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时间:2017-09-24   来源:人文百科   点击:


旅行短文 第一篇_关于旅行计划的一篇小短文





在旅行结束的时候,我们会再乘坐火车回来。 Go to the hulunbuir prairie travel has been one of my plan, so I am going to in the summer vacation and dormitory friends play together. Choose the site because the hulunbuir prairie is now the most rich of fine pastures, for there is little affected by any pollution, so have again "is the most pure grasslands," said. Every summer, grassland niaoyuhuaxiang, air is fresh, and the breeze, waving grasses. I believe that it is a very beautiful feeling

We put the schedule in the middle of July, roughly time in 10 days or so (including the journey time from) we plan to sit down first cars to zhengzhou and then take the train to the hulunbuir. We are prepared to host to the home of the local residents. As for to things, will carry a convenient storage with water, with convenient supplement water at any time. Another clothes, camera, etc.

In this period, we can in grassland ride, and ride camels, and watching the performance, eat grassland flavor "all-sheep banquet", the evening's bonfire party, still can let we can experience the nomadic unique amorous feelings.

In the end of the trip, we'll take the train back.

旅行短文 第二篇_关于旅行经历的作文




My Travel to Beijing

Last summer holiday, I went to Beijing by train with my parents. There are so many wonderful places to visit, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square.

On the first day, we climbed the Great Wall. As we all know, the Great Wall is famous not only in China,but also all over the world. I saw so many kids who were climbing the Great Wall with the help of their parents. On the second day, we visited Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. What impressed me most is the beautiful scenery in the Summer Palace, so I took a lot of pictures there. During the following days, we did some shopping and ate delicious food. Tired as I was, I still felt very happy.

We stayed in Beijing for six days, then we went home. What a wonderful and pleasant travel! I am looking forward to visiting it again.【旅行短文】



时间: last summer last weekend during the summer holiday during the winter holiday last Saturday last month one/two... year(s) ago

和谁一块去:parents friends classmates brother sister cousins 怎么去的: by bus by train by plane by ship by bike one foot by car

经历了什么: we saw the beautiful scenery during the trip

We ate the delicious food there, such as ...

We also bought so many things, such as...

感受: pleasant wonderful exciting unforgettable terrible boring tiring



1. 上周日,我和我的同学乘汽车去了公园。


2. 众所周知,那里有很多地方值得参观。



3. 我喜欢那个地方的原因是我喜欢哪里的风景。


4. 我喜欢旅游,是因为我可以见到好多人。





6. 多么令人难忘的一次旅行呀!


7. 我期望着再次去那里。


旅行短文 第三篇_四年级阅读短文 旅行树

姓名 在非洲腹地的布隆迪共和国。我们住的一座(洁净、洁白)的小楼门前,有两(棵、颗)翠绿的大树。它们不同于一般的树,没有枝丫,树干①tǐng bá而修长,只在顶上长着一簇长长的②jiān yìng的阔叶,整齐地排成一片,像一把展开的羽毛折扇,又像孔雀正在开屏。

在非洲别的国家里,不少华丽的住宅和别墅门前也(裁、栽)着这种树。有了这种树,那些③jiàn zhù仿佛增添了不少幽雅的情趣。我还以为这种树只能在阳光④míng mâi、土壤肥沃、雨水充足的地方生长,后来有一次在沙漠中旅行,(发现、发觉)这种树竟然也生长在茫茫沙海之中。在黄沙的衬托下,它越发显得翠绿,充满了生机。


非洲朋友仰望着那翠绿欲滴的阔叶,回答说:“它的名字很别致,叫旅行家树。” “为什么叫旅行家树?”

非洲朋友解释说:“这种树原生长在沙漠里。人们在沙漠里旅行,受到热沙炙(zhì)烤(kǎo)而干渴难熬的时候,要是遇到这种树,只要用刀子在它身上划一道口子,它就会流出清香可口的汁液来让你解渴。它是沙漠旅行者的朋友,所以叫旅行家树。” 我在台头仰望这旅行家树,不尽束然起禁。

它出生于贫瘠荒凉的不毛之地,给跋(bá)涉(shâ) 沙漠的旅行者以甘泉般的希望。它移植于繁华富丽的通都大邑(yì),给观光非洲的旅游者以土色土香的情趣。它造福于人,并不以环境不同而改变性格。


1、给短文加一个适当的题目,写在前面的横线上。 2、在文中括号里选择正确的字词打上“√”。 3、读文中的拼音,依次写出词语。 ①__________ ②__________ ③__________ ④__________ 4、圈出短文第七自然段中的错别字,把正确的字写在下面横线上。 ______________________________________ 5、在文中找一个比喻句用“”画下来并填空。 这个比喻句把___________________比作___________________ 6、旅行家树的外形特点是:




旅行短文 第四篇_游记是描写旅行见闻的文章






