没有正规的操场

and no ordinary school. 以及正规的学校

Its house, 只不过是座

inside a cave. 洞穴中的房屋而已

A natural vault of rock keeps out the rain, 天然拱顶阻隔了雨水

so there is no need for a roof on the classroom. 为教室省去了屋顶


The next morning, Geng returns with his son to collect his catch 第二天清早老耿和他的儿子回来收获他们猎物

At first sight, it looks disappointing 乍看之下收获平平

Tiny fishes, lots of shrimps, and some wriggling bugs 小鱼.虾米.和扭个不停的虫子

Geng doesn't seem too down hearted 然而老耿看上去来并不那么消沉

The larger fish are kept alive 大鱼被保持存活

the only way they'll stay fresh in the heat 这是唯一在酷暑下保鲜的办法

Surprisingly, some of the bugs are also singled out for special treatment 令人吃惊的是 一些虫子也被专门挑捡出来

They are the young stage of dragonflies 它们是蜻蜓的幼虫

predators that feed on worms and tadpoles 以蠕虫和蝌蚪为食的掠食者

Nowhere else in the world are dragonfly nymphs harvested like this 这里是世界上蜻蜓卵收获最丰的地方

Back home, Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry 回到家后 老耿把他的获物在屋顶上摊开晒干

It's being in China, nothing edible would be wasted 在中国,但凡能吃的东西都不会被浪费 There is a saying in the far south 在遥远的南方有这样一种说法

We will eat anything with legs, except a table 长腿的唯桌子不吃

and anything with wings, except a plane. 长翅膀的独飞机不啃

Within a few hours, the dried insects are ready to be backed up and taken to market 几个钟头后 这些晒干了的昆虫便会被带到市场上卖掉

Its the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price 其中蜻蜓蛹能卖到最好的价格

Fortunately, Caohai's dragonflies are abundant and fast breeding 幸运的是 草海的蜻蜓资源非常丰富且高速再生

so Geng and his fellow fishermen have so far had little impact on their numbers 所以老耿和其他的渔民远不会危及它们的数量

But not all wildlife is so resilient 但绝非所有野生动物都这样生机勃勃


This buddhist temple near Shanghai 这所上海附近的佛庙

has an extraordinary story attached to it 有一段与之相关的传奇故事

In May 2007 2007年5月

A Wild China camera team filmed this peculiar Swinhoe's turtle 一支狂野中国摄制组在这所寺庙的鱼塘里

in the temple's fishpond 拍摄到了这只罕见的斑龟

According to the monks, this turtle had been given to the temple during the Ming dynasty 据寺庙的和尚所说 这只龟在明朝期间被赐予寺庙

over 400 years ago 至今已有400余年历史了

It was thought to be the oldest animal on Earth 它被认为是地球上最老的动物

Soft shell turtles are considerd a god-made delicacy by many Chinese 软壳龟被很多从中国人视为神赐的馈赠

and when it was filmed 在被记录下的时候

this was one of just three Swinhoe's Turtles left alive in China 它已是中国仅存的三只斑龟之一 The rest of its kind 他的同胞们

having been rounded up and eaten 被当作食物剿杀殆尽

Sadly, just a few weeks after filming 悲痛人心的是在拍摄后的短短几周后

this ancient creature died 这只远古的生物与世长辞了

The remaining individuals of its species are currently kept in seperate zoos 他的其他同类现在被散养在不同动物园保护着

and Swinhoe's Turtle is now reckoned extinct in the wild 据测算现在斑龟在自然界中已经灭绝了

In fact, most of the 25 types of fresh water turtles in China 事实上 中国25种淡水龟中 are now vanishingly rare 多数都已然濒危

The answer to extinction 杜绝物种灭绝的唯一途径

is protection 就是加以保护

And there is now a growing network of nature reserves through southern China 这里有贯穿中国南方的不断壮大的自然保护区网络


This bizarre animal 这种奇异的动物

is a type of newt 属于蝾螈的一种

the Chinese Giant Salamander 中国大鲵

In China, it is known as the baby fish 在中国 它被称之为娃娃鱼

because when distressed, it makes a sound like a crying infant 这名称源自当他悲伤时发出的类似婴儿哭泣的声音

It grows up to a meter and a half long 成年体长1~1.5米

making it the world's largest amphibian 这使它成为世界上最大的两栖类动物

Under natural conditions, a Giant Salamander may live decades 在自然条件下 一只大鲵可以活到十岁

But like so many Chinese animals 但是和很多其他中国动物一样

it is considered delicious to eat 它被视为美味佳肴

Despite being classed as protected species 尽管被列为国家级保护动物

giant salamanders are still illegally sold for food 大鲵仍然被当作食物非法买卖

and the baby fish is now rare 现在娃娃鱼已经非常稀有

and endangered in the wild 在自然界濒临灭绝了

Fortunately in a few areas like Zhangjiajie, 幸运的是在像张家界这样的一些地方

Giang Salamanders still survive under strict official protection 大鲵在政府的严格保护下得以幸存【wings领队】


The rivers of Zhangjiajie flow northeast into the Yangtse floodplain 张家界的河流向东北注入 known as the land of fish and rice 以鱼米之乡文明的长江平原

On an island in a lake in Anhui province 在安徽省一个湖泊的小岛上

a dragon is stirring 一只小龙蠢蠢欲动

This is the ancestral home of China's largest and rarest reptile 这里是中国最大最稀有爬行动物的古老家园

A creature of mystery and legend 一种传说中的神秘生物

Dragon eggs are greatly prized 龙卵是非常珍贵的

these babies need to hatch out quick 这些孩子们需要快点孵化出来

It would seem someone is on their trail 看起来有人正在进行搜寻

For a helpless baby reptile 对一只无助的爬行类幼仔来说

imprisoned in a leathery membrane inside a choky shell 囚禁在令人窒息的蛋壳的坚韧隔膜里 a process of hatching 在孵化过程中

is a titanic struggle 需要拼尽全力挣扎

And time is running out 时间在不断流逝

It's taken 2 hours for the little dragon to get its head out of this egg 小鳄鱼需要耗费2个小时才能将脑袋伸出蛋壳

It needs to gather its strength now 现在是拼尽全力

a final massive push 进行最后奋力一击的时刻


Just south of the alligator country 就在饲养鳄鱼村落的正南方

dawn breaks over a very different landscape 黎明破晓之光照耀出一幅不同的画卷

The 1,800 meter high granite peaks 黄山那海拔1800米的

of the Huangshan 花岗岩巅峰

or yellow mountain 又称为黄之山【wings领队】

To the Chinese 对中国人而言

Huangshan's pines are peak mines,the strength, and resilience of nature 黄山松象征着自然蓬勃的生命力与不屈的精神

Some of these trees are thought to be over a thousand years old 其中一些树据说已超过千岁

Bellow the granite peaks 在这花岗岩巅峰下


steep forest in the valleys shelter surprising inhabitants 陡峭峡谷的森林中隐藏着令人惊讶的居民

Huangshan macaques 黄山猕猴

rare descendents of the Tibetan macaques of western China 隶属中国西部西藏短尾猴家族中稀有的分支

are unique to these mountain valleys where they enjoy strict official protection 自得其乐的生活在这政府保护的山谷中


