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时间:2018-04-13   来源:写作模板   点击:


英文新闻例文 第一篇_英文新闻稿模板

第六届外语调频新闻部 2014年春期第二期播音稿件


Part I News Express

1. President Xi Jinping said that all sides needed to act with calm and restraint in the Ukraine crisis to avoid an escalation of tensions.


2. The United States said on Monday that it was encouraging Japan's leadership to handle the historical issues in a manner that contributes to better ties with neighboring nations.


3. Chengdu, a city in southwestern China, plans to open more international air routes and attract 20 leading global companies this year to make itself more international.


4. The chairman of the Tibet autonomous region's government said the region is trying to create a world-class travel destination and he expects more travelers from around the world.


Part II Campus News

撰稿人:李思儒 院系:石工院 学号:201301020229

Benefits and Employment Prospects of Aboard Petroleum- Major-Students in


Ambitious collegers as we are, we seek not only job security but also wider

horizons and better quality life. Therefore, studying aboard has gradually turned to be a great vogue in education field. Large quantities of Chinese students are falling over each other to get the opportunity to do their major overseas.

For us SWPU students, though petroleum major is so technical that our choice of foreign universities has been imitated to a great extend, still there are some top ranking collage suits us well.

Study expert from E.A Canada pointed out, “Due to their (oil related majors) excessively professional and regional association, only Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dalhousie University, University of Alberta and the University of Calgary in Alberta province offer courses related to petroleum engineering.”

“Since oil related majors, like OGST, aren‟t that common as those Economical ones. Requirements for applier stand pretty high. Therefore, those who want to enter their dream college must apply in advance, because once the quota is full, the collage will done accepting applications.” Professor Witold Pedrycz form University of Alberta said.

The oil industry has been developing at an astonishing speed during this century, and demands for Petroleum talent never diminish. So those who graduate from oil related majors always received more job offers, and also they get richer pay.




“由于开设专业并不像商科那样普遍,学校对录取的学生要求相对也比较高。再加上申请的人数较多,竞争自然也就很激烈。所以,攻读研究生专业的学生如果申请这些大学一定要提前申请,否则,学校一旦招生名额满了,就会停止接受。”阿尔伯塔大学的Witold Pedrycz教授这样说到。


撰稿人:张云皓 院系:经管院 学号:201309030154

The Birth of Cartoon Image of Prime Minister Li Keqiang

On the night of February 26th, a news release called “The First Official Comic of Li Keqiang” Spread widely in many portal sites, mobile clients and micro-blogs, which are heated, discussed and praised by the netizens. The director of the comic said: “In order to let the netizens understand the

contents of executive meetings of the State Council Intuitively. We integrate the

cartoon image of prime into graphic by using bold ideas. And increase the affinity and the vitality to highlight the figure of the government. In this comic which is made by GOV.cn and Xinhua net, Prime Minister Li Keqiang is wearing a Navy Blue suit with a Light blue tie, wearing glasses with a warm smile on his face, he looks serious but compatible.【英文新闻例文】

After intense work, the cartoon image of prime was finally released in 10pm of the night .






撰稿人:吴佳丽 学号:1101020110 班级:油气储运2011级1班

University of Alabama in Huntsville Seeks for Cooperation Opportunity with


From March 6th to 7th , professor from University of Alabama in Huntsville in America gave information sessions to students from three different schools of SWPU, including school of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Computer Science. On the sessions, various situations about UAH were introduced to all the students present synthetically. As the president of the Engineering College of UAH, Professor Shankar came to attempt to launch a training plan of cooperation with our university.

At the very beginning, Professor Shankar expressed his cooperation intent of joint training plan sincerely and then displayed relevant conditions about UAH from the aspects of geographical position, research work and school life concretely. After that, he introduced some essential information like course requirements, English language requirement, scholarship and living cost for this joint project. In the end, based on their personal focus, attendant students asked Professor Shankar diverse questions showing their profound interest of studying abroad. The sessions had

achieved favorable results which definitely accelerate the process of this program. It is expected that the first batch of students in SWPU will be able to start to prepare for the application for UAH at the end of April and study in UAH from the end of August.

英文新闻例文 第二篇_有关新闻话题英文作文

How the News Got Less Mean


The most read article of all time on BuzzFeed contains no photographs of celebrity nip slips and no inflammatory ranting. It’s a series of photos called “21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. At Upworthy too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is wondtacular,” an Upworthy post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research.


The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity.


The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future.


“When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,” says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.”

“刚上线那会儿,盛行的理论认为互联网是讽刺挖苦的天下,” Upworthy的联合创始人以利·帕里泽说,“可是,什么管用、什么不管用,我们的看法却完全不一样。”

“You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner — it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive identity in social media.”、

“谁也不想成为派对上疯疯癫癫怒气冲冲躲在角落里大叫大嚷的那个人——推特和脸书也不想,”他说,“Upworthy所要做的一件事情,就是给人们提供各种工具,让他们在社会媒体上表达一个真实的、经过思考的、积极的身份。” And the science appears to support Pariser’s philosophy. In a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that “up votes,” showing that a visitor liked a comment or story, begat more up votes on comments on the site, but “down votes” did not do the same. In fact, a single up vote increased the

likelihood that someone else would like a comment by 32%, whereas a down vote had no effect. People don’t want to support the cranky commenter, the critic or the troll. Nor do they want to be that negative personality online.


In another study published in 2012, Jonah Berger, author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On and professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, monitored the most e-mailed stories produced by the New York Times for six months and found that positive stories were more likely to make the list than negative ones.

在2012年发布的另一项研究中,《传染力:流行密码》一书的作者、宾州大学沃顿商学院营销学教授乔纳·伯杰监控了纽约时报六个月内被网民邮件转发推荐次数最多的新闻报道排行榜,发现积极的报道比消极的报道上榜几率更大。 “What we share [or like] is almost like the car we drive or the clothes we wear,” he says. “It says something about us to other people. So people would much rather be seen as a Positive Polly than a Debbie Downer.”


It’s not always that simple: Berger says that though positive pieces drew more

traffic than negative ones, within the categories of positive and negative stories, those articles that elicited more emotion always led to more shares.


“Take two negative emotions, for example: anger and sadness,” Berger says. “Both of those emotions would make the reader feel bad. But anger, a high arousal emotion, leads to more sharing, whereas sadness, a low arousal emotion, doesn’t. The same is true of the positive side: excitement and humor increase sharing, whereas contentment decreases sharing.”【英文新闻例文】

“举个例子,愤怒和悲伤是两种消极的情感,”伯杰说,“都会让读者感觉不快。但是愤怒更能激起人的情感,因而涉及愤怒情感的文章,更容易被分享,而悲伤则不然。积极情感也是如此,激动和幽默会促进分享,而满足会减少分享。” And while some popular BuzzFeed posts — like the recent “Is this the most embarrassing interview Fox News has ever done?” — might do their best to elicit shares through anger, both BuzzFeed and Upworthy recognize that their main success lies in creating positive viral material.


“It’s not that people don’t share negative stories,” says Jack Shepherd, editorial director at BuzzFeed. “It just means that there’s a higher potential for positive stories to do well.”


Upworthy’s mission is to highlight serious issues but in a hopeful way, encouraging readers to donate money, join organizations and take action. The strategy seems to be working: barely two years after its launch date (in March 2012), the site now boasts 30 million unique visitors per month, according to Upworthy. The site’s average monthly unique visitors grew to 14 million people over its first six quarters — to put that in perspective, the Huffington Post had only about 2 million visitors in its first six quarters online.



But Upworthy measures the success of a story not just by hits. The creators of the site only consider a post a success if it’s also shared frequently on social media. “We are interested in content that people want to share partly for pragmatic reasons,” Pariser says. “If you don’t have a good theory about how to appear in Facebook and Twitter, then you may disappear.”


Nobody has mastered the ability to make a story go viral like BuzzFeed. The site, which began in 2006 as a lab to figure out what people share online, has used what it’s learned to draw 60 million monthly unique visitors, according to BuzzFeed. (Most of that traffic comes from social-networking sites, driving readers toward BuzzFeed’s mix of cute animal photos and hard news.) By comparison the New York Times website, one of the most popular newspaper sites on the Web, courts only 29 million unique visitors each month, according to the Times.

BuzzFeed已经掌握了让故事疯狂传播的技能。BuzzFeed源自2006年发起的一个研究人们在线分享习惯的实验室,并以此发迹,现在每月独立访客超过6000万。(大多数访问流量来自社交网络,读者更喜欢BuzzFeed网站上因可爱动物照片点缀而不再干巴巴的新闻)。相比之下,根据《纽约时报》的数据,纽约时报网站这个互联网上最受欢迎的新闻站点,每月吸引的独立访客也就2900万人。 BuzzFeed editors have found that people do still read negative or critical stories, they just aren’t the posts they share with their friends. And those shareable posts are the ones that newsrooms increasingly prize.

BuzzFeed的编辑发现,人们仍然会阅读消极的或批判性的故事,只是不会与朋友分分享而已。而且,被人分享的帖文也越来越受到传统新闻媒体的重视。 “Anecdotally, I can tell you people are just as likely to click on negative stories as they are to click on positive ones,” says Shepherd. “But they’re more likely to share positive stories. What you’re interested in is different from what you want your friends to see what you’re interested in.”


So as newsrooms re-evaluate how they can draw readers and elicit more shares on Twitter and Facebook, they may look to BuzzFeed’s and Upworthy’s happiness model for direction.

因此,传统媒体在重新评估如何吸引读者并让他们在推特和脸书上分享自己的故事时,或许可以向BuzzFeed和Upworthy的幸福模式看齐,以找准方向。 “I think that the Web is only becoming more social,” Shepherd says. “We’re at a point where readers are your publishers. If news sites aren’t thinking about what it would mean for someone to share a story on social media, that could be detrimental.” “ 我认为,网络的社会性只会加强,”谢泼德说,“我们现在处于读者即出版商的时代。新闻站点再不想想在社会媒体上分享故事意味着什么,后果也许是灾难性的。

英文新闻例文 第三篇_英语新闻采访 范文


How do you feel if you could rewind the clock some years ago? Well, yesterday I interviewed Mr. Branagh, a psychologist in Harvard and learned his provocative experiment in which people feel as if their body clock has turned back to their young age because of the special surroundings Branagh offered.

I recorded all the details about the interview. (J=Journalist, B= Branagh)

J: Mr. Branagh, how do you do this experiment?

B: Well, the experiment took place in an isolated old England hotel, which had been retrofitted to like what it was like 20 years ago. Then, a group of men----in their 70s----were told not to reminisce about the past, but to actually act as if they had traveled back to 20 years before. Also, we have a control group for comparison.

J: That’s interesting! What’s the purpose of this experiment? B: Uh, I want to see if changing the men’s mindset about their own age could lead to actual changes in health and fitness. J: So, what did you find in the experiment?

B: Oh, the findings were stunning. Two weeks later, the men in the experimental group had more joint flexibility, increased dexterity and less arthritis in their legs comparing to the control group. What’s more,

their mental sensibility had risen measurably, and they had improved posture. I n other words, the aging process had been reversed in some degree. When I showed the outsiders the men’s pictures, they judged them to be obviously younger than the controls. The result is so exciting. J: Wow, this reminds me of what I saw in a book about psychology. It says that we are all victims of our own stereotypes about aging and health. We mindlessly accept negative cues about disease and old age, and these cues shape our self-concepts and our behavior. Do you think so?

B: Yes, although we are sure to encounter illness, bad moods or a stiff back, we can try to embrace uncertainty and understand that the way we feel today may or may not connect to the way we will feel tomorrow.

J: I think what you said just now would inspire a lot of people, Thank you so much.

B: You are welcome.

英文新闻例文 第四篇_英语新闻演讲稿

Fields of City Planning

Good morning,everyone,You are listening to news broadcasts in Beijing City University.I’m Doris.Today,I’ll show you about the Fields of City Planning.Cities have provided a fertile ground for the evolution of human culture and human took full advantage of ground.Early humans relied on gathering and hunting for a living on the ground.Today,with the development of culture,human make the best use of a city’s other resources.And the Fields of City Planning is changing,it involves healthy,transportation and education.More and more people move to city for job,money and education.A survey show’s that as more and more people settled down,transportation become more and more terrible and we get into traffic jams and that cycle repeats,our environment and healthy will be threatened.

If our city can solve the traffic problem and reasonable planning,our city can develop more and more better.That’s all,Goodbye.

英文新闻例文 第五篇_英语新闻范文阅读

(Headline)China looks for blue-sky solutions as smog worsens

By Euan McKirdy for CNN

(Lead)(CNN) -- Beijingers are once again choking as smog levels hit "heavy or even worse" levels in the capital and a number of other cities across the country.

(Body) Persistent problems with city air have prompted officials and entrepreneurs to consider ways to protect their citizenry from the pollution.

Beijing was under an "orange" smog alert Monday, which marks the first time the second-highest warning level of a new system introduced last year has been raised. The National Meteorological Center (NMC) Tuesday continued the alert for another 24 hours.

Heavy smog routinely blankets the capital, all but blotting out the sun and forcing residents inside. Australian Open champion Li Na revealed she's had to train indoors in Beijing due to the high levels of pollution, while smog across most of northern and eastern China has prompted officials to send teams of investigators to the worst-hit parts of the country.

Officials at the Ministry of Environmental Protection cited"unfavorable

meteorological conditions and firework and firecracker spree(s)" as the cause of the heavily polluted air. China's Lunar New Year celebrations, which took place earlier this month, are often accompanied by firework displays, and

neighborhoods resound with the sound of firecrackers.

The air pollution index recorded levels of over 400, referring to the number of PM2.5 -- harmful particulates measuring 2.5 microns or larger -- per cubic meter of air. The World Health Organization recommends guideline values of 25 PM2.5 in a 24-hour period.

The smog is expected to ease towards the end of the week.

Many are at least trying to tackle the matter themselves. From ubiquitous air filters in people's homes to the near-mandatory facemasks that Beijingers wear outdoors on heavily-polluted days, personal health is a priority. Given the restrictions in place on residents -- particularly the young and the elderly -- when the warnings go up, some more extreme measures have been taken.

Life under the dome

The International School of Beijing has taken to shielding their young charges from the city's air as the next logical step. At a cost of $5 million, the school has

constructed two domes that enclose the entirety of its outdoor areas, allowing students to play and exercise year-round, regardless of how smoggy life is outside the

enclosure. While it is a costly solution, other schools, alongside sports facilities and even wealthy individuals are placing orders. Until the skies clear, life in the bubble seems surprisingly good.

The world's factory

China's aggressive economic growth model means that heavy industrial activity also contributes heavily to the degradation of the air quality. As part of their anti-pollution measures, some factories surrounding the capital -- Hebei is a huge steel-producing region -- have been forced to close temporarily following the raising of the orange alert.

Earlier in the year, the ministry upgraded emission standards for various heavy industries and waste disposal processes, upgrading protocols that were in some

cases legacies of original standards, set in the 1980s before the onset of much of China's present industrial capacity. Problems, however, persist.

The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Beijing-based Social Science Academic Press released a report in early Februar y which ranked the two cities towards the top of a list of the worst-polluted cities. Beijing ranked second, just behind Moscow.

Blue-sky thinking?【英文新闻例文】

In the face of growing social unease at worsening environmental conditions, authorities are committed to rectifying the problem, and Beijing will allocate 760 billion yuan (about 124.64 billion dollars) to improve the city's air quality by 2017, Mayor Wang Anshun said last month at a municipal NPC meeting.

The figure includes incentives for clean factories, and the municipal government has also improved the case for electric vehicles (EVs) by granting subsidies and license plate lottery waivers to those buying Chinese-made cars, while switching government fleets to electric.

The country is one of the world's largest producers of green energy technology, although much of it is exported at present.

More ambitious fixes have been proposed, including more "meteorological support services" -- such as cloud seeding -- as well as a giant "vacuum cleaner" designed by a Dutch artist, and skyscraper-mounted sprinklers. These solutions, their inventors promise, will either trap or wash the smog away.

Naked run

A novel approach to highlighting the problem came on Sunday as more than 300 runners, according to official news sources, took to Beijing Olympic Park wearing no more than their underwear -- and in at least one instance a gas mask -- to join a "naked run" protesting the city's poor air quality.

The best defense is a good smog

A silver lining to the smog-cloud might be the military advantage it offers. Chinese military theorist Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong told the Beijing Youth Daily that smog could be a defense against "laser weapons", given that heavy smog can impede or block the technology.

"Smog with PM2.5 readings of 500-600 is virtually impenetrable to lasers. In clear weather, laser weapons have a range of 10 kilometers, but smog can reduce this to less than 1 kilometer," he said, although later was forced to defend his remarks against accusations of naivety and advocating a reckless defense theory.

英文新闻例文 第六篇_英语新闻播报稿,作文



13111507048 周兵

Good morning everyone, today is November 25, 2014, and welcome to the campus radio. Urban construction department held the sixth session of the graffiti contest ended yesterday, The graffiti contest theme is "no print, no gain".

Graffiti meaning is arbitrary painting their own small world, it is not subject to the constraints of the genre and style. The use of color lines, from the shape and color on the thinking, enjoy the fun doodling, to understand the form and meaning of modern graffiti. Finally, thank you for your support and cooperation of this graffiti Welcome to learn together.

英文新闻例文 第七篇_疯狂英语新闻稿模板,范文




为使(为什么)10级新同学能够深入了解各社团情况,关注社团发展,同时更好地推动社团的自身建设、丰富校园文化。社团管理委员会带领各社团精心准备,并编排《社团新生指南》,发放各专业班级。3月24日晚(什么时候),社团管理委员会主办了社团宣讲会,受到了各社团的高度重视与10级同学的热烈响应。 (内容) 社团宣讲人用认真细致的讲解和一系列丰富多彩的社团活动介绍,向同学们抛出了橄榄枝。从社团宗旨到社团精神,从社团品牌活动到社团纳新要求,各社团或真挚朴素、或慷慨激昂,用其独特的方式将各自的风采精心浓缩、真实展现。„„各社团百花齐放,尽显风采。翔实的文字资料,生动的讲解与介绍,抓人眼球的现场表演,无不令现场同学大开眼界,从而多角度地认识了各个社团。 能文能舞,亦动亦静,各社团虽然风格迥异,却都展现了农大学子的精神风貌,张扬着年轻一代的独特个性。宣讲会期间,组织者还安排了观众提问环节。同学们参与的积极性很高,借这个机会纷纷向自己心仪的社团提问,同时也了解了相关社团的一些知识。



爱之初体验 关怀永不减




下午4时许,在参加活动的老师和创业中心成员的共同努力下,1700瓶矿泉水全部发送结束。此次活动增加了新生对新华学院的了解和热爱,同时也激发了他们的团队合作和创业的意识,活动结束时,有许多同学纷纷表示愿意加入创业中心,为创业中心和学院贡献自己的一份力量。 本次活动能够成功开展、圆满结束和学院各级领导及全体教职工的大力支持是分不开的,我们相信在以后的日子里,创业中心不会辜负了学院各级领导及全体教职工的期望,我们将发挥自己最大的潜力,做到真正的应运于新华,服务于新华。

前面的格式就是新闻稿的基本要素了, 这次格式可以基本参照下面这个,也不用严格按格式来写的活泼一点最好。









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