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英语六级阅读中英对照 第一篇_2016大学英语六级阅读理解答题技巧汇总




1、 选词填空最后完成,一定要优先完成你百分百确认词性的空格。不确定词性的先跳过。

2、 选词填空一定要优先考虑固定搭配,比如:make

contribution to; have an impact/effect on这样的高频词组考过多次。

3、 段落信息匹配题先看题目后看文章。看题目时,关键词的选择很重要,直接决定你能否快速找到,找对段落。不要只选择一个关键词定位;要选择特殊词汇定位(大写,数字,连字符等);不要选择文章的核心词作为第一关键词定位。

4、 注意段落信息匹配题的题干中经常把数字写成英文的形式,而非阿拉伯数字,这样来形成干扰。请考生务必看清。比如:2013年12月的题目中用的是half,原文给的是50%;题目中用的是one tenth,原文写的是10%。

5、 段落信息匹配题中,题目与原文出现同义替换时,正确几率最高。在某段出现某题干的原词时,不要贸然选择,关注一下其他信息有没有在该段落出现。

6、 仔细阅读定位是关键。根据出题顺序与行文顺序一致的原则,确定大体段落。较难题目中会出现题干与原文同义替换的情况,那么该同义替换的句子可能就是定位的句子。

7、 段落推断题中(含有infer/conclude/imply/indicate/learn的题目),答案一般在转折处或者在段落末句。

8、 当在两个选项间徘徊不定时,重新审题,比对两个选项与对应句信息,同义替换的选项或与原文主旨一致的选项可能是正确答


9、 含有绝对性词汇的选项错误几率较高。如:no, all, only, must, little, always, none。

10、仔细阅读要重点注意转折处(but/however/yet)信息以及递进关系(moreover/also/furthermore/in addition)信息。


英语六级阅读中英对照 第二篇_2016英语六级翻译、阅读真题解析

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into


中国是四大文明古国之一,有着五千多年的灿烂文化。尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。早在汉朝时期(the Han Dynasty), 政府就曾多次颁布法令,提倡并奖励孝敬老人的行为。中国人以爱、友善和严格的方式对待子孙后代,体现了强烈的道德责任感。尊老爱幼的传统在现代社会得到了发扬。现在,中国的老人和儿童都有法定节日——老人节和儿童节。除此之外,政府还颁布特定的法律保护妇女儿童,法律也明确规定中国公民有义务赡养父母、抚养子女。

参考译文: As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has a splendid culture of more than 5,000 years. Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. As early as the Han Dynasty, the government issued laws many times to advocate and reward behavior relating to treating the old with filial respect. The Chinese people treat their offspring with love, kindness and strictness, embodying a strong sense of moral responsibility. The tradition of respecting the old and taking care of the young has been carried forward in modern times. At present, the old and the young in China have their own legal holidays—Elders’ Day and Children’s Day. Besides, the government has issued specific laws to protect women and children; and some laws also stipulate in explicit terms that Chinese citizens have obligations to support parents and rear children.


1. 四大文明古国:four ancient civilizations

2. 尊老爱幼:respect the old and care for the young

3. 道德责任感:a sense of moral responsibility

4. 发扬:carry forward

5. 法定节日:legal holiday

6. 赡养父母、抚养子女:support parents and rear children

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the

passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.

Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the

corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line

through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more

than once.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, U.S. government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds, also secure, are offered by local governments and often have 36 such as tax-free interest. Some may even be 37 . Corporate bonds are a bit more risky.

Two questions often 38 first-time corporate bond investors. The first is "If I purchase a corporate bond, do I have to hold it until the maturity date?" The answer is no. Bonds are bought and sold daily on 39 securities exchanges. However, if you decide to sell your bond before its maturity date, you're not guaranteed to get the face value of the bond. For example, if your bond does not have 40 that make it attractive to other investors, you may be forced to sell your bond at a 41 ,i. e. , a price less than the bond's face value. But if your bond is highly valued by other investors, you may be able to sell it at a premium, i. e. , a price above its face value. Bond prices generally 42 inversely(相反地) with current market interest rates. As interest rates go up, bond prices fall, and vice versa (反之亦然). Thus, like all investments, bonds have a degree of risk. The second question is "How can I 43 the investment risk of a particular bond issue?"

Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investors Service rate the level of risk of many corporate and government bonds. And 44 , the higher the market risk of a bond, the higher the interest rate. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky only if the 45 return is high enough.


1.15个备选项后面标出词性(名词:advantages, deduction, discount, features;动

词:assess, bother, embarrass, fluctuate, insured;形容词:conserved, indefinite, major, potential;副词:naturally, simultaneously);

2. 通读文章,并判断空格处所需单词的词性及词义,确定好的选项要勾划掉;

3. 复读全文,复审,检查整篇文章是否通顺流畅。


36. A) advantages【英语六级阅读中英对照】

这里应填入名词作句子的宾语,空格后的such as举例说明免税利息是政府债券的优势。此处答案应该表示“优势”,答案为advantages。

37. K) insured


38. C) bother

空格前后的中心词都是名词,故应填入动词,充当句子谓语,由主语questions和上下文所用的一般现在时可知该词是原形。上一段末句提及公 司证券的风险大一点,故初次投资公司证券的人会有两个问题,bother“困扰,使担心”符合语义逻辑。而本句宾语为investors,他们已打算投 资,所以这两个问题并没有阻碍他们,故embarrass“使困窘;阻碍”不如bother合适。


39. L) major

空格位于介词on和名词词组securities exchanges之间,由此推断应填入形容词。根据句意,债券应该在主要的证券交易所买进和卖出,故答案为major“主要的”。

40. H) features

空格前的does not have表明have是实义动词,故此处应填入名词作have的宾语。空格后是修饰该名词的定语从句,谓语动词make使用了原形,因此填入的名词应是复数形式。选择features“特点,特征”,表示没有吸引其他投资者的特性。

41. F) discount

空格前的不定冠词a明显提示本空需要可数名词单数。备选可数名词单数只有deduction“扣除(额)、推论”和discount“折扣”。 空后的i.e。(即,换句话说)对此进行了解释,称之为“低于债券面额的价格”(a price less than the bond’s face value),这即是进行了打折。

42. I) fluctuate

空格处是所在句的谓语,且主语是复数bond prices,generally提示本句需一般现在时,因此本空需要动词原形。备选动词原形还有assess“估算,评价”、embarrass“使尴 尬”和fluctuate“波动,摇摆不定”。能在这里构成合理意思的只有fluctuate。

43. B) assess


44. M) naturally


45. N) potential


英语六级阅读中英对照 第三篇_英语六级阅读练习题


Directions: There are 4 passages in this Part. Each passage is followed by some questions or Unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

In the 1962 movie Lawrence of Arabia, one scene shows an American newspaper reporter eagerly snapping photos of men looting a sabotaged train. One of the looters, Chief Auda abu Tayi of the Howeitat clan, suddenly notices the camera and snatches it. Am I in this? he asks, before smashing it open. To the dismayed reporter, Lawrence explains, He thinks these things will steal his virtue. He thinks you're a kind of thief.

As soon as colonizers and explorers began taking cameras into distant lands, stories began

circulating about how indigenous peoples saw them as tools for black magic. The ignorant natives may have had a point. When photography first became available, scientists welcomed it as a more objective way of recording faraway societies than early travelers' exaggerated accounts. But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back. Up into the 1950s and 1960s, many ethnographers sought pure pictures of primitive cultures, routinely deleting modern accoutrements such as clocks and Western dress. They paid men and women to re-enact rituals or to pose as members of war or hunting parties,

often with little regard for veracity. Edward Curtis, the legendary photographer of North American Indians, for example, got one Makah man to pose as a whaler with a spear in 1915--even though the Makah had not hunted whales in a generation.

These photographs reinforced widely accepted stereotypes that indigenous cultures were isolated, primitive, and unchanging. For instance, National Geographic magazine's photographs have taught millions of Americans about other cultures. As Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins point out in their 1993 book Reading National Geographic, the magazine since its founding in 1888 has kept a tradition of presenting beautiful photos that don't challenge white, middle-class American

conventions. While dark-skinned women can be shown without tops, for example, white women's breasts are taboo. Photos that could unsettle or disturb, such as areas of the world torn asunder by war or famine, are discarded in favor of those that reassure, to conform with the society's stated pledge to present only kindly visions of foreign societies. The result, Lutz and Collins say, is the depiction of an idealized and exotic world relatively free of pain or class conflict.

Lutz actually likes National Geographic a lot. She read the magazine as a child, and its lush

imagery influenced her eventual choice of anthropology as a career. She just thinks that as people look at the photographs of other cultures, they should be alert to the choice of composition and images.

1. The main idea of the passage is ______________.

[A] Photographs taken by Western explorers reflect more Westerners‟ perception of the

indigenous cultures and the Western values.

[B] There is a complicated relationship between the Western explorers and the primitive peoples.

[C] Popular magazines such as National Geographic should show pictures of the exotic and idealized worlds to maintain high sales.

[D] Anthropologists ask the natives to pose for their pictures, compromising the truthfulness of their pictures.

2. We can infer from the passage that early travelers to the native lands often _________.

[A] took pictures with the natives

[B] gave exaggerated accounts of the native lands

[C] ask for pictures from the natives

[D] gave the natives clocks and Western dresses

3. The author mentions the movie Lawrence of Arabia to ___________.

[A] show how people in the indigenous societies are portrayed by Westerners.

[B] illustrate how people from primitive societies see cameras as tools of black magic that steal their virtues.

[C] show how anthropologists portray untruthful pictures of native people.

[D] show the cruel and barbarian side of the native people.

4. “But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back.” In this sentence, the “one [culture] that stares back” refers to _______.


[A] the indigenous culture

[B] the Western culture

[C] the academic culture

[D] the news business culture

5. With which of the following statements would Catherine Lutz most probably agree?

[A] Reporters from the Western societies should routinely delete modern elements in pictures taken of the indigenous societies.

[B] The primitive cultures are inferior to the more advanced Western culture.

[C] The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies.

[D] People in the Western news business should try not to challenge the well-established white middle-class values.


1. 答案是[A] Photographs taken by Western explorers reflect more Westerners‟ perception of the indigenous cultures and the Western values.


2. 答案是[B] gave exaggerated accounts of the native lands

解析:文章第二段说,When photography first became available, scientists welcomed it as a more objective way of recording faraway societies than early travelers' exaggerated accounts.可见早期到原始社会旅行回来的人往往对当地的情况夸大其词。在照相机发明之后,科学家能更好地客观反映那些远方地区的真实情况。

3. 答案是[B] illustrate how people from primitive societies see cameras as tools of black magic that steal their virtues.

解析:文章的第一段介绍的是著名的1962年获得7项奥斯卡大奖的电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(导演:DAVID LEAN)中的一个片段。该电影本来与作者要讲的题目并无直接关系。作者仅仅通过一个电影中描述的场景来说明一个论点。那就是比较原始,开化较晚的社会,那里的人们对现代的文明,和从没见过的现代文明的产物容易产生误解。电影中的土著抢走了LAWRENCE的照相机,因为他怀疑,那从未见过的玩意儿会偷走他的“美好品德


4. 答案是[A] the indigenous culture

解析:But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back.本句是文章切入主题的重点句。考生应该格外注意在阅读文章靠前部分出现的,以转折词(例如,HOWEVER, BUT,NEVERTHELESS,


5. 答案是[C] The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies. 解析:Catherine Lutz是文章中提到的1993年出版的READING NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC的作者之一。她们在书中写道,《国家地理》杂志自从1888年创刊以来,就一直刊登那些不和美国中产阶级白人的价值观发生冲突的照片。照片中可以表现袒露胸部的黑色皮肤的妇女,但是白人妇女的胸部就是禁止刊登的对象。她们认为,这样做的后果就是,在那些西方主流杂志中展现的,似乎是相对而言没有痛苦的,也不存在阶级斗争的社会。因此答案C The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies(西方媒体并没有展现落后地区的真实画面)最能表现该作者的观点。

Notes 生词注释:

snap v. 按动快门

loot v. 掠夺,抢劫

sabotage v. /n. (从事)破坏活动

indigenous adj. 本土的

exaggerated adj. 夸张的

anthropological adj. 人类学的

ethnographer n. 民族志学者,人种学者

accoutrement n. 穿着,配备

enact v. (本文)扮演

ritual n. 典礼,(宗教)仪式,礼节

veracity n. 真实性

legendary adj. 传说中的,传奇般的

reinforce v. 增强

stereotype n. 陈腔滥调;老套

taboo n. 禁忌,避讳

unsettle v. 令人不安

depiction n. 描述

lush adj. 青葱的,味美的,繁荣的

Passage Two

The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an

inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.

Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.

There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients, colleagues, insurers, and government.

The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and

cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant; there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place.

Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection process of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour—if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that

suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve; indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress.

The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical

schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent.

6. What does the author say about cheating in medical schools?

[A] Extensive research has been done about this phenomenon.

[B] We have sufficient data to prove that prevention is feasible.

[C] We are safe to conclude that this phenomenon exists on a grand scale.

[D] Reliable data about the extent, prevention and management of the phenomenon is lacking.

7. According to the author, it is important to prevent cheating in medical schools because ____________.

[A] The medical profession is based on trust.

[B] There is zero tolerance of cheating in medicine.

[C] The medical profession depends on the government.

[D] Cheating exists extensively in medical schools.

8. What does the author say about the cause(s) of cheating?

[A] Family, culture and society play an active part.

[B] Bad school environment is the leading cause of student cheating.


[C] Parents are always to blame for their children‟s cheating behaviour.

[D] Cheating exists primarily because students learn bad things from TV.

9. According to the author, what precautions should medical schools take to prevent students from cheating?

[A] Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity.

[B] Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society.

[C] Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values.

[D] There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students.

10. The author will probably agree with which of the following statements?

[A] Medical schools should make exams easier for the students to alleviate the fierce competition.

[B] Prominent figures in the medical institution should create a set of moral standards to be applied in medical schools.

[C] Medical students should play an active role in the creation and preservation of a culture of integrity.

[D] Those students who cheat in the exams should be instantly expelled from school.


6. 答案是[D] Reliable data about the extent, prevention and management of the phenomenon is lacking.

解析:文章第一段说,Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this

phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.可见,到目前为止,我们还不很了解医学院作弊现象的严重程度,也不甚明了如何对该类现象进行预防和管理。既然目前所掌握的DATA是insufficient(不充足的),那么[A][B][C]所说的都不符合文章的原意,故均为错误选项。只有[D]的叙述正确。

7. 答案是[A] The medical profession is based on trust.

解析:作者在第二段说,人们一致认为,医学的基础就是诚信。在医学院就作弊的学生通常比其他人更容易做出欺骗病人,同事,和政府的事情。因此,医学以诚信为本的性质就决定了, 对医学院的作弊行为应该坚决打击。[B]项说的是打击作弊行为的结果,而不是原因。


8. 答案是[A] Family, culture and society play an active part.


9. 答案是[C] Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values.

解析:[A]“医学院应该确立明确道德标准,淘汰道德素质低下的申请者”是错误选项。因为文章谈到如何甄别申请医学院学生的道德素质的时候,作者用的是虚拟语气have的过去式had(if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance):如果能有可靠

英语六级阅读中英对照 第四篇_历年英语六级阅读真题整理

English Reading Comprehension Band 6


1. Passage Three (2006.6)

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Age has its privileges in America, and one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain age — in some cases as low as 55 — is automatically entitled to dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life. Eligibility is determined not by one‘s need but by the date on one‘s birth certificate. Practically unheard of a generation ago, the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses — as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners.

People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them; yet, millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent(有支付能力的). Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that ―elderly‖ and ―needy‖ are synonymous (同义的). Perhaps that once was true, but today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty rate than the rest of the population. To be sure, there is economic diversity within the elderly, and many older Americans are poor. But most of them aren‘t.

It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. Moreover, they are a direct irritant in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.

Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involve a transfer of resources from the young to the old. Employment is another sore point. Buoyed (支持)by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job — thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers.

Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don‘t need them.

It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others. Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can‘t take care of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against — discrimination by age.

31. We learn from the first paragraph that _______.

A ) offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice

B ) senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a decent life

C ) giving senior citizens discounts has boosted the market for the elderly

D ) senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount

32. What assumption lies behind the practice of senior citizen discounts?

A ) Businesses, having made a lot of profits, should do something for society in return.

B ) Old people are entitled to special treatment for the contribution they made to society.

C ) The elderly, being financially underprivileged, need humane help from society.

D ) Senior citizen discounts can make up for the inadequacy of the Social Security system.

33. According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts will _______.

A ) make old people even more dependent on society

B ) intensify conflicts between the young and the old

C ) have adverse financial impact on business companies

D ) bring a marked increase in the companies‘ revenues

34. How does the author view the Social Security system?

A ) It encourages elderly people to retire in time.

B ) It opens up broad career prospects for young people.

C ) It benefits the old at the expense of the young.

D ) It should be reinforced by laws and court decisions.

35. Which of the following best summarizes the author‘s main argument?

A ) Senior citizens should fight hard against age discrimination.

B ) The elderly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted.

C ) Priority should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens.

D ) Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination.


2. Passage One (2006.12/23)

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

It used to be that people were proud to work for the same company for the whole of their working lives. They‘d get a gold watch at the end of their productive years and a dinner featuring speeches by their bosses praising their loyalty/But today‘s rich capitalists have regressed (倒退) to the ―survival of the fittest‖ ideas and their loyalty extends not to their workers or even to their stockholders but only to themselves. Instead of giving out gold watches worth a hundred or so dollars for forty or so years of work, they grab tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars as they sell for their own profit the company they may have been with for only a few years.

The new rich selfishly act on their own to unfairly grab the wealth that the country as a whole has produced. The top l percent of the population now has wealth equal to the whole bottom 95 percent and they want more. Their selfishness is most shamelessly expressed in downsizing and outsourcing (将产品包给外公司做) because these business maneuvers don‘t act to create new jobs as the founders of new industries used to do, but only to cut out jobs while keeping the money value of what those jobs produced for themselves.

To keep the money machine working smoothly the rich have bought all the politicians from the top down. The president himself is constantly leaving Washington and the business of the nation because he is summoned to ―fundraising dinners‖ where fat cats pay a thousand or so dollars a plate to worm their way into government not through service but through donations of vast amounts of money. Once on the inside they have both political parties busily tearing up all the regulations that protect the rest of us from the greed of the rich.

The middle class used to be loyal to the free enterprise system. In the past, the people of the middle class mostly thought they‘d be rich themselves someday or have a good shot at becoming rich. But nowadays income is being distributed more and more unevenly and corporate loyalty is a thing of the past. The middle class may also wake up to forget its loyalty to the so-called free enterprise system altogether and the government which governs only the rest of us while letting the corporations do what they please with our jobs. As things stand, if somebody doesn‘t wake up,

the middle class is on a path to being downsized all the way to the bottom of society.

21. It can be inferred form the first paragraph that people used to place a high value on _________.

A) job security

B) bosses‘ praise

C) corporate loyalty

D) retirement benefits

22. The author is strongly critical of today‘s rich capitalists for _________.

A) not giving necessary assistance to laid-off workers

B) maximizing their profits at the expense of workers

C) not setting up long-term goals for their companies

D) rewarding only those who are considered the fittest

23. The immediate consequence of the new capitalists‘ practice is ________ .

A) loss of corporate reputation

B) lower pay for the employees

C) a higher rate of unemployment

D) a decline in business transactions

24. The rich try to sway the policy of the government by ________ .

A) occupying important positions in both political parties

B) making monetary contributions to decision-makers

C) pleasing the public with generous donations

D) constantly hosting fundraising dinners

35. What is the author‘s purpose in writing this passage?

A) To call on the middle class to remain loyal to the free enterprise system.

B) To warn the government of the shrinking of the American middle class.

C) To persuade the government to change its current economic policies.

D) To urge the middle class to wake up and protect their own interests.


3. Passage Two (2004.1)

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge (剧增) of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The converse (反面) of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriages. In the past, only the earnings and financial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show that economic downturns tend to postpone marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy rebounds, the number of marriages also rises.

Coincident with the increase in women working outside the home is the increase in divorce rates. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The impact of a wife's work on divorce is no less cloudy than its impact on marriage decisions. The realization that

she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible. Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. Given high unemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a working wife can increase household income and relieve some of these pressing financial burdens. By raising a family's standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family's financial and emotional stability.

Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.

Also, a major part of women's inequality in marriage has been due to the fact that, in most cases, men have remained the main breadwinners. With higher earning capacity and status occupations outside of the home comes the capacity to exercise power within file family. A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.

26. The word "portend" (Line 2, Para. 1) is closest in meaning to ―_____‖.

A) defy C) suffer from

B) signal D) result from

27. It is said in the passage that when the economy slides, _____.

A) men would choose working women as their marriage partners

B) more women would get married to seek financial security

C) even working women would worry about their marriages


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