首页 > 教育知识 > 好词好句 > 3年级英语教案(三篇)


时间:2016-11-06   来源:好词好句   点击:







  1. 复习全册的单词和句子

  2. 复习全册的句型和日常用语

  3. 练习交际对话


  1. 丰富的单词和句子

  2. 听力能力的培养

  3. 运用简单的句子解决生活中的问题


  1. 先按书本顺序复习,听磁带跟读

  2. 按不同的主题内容复习第二遍

  3. 通过游戏,图片等进行练习

  4. 按语法分类分项目复习。

  5. 做相应的练习和试卷

  sum up

  一. 词组

  get up go to school go home go to bed

  look at turn on turn off close/open

  二. 单词

  1. animals:

  a dog a cat a monkey a tiger a panda a zebra

  a bird an elephant

  2. fruit:

  an apple an orange a banana a pear a peach a mango

  a pineapple a watermelon

  3. clothing items:

  a coat a jacket a sweater a blouse a dress a skirt

  a shirt a t-shirt

  4. food and drinks:

  a cake a hamburger an egg an ice cream coffee tea

  milk juice

  5. colours:

  red green white black yellow blue

  orange brown

  6. things for school:

  a book a pen a pencil a ball pen a pencil box

  a pencil sharpener a rubber a ruler

  7. vehicles:

  a car a bike a bus a plane

  8. places:

  a zoo a park a cinema a supermarket the great wall

  9. people:

  a man a woman a boy a girl

  10. things in a room:

  a bad a table a chair a fridge a bookcase a desk

  a sofa a telephone a light a door a window a walkman

  a box a basket a tv a tap

  三. 小诗

  (1) they are all very good

  pears, bananas and pineapples,

  oranges, peaches and apples.

  big fruit and small fruit,

  they are all very good!



  unit3 the first lesson

  i: teaching contents :a . let’s talk and let’s practise

  ii: teaching aims

  ss can listen say and use freely sentences

  how many…….can you see? i can see……in real situation

  iii:teaching difficult point:

  ss can understand and say: the black one is a bird

  iv: teaching dools:

  a teaching pictures a kite word cards

  v: teaching steps:

  stepi: preparation

  1. sing a song together :ten little candles dance

  2. let’s chant: following the tape

  i have a pencil. me too

  i have abook. me too

  i have a ruler . me too

  i have a bag.. me too

  i'm going to school . me too

  3. freetalk.

  a: look i have a teddy bear

  b: wow. it”s nice. i like it

  may i have a look?

  a: sure here you are

  b:thank you

  a: you”re welcome

  work in pairs . check 2 groups

  stepii: presentation

  1. t: shows a picture and says

  look .how many books?


  t: how many apples can you see?

  ss:i can see 5

  use the picture

  2. t shows qurckly four green pencils and a black pen and asks:how many pencils can you see ?

  ss: i can see 5

  t: says:no,the black one is a pen

  ss read following the t . together one by one

  3. t shows a picture of kite and says:look .i have a new kite .is it beantiful?

  t: teacher reads: beautiful . it”s beantiful ss repeat.

  4. t: today wu yifan and amy will fly the kite listen to the tape and answer the question.

  how many kites can you see?

  stepiii: practice

  1. listen to the tape (a.just listen b.listen and repeat)

  2. read after the t

  3. read by yourselves

  4. act out the dialogue in groups

  5. chect 2—3 groups

  stepiv: production

  1. make a new dialogue like this

  a:look. i have a new kite

  b:oh. it”s beautiful

  a:let”s fly it

  b: ok

  a: let”s go

  ask and answer: how many-------can you see?


  stepv: progress

  1. sum—up:t shows some pictures and says:


  周次课时内容教学目的要求教具准备13unit1 (3b)能正确地听、说、读、写字母aa和bb . 能听懂、会说新授的八个文具及玩具类单词: a school bag .a crayon , a tape , a knife ,a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler及a toy , train . 能听懂、会说日常交际用语what’s this /that in /on the……?what’s this /that in english ?it’s …… come here, ……并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。 能正确理解、运用介词in和on . 会唱歌曲a b c song .录音机(带)、 动物卡片、人物头饰。23unit2能正确地听、说、读、写字母cc 和dd .能听懂、会说日常用品类单词 a fridge ,a bed ,a computer ,a camera, a radio ,a watch , a key ,a clock.能听懂、会说日常交际用语may i come in ? come in please .is this /that ……? yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t . it's ……what a nice ……! can i have a look? sure ,here you are .能背诵歌谣it’s his key .能掌握sure 的正确发音。磁带、录音机、颜色卡片、人物头饰。33unit3能正确地听、说、读、写字母ee和 ff .2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语is this your ……? he’s/she’s …… , i think . yes ,he /she is . no ,he /she isn’t .who’s he /she ?3. 听懂、会说单词 grandfather 、grandmother 、uncle 、aunt 、son 、daughter、friend 及词组a family photo .4. 能正确区别he 和she ,并能熟练运用。5.能掌握单词photo 的正确读音。6.会唱歌曲family song .录音机、磁带、人物图片、头饰、八种水果。43unit4 能正确地听、说、读,写字母 gg 和 h h. 能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。 能听懂、会说以下交际用语“what’s the time ? it’s …. ,shall we watch tv? it's time to …,you can …”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。4、 能背诵歌谣jack has a clock .录音机、磁带、图片、实物、桌面。53unit5 能熟练地听、说、读、写字母aa-kk,并能按字母表的顺序背诵。 能听懂、会说本册已学过的单词。 通过本单元的操练,要求学生掌握所学的日常交际用语,并能在实际生活中运用。录音机、磁带、图片、实物63unit6能熟练地听、说、读、写字母aa-kk,并能按字母表的顺序背诵。能听懂、会说本册已学过的单词。通过本单元的操练,要求学生掌握所学的日常交际用语,并能在实际生活中运用。录音机、磁带83unit7能正确地听、说、读、写ll , mm 和nn. 能听懂、会说表示居室的单词 a dining –room ,a bedroom , a bathroom, a sitting-room以及短语:in the study ,in the kitchen ,in the fridge .能听懂、会说日常交际用语i can’t find ……, where’s ……? he’s /she’s /it’s ……并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。能正确使用礼貌用语excuse me 和sorry .能背诵歌谣where’s my broom?录音机、磁带、图片、实物93unit8能正确地听、说、读、写字母oo, pp ,qq.能听懂、会说以下饮料和食品类单词a hot dog ,a sandwich ,a pie ,some bread ,some rice ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate ,a carton of milk ,能听懂、会说日常交际用语i’m hungry /thirsty .what would you like ? what about … sounds good, /no ,i’d like ……thank you/thanks .并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。能理解并正确运用a bar of ,a carton of以及some.能初步理解不可数名词意义和用法。会唱歌曲hot cross buns!录音机、磁带、图片、实物103unit9能正确地听、说、读、写字母rr ,ss ,tt.能听懂、会说服装类单词a cap ,a hat ,a vest ,a tie ,a belt ,socks ,shoes ,trousers .能听懂、会说日常交际用语can i help you ? what colour ? how much is it? …yuan ,please .并能熟练回答。能背诵歌谣a red dress .录音机、磁带、图片、实物113unit10能正确地听、说、读、写字母uu, vv和ww 2. 能听懂、会说球类和乐器类单词 ,basketball, football,volleyball, baseball, a piano ,a violin ,a guitar ,an accordion.能听懂、会说日常交际用语do you like …? do you play …?yes ,i do/ no ,i don’t .what do you play ? i play …great! 并能熟练运用。会唱歌曲we study and play .录音机、磁带、图片、实物123unit11能正确地听、说、读、写字母xx ,yy,zz .能听懂、会说常见运动项目的英语表达swimming ,skating ,climbing ,skiing ,rowing ,fishing ,running ,do you like …? i like …let’ go …能听懂会说日常交际用语let’s go ….that’s a good idea .并能熟练运用。能背诵歌谣enjoy the day录音机、磁带、图片、实物133unit12能按字母的顺序背诵aa –zz ,并能熟练地听、说、读写字母aa—zz.通过复习,能使学生比较熟练地听、说已学过的单词。通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生综合运用所学的日常交际用语。


推荐访问:英语 教案 年级
