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职称英语考试用书 第一篇_2015年全国职称英语等级考试用书目录(字典打印版)

“Don't Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning“不要再就餐时间以外饮酒”有了新含义(177)

“Life Form Found” on Saturn's Titan土卫六上发现了生命迹象(179)

“Liquefaction" Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damage“液化”是日本地震破坏的关键(260) A Memory Drug? 记忆药物(227)

A Record-Breaking Rover破纪录的漫游车(212) A Sunshade for the Planet地球防晒霜(137) Affectionate Androids深情机器人(224)

An Essential Scientific Process一个至关重要的科学过程(122) An Intelligent Car智能汽车(242)

Animal’s “Sixth Sense” 动物的“第六感”(236)

Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as “Ecosystem Engineers” 蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”对环境影响巨大(196) Avalanche and Its Safety雪崩和安全问题(232) Batteries Built by Viruses 病毒电池(171)

Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More Light更有效的太阳能系统:更多热量,更强灯光(255)

Bill Gates: Unleashing Your Creativity 比尔盖茨:发挥你的创造力(67)

Captain Cook Arrow Legend库克船长弓箭的传说(230)

Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely远程制止偷车贼(240) Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities手机增加交通行人死亡(204)

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Comfort Food Fights Loneliness心灵鸡汤:爽心食品排解孤独感(248) Citizen Scientists公民科学家(110)

Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities气候变化给不备城市带来重大风险(251)

Clone Farm克隆农场(181)Compact Disks光盘(82)

Dangers Await Babies with Altitude 高海拔地区婴儿的风险(64)

Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed捍卫净化论仍有必要(192)

Digital Realm数码王国(163)

Driven to Distraction分散注意力驾驶(157)

Dung to Death施肥致死(214) Eat to Live为生存而食(153) Eiffel Is an Eyeful引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔(119)

El Nino 厄尔尼诺(52) Engineering Ethics工程道德(55)

Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for RadioactiveWaste专家呼吁局部或区域控制放射性废物投放地点(169)

Explorer of the Extreme Deep深海探索器(143)

Face Masks May Not Protect from Super-Flu 口罩也许无法预防感冒(99)

Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击(127) Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles福特放弃电动汽车(106) Forecasting Methods天气预报的方法(190)

Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk快餐加免费降胆固醇药物可以降低罹患心脏病的风险(253) Giant Structures巨型建筑(233)

How Deafness Makes It Easier to Hear如何让失聪的人更容易听见(219)

How We Form First Impression对别人的第一印象是怎么形成的(86) Hurricane Katrina 卡特里娜飓风(165) I’ll Be Bach我也能成为巴赫(161) Icy Microbes冰冻微生物(80)

Image Martian Dust Panicles观测火星上的尘粒(75)

Inventor of LED LED发明者(51) Invisibility Ring 隐形环(130) Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers日本用来监视醉酒司机的新型概念车(131)

Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth 日本人的地心旅行(135) Late-Night Drinking在深夜饮咖啡(114)

LED Lighting 发光二极管(84)Lightening Strikes雷击(218)

Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning听觉仪器提供早期山崩预警(175) Listening to Birdsong倾听鸟鸣(198) Maglev Trains磁悬浮列车(103)

Making Light of Sleep不要太在意睡眠(116)

Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently 男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异(155)

Microchip Research Center Created 微芯片研究中心成立(58) Mind-reading Machine 读心机(167) Mobile Phones移动电话(207)

Moderate Earthquake Strikes England 中度地震袭击英国(60) More Rural Research Is Needed需要进行更多的农业研究(91) More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing 每晚只需8小时,睡眠过多非益事(77)

Motoring Technology汽车技术(112)

Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience 音乐机器人伴侣提升音乐欣赏体验(141)

Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills音乐训练可以提高交流技能(223)

Plant Gas 植物,沼气的又一来源(145)

Powering a City ? It's a Breeze 风力发电?轻而易举(148) Putting Plants to Work植物效能(173)

Real-World Robots现实世界中的机器人(147) Reinventing the Table重新发现元素周期表(210) Renewable Energy Sources可再生能源(187) Rescue Platform 救生平台(57)

Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright研究人员发现人类开始直立行走的原因(200)

Robotic Highway Cones机器人高速路锥形路标(226) Screen Test透视检查(87)

Sharks Perform a Service for Earth's Waters鲨鱼有益于地球水系(258)

Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind警报器救盲人(238) Sleep Lets Brain File Memories随眠促使记忆归档存储(159) Small But Wise小而聪明(194) Smoking吸引(54) Soot and Snow a Hot Combination煤灰与白雪:“火热”的组合(79)

Stage Fright如何避免怯场(73)

Strong Greenhouse Gas一种强烈的温室气体(97)

Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean Quake科学家研究预测地中海大地震(69)

Sugar Power for Cell Phones用糖为手机发电(117) Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety教数学,教焦虑(183) The Bilingual Brain双语大脑(211) The Biology of Music音乐生物学(66)

The Magic Io Personal Digital Pen 神奇的IO私人数字笔(101) The Mir Space Station和平号空间站(89) The Northern Lights北极光(71)

The Tiniest Electric Motor in the World世界上最小的电动机(95)

The World’s Longest Bridge世界上最长的桥(208) Thirst for Oil 石油匮乏(139)

Time in the Animal World动物界中的时间(215)

Too Little for Global Warming全球变暖“缺油”(185)

U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars美国科学家确认火星上有水(202)

Underground Coal Fires -a Looming Catastrophe地下煤着火-即将来临的灾难(150)

Virtual Driver虚拟驾驶员(221)

Washoe Learned American Sign Language WASHOE学会了美国手语(93)

Watching Micro currents Flow观察微电流流程(217) What Is a Dream? 梦是什么(62)

When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach我们的视觉服务于我们的胃口(125)

Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures印度为什么需要濒临灭亡的秃鹰(244)

Winged Robot Learns to Fly肋生双翅机器人学飞行(133) Wonder Webs奇妙的网(246)

World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than SomePredict世界原油产量可能提前10年达到峰值(108) Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers年轻雌猩猩学习优于他们的弟兄(123)

职称英语考试用书 第二篇_2015年职称英语考试用书


2014年职称英语考试真题、模拟题尽收其中,千名业界权威名师精心解析,精细化试题分析、完美解析一网 尽!在线做题就选针题库:/要先看选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落。完成句子则要根据所给的短句进行选择,比较好的方法是找同类动词。

















首先充足的复习时间很重要,尤其是对于那些底子薄,年龄大的考生。在这里我们建议大家不要等国家统一的教材和大纲,因为新版教材和大纲往往都在12月底或者明年的1月初才会开始发售,而到那时据考试就剩下3个月的时间了,对于考生而言,这3个月是不够的,所以我们要提前开始复习。 在复习材料上我们建议考生暂时先以2014年版的教材为基础,因为根据以往的经验每一年的教材和考试大纲不会发生很大的变化,所以以2014年的教材为主复习应该不会有错。

在复习内容上,专家有以下几点建议: 1.在开始学习时要先入门,要先了解一下职称英语的题型概况和解题技巧,以一个整体的眼光去正确的审视职称英语考试,以一个良好的心态来准备复习。 2.在教材和大纲还没有下发之前,建议考生先看一些基本的词汇和基本的句型,这些内容无论是什么样的考试大纲都是最基础的内容。但是我们提醒大家千万不要抱着一本高频词典每天死记硬背,这样效果肯定不会太好。建议现阶段学习时应多注意两个方面:





第一阶段,基础巩固和强化复习阶段 从7月初到12月末左右,考生在恢复和巩固词汇和语法知识的基础上,重点复习职称英语考试教材,主要掌握考试教材上的内容,包括各个题型的解题技巧等。

第二阶段,冲刺复习阶段 从明年1月初到2月底,这个阶段考生一定要把国家教材上的东西基本上全部搞会。该背的背,该记的记,除了进一步复习国家教材以外,要做一些职称英语历年真题和模拟试题的演练,提高一下自己的解题技巧的能力。

第三阶段,串讲复习阶段 在考试前20多天,考生要进行最后一轮的全面复习,重点复习教材上的重点文章,把职称英语六种题型解题技巧进行总结和归纳,做到“两手抓,两手都要硬”,这样才能确保顺利通过职称考试。




1. 职称英语三个类别中的词汇选项、补全短文这两个题型的文章篇目均未作任何改变,与2012年职称英语教材文章一致;

2. 职称英语三个类别中的阅读理解题型文章均有变化:

1) 综合类更新了2篇文章,仅是C类新增2篇文章(与2012年相比);

2) 理工类和卫生类均更新3篇文章:






3. 职称英语三个类别中的完型填空文章变化情况:

① 综合类:无更新(但2012年已考文章均未删减)

② 理工类:更新3篇(C级2篇,A级1篇)

③ 卫生类:更新3篇文章,每个级别各更新1篇文章。(但B级和A级里2012年已考文章均未删减) ⒋职称英语三个类别中的阅读判断题型文章变化:

① 综合类:C级和B级均各更新一篇;

② 理工类和卫生类:均未更新;


① 综合类:仅C级更新一篇;

② 理工类和卫生类:均未更新;






(二)字典 职称英语考试中,有一道15分的大题,用查字典就能轻松突破,等于是送分题,因此,选择一本好的字典就非常重要了。我们建议考生,平时一定要多练习查字典,提高查字典的速度。

(三)历年真题 认真研究历年真题,研究历年真题是寻找出题者命题规律、以及解题技巧与方法,这个对我们将近55分或者70分会有帮助,所以应该两手抓两手都要硬,这两个哪个都不能少。但是作为复习的入手应该从教材入手,不应该从历年真题入手,因为历年真题是你已经达到这个水平了应该做的题,所以还是应该从教材入手,都应该偏重。



我们的职称英语指定教材有三百多页,光阅读理解就有50篇文章,阅读判断、概括大意完成句子、补全短文、完型填空各15篇,特别对于A级考生来说文章数量大,如何集中有效的时间和精力在最重要的文章上呢? 关注新增文章:大家要利用这段时间把2013年新增的文章,尤其是本类别新增的文章要仔细认真的进行背诵和复习,在背诵文章时,应注意以下三点:



(3)要全面重点背诵三个类别中新增的15篇文章,防止串考现象。 注意一下我们考试的新动向,就是说可能会出现串类考试的情况,比如说今年的卫生B、理工B考了综合B的文章,会串类考试。对比如明年要参加考试的考生,还要注意一件事,假如考卫生的同学,除了看卫生的,还要看理工和综合的文章,所以还要关注一下其他类别的新增文章。



职称英语考试用书 第三篇_最新2014年职称英语考试用书理工类教材(最新最全word版)




第一部分 词汇选项


第二部分 阅读判断

第一篇Inventor of LED

第二篇E1 Nino


第四篇Engineering Ethics

第五篇Recue Platform

第六篇Microchip Research Center Created

第七篇Moderate Earthquake Strikes England

第八篇What is dream

第九篇Dangers Await Babies with Altitude

第十篇Thy biology of music

第十一篇 +Computer Mouse

第十二篇 +Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean Quake

第十三篇 +The Northern Lights

第十四篇 +Biodiesel

第十五篇 +Image Martian Dust Particles

第三部分 概括大意和完成句子

第一篇More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing

第二篇Soot and Snow: a Hot Combination

第三篇Icy Microbes

第四篇Compact Disks

第五篇LED Lighting

第六篇*How We Form First Impression

第七篇*Screen Test

第八篇*The Mir Space Station

第九篇*More Rural Research Is Needed

第十篇*Washoe Learned American Sign Language

第十一篇 +The Tiniest Electric Motor in the World

第十二篇 +A Strong Greenhouse Gas

第十三篇 +Face Masks May Not Protect from Super-Flu

第十四篇 +The Magic Io Personal Digital Pen

第十五篇 +Maglev Trains

第四部 阅读理解

第一篇 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles

第二篇 World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict

第三篇 Citizen Scientists

第四篇 Motoring Technology

第五篇 Late-Night Drinking

第六篇 Making Light of Sleep

第七篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones

第八篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful

第九篇 Egypt Felled by Famine

第十篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers

第十一篇 When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach

第十二篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass

第十三篇 Invisibility Ring

第十四篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers

第十五篇 Winged Robot Learns to Fly

第十六篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth

*第十七篇 A Sunshade for the Planet

*第十八篇 Thirst for Oil

*第十九篇 Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience

*第二十篇 Explorer of the Extreme Deep

*第二十一篇 Plant Gas

*第二十二篇 Snowflakes

*第二十三篇 Powering a City? It's a Breeze.

*第二十四篇 Underground Coal Fires -- a Looming Catastrophe

*第二十五篇 Eat to Live

*第二十六篇 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently

*第二十七篇 Driven to Distraction

*第二十八篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories

*第二十九篇 I will Be Bach

*第三十篇 Digital Realm

*第三十一篇 Hurricane Katrina

*第三十二篇 Mind-reading Machine

*第三十三篇 Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive +第三十四篇Batteries Built by Viruses

+第三十五篇 Putting Plants to work

+第三十六篇 Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning

+第三十七篇 "Don't Drink Alone" Gets New Meaning

+第三十八篇 "Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan

+第三十九篇 Clone Farm

+第四十篇 Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety

+第四十一篇 Too Little for Global Warming

+第四十二篇 Renewable Energy Sources

+第四十三篇 Forecasting Methods

+第四十四篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed

+第四十五篇 Small But Wise

+第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers" +第四十七篇 Listening to Birdsong

+第四十八篇 Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright

+第四十九篇 U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars

+第五十篇 Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities

第五部分 补全短文

第一篇 Mobile phones

第二篇 The World’s Longest Bridge

第三篇 Reinventing the Table

第四篇 The Bilingual Brain

第五篇 The Magic of Sound

第六篇 Dung to Death

第七篇 Time in the Animal World

第八篇 Watching Microcurrents Flow

第九篇 Heat Is killer

第十篇 How deafiness Makes It Easier toHear

第十一篇 +Virtual Driver

第十二篇 +Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills

第十三篇 +Sleeping Giant

第十四篇 +Robotic Highway Cones

第十五篇 +The Arctic Ice Is Thawing

第六部分 完型填空

第一篇 Captain Cook Arrow Legend

第二篇 Avalanche and Its Safety

第三篇 Giant Structures

第四篇 Animal's "Sixth Sense"

第五篇 Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind

* 第六篇 Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely

* 第七篇 An Intelligent Car

* 第八篇 Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures

* 第九篇 Wonder Webs

* 第十篇 Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness + 第十一篇 Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities + 第十二篇 Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk + 第十三篇 Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More Light

+ 第十四篇 Sharks Perform a Service for Earth's Waters

+ 第十五篇 “Liquefaction” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damage 目录说明:

本书目录中未加符号标的文章难度相当于C级考试水平,供报考C级考试的学员阅读;标有“*”的文章相当于B级考试水平;标有“+”的文章,相当于A级考试水平。我们希望,报考B级的学员同时阅读未加标注的文章,报考A级的学员同时阅读标有“*”的文章。 涂颜色部分为2011年教材新增文章(与2010年教材对比)

第一部分词汇选项下面共有 10组词汇学习,每一组词汇学习有 15道小题。在每道题的句子里都有 1个词或短语划有底横线。请在 4个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义昀相近的一项。

词汇学习 1: consult C phone D visit

C 2. We‟ll give every teacher employment C room D opportunity


D do to computation C consideration D assessment abandoned

C built D strengthen the girl‟s bad tooth. A dig B draw C pull D extract

词汇学习 2:


A 1. America‟sresearch.

A encouraged B endangered C endorsed D enlarged

Cduring the Second World War.

A baggage B orphanage C reportage D usage hardly C faintly D sufficiently * * A 4. “I‟m not meddling,” Mary said . “I‟m just curious.” A gently B shyly C weakly D sweetly strange B certain C inconsistent D proper

A 6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers‟ characters areB gloomy C feeble D frugal agreed constantly D regularly

A understood B had a hold over C took hold of D left hold of busy recently.

A thought B mind C account D memory

A13. I can no longer tolerate his actions. A put up with B accept C take D suffer from down D refused


词汇学习 3:


A expressive B physical C exaggerated D dubious


A convert B store C utilize D receive C landlords D caretakers

A cargo by water.

A continuously B quickly C excessively D exceptionally

D evaporate D cure

· +* *Bfor Maryland‟s delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.

A clarify B formulate C revise D contribute repertory of

soundless codes. A Simultaneously B Almost C Absolutely D Basically accidentally C sometimes D successfully

D 9. When doves are about two weeks old, they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to continuously D usually

A firmly

D quickly

· *


· *C 词汇学习 4: for D create

D 2. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from

grain prices. A slight B surprising C sudden D harmful originally D symbolically miles per hour. A velocities B impulses C ratios D atrocities physicist D resident

职称英语考试用书 第四篇_2016年职称英语电子版教材


Microchip Research Center Created

A research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced microchip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.

The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’s flagship chipmaker.1 Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance2.

As mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years3, plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while4 plants with outdated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker. More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars.5 The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors and technology owners — mainly from Japan and Singapore.

Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,6 the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property7 owners. 词汇: microchip / 5maIkrEJtFIp / n.微芯片 marginalize /`mB:dVInLlaIz/ v.忽视,边缘化 flagship /5flA^FIp/ n. (用作定语 )首位,最好 vendor /5vendC:/ n.卖主mainstream /5meInstri:m/ n.主流 注释:





由于主流芯片生产技术每隔 3~5年就要进行更新换代,所以掌握了新技术的厂家就可以以较低的成本制造出较好的芯片,而那些耗费数十亿美元建立起的厂家,如果设备落后,也将会被生产商所淘汰。



第七篇 Moderate Earthquake Strikes England

A moderate earthquake struck parts of southeast England on 28 April 2007, toppling chimneys from houses and rousing residents from their beds. Several thousand people were left without power1 in Kent County2. One woman suffered minor head and neck injuries. “It felt as if the whole house was being slid across like a fun-fair ride,3” said the woman.

The British Geological Survey said the 4.3-magnitude quake4 struck at 8:19 a. m. and was centered under the English Channel5, about 8.5 miles south of Dover6 and near the entrance to the Channel Tunnel7.

Witnesses said cracks appeared in walls and chimneys collapsed across the county. Residents said the tremor had lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds.

“I was lying in bed and it felt as if someone had just got up from bed next to me,” said Hendrick van Eck, 27, of Canterbury8 about 60 miles southeast of London. “I then heard the sound of cracking, and it was getting heavier and heavier9. It felt as if someone was at the end of my bed hopping up and down.”

There are thousands of moderate quakes on this scale around the world each year, but

they are rare in Britain. The April 28 quake was the strongest in Britain since 2002 when a 4.8-magnitude quake struck the central England city of Birmingham10.

The country’s strongest earthquake took place in the North Sea in 1931, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale11. British Geological Survey scientist Roger Musson said the quake took place on 28 April in an area that had seen several of the biggest earthquakes ever to strike Britain, including one in 1580 that caused damage in London and was felt in France.12 Musson predicted that it was only a matter of time13 before another earthquake struck this part of England. However, people should not be scared too much by this prediction. Musson said, as the modern earthquake warning system of Britain should be able to detect a forthcoming quake and announce it several hours before it takes place. This would allow time for people to evacuate and reduce damage to the minimum.词汇: moderate /5mCdErit/ adj.中等的 magnitude /5mA^nitju:d/ n. 值,强度量 topple /5tCpl/ v.倾倒,震倒 rouse /rauz/ v. 唤醒 tremor /5tremE/ n.震动 hop /hRp/ v. 齐足跳起 fun-fair n.公共露天游乐场 scale /skeil/ n. 震级 forthcoming /fC:W5kQmiN/ adj.即将来临的 evacuate /i5vAkjueit/ v. 疏散geological /dViE5lCdVikEl/ adj.地质的 注释:


2007年 4月 28日英格兰东南部地区发生中度地震,一些房屋烟囱倒塌,许多居民半夜从睡梦中惊醒。肯特郡几千人遭遇断电,一名女子头部和颈部受了轻伤。


英国地质调查局说,本次里氏 4.3级的地震发生于上午 8点 19分,震中在英吉利海峡底部,位于多佛尔以前约 8.5英里处的海峡隧道入口附近。 一些目击者看到郡中墙壁现裂缝,并有烟囱倒塌。当地居民说震动大约持续了 10~15秒。

“我当时躺在床上,觉得好像旁边有人从床上站起来。 ”住在伦敦东南部 60英里处的 27岁的 Hendrick van Eck说,“然后我听到有东西裂开的声音,而且越来越响。就好像有人在我床尾不停地并着脚跳。”

这种规模的中度地震世界上每年都会发生几千次,但在英国仍非常少见。 4月 28日的地震是英国自 2002 年中部城市伯明翰里氏 4.8级地震以来昀强的一次。

英国的地震昀高曾达到里氏 6.1级,1931年发生在北海。英国地质勘测所的科学家罗杰·马森说, 4月 28日发生地震的地区曾经遭受过几起英国昀大的地震,其中的一次发生在 1580年,那次地震蹂躏了伦敦,并波及法国。马森预言了英格兰的这个地区早晚还会发生地震,但他说人们不必对此产生太大恐惧,因为英国的现代地震预警系统应该能够侦测即将发生的地震,并在震前数小时内通知大家。这将使人们有时间撤离震区,并把损失降到昀低。

第八篇 What Is a Dream? For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person’s mind and emotions. Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way. The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud1,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person’s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung2 was once a student of Freud’s. Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves. Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person’s daily life, thoughts, and behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.

Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.


He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. For example, the people in men’s dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of women’s dreams.3 Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones. Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways. However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn’t panic. The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It’s important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world. 词汇:

psychologist / saɪˈkɔlədʒɪst / n.心理学家 psychiatrist /sai' kaiətrɪst/ n.精神病学家(医生)

Austrian / ˈɔstrɪən / adj.奥地利的 gender / ˈdʒendə / n.性别




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